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/lit/ - Literature

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7508032 No.7508032 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't Post-Modernists define Post-Modernism? Is it because they would be outed as rubbish?

>> No.7508037


Definition is a pre-postmodern concept.

>> No.7508047

Postmodernism is Jewish

>> No.7508049

is this your way of reinforcing my qualms?

>> No.7508051

It would be against postmodernism, it's too lulzy.

>> No.7508056

>tfw Traditionalist
>mfw watching Modernism degenerate even further into Post-Modernism

>> No.7508066

>post 'fw's with no reaction image
>he doesn't understand modernism ended long before he was born

wow someone who self-identifies as a traditionalist being an idiot??? what a surprise.

>> No.7508092
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you must be so wise

>> No.7508098

There isn't one definition of post-modern. It is different depending on the subject matter and even then "post-modernism" could still look like traditionalism so long as it's an intentional departure from modernism back to traditionalism. If you had someone raised as a recluse who had never read or been influenced by any modernist (or post-modern) ideas, who wrote in a traditionalist style, then they'd be a traditionalist. If an author is actively trying to revive traditionalism in reaction to modernism, then that's a post-modernist.

>> No.7508106

as far as you're concerned i'm socrates

>> No.7508117 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7508122

>it believes in the sexism spook

>> No.7508128

Because nobody self identifies as a post modernist. It's applied by various reductionists, usually as a pejorative against any number of contemporary non-positivist philosophy and art.

>> No.7508131

>i know the memes!! i belong here r-right? guys?

>> No.7508146

Well the word was invented by a guy named Jean-François Lyotard who than went around saying that other peoples philosophy were an example of it.

Philosophical labels have never had strict definitions. Kierkegaard never once used the word "existential" but 200 years after he died some guy would declare that he was not only an "existential" philosopher but the first.

According to Derrida, Max Stirner is "post-structuralist" a word that didn't even exist when Stirner was alive.

It's just people trying to group up philosophy into arbitrary categories.

This basically.

>> No.7508150

but how isn't sexism a spook? it satisfies the metrics. Progressive Identity Politics is on some Silent Hill shit

>> No.7508168

jesus your need for validation is gross, kid. grow up.

>> No.7508179
File: 352 KB, 930x425, Screen Shot 2015-12-25 at 9.10.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NRx faggots are objectively worse than sjw

>> No.7508181

>the intellectually dishonest tells other to grow up

>> No.7508184

SJWs have a more robust influence on society, they are the new mainstream, rule abiding rebels.

>> No.7508188


back in my time there was no such thing as SJWs it was just called being a DECENT FUCKING HUMAN BEING. and no Political correctness either, just plain old EMPATHY and POLIETNESS.lo m8 do u even empathy?

>> No.7508194

yes they were, they were called hippies, only hippies had no influence before the internet.
do you even freeze peach? you can have polack jokes and get along with people.

>> No.7508196

The left has turned this into a buzzfeeling. It's become the least meaningful term in the English language.

>> No.7508197

le cultural marxist jew cabal amirite? shoving their horrid EMPATHY and NICENESS down our throaths! is like 1984! next their gonna make it illegal to be an STRAIGHT WHITE MALE!

>> No.7508203

>what is mizzou
>what are false rape accusations
McCarthyism isn't dead, it just got painted into social justice

>> No.7508221
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>McCarthyism isn't dead, it just got painted into social justice

>> No.7508227

>Say something they disagree with
>mob attempts to render you unemployable

I don't know why anyone would find this type of social authoritarianism desirable.

>> No.7508228

you have no rebuttal and you're not afraid to show it

>> No.7508240

>my employer does not want to be associated with someone who casually calls ppl niggers and sends out rape threats! halp im being oppressed! political correctness go mad1!

>> No.7508241

similar question

postmodernism = post-structuralism ??

this is my rough understanding after four hazy years of a BFA.

>> No.7508244

>I support capitalist pigdogs when shitlords suffer

>> No.7508253

burn this thread to the ground

>> No.7508255

How old are you mang?

>> No.7508258
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im not trying to argue with you. i'm mocking you and your dumb opinions


>> No.7508260

>Someone's not showing empathy(TM) in the way I want them to
>I must crush them and make it impossible for them to function in our society

And yeas employers should be punished for doing such a thing if it occurs off the clock.

>> No.7508278
File: 14 KB, 138x200, snoo-coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femenazis BTFO. have this, u kind gentlesir, you deserve it.

>> No.7508287

I'm glad you could spare one of your many. Your capacity for empathy knows no bounds.

>> No.7508288

shut the fuck up

>> No.7508296
File: 361 KB, 1420x1386, New-Radicals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late
too late
too late
too late & too late & too late & too late to be obvious

>> No.7508300

>shoving their horrid EMPATHY and NICENESS down our throats!

Ever heard of cupcake fascism, faggot?

>> No.7508305
File: 11 KB, 200x200, ThankYou-GoldenSmellsFlower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thnx im glad you liked it. im truly and sincerely moved, moved to the very point oftears, infact, by this heart-rending display of empathy. I wish i could give you a hug, but alas, im at home and you are here on the internet.

>> No.7508309
File: 28 KB, 300x400, Rampage_Boll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I was crybullied just like you. This is my story.

>> No.7508316

>Ever heard of cupcake fascism
no, I have to admit i haven't. but it sounds like something real, that actually exists, very unlike such phony made up entities like transphobia, racism or the patriarchy.

>> No.7508323

>/lit/ would make Harrison Bergeron real

>> No.7508325

> very unlike such phony made up entities like transphobia, racism or the patriarchy.
I'm glad you;re speaking a little bit of sense at this point, and they said the brain damage would never heal.

>> No.7508327

Pretty sure that post was sarcastic, Anonym ous.

>> No.7508339
File: 89 KB, 892x489, joker-sarcasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u know there's a little something called sarcasm, right? Its when you say one thing but you actually mean the opposite. smart people (like myself) tend to use it all the time. the more you know...

>> No.7508345

Pretty sure that post was a joke pretending your post wasn't sarcastic, Anonymous.

>> No.7508375
File: 94 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nz4yv3ATvp1uljxo7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a good one hahahaha your killing me m8, stop it. im running this game right now u nerds cant even keep up hahah... but anyways, here have a nice Cake which i made just for you. luvvies. <<3

>> No.7508399

Please stop making posts like this.

>> No.7508405

so much for freezepeach then?

>> No.7508421

What is that?

>> No.7508427
File: 22 KB, 245x368, 23-thomas-pynchon.w245.h368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people literally posting on website that is the epitome of postmodernity
>hurrr post modernism doesn't real durrr

Go read a fucking book idiots

>> No.7508466

desu senpai, this.

>> No.7508583

You can't define an era that is happening right now. Until recently, nobody even tried to name ongoing periods in art, they only named the previous ones.

Besides, defining periods is drawing lines in sand, extremely difficult and very relative. For example, I was taught that baroque period in literature existed, but I have never seen a single anglo mention it, as if it doesn't exist for them. I was taught that Balzac is a realist but on /lit/ I saw a chart that considers him a romanticist. And, again, postmodernism is ongoing, it's still being built and changing, which makes a definition even more difficult.

The only answer is to create good new art and promote good new art. Art historians will do the rest.

>> No.7508588

To be honest, anything that starts with "post" is vague as fuck.

>> No.7509930

Please enlighten me on what post-modernism is?

>> No.7509936


>> No.7509939

Post-modernism, to me, seems to just be a label for nihilism.

>> No.7509942

>expecting people on /lit/ to read

The more I come here the more I am convinced that /lit/ is just /v/ for slightly older people.

>> No.7509965

Wouldn't post-modernism just be a critique of modernism in its most basic definition?

>> No.7509973

Post-modernism definitely does have a major nihilist streak. Which is ironic given that Nietzsche is in some ways the intellectual forefather of post-modernism, and Nietzsche despised nihilism.

Part of the confusion surrounding the term "post-modernism," though, is that it is used to describe artistic, literary, philosophical, and cultural movements all at once. I would say that post-modern literature tends to be more nihilistic than post-modern philosophy. Most of the post-modern philosophers I would describe as "relativists" rather than nihilists. Their conclusion is not that life is meaningless but that "meaning" is constructed and contextual to different cultures and individuals. Compare this to authors like Pynchon who - as far as I can tell - scoff at the idea of any stable "meaning" whatsoever.

>> No.7509975

that's cuz the definition of post modernism is subjective, lol

>> No.7510117
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To define post-modernism would be to imply it has 'definitions', and I mean that in a kind of metaphor, the spacial sense of an outline or limit which isolates and totalises the postmodern concept from the non-postmodern. The problem of definition arrises from postmodernism's insistence on the fact that these limits are always shifting, breaking off from or bridging connections with new intellectual or artistic territory, however tenuous the link might be. Trying to give it a static definition it is to limit its capacity for creative free association

>> No.7510127

>sjws just pulling out buzzwords and using memes when advanced with pretty average arguments
You could be using logic instead but whatever you goys feel like idc tb.h ngl fa.m

>> No.7510135

I don't think its fair to claim the postmodern is entirely nihilist. Yes, its very easy to lapse into thinking about pomo as the radical instability of meaning, but that doesn't have to lead us directly into meaninglessness - just look at the contemporary surge in post-modern faith which has come about as a paradoxical result of the death of god - self-made meaning which is not coerced or disfigured from an imposition of ideological force by institutional, conformist or dogmatic powers, no matter how absurd, irrational or unfalsifiable that meaning might be.

>> No.7510139

desu anybody who discusses this shit on an internet forum is pretty much guaranteed to be a dumbass. Both sides are equally stupid.

>> No.7510145

And you are much smarter than both, right?

>> No.7510150


>> No.7510156

pomo = post-structuralism & nihilism & NEW WAVE PHILOSOPHY!! & dank memes tbҺ faᵯ.

>> No.7510171

good post fæm

>> No.7510206

postmodernism is a name for a group of memes that can be found more widely now than in the past.

I don't know why that upsets people.

>> No.7510224

The year is 2085, Transroboalligator World President Cheopsymposium VI has degreed that the remaining 2% of the population that is ethnically white male, an archaic term from a more barbaric era should be interred in regenraciadjustment camps. There they will be stripped, scrubbed, shaved, and tortured until they decided to change gender race and attitudes. If of course they choose to resist or are incapable of changing, summary execution shall take place.

In other news the Subsexual Lizard Alliance has signed a nonaggression treaty with the Cyborg Shemale Corporation officially ending separatist conflict in the Gender Neutral Zone. Praise be to Goddess Equality, equal rights for all who choose to be equal, no rights for those who resist.

>> No.7510239

Good point.

>> No.7510251

Though actually, this post is abouta s funny, interesting and insightful as the ones made by the tumbr pissbaby upstairs in the thread. So, you shut up too

>> No.7510261


Man, given that reeducation camps exist now for trans and gay people it's kind of bizarre that the fear is for the inversion happening. Why is everyone afraid of having done to them what they do to others? And more importantly, why don't they just realize the connection and, y'know, stop?

>> No.7510268
File: 2.58 MB, 330x232, 1430942128735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In other news the Subsexual Lizard Alliance has signed a nonaggression treaty with the Cyborg Shemale Corporation officially ending separatist conflict in the Gender Neutral Zone.


>> No.7510274

>Why is everyone afraid of having done to them what they do to others?
I doubt that Anon is responsible for the stuff you see in movies like Kidnapped for Christ and shit, just saying

>> No.7510276

The only funny post of this genre I remembering seeing is the "muck farmers in southern Vvardenfell" one. Step it up, you guys.

>> No.7510636

Slave-mentality at its finest.

>> No.7510662

>leftists now believe that private employers should be the enforcers of public morality


>> No.7510666

His opinion wasn't worthy of mockery. Your shit weak son

>> No.7510670


>> No.7511449

private companies are allowed to discriminate however they want so long as the discrimination is not based on being a suspect class (race, religion, nationality) or there is some other law prohibiting such discrimination (e.g. ADA). being a racist is not a protected class. an employee being a racist hurts profit margins, because people don't want to buy stuff from people they think are assholes

>> No.7511553

You could have just said that you agreed with his statement. But we get it; your anti-establishment politics have been incorporated into the establishment. Congratulations.

>> No.7512221

Jesus fucking Christ that kid looks retarded

>> No.7512224

hahaha e/b/in thread bros!

>> No.7512293

>neoliberal social progressivism

LITERALLY the worst ideology in the world.

>> No.7512413

better than bad vibes politics

>> No.7512437

A lot of it's really bad vibes

>> No.7512486

So much bait in this thread.