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/lit/ - Literature

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7507940 No.7507940 [Reply] [Original]

>how many different sexual partners you've had
>how often you do drugs/alcohol
>5 favorite books

And anons try to interpret which kind of person you are.

>> No.7507959

2-3 beers a night, no drugs
Blood Meridian, Foundation Trilogy, Moby-Dick, The Book of the New Sun, Infinite Jest

>> No.7507963



>I went sober this year after my opiate use went a bit overboard. Get drunk once a month.

>Antony and Cleopatra
>Eugene Onegin
>Great Jones Street
>Franny and Zooey

>> No.7507967 [DELETED] 

>drink about twice a week, and I usually 420 BLAZE IT FAGGOT everyday

>Amerika by Kafka
>Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Vargas Llosa
>East of Eden by Steinbeck
>Rules of Attraction by BEE
>Storm of Steel by Junger

>> No.7507969

Every 30 minutes
dream f red chamber, magic mountain, moby dick, suttree

>> No.7507971

>Eugene Onegin

I actually read it, but I had to force myself to read through it. I'm not a huge poetry weebo or anything, so that might be why I didn't like it that much.

I probably wouldn't want to hang our with you irl, tbqh

>> No.7507972

>>Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Vargas Llosa

how good is this? what would you compare it to? i kinda liked some vargas llosa but ive never heard of this

>> No.7507973

Drugs are for children
Top 5s are pointless

>> No.7507977

circa 50 sexual partners
alcohol most days, mdma maybe once a month

Forbidden Colours, Yukio Mishima
The Thiefs Journal, Jean Genet
House of Incest, Anaïs Nin
Less Than Zero, Bret Easton Ellis
Tumble Home - Amy Hempel

>> No.7507978
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Losers. Forever losers.


>> No.7507979
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>gotten blowjobs from 3 different girls, kissed a bunch more
>drink everyday, dont do drugs
>Germinal by Emile Zola, Gravitys Rainbow by the Pinecone, The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad, Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Fears, Factories and Workshops by Kropotkin

>> No.7507984

>I drink at least once a week
>Johannes Cabal The Necromancer, The Mountains of Madness, Tortilla Flats, The Name of The Wind, The Gunslinger

>> No.7507985

It's pretty good, but it's probably really only meant for guys. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a fun read, and you might like it, since you've read his other stuff. Which other of Vargas Llosa's works have you read?

>> No.7507986

I meant Fields, oh my

>> No.7507988

<what is a sexual partner?
<I take cough syrup and an inhaler for my asthma
<Adventure Time Comics, X-men Comics, Batman Comics, This Book Loves You by Pewdiepie, The Newspaper or something

>> No.7507991

>how many different sexual partners you've had
>how often you do drugs/alcohol
Drink at least weekly, shrooms every 1-6 months
>5 favorite books
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Joyce
The Trial, Kafka
Taipei, Lin
Hamlet, Shakespeare
Lolita, Nabokov

>> No.7507992

would blow dude in pic

>> No.7507993

two girls
I was doing it once a week at a friends house, but I stopped after I had a panic attack, ran down the street, and my friend's dad had to run through broken glass to come and get me.
>did I shit my pants?
>I gotta get out of here
>please call the cops
>I feel like I'm gonna shit my pants
>I'm gonna die
>just fucking kill me
>I don't wanna be high anymore
>Am I shitting my pants?
>*cries while watching a debate recap of Jeb Bush*
>Am I shitting my pants?
>Dude . . . did I shit my pants?
Moby Dick, Nine Stories, The Adventures of Hucklberry Finn, Aesop's Fables, The Essential Rumi

>> No.7507994

the bad girl

> it's probably really only meant for guys

im a guy cool

>> No.7507995

>infinite jest

I'd honestly probably kick your neckbeard-ass in real life

>> No.7507997


I don't have a neckbeard because I can't really grow facial hair, but I believe you could probably kick my ass.

>> No.7507998

>Pale Fire, The Trial, Euripides' Plays, Either/Or, Philosophical Investigations,

>> No.7508003

>5 (but it's all been oral sex)
>never, only on New Years or special occasions (almost never) but I want to someday
>1. The Idiot
>2. The Sun Also Rises
>3. Ulysses
>4. The Great Gatsby
>5. Quotations of Chairman Mao

>> No.7508005

Around 40
Booze most days to some extent, drugs just occasionally
Where I'm Calling From, Life A User's Manuel, Runaway Horses, Under the Volcano and Austerlitz

>> No.7508006

>I probably wouldn't want to hang our with you irl, tbqh

it's mutual, i wouldn't hang with rude people

>I actually read it, but I had to force myself to read through it. I'm not a huge poetry weebo or anything, so that might be why I didn't like it that much.

try a different translation, if you want. the oxford's world classics is good and so is the nabokov. the ones in the public domain are trash.

>> No.7508009

>20ish (multipliers: all female, no prostis)
>e v e r y d a y
>master and margarita
>Foucault's pendulum
>the red book

>> No.7508014

>nope, alcohol few times a year, experimenting with dxm, nutmeg, weed, codeine
>lolita, catcher in the rye, ubik, a portrait of artist as young men, the plague

>> No.7508016

couple times a year
Brothers K, Portrait of the Artist, Ficciones, Swann's Way, The Trial

>> No.7508017

>Not interested in either.
>Ulysses, Lolita, Stoner, The Iliad, The Odyssey

>> No.7508019 [DELETED] 

>>how many different sexual partners you've had
>>how often you do drugs/alcohol
>>5 favorite books
The Brothers Karamazov
Don Quixote
Infinite Jest

>> No.7508025

(>tfw I forgot two essential books)

>drink about twice a week, and I usually 420 BLAZE IT FAGGOT everyday

>Amerika by Kafka
>Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Vargas Llosa
>East of Eden by Steinbeck
>Don Quixote by Cervantes
>Memoirs from the House of the Dead by Dostoevsky

>> No.7508026


>> No.7508031

>20~+ (gay)
>Just once (pot)
>1. Leaves of Grass
>2. Qur'an
>3. Moby Dick
>4. Hamlet
>5. Of Human Bondage

>> No.7508033

Trapped in the pleb trap.while I don't know you irl, I basically do.

>> No.7508035

Bro, you're 18 and have had 20 male partners? You'd probably test positive

>> No.7508036



>> No.7508044

gays fuck like crazy.

>> No.7508048

>>>7508009 (You)
>Trapped in the pleb trap.while I don't know you irl, I basically do.

Eyy suck my dick

>> No.7508050
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>he doesn't know Muhammad was actually a homosexual

>> No.7508054

mentally ill people do in general

>> No.7508058

not all paedos are gay, homophobe

>> No.7508071
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Does insulin count? Type One here. Needles errywhur.

The Bible, Les Miserables, Mere Christianity, Animal Farm, Brave New World

>> No.7508090


Wow you guys sound like a bunch of homophobic virgins with repressed homosexual urges. Chill out, if I die, I die. (but I've used condoms and have stuck to a total of 2 partners, so the probability is still very low).

>> No.7508095

I like the Qur'an for it's poetry and historical importance. Just because I read the Qur'an doesn't mean I'm a Muslim.

>> No.7508097
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>I drop acid every few months. I haven't had a drop of alcohol or a drag of the reefer in my life, though.
>Top Five Books
The Iliad
Henderson the Rain King by Saul Bellow
Brighton Rock by Graham Greene
Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata
The Long Ships by Frans Bengtsson

>> No.7508104

>not anymore
>1. The Bible (KJV), 2.The Brothers Karamazov, 3. Moby-Dick, 4. Blood Meridian, 5. Paradise Lost

>> No.7508112


>> No.7508113

>2 Christian books
>2 dystopian fiction books
>1 good book
>is diabetic

I'm going to assume you live in the Bible belt, probably the South, and have been rigorously taught by a stepfather/uncle/coach about the dangers of atheism and Marxism?

They've told you that you have some greater purpose to be beholden to and you are infinitely valuable to God?


>> No.7508124

Not even him but *tips fedora*

>> No.7508130

>This Book Loves You by Pewdiepie
Wait that's real?

Why would you write a cashgrab book when you literally own all of Youtube's money.

>> No.7508136


>how many different sexual partners you've had

>how often you do drugs/alcohol
Never done either.

>5 favorite books
Bible, Bratia Karamazov, Under Milk Wood, Silas Marner, Ulysses

>> No.7508137


>2-3 (if counting oral)
>Recurring opiate use. 1 week binges followed by 2-4 week of abstinence. Microdose LSD 2-3 times a week. A glass of rum maybe 3 days a week. I get drunk once every 2 months or so, no more. Daily snus user.

>Dead Souls
>The Count of Monte Cristo
>The Book of Disquiet
>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7508139

>I don't drink a whole lot unless it's at a party, in which case I usually go all out and get super hammered. Smoke grass a few days of the week, drop acid occasionally, right now looking for a shroom dealer.
>Top five books
On the Road
A Farewell to Arms
No Country for Old Men
The Stranger
Heart of Darkness

I'm a young american idiot boy, that much i can already say

>> No.7508148

>I'm a young american idiot boy, that much i can already say

we noticed

>> No.7508151

he's only made 50million dollars anon, cut him some slack, hes trying to get to 100 before he turns 30.

>> No.7508152

>sipped wine a few times
>Heretics, The Old Man and the Sea, Bismarck and the German Empire, The Illuminatus! Trilogy, The Road

>> No.7508154

>Can only afford drink every second month, snus, hamlet
danish narcissist

>> No.7508159


>> No.7508160

alcohol daily until last thursday. stopped due to accident. occasionally amphetamines while drinking like 3 times a year at parties.
i dont like many, ill name don quixote as my 1.

>> No.7508162

Elias Bender Ronnenfelt

>> No.7508201
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>all these edgy children
>all these drug-taking degenerates
>all these lists of baby's first big books
And the worst, most plebeian board award goes to... /lit/!

>> No.7508212


Drunkenness just isn't particularly appealing.

Unpleasantly close though. Not sure about narcissism. Can't rule it out.


You picture him as an occasional poppy-fiend?

>> No.7508222
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>Has gifs of Japanese schoolgirls vomiting
>Judges others

>> No.7508225

have drank alcohol daily for about 9 years. took acid ~20 times in the first half of 2015. frequent weed and coke user, have tried heroin.
Denial of Death, Naked Lunch, Prometheus Rising, The Fall, Dandy in the Underworld

>> No.7508230

>2 (a handjob and blowjob not included)
>drink, smoke weed/hash, and/or chew coca nearly every day; mushrooms or LSD every second month or so; opium during the summer when I can harvest it
>A Rebours, Huysman
>L'immoraliste, Gide
>L'histoire de l'œil, Bataille
>Ka, Calasso
>Hamlet, Shakespeare

What is it with Americans being sex fiends? Most Americans I meet are almost autistically hypersexualized.

You either sound pretty cool or like you post on /pol/


>> No.7508232

>Sober alcoholic
> A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
> The Fellowship of the Ring
> The Republic
> Richard II
> Phantastes

>> No.7508237

>how many different sexual partners you've had
>how often you do drugs/alcohol
smoke weed occasionally, beer almost never
dropped acid, e, mushrooms once
looking to do poison tree frog and ayahuasca
>5 favorite books
Pale King
If On A Winters Night A Traveller
Book of Disquiet
Cannery Row

>> No.7508243

Not often, only when offered.
Ulysses, Man Without Qualities, Nightwood, To the Lighthouse

>> No.7508245

i posted both of those. So danish is right?

Wouldn't be 100% on Elias but he has the skin tone

do me: >>7507977

>> No.7508251

Near enough 27
Alcoholic (really). I drink through the time I can't sleep through.
Count of Monte Cristo, Catch 22, Blood Meridian, Ulysses, Satantango.

>> No.7508252

>1 love of my life and 2 chubby regrets
>only drink responsibly
>(1) Less Than Zero (2) Blood and Guts In High School (3) the George Miles cycle (4) Jesus' Son (5) haven't read it yet

>> No.7508256
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Reading your list top-down makes me think we wouldn't get along. Reading it bottom-up is pathetic.

I could get along with you.

19 and using LSD, opium and shrooms? Scraping from parents or what? Other than that your taste in literature is good.

Yeah I can dig all of that - depending on what your opinion of LSD is. If you think it opens your mind to some kind of vault of experience then I change my mind.

Great. Shame I don't actually know anyone like you in real life. I would really get along with you - ah well.

Same as the above review

Would like to talk to you

What does "doing it" mean? LSD, Shrooms, Grass? Other than that I can dig.

Yeah, friend material.

Stirnerist perhaps? No? Nihilist? Couldn't get along with you. I know the type well. Not well read enough at all, but pretentious as all hell nonetheless.

>> No.7508264

>What does "doing it" mean? LSD, Shrooms, Grass? Other than that I can dig.
Grass p cool. Tried shrooms and had lots of fun. The breakdown came from lsd.

>> No.7508272

Yeah, in the past I wanted to try LSD. Was dead set on it in fact, but the person I usually go through for drugs told me about her experience on a bad trip. It sounded horrendous - I don't think words can relate the terror of it at all.

>> No.7508274


>20~+ (gay)

you should read And The Band Played On

>> No.7508280

Don't drink very much, but marijuana and psychedelics are nice.
1984, war and peace, the stranger, Candide, Dantes inferno

R8 me lads

>> No.7508281

I don't connote LSD with anything spiritual nor do I think it opens the mind. I think it removes any hesitation to express ideas, but that usually manifests in long, rambling texts to friends about something petty. I use it for recreation, as a tiny staycation. I have a log of funny movies that are somewhat surreal, like The Naked Gun and Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, and I drop and watch those. It's great fun.

>> No.7508284


>> No.7508290


29/30. It's almost my birthday.

>how many different sexual partners you've had

>how often you do drugs/alcohol
Unfortunately, everyday.

>5 favorite books
Huck Finn, Moby dick, the last explorer, catch 22, Lolita

>> No.7508293

You have a good attitude towards it. It is fun - not some kind of stairway to genius. I like you.

>> No.7508294
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>>how many different sexual partners you've had

>>how often you do drugs/alcohol
tobacco everyday, too much alcohol every week-end, that's it

>>5 favorite books
-Madame Bovary, Flaubert
-Molloy, Beckett
-Les Fleurs bleues, Queneau
-Ulysses, Joyce
-The idiot, Dostoyevsky

>> No.7508301

>I drink healthily almost every day; a small glass of wine or some liqueur or something. I don't typically get drunk, maybe once or twice a year. I don't regularly do any drugs but have tried some socially.
>The World as Will and Representation by Schopenhauer, Liezi by Jackie Chan, the Sea of Fertility series by Yukio Mishima, The Iliad, Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger

Fell for the "Christian on 4chan" meme

Famous Swedish novelist, most successful person on /lit/

>> No.7508312

I'm not a devout Christian but The Bible is obviously one of the central texts in literature.

>> No.7508315

often (unfortunately)
-zeno's conscience
-the divine comedy
-the catcher in the rye
-much ado about nothing
-brave new world

>> No.7508317


>> No.7508320
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>I drink healthily

>> No.7508329

What's with all the drug use and even regular drug use. I eould have some access, but knowing hoe it wastes you I didn't even smoke except for parties. Must be friend circles, right?

>> No.7508330


>15 or so
>drink heavily about once a fortnight but not much else. Tried most of the usual drugs but shit doesnt mix well with depression
>portrait, mason&dixon, to the lighthouse, moby dick, stoner

>> No.7508336


I'm a loner with no life and I need chemicals to dull the pain

>> No.7508340

gonna die anyway buddy might as well have some fun or at very least a few interesting experiences

>> No.7508348

Snort speed regulary, smoke weed when I have some, alcohol when going out
Blood Meridian, Zizeks introduction to Lacan, Journey to the End of the Night, Corrections by Bernhard

>> No.7508351

>>how many different sexual partners you've had
>>how often you do drugs/alcohol
Can't drink, 10mg adderall twice a day
>>5 favorite books
Elective Affinities
Gulliver's Travels
Dead Souls
Farewell to Arms
Virgin Suicides

>> No.7508356

Can everyone who uses drugs please refrain from ever posting on /lit/ again? I don't want to have to request Hiroyuki to impose mandatory drug testing to post here, but I really can't stand the fact that we have drug-addled minds shitposting on this board. Please do one brave thing in your sad lives and leave.

>> No.7508357
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Is that your excuse for never having sex?

>That's why I'm a virgin, It's not because women find me grotesque, It's that I'm not mentally ill.

I bet you cry yourself to sleep you little stain of a person.

>> No.7508360

Why are there so many fucking faggot virgins on /lit/? Haha don't any of you try to apply what you read and get alpha?

>Beer with the boys most nights, smoked weed once
>Art of War, The Republic, Wealth of Nations, The Prince, Atlas Shrugged

>> No.7508368

how do you feel about writers who have used drugs? i find it hard to believe your entire library is straight edge

>> No.7508369

must be fun being a stem autist

>> No.7508370

>Why are there so many fucking faggot virgins on /lit/? Haha don't any of you try to apply what you read and get alpha?

>> No.7508371
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Ditto to you to

>Can everyone who hasn't experienced life for themselves please refrain from ever posting on /lit/ again? I don't want to have to request Hiroyuki to impose mandatory life-experience testing to post here, but I really can't stand the fact that we have inexperienced minds shitposting on this board. Please do one brave thing in your sad lives and leave.

>> No.7508372

Don't remember
No drugs. Drink every day

Moby Dick
Fat City
Jacques the Fatalist
Pedro Paramo

>> No.7508373

>has had one sex partner
>feels infinitely superior to virgins

has to be bait or complete lack of self awarenesss

>beer with the boys
>atlas shrugged

mein got

>> No.7508374

>Art of War, The Republic, Wealth of Nations, The Prince, Atlas Shrugged


>> No.7508378

Has your father killed himself out of shame yet?

>> No.7508380

never have or will
brothers k, bleak house, moby dick, middlemarch, anna karenina

>> No.7508385


>> No.7508387

are those really your favourite books

>> No.7508388

Alcohol on appropriate occasions, drugs never and never will
White Noise, Mao II, Either/Or, In Search Of Lost Time, The Cannibal

my niggas
i like to be of sound mind as often as possible so i stay away from that shit

>> No.7508391

>1 sex partner


>> No.7508394

kind of person: an 18yo who has just discovered delillo and is scared of drugs

>> No.7508395

chad pls

>> No.7508397

>topic devolving into slut/virgin shaming
in future threads please omit sexual partner count

>> No.7508400
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>Not realizing alcohol is among the most harmful of all drugs and definitely, without doubt, among those that addle your mind the most

>> No.7508402
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I'm not the little bitch who is afraid of life. Remember that Sally.

>> No.7508403


>Topic devolving into straight-edge nazi-faggots who hate freedom and drug-addled loony losers

Just stop making threads entirely I think.

>> No.7508407

you should read Love Undetectable

>> No.7508415

got my feelings hurt itt

>> No.7508416


That was to the wrong person. My bad

>> No.7508418
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>Says the virgin as he cries himself to sleep

>> No.7508419

I'm pretty sure mentally ill people tend to have relatively little sex. Being unattractive because of their illness, and all.

>> No.7508422
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>> No.7508425

>there are gay people on /lit/

Didn't know this place was Plebeian central now

>> No.7508431

underage b&
3-4 times a week if you don't include cigarettes and alcohol
If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him;
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas;
Finnegans wake;
The dark tower;
i.e. pleb tier shit basically.

>> No.7508432

>this faggot isn't mastterrace and doesn't live the literary lifestyle
faglord detected

>> No.7508436

>he has a sexual identity

>> No.7508442



>> No.7508445


>> No.7508446

>assuming I'm typing in English

>> No.7508447

Why do the inhabitants of /lit/ seem to have such trouble with sexual relationships?

>> No.7508452

Not him. But don't you think that many partners is a bit risky?

>> No.7508453

Probably not Robot reasons. I just don't have sex opportunities in my day-to-day life and I've got other things to focus on. No biggie.

>> No.7508455

>not using the clearly superior pronoun 'xhe'
>current year my senpai

>> No.7508458
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I'm socially retarded, that's my excuse. I've had sex though so yay for me.

>> No.7508459

I'm on the autism spectrum.

>> No.7508462

impressed that gays find time to read in between all the child molestation they do

>> No.7508465

Daily, opiates and dissociatives
Brothers Karamazov, Lolita, Stoner, Junky, Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.7508468

Well I'm going to fucking die anyway. May as well get my ass feeling good.

I just think of my favourite line from literature: 'Alfred won a decisive victory in the ensuing Battle of Edingtonwhich may have been fought nearWestbury, Wiltshire. He then pursued the Danes to their stronghold at Chippenhamand starved them into submission. One of the terms of the surrender was that Guthrum convert toChristianity. Three weeks later the Danish king and 29 of his chief men were baptised at Alfred's court at Aller, nearAthelney, with Alfred receiving Guthrum as his spiritual son'

>> No.7508469

never tried to get one.

>> No.7508473

dedicating ourselves to literature at the expense of human interaction.

>> No.7508476
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>3, but one of those is my current gf of nearly 4 years
>alcohol and weed a couple of times a week, psychedelics and mdma on special occasions throughout the year

>Riddley Walker
>Blood Meridian
>Hard-Boiled Wonderland & The End of The World

>> No.7508477

18yo reading Kant :( :( :(

>> No.7508478


women are intimidated by my intellect

>> No.7508479

weird af kiddo

>> No.7508480
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If safe sex was practiced then no. Otherwise, probably not. But that's his decision with his consequences to live with. Just as with you and yours and me and mine.

>> No.7508486

>1 or 2 beers a week
>Foundation, David Copperfield,All Tomorrows, Prisoner Inventions, Daddy Stop talking and other things my kids want but wont be getting.

>> No.7508488


>otherwise probably not
>otherwise probably


I meant it probably is risky, especially if they were casual encounters.

>> No.7508495

Maybe a couple times a week, pot in spurts when it's around
Don Quixote, Tender is the Night, Jane Eyre, All About H. Hatterr, In Cold Blood

>> No.7508497

>not getting high/drunk = not experiencing life
It is unfortunate that choosing not to get shitfaced on drugs in order to have a good time is considered anomalous nowadays.

>> No.7508501

have you tried drugs?

>> No.7508503

normies man

>> No.7508512

A dozen or so.
I've done most drugs that have been available to me except opiates other than actual opium. I drink a great deal, still do psys, e and speed a few times a year. Increasingly less over time.
Lilith, If on a winter's night a traveller, Riddley Walker, Collected Borges, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.

>> No.7508515

I'm a robot when it comes to making the move.

>> No.7508518

>smoke weed most days, largely just jamaican bush shit, do acid/shrooms occasionally, coke when I can afford it, haven't tried MDMA again since Boomtown
>The Sickness Unto Death, Arcadia, Hamlet, The Stranger, Dirty Hands/The Flies, honourable shout-out to the best parts of Faustus

>> No.7508521
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>implying experimenting and "let's get fucked up on [insert drug here]" are the same thing

>> No.7508522

>once in a blue moon I get drunk, don't do any other drug.
>The Count of Monte Cristo, Vampire Earth series, LOTR series, ASOIAF, Age of Fire series.

>> No.7508523
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>tips fedora

>> No.7508525

im ugly

>> No.7508530
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>I'm not sure 11-14 i think
>drink 1-2 times a week (sometimes i'll have a week without drinking though). Used to smoke weed everyday, now i never do.
>1. Sult , Knut Hamsun 2. To the light house, woolf, 3.animal farm ,orwell 4. anything hemningway, 5. idk..

>> No.7508533

dude weed lmao xd

>> No.7508541
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Yeah, good rebuttal.

>> No.7508544


>2 (was a virgin till I was nearly 22)

>I used to smoke weed a lot. Now I drink a little too often... Maybe it's just the holidays but I plan on getting back into competition shape

>Tom Sawyer, lord of the rings, lolita, a confederacy of dunces, anna Karenina

>> No.7508545

>how many different sexual partners you've had
>how often you do drugs/alcohol
almost never
>5 favorite books
The Sun Also Rises
Consider the Lobster
Independent People
The Windup Girl
in no order, they're too different to rank 1-5

>> No.7508546


>how many different sexual partners you've had
4, I'm a nervewreck/I'm socially unadptable and almost exclusively date when I don't get the confidence from occupying my sparetime with friends.

>how often you do drugs/alcohol
Drugs - Every now and then
Alcohol - Once or twice a week

>5 favorite books
The Castle (Kafka)
The Metamorphosis (Kafka)
The Counterfeiters (Gide)
Steppenwolf (Hesse)
Martin Bircks ungdom (Söderberg)

>> No.7508548

are you a bodybuilder?

>> No.7508552
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>Alcohol everyweek, cigarettes everyday, coffee/tea everytime
>Stoner, MacBeth, Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, Grande Sertão: Veredas, Crime and Punishment

>> No.7508554

>nervewreck/I'm socially unadptable
Not if you've had 4 partners at the age of 21. Get real matey.

>> No.7508557
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>Hardly, but if I drink it's whiskey, smoke weed occasionally. I've never been blackout drunk.
>2666, Ada or Ador, Molloy, The Recognitions, Collected Borges

>> No.7508559

Weightlifter (snatch/clean and jerk) and judoka... Haven't done either seriously in over a year. Injuries, depression, and no employment killed my gains.

>> No.7508564


>4, I'm a nervewreck

Utterly delusional

>> No.7508569

What a pathetic fucking faggot

>> No.7508575

he posted, on a himalayan yeti-sighting bulletin board

>> No.7508579


>> No.7508581

About one beer every 2 days on average. Drugs once every 6 months.
Blood Meridian, Heart of Darkness, The Brothers Karamazov, Suttree, Metamorphosis by Ovid

>> No.7508584

2 (one is still my lovar)
~once in a two months(weed)/ twice in a month
I don't read books

>> No.7508585

You know, you could be right, maybe it's just a phase. Supposedly the choice of books resulted in some foregone conclusions.

>> No.7508586

>Utterly delusional


>> No.7508590

>I don't read books

Modern /lit/, everyone.

>> No.7508592

Here's your reply

>> No.7508595


>> No.7508600
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>6 (5 girls, one guy)

>opiates (Hydro, Oxy, or tramadol) about 1-2 a week for a a good two years now, weed about once a month, i get pretty drunk 3-6 nights a week depending on what i can get and how i'm feeling

>I, Claudius
>Miss Lonely Hearts
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>The Death of a Salesman
>Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.7508603

You're a faggot who will die young without ever having real self reflection.

>> No.7508604

Which part makes you think we could get along? Would it change things if I admitted one of those two partners was during a relapse? Hooked up while in the middle of it. It might be more true to say she *was* my relapse. Added drugs to my bad habits during that one before unfucking myself.

Or was it the /lit/?

>> No.7508610

Please be bait.

>> No.7508621 [DELETED] 
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>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
>Discourses by Epictetus
>Bhagavad Gita
>The Once and Future King
>The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.7508623

Yeah, i got a gay friend who just came out openly about six months ago.

The gay scene in Kansas ain't strong, but he racked up some dicks real fast with grinder and the gay scene. I think it was around 11, and he's as old as you.

>> No.7508626

>SSRIs for my anxiety and bipolar and a bottle of wine a day
>50 Shades of Grey, How to Build a Girl, Not That Kind of Girl, Gender Trouble, Intercourse

I'm a girl btw

>> No.7508631
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5 (7) Two of the five were virgins, worth two points each
Alcohol very rarely, caffeine/nicotine(only gum, never smoke) for productivity decently often, Psys never more than once every couple of months.

A generic historically-organized poetry anthology
Don Quixote
The Fall
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.7508634


Drugs never, alcohol rarely but a lot at a time
The Plague, The Iliad, Count Zero, The Stranger, The Autobiography of Malcolm X

>> No.7508640

>whenever I can
>I generally find reading to be boring, with the exception of some of George or wells stuff and Barry lyndon

>> No.7508641
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>> No.7508648


>> No.7508653


The average is 6.

6 sexual partners. lifetime



>> No.7508665


What are you doing here?

>> No.7508671

for what age group?

>> No.7508672


I'm killing myself soon

>> No.7508673

>get drunk about every two weeks. used to smoke weed regularly but now just every once in a while
>Infinite Jest, White Noise, The Metamorphosis, Native Son, A Perfect Day for Bananafish

>> No.7508675

I've been thinking of exploding a firework inside my mouth.

>> No.7508676

please just kill yourself already

>> No.7508678

most of those are in your 20s retard. grow up

>> No.7508680
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>> No.7508681

Why? I'm happy. Are you?

>> No.7508684

I'll try to judge based on the interactions I can imagine having with you people since I'm poor at judgment

I can see myself arguing with you over the influence your race has had on your life

I'd probably get you to try psys

I'd meet you in a small town and we'd laugh and talk about life and american politics in the local bar

I'd get in a fistfight with you over memes

We could hang out and become real friends


we'd get into a brawl over something dumb

I'd talk to you about dem feels

We could have a real intellectual conversation

we'd have a pseudo-intellectual conversation

>> No.7508687


>I can see myself arguing with you over the influence your race has had on your life

But I'm white.

>> No.7508688

sounds like a blast

>> No.7508694

cbt pics?

>> No.7508709
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>> No.7508710

>10 girls, maybe 15 if you count oral/handjobs, 3 guys
>used to be a pretty heavy recreational drug user, now I just smoke and take antidepressants

Crime and Punishment
Confessions of a mask
Sailor who fell from grace from the sea

>> No.7508713

this poem (original one) is so fucking good

indeed sir.

>> No.7508718

You're bi master-race?

>> No.7508723

Not sure why it says home?

>> No.7508728

Alcohol at parties, I smoke when invited
Catcher in the Rye, Moby Dick, Pedro Paramo, The Robber and The Trial in no order

>> No.7508746


100+ la(id;))dies

Top 5
-the Harry Potters
That's 8 so
I'm more into films
I'm a huge nerd seen all of the Star wars

>> No.7508752

since most people get laid
then getting laid is populist pleb trash and not worth it
getting laid vs voluntary celibacy is like grr martin vs kant

>> No.7508754

chad pls

>> No.7508765
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>how many different sexual partners you've had
intimate 4, dating 4th atm.
non-intimate (handjobs and so on) somewhere around 7
>how often you do drugs/alcohol
i have a beer about every week, liquor about once every two.
>5 favorite books
desu senpai everything i've learned is from video lectures, i'm so bad at reading that I exclusively audiobook, and at about 1 book/year. I'm still in the habit from freshman year of listening to spooky pastas in bed though. The last thing i "read" was Clockwork Orange, but i did tkam and Coelho's alchemist last week since i'm on break now. I quite enjoyed the first two, the third one i'm only about halfway through.
>inb4 highschool lit
i used to come here for the phil threads, now i have to go to that viking loving, new-atheist cespool /his/, so I don't gain as much from 4chan as i used to.
too bad parents didn't force me to read as a child so now i'm fucking illiterate
tfw alot of you faggots would trade your literacy for as much sex as i have.

>> No.7508768

Oh will I?

>> No.7508769

take this fucking shit thread back to /soc/

get the fuck out

>> No.7508771
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>> No.7508773
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>12 guys, 2 girls
>I drink whisky every night, ales when I'm meeting up with people
>favourite books: too drunk atm to focus on a coherent answer

I'm a girl btw
tits with timestamp available on request, I already posted them on /b/ but you nerdfags look like you need a bit of fun in your life so ask away.

>> No.7508781

Pls tits.

>> No.7508787
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>don't do either
>2666, no longer human, time of the hero, hundred years of solitude, don quixote

>> No.7508790

twice a week (alcohol and weed)
brothers karamazov, zoom, one hundred years of solitude, the illuminatus trilogy and the wind up bird chronicle

>> No.7508793

I hope you get shot desu

>> No.7508797

>how many different sexual partners you've had
>how often you do drugs/alcohol
>5 favourite books

>> No.7508803

over 150 women
Get drunk at the weekend wine
Steppenwolf ..
The secret teachings of all ages
the illiad
crime and punishment
beezlebubs tales to his gradson

>> No.7508805

>Scraping from parents or what?
I live in an area with a pretty thriving drug scene. The opium I just scrap from some poppies that grow around my house and process myself.

>Other than that your taste in literature is good.
Thanks m8

Numbers don't really mean anything, and honestly I've turned down way more women than I've slept with. Being willing to jump into bed with anyone isn't really something to be proud of imo.
Besides, the casual sex scene is so pedestrian and bourgeois you'd be crazy not to want to just stay home and jerk off.

Gays have way higher STD rates than the average population. And even if he's practicing "safe sex" it's not always very effective with anal.
Besides, he's 18. Normally people his age are falling in love for the first time and finding their sexual identity, he's getting passed around like a cumrag. That's depressing to the idealistic part of me.

>> No.7508813
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>/lit/ is normalfag central
Why am I not even surprised?
Reddit is real

>> No.7508816
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On second thought, here's your gratuitous tits, I've already taken a pic and everything. Besides I'm going to head up to bed in a wee bit because I'm drunk.

>inb4 enjoy your ban for posting nudity
Not sure how this board works, but at the rate with which threads go 404, I'm sure I won't miss out on anything.

gg wp

>> No.7508819


>Sexual partners

Occasionally and rarely

>5 Favourite books
Mason & Dixon
Something Happened
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7508820


>> No.7508823


Nice tits, but maybe lay off the alcohol?

>> No.7508831

>None T B H
>Notes From Underground, Anna Karenina, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, The Recognitions, The Tunnel (Sabato, not Gass)

>> No.7508833

Alcohol/weed every few days. Mdma, cocaine, opiates, lsd, or shrooms every so often.
Lolita, Hamlet, Stoner, Gravity's Rainbow, and Fear and Loathing

>> No.7508835

Nice. Would mate with.

>> No.7508838


>> No.7508843


Being a normalfag requires a certain amount of work and effort, specially from intelligent people. Giving up on life and disregarding social costumes isn't admirable, complex, or healthy.

Reddit is a mindset of particular tastes and ideologies, and I bet a lot of users there fit your pathetic r9k stereotype.

But if that makes this board "reddit", then I'm glad to be part of it.

Now back to your anime

>> No.7508846

to that female posting tits, someone advice her this isn't 2007 /b/.

>> No.7508856

>being a homosexual

>> No.7508857


your insecurity is dripping through the screen fucking hell

>> No.7508858

Once a fortnight I will have a big night~~
A Clockwork Orange
Crime and Punishment
Eragon (for the childhood nostalgia)
Animal Farm

>> No.7508863

is she dog mating !

>> No.7508864


do you really get horny seeing out of context tits? in a board about literature? all i can think about is her insecurity issues.

>> No.7508867

>defending your normalfaggotry this hard
>being this much of a redditor
God damn, this ib has really went down the shitter, hasn't it?

>> No.7508872


Your defense mechanism is admirable, I would get mad but being you for more than 5 seconds is punishment enough to be fair.

>> No.7508885

Yeah, very sad, muh parties, muh benis in bagina, abloo abloo.
Now go back to facebook/reddit

>> No.7508891

The question was "how many sexual partners have you had?"

>> No.7508894

what a stupid

>> No.7508897
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>we'd get into A brawl

Why do you think that?

Pic related is me a year ago. Was around 90-91kgs ... Cut to 89 for judo competitions. Now I'm 94kgs and softer looking.

>> No.7508900

>doesn't deny being a faggot

>> No.7508903

>Used to smoke weed heavily, been clean for about a month
>Kafka on the Shore
>The Savage Detectives
>The Soft Machine
>The Ticket That Exploded

>> No.7508906

>Now go back to facebook/reddit

Not right now, I'm enjoying seeing you this worked up about muh secret anime club.

>> No.7508907

Please leave my thread, you pathetic faggot.

>post photos of himself in my thread

Your life is actually pathetic.

>> No.7508909

you poor thing

>> No.7508910


>> No.7508917

>le trole xd
I see the sekrit club fags were right after all

>> No.7508920

I was asked for a cbt pic. I deleted it for you.

>> No.7508941


That anon is right. This is a literature board you horned up high school kid. There are other boards for that.

>> No.7508945

>5 girls, 1 boi
>Alcohol every weekend, caffeine pills for long days, nicotine for relax, shrooms to boost spontaneity (not creativity), mdma because it's fun
>Kafka's metamorphosis, Tropic of Cancer, Siddartha, Karamazov Brothers, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Dunno if it's written like that I'm Spanish)

>> No.7508947

>alcohol, nearly every day; drugs, every month or so
>books: The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald, Kangaroo by D.H. Lawrence, The Stream of Life by Clarice Lispector, Taipei by Tao Lin (t b h), and Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.7508950

Fair few bi people on /lit/.

>> No.7508952

>Use amphetamines, nicotine, and cannabis relatively often (cannabis less so than I used to though.) drink once every two weeks or so.
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Kafka's various stories
>Man and His Symbols
>Borges's various stories

>> No.7508956

Yeah comment on my books please

>> No.7508965

I am as well, but in mine I didn't feel the need to make two categories. My reading is >>7508956 got exactly the reply they wanted. Hmmmmmmmm.

>> No.7508974

Whoa man that makes you like, so humble and all! Shame on me!

>> No.7508976

did you literally just come from reddit?

>> No.7508985


>> No.7508989

>no drugs
Anon, I have news for you

>> No.7508994

>typical chubby Irish lass
Found the Ulysses shitposter at last

>> No.7508998

Drink and smoke daily, psychs maybe once a month

>> No.7509003
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>drink a bottle of whiskey about 1-2 times a week sometimes do acid
>1.the five people you meet in heaven 2.The art of racing in the rain 3.World war Z 4. assorted books of military history
I wanna get the book Helmet for a pillow. Since I just watch the Pacific series again.

>> No.7509005

About 16 different ones
Drugs once every three days or so

Invisible cities

>> No.7509009

A perfect person.
Blood Meridian is a fantastic read.

>> No.7509019

I wanna change my top 5 books.
>The five people you meet in heaven
>The art of racing in the rain
>The things they carried
>We were soldiers once and young

>> No.7509022

Hamlet (Shakespeare), Blood Meridian (McCarthy), Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Annie Dillard), The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky), and The Fall (Albert Camus).

>> No.7509031
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>23 & 3/4
> 3-5 beers every day, used to smoke weed daily until I developed situationally bound panic attacks, some heroin now and then
>The theory of poker, But how do it know?, The books of blood, Hellbound heart, Harry Potter and the methods of rationality (Yes the fanfic, fuck you too!)

>> No.7509045

>all these virgins
Don't want to be rude, but I thought /lit/ was cool?

>> No.7509050

8 roughly
I drink every weekend, sometimes a couple drinks during the week. Benzos a couple times a week. Weed erryday. Opiates, MDMA, coke when i can get them. used to do a lot of pyschs, got kinda burned out.

Kafka - The Castle
Kafka - Josephine and the Mouse People
Anything by Gogol, reading Dead Souls rn
DFW - Infinite Jest ;)
Dazai - 人間失格

>> No.7509053

think again

>> No.7509055

lotta opiates on lit

>> No.7509057

>DFW - Infinite Jest ;)

You seemed cool up until that last bit

>> No.7509059

>6 girls
>been sober for 4 months now. trying to stay focused

Books (off the top of my head):
>Coming Through Slaughter
>Breakfast of Champions
>American Psycho
>The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea

>> No.7509063

>trying to stay focused

And yet you post on /lit/

>> No.7509066

>I trip every few months or so, and I drink every few weeks
>Catch 22, A Confederacy of Dunces, Bartleby, The Trial, Once a Runner

>> No.7509067
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>no drugs

>> No.7509074

difficulty understanding jokes is a sign of autism

>> No.7509078

>once a week
>Catch 22
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Blood Meridian
>Jesus's Son (fav short story collection)
And this ones more of a guilty pleasure but...
>The Name of the Wind

>> No.7509081

i literally just finished jesus's son, wow

good stuff

>> No.7509087

I know its top five but Macbeth should be in there too

>> No.7509139 [DELETED] 

never, but I would have no real aversion to for example marijuana if there was an opportunity
Infinite jest, book of the new sun, the hobbit, dune, portrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.7509164

Alcohol: 4 or 5 days a week. Drugs: A few times a month.
The Sun Also Rises, In Praise of Older Women, The Coming Insurrection, American Psycho, The Sailor Who Feel from Grace with the Sea.

>> No.7509167

>this good taste

The future is strong with you.

Start writing.

>> No.7509215

Thanks, but don't feed my ego
I have been working a little bit on writing, but it's hard to motivate myself to keep working on my novel as much as I should be. I have a pretty good plot outline, a rough idea of the characters, and I think about 2000 words.

>> No.7509233

not often, anymore
good question

>> No.7509237

Are you trying to fuck that pleb kid?

>> No.7509240

>smoke weed every night, drink maybe 4 times a month, if there's an occasion.
> A Prayer for Owen Meany; The Master and Margarita; As I Lay Dying; The Satanic Verses; 1984 (assuming only novels, but I don't read those as much)

>> No.7509241


>>how many different sexual partners you've had

This really depends on what you consider a "sexual partner". Does actual sex need to be involved? Or is a blowjob/fingering/handjob etc enough by itself? I'll go with the former.


>>how often you do drugs/alcohol

I've never done drugs recreationally, and I don't drink alcohol often, but I do enjoy drinking with my friends. (Preferably hard stuff. I don't have a taste for beer.)

>>5 favorite books

The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammet
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
Casino Royale by Ian Fleming
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
Macbeth by William Shakespeare (if it counts; it's not really a book)

My favorite author is Raymond Chandler.

>> No.7509263

>>how many different sexual partners you've had
8 (4 gfs)
>>how often you do drugs/alcohol
Used to smoke a lot of weed, but stopped since I don't live that much when smoking. I drink occasionally.
>>5 favorite books
Unbearable Lightness of Being, the Stranger, Grapes of Wrath, The Rum Diary, the Foundation Triology.

>> No.7509264

He's mentally ill. shh.

>> No.7509271

I've been sober for the past 10 months or so. Never had a problem, just lost the desire.

A Confederacy of Dunces
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Youth In Revolt
The Trial

>> No.7509285

>too old to use 4chan
>lost count, ~20 something, too drunk to remember most
>booze, weed, coke, and the occasional hallucinogen
>white buildings by hart crane, the Cantos of Ezra Pound, Flowering Plant Families of the World, Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, shakespeare

>> No.7509293

I smoked weed almost daily for 5 years but I don't really do that anymore
100 Years of Solitude is my favorite book

>> No.7509295



>Drink lightly 1-3 days a week, drink heavily 1-2 times per month

>consume cannabis 2-5 times per month

>Teaching a Stone to Talk
>Master Harold
>Tenth of December
>Old Man and the Sea

>> No.7509357
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would hangout with you, no doubt

god damn you must be starving for some fuck my friend

damn son would talk lit with this feller

How does amphetamine use play into what you think abt thinking and consciousness? I feel like the more 'in my own psyche' i get after reading Jung that I would try cocaine or mescaline or something.

Based Annie

what does long-term benzo use do and what is the high nice?

you need to stop reading bond books until you lose your viriginity

>> No.7509359
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>Zero partners
>The very occasional special brownie, very occasional alcohol when in social situations.
I'm not kidding. I wish I were though.
>The Road
>Lord of the Rings
>The Magicians Nephew

>> No.7509370

24, 8, alcohol almost daily, micro dosing on acid frequently and trips when I get the time. The Woman in the Dunes, Heart of Darkness, Don Quixote , Moby Dick, God Emperor of Dune, to name just a few.

>> No.7509375
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>23ish? I'd have to write it down, but those are the 22 I remember

>Hardly ever drink, unless with a girl or occasional socially

>No drugs. Not opposed, just don't care.

>Tropic of Cancer
>The Metamorphisis
>On the Road

>> No.7509377

I did just discover DeLillo, three years ago maybe? I wasn't exposed to much postmodern literature until basically high school, when I sought it out myself. I am very afraid of drugs, yes, but I think that's fine. The integrity of my mind is very important to me. I don't pay any less respect to those who do them, but they're not for me. Anyway, why bother with them? I can entertain myself quite well all of the time, and I don't have any negative emotions that I can't deal with without assistance.

>> No.7509383

>13 i think
>smoke weed almost daily, drink weekly

the stranger

>> No.7509416

It's weird seeing I have the most fucks.

Especially considering I don't fuck random girls just to fuck. No fattys, uggos, etc.

Also because I never considered myself a lady's man. I probably felt as self conscious and awkward as most most times

>> No.7509420
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>alcohol a few times a week (I don't like drinking very much; weed rarely because it causes intense paranoia, anxiety, OCD behavior (but shifts my perspective a lot); interested in psilocybin, but I'm afraid of what it might do considering how weed affects me

>The Crying of Lot 49, The Confusions of Young Törless, The Plague, Bed
(I haven't read much 'favorite' tier material)

>> No.7509450
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>used to get high everyfuckingday for 3 years with practically everything i could get my hands on. stopped doing drugs for 1 and a half year.
now i only take coke/adderall/opiates/benzos/nootropics recreationally and coffeine pills & cigs erry day.
I don´t drink to get drunk tho, that´s for degenerates.

>la nausée, jean paul sartre
>Weltfremdheit, Peter Sloterdijk
>American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis
>In Stahlgewittern, Ernst Jünger

>> No.7509453

>/lit/-self-absorbed normalfags
I leave for a year and come back to this?

God damn it, this is some /soc/ tier bullshit right here

>> No.7509455

Eh couple drinks a week probably? Social thing yunno. Used to drink and smoke more habitually. Now I just need to kick the cigarettes.
Top 5
1) Savage Detectives
2) Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
3) Slaughterhouse 5
4) A Season in Hell
5) Bonfire of the Vanities

>> No.7509479

>now i only take coke/adderall/opiates/benzos/nootropics

>> No.7509480

>5ish, two boys, three girls
>Spirits, weekly, Ritalin for studying.
>In no particular order: To The Lighthouse, BM, Mr Vénus, Tumble Home, Geek Love.

>> No.7509517



weed everyday, shrooms acid and ketamine often, molly benzos uppers and alcohol on occasion

V., Blood Meridian, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Road, The Republic

>> No.7509518

>5(girls. 2 boys but I don't like boys too much and they're really easy, so it's not really as important imo, anyone can sleep with a bunch of boys.)
>Weed when I have the spare money or when friends smoke me out, alcohol when friends provide(most weekends), LSD a couple times, DXM quite a bit in the past, Datura once, used to use opiates once a week, nutmeg a couple times.


Gravity's Rainbow
Invisible Cities
Gould's Book of Fish
Heart of Darkness
White Noise

>> No.7509520


>> No.7509537

20 or so in the last two years
maybe once a week

Confederacy of Dunces
Catch 22
The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
The Ego and its Own
Some scifi/fantasy/genre book (forever war, moon is a harsh mistress, Misery, etc)

>> No.7509544

I think we would get along. I love your book choices m80

>> No.7509550

Also no drugs and I hate being nauseous so I don't get too drunk

>> No.7509555

considering the amount of shit i took, yes, for me, it´s "only".

>> No.7509559

do you like modernist poetry?

>> No.7509583

god damn Something Happened is the most depressing book I've ever read

>> No.7509614

according to le google, the average person doesnt read 100 books in their lifetime

fucking plebs

>> No.7509618


>> No.7509641
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The Confidence-Man
The Sound and the Fury
Time Regained
Under the Volcano

>> No.7509803

about once a week
Can't even narrow it down to ten.

>> No.7509805

>drink daily, ciggies daily, weed once or twice a week
>Winesburg Ohio, Kjell Askildsen's selected stories, Bliss (katherine mansfield), Dance of the Happy Shades, What we talk about when we talk about love

>> No.7510067

>I don't drink, and didn't use drugs like weed or LSD, but I will when I get the chance
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
>Story of the Eye
>Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.7510115
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Weed fairly regularly, LSD or Salvia on occasion, no alcohol.
The Odyssey, Invisible Cities, The Conference of the Birds, Táin Bó Cúailnge, The Master and Maragarita.

>> No.7510144


You guys seem pretty cool tbqfh

>> No.7510455
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>I don't know how to buy drugs but I've had at least six beers or an equivalent amount of bourbon every day for three years
>Forbidden Colors by Mishima, Secret History by Donna Tartt, Lattimore's Iliad, Mary Renault's Last of the Wine, Balzac's Lost Illusions

>> No.7510460


Definitely a homosexual.

Because those are my favourite books, too.

>> No.7510473
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>how many different sexual partners you've had
60+ if counting cunnilingus, 90+ if counting non-genital femdom fetish play (foot worship, etc.), 25~ if penetrative sex
>how often you do drugs/alcohol
serial alcoholic
>5 favorite books

>> No.7510481


So patrish

>> No.7510561
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>I'm a huge nerd seen all of the Star Wars

>> No.7510575

You rn


>> No.7510597

>Daily, mostly legal
>Stoner, Portrait of an artist..., Moby-Dick, Waiting for Godot, The Trial

>> No.7510640


4, but was in a relationship with all of them

used to; pretty clean nowadays

-things they carried
-rope burns/million $$$ baby
-the rehearsal
-the power of myth