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/lit/ - Literature

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7503648 No.7503648 [Reply] [Original]

Who else having a Tao Lin-tier Christmas?

>> No.7503655

>who else is an autistic chinaman

>> No.7503657

Gave zero, received zero. Merry Christmas.

>> No.7503661
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Gave 0, Received 0, same as every other year except that I usually celebrate with /a/ but I lost interest in animu so I'm just aimlessly browsing 4chan and feeling like shit.

>> No.7503684

Wow Merry Christmas anon you should get a book for yourself or something. What authors do you like?

>> No.7503685
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>someone who once liked anime thinking they will ever be mentally equipped for literature
Even if you think you get it, even if you think you enjoy it -- you don't, and never will.

>> No.7503703

>someone sees that post in this thread and thinks there is a reason to type this out

Who's the really inept one here? The anon that replied to the thread or the anon that is so insecure and bitter he didn't ever stop to think what a waste of time it was to make this post? You aren't helping this board and I bet you read shit books.

>> No.7503709
File: 2 KB, 100x127, dfw from far away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be aspiring writer
>know several other aspiring writers through a class we took together
>they're all pretty nice
>i have never had any social networking whatsoever
>they prod me to get a facebook and twitter to keep in touch
>fine, join
>get like 20 friends
>mfw it's all shit like this all day every day
>mfw everyone has to post every single thought or (not sure how to describe it) biographical "factoid" about themselves that ever happens
>mfw they all get little "likes" from the rest of the group
>mfw it's like some sort of weird mutually consenting mutual panopticon where everyone just pretends to like watching everyone else masturbate so that they will in turn maintain kayfabe by pretending they also enjoy watching THEM masturbate
>mfw everyone's just tweeting little trite witticicms and "observations" and tweets and stupid fucking unfunny shit all day every day and "reblogging" news articles they found interesting
>mfw i star to realize why none of these writer friends ever write, or they only write "look how clever i am i don't give a shit that i haven't done anything noteworthy yet that's just part of the bohemian lifestyle brah"
>mfw everyone wants to be tao lin

>> No.7503713

>getting mad
it's christmas, anon

>> No.7503718

0/0 I did find a sock in a dumpster today, so now I have two at least. Gonna suck sleeping outside this winter.

>> No.7503719

>mfw you make this post

Go back to Facebook faggot /lit/ doesn't exist for underage losers like you to complain about stupid shit that literally doesn't matter at all. Seriously fuck off.

>> No.7503723

I've got many books but I don't really feel like reading them right now, I'm currently working my way through
>The World as Will and Representation
by Schopenhauer

>> No.7503727

I'm a Christian Anarchist, pleb. I work a communal farm and read The King James Bible, Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, Tolstoy, Greek and Roman myth, and the whole of the Philosophical canon by (homemade) candlelight.
I have a stable life, a loving partner, my family and friends are in good health, and a clear conscience.
I write poetry in my spare time in God's name.

Get at me pleb.

>> No.7503732

>warmest "winter" ever

Yeah right. Keep complaining you sissy.

>> No.7503733

>it's Christmas anon

Exactly and that asshole had to berate poor friendless anon over there. Who cares if he watches anime? It's fucking 4chan and some anime is pretty good anyway. I like dbz and I love Russian literature, see how they have nothing to do with each other?

>> No.7503746

do you have a steam account? I want to be your best friend

>> No.7503753

nope, laptop too shit to handle games and I run Linux mint (accidentally uninstalled windows 7)so I can't play them either.

>> No.7503755

>no Turgenev
>no Dostoevsky
>no Joyce
>no Chaucer
>literally googled "list of good authors"

Fuck off pleb I don't even have to guess that you haven't read a single work by any of the authors you mentioned, let alone any that I mentioned.

>> No.7503774

>no Turgenev
I haven't read him, you're right.
>no Dostoevsky
I read all his major works by the time I graduated homeschool. Good, however lightweight he may be. Little reason to revisit these days.
>no Joyce
I read Ulysses, Portrait, and Dubliners in my young adulthood. I return to Ulysses often, but see little worth in his other works.
>no Chaucer
I enjoyed The Canterbury Tales.
>literally googled "list of good authors"
I do not support corporations such as Google, and thus do not 'Google' anything.
I bought a 4chan pass as not to support Captcha.

>> No.7503775
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>reads the King James Bible and Bible fan fiction that every undergrad has read
>ascribes value to his "clean conscience"
And you call other people plebs? Wew

>> No.7503796

what a boring existence, do you even travel around
to se the world you anachronistic retard?

>> No.7503801

Wow really nice anon I totally believe you

>> No.7503822

Gave 0, received 0, because I celebrated Based Sinterklaas already

>> No.7503938

Gave 9, received 7. I'm Jewish.

>> No.7503956


Get a GoG account. They have older classics that run on Linux.

>> No.7504063

do you have access to a trained therapist or something similar? even if you do it only once it might help. all my love to you, i earnestly hope things improve for you.

>> No.7504091

Gave 0, received presents worth 250€ overall.

>> No.7504098

Nah, I don't really feel like I'll be helped by a therapist, anhedonia always sets in, no matter what, and there's no way to stop it.

>> No.7504137

0, 0. Can't think of anything I want desu

>> No.7504140

I'm a kike, so I don't engage in Christmas except for the parties. You don't know how many times a drunk girl will just straight up let you kiss them just because they're beneath a mistletoe. It's like really silly.

I've actually gotten fucked because of a mistletoe, so thanks goyim.

>> No.7504164

Gave 12, received more than that.

Favorite present was a stained glass artwork my mom made me :D

>> No.7504179


>> No.7504186

Jesus christ don't do that.

Read Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7504193

>You don't know how many times a drunk girl will just straight up let you kiss them just because they're beneath a mistletoe.
You're right; I don't :'(

>> No.7504196

Good post

Bad post

This board's really going steeply downhill with all the /r9k/ raiding... Too bad.

I like /lit/.

>> No.7504207

You have to feel them up before then. Give them a touch on the shoulders, hold their hands, maybe dance with them. You can't straight up expect anyone to kiss you without a little warm up.

That was my biggest problem. I didn't know how to ease into a kiss. I just thought people kissed after talking.

>> No.7504290

Gave 0, recieved 1. What did I win?

>> No.7504308

Yeah maybe you should help clean up and go back to /r9k/

>> No.7504327
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A house visit from Tao Lin. Prepare your anus

>> No.7504332
File: 484 KB, 723x1000, tao-yates-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Merry Christmas, anons. Have this image of Tao Lin.

>> No.7504403

Gave Zero

Received some clothes and a gift card to McDonalds

>> No.7504409

Gave zero, received Houellebecq's debut.

>> No.7504415

Gave 11
Received 20 or so

>> No.7504417

At least the one gift you got was great. I couldn't imagine the books someone would buy me if they thought that's what I wanted.

>> No.7504434

Well, the person who bought the book knows I'm a fan of Celine, Houllebecq, etc., so there was little chance of getting John Green or Hunger Games.