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/lit/ - Literature

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7501958 No.7501958 [Reply] [Original]

What books did you buy your girlfriend for Christmas /lit/?

What books do you think she's getting you?

>> No.7501963


>> No.7501962


>> No.7501970

my mother gave me a book named "how to clean your house". and a empty smartphone box. I'm not kidding.

>> No.7501973

She's getting me Street of Crocodiles

Im getting her 10th of December and the plays of Checkov

>> No.7501980

Hello, Reddit

>> No.7501999

reported for sexism

>> No.7502040
File: 38 KB, 570x238, Wednesdaysgirlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with reddit though? its fun and you are generalizing the entire site. how would you like people thinking lit as being b just because its on the same site?

>> No.7502049

go back to reddit

>> No.7502052


>> No.7502054


>> No.7502055

who says the essence of browsing lit doesn't include also browsing reddit?

>> No.7502064
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Women can't read.

>> No.7502067
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>> No.7502070

dumb frogposters

>> No.7502081


r-ree ...

>> No.7502082

twenty fragments of a ravenous youth
the stupefaction

she doesn't get me books; she makes things

>> No.7502090

I love how all the normalfags left the board for a couple hours and only the loners are online.

>> No.7502094

there is nothing wrong with reddit it's a /tv/ meme to pretend you have to be "loyal to one website"

>> No.7502097
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>He fell for the women meme

>> No.7502102

not everyone is american senpai

>> No.7502115

You're right, only yuro normalfags shitpost right now

>> No.7502127
File: 697 KB, 1958x2937, 1410045542841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop triggering me normie shitlord
see image

>> No.7502133

>What books did you buy your girlfriend for Christmas /lit/?

I'm married, but I bought my wife a signed, limited edition novella by Jonathan Carroll.

So, there.

>> No.7502419

The Bell Jar and To The Lighthouse

Her semi-/lit/ roommate (apparently a direct relative of Walt Whitman) gave me props and I even caught her reading it once or twice which is all I could ever really hope for.

>> No.7502443

My fiancé bought me babyfucker and a gift card to the local bookstore. I can't look any of her relatives in the face right now

>> No.7502453

A Bunch of Criterion Blu-Rays plus a book.

>> No.7502457

>posts anime
>implying you have a gf

>> No.7502469

Uhhhh, is her roommate's name Mercedes by chance?

>> No.7502471

Nope, it's Emma

>> No.7502490

Huh, I have a friend that is dating a relative of Walt Whitman.

>> No.7502504

The kamasuctra.; )

>> No.7502540
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i gave her yurope 1 and asked for yurope 2
if she doesn't get me it i'll just download it off amazon later tomorrow

>> No.7502544

I dont have a girlfriend, but every year I buy presents and wrap them up early (around July) just in case I get one in the later half of the year.

This year I bought my would be girlfriend a bottle of scotch and a latex mold of my penis as a joke present, haha. But I didn't find one, so I guess I'll just use th..

Well, better luck next year.

>> No.7502564

Sounds like a cewl mom desu senpai,

>> No.7502590
File: 268 KB, 602x645, 1450886282325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got her Anna Karenina because she wants to get into Russian literature.

I have quite a large backlog and she probably knows a good number of books I want so it will probably be a surprise.

>> No.7502759

Don't know yet. I'm getting her Chernow's Alexander Hamilton because she's really into that musical.

>> No.7502771

>tfw lost touch with friends and spending christmas alone

>> No.7502801

Unbeknownst to many, in the years between the publications of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, as Joyce lost heart in his ability to complete his magnum opus and contemplated handing it off to James Stephens, he developed some rudimentary manuscripts, now lost, for a novel which may have become a masterpiece in its own right, entitled JUST.

>> No.7502825
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>owning separate books with your girlfriend
>not sharing the same books and using two different gender themed book marks to mark where you are

>> No.7502924

> being gender binary
> Christmas 2015

>> No.7503265

underrated. kek.

>> No.7503350

books for christmas?
i fucking hope not i hate that shit

>> No.7503373
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>> No.7503404

Whenever I buy concert tickets, I buy two, just incase I get a girlfriend before the date arrives. Then I go alone every time.

>> No.7503432

Why haven't you killed yourself already?

>> No.7503451


>not giving one away

>> No.7503902

Seriously fuck off to reddit