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7502978 No.7502978 [Reply] [Original]

If we're so smart, why can't we figure out how to be happy?

>> No.7502982
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read the Greeks or Nietzsche

>> No.7503002

intelligence =\= wisdom
theory =\= practice
knowledge =/= experience>>7502982

>> No.7503003

Happiness is temporary, to understand why such glee is finite we would have to first look at why malice is infinite. Once we peer into the the void that is the inner human we no longer have a chance of happiness because the feeling of finite is ever so fleeting in a more common phrase. Those that are happy pay no attention to things that don't concern them. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.7503013

But I am happy my friend. Read some good books, drink some good tea, and breathe good air.

>> No.7503024

who said we were supposed to be happy
maybe discontent has an evolutionary benifit
if an animal just fucking stops and is like, yeah no it's chill here, then suddenly a wolf will up and fuck his bitch ass str8 up
Happiness is fleeting, mi familia, so suck it up and bang that chick

rewrite that so you don't sound like a faggot
unless you are doing that purposely, in which case well done

>> No.7503027
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OP needs to figure out the definition to happiness.

>> No.7503040
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>> No.7503046

I don't mean constantly ecstatic or euphoric or blissful. I mean generally satisfied and content, generally optimistic, without misery, without self-loathing. The sort of run-of-the-mill happiness you see in strangers all the time. I think we're by and large here an unhappy lot, though, which is why I posed the question.

>> No.7503047

I'd be pretty happy if she have me a hug.

>> No.7503051

>The sort of run-of-the-mill happiness you see in strangers all the time
>all the time

>> No.7503053

Then you're obciously not.

>> No.7503061

>tfw went into woods just like that in the fall and read Pale fire until the sun went down.

>> No.7503064

this is disapproving? is it about what I said or my calling those words a faggot

I'll assume the faggot thing. My issue is mainly the florid prose that makes him come off as a recent applicant to a philosophy class trying to sound deep and profound when really it's just like come ON man just talk normal words to get your point across. It's not like this purple shit is actually any good.

Reminder: "Once we peer into the the void"

Or maybe you're saying I'm deflecting; using an image of Freud to show you think I'm calling him a faggot because of my own insecurities about being a faggot? If that's the issue this is not the case; I'm aware that I'm part-gay.

>> No.7503068

Wow, it's true. The therapist's role is just to look at you, prompting you to do all the analysis yourself.

>> No.7503075
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>> No.7503076

lol, no

>> No.7503078

Too much in the head. Not enough in reality.
If you could stop thinking for a minute, you would understand the meaning of it all, as well as that the source of your unhappiness is only your mind and nothing else.
It's a difficult position to consider for someone who believes that thinking leads to "true answers," but that's how things work in the real world of bodies.

>> No.7503080

>come ON man just talk normal words to get your point across

Happiness is finite. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.7503099

well fucking near everything is finite mi familia
and ignorance is all well and good so long as it's ignorance of certain things.

Not reading any books ever again would be ignorant; stop reading then, and let the happiness roll right on up in you

are you either ignorant or blissful

happiness is finite, ignorance is bliss; therefore
ignorance is finite?

>> No.7503100

aw shit he did do that didn't he
just gave me that fucking look and i
i just spilled my fucking guts

>> No.7503112

"For everything you know, there is more that you don't"
If ignorance is bliss then people can be happy and look forward to the future that they do not of. Tomorrow never arrives so as long as you wait for it, and if it is all you wait for you can be happy in knowing that it is always close enough to see, but far enough to feel. The less you think about things the less you worry.

If you wait for tomorrow then wait and do nothing but that, but if you think about how it never comes and that waiting is pointless because to spend time on the frivolous is to be frivolous in mind, then you will not be happy. If you cloud your mind with negative thought you will only think badly of things you are exposed to, if your mind is clear then you will see clearly.

One that is blinded by ignorance knows not of sight, only the surprise of the unexpected and unseen.

>> No.7503121

I don't think knowledge is what's making us unhappy. I think that's a flattering lullaby.

>> No.7503124

The seal of the prophets, Based Overlord David Hume said that reason is and forever will be a slave to the passions, which act as final arbiters ong ideas derived through reason. So your question is wrong

>> No.7503126

But you need to know certain things. You need to think and worry about certain things; or you will die.

You can't just write me some flowery shit about not stressin' (also, just saying no stress no mess would have accomplished what you wrote) because there's more to life then chillin' out maxin' and relaxin' all cool; you gotta provide and care for yourself, or loved ones, and god willing you gotta write a goddamn book anon.

Or you can put your novel off until that tomorrow that never comes yet again

Answer the subquestions.
You ignorant/blissful?
Ignorance=finite? End of ignorance when

>> No.7503131


Go ask reddit m8

>> No.7503134

Maybe I will...

>> No.7503135


good work everyone

>> No.7503136

>wanting happiness as a goal

i will just settle of being rich content man then happy poor shitter

>> No.7503137

It's not over. -.-

>> No.7503138


>> No.7503141

Because happiness is a side effect of living in a way conductive to human well being, but if you chase happiness as an end in itself directly and consciously (what people might consider a rational approach) it does not work.

If you want to be happy you need to have healthy habits, a reason to get up every morning, a good relationship with your friends and family and a dedication to something greater than yourself, preferably religion.

>> No.7503142

boo hiss

>> No.7503147
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I have, it is called the dhamma.

>> No.7503149
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Merry Christmas, Stanley.

>> No.7503150
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>or you will die.

>he lives because he fears death.


>> No.7503154

I am ignorant on many things, I don't know what lies at the bottom of the ocean, and I don't know what my feces taste like. I know that it will impossible to learn everything in my life time but it doesn't stop me from learning what I can. One does not have to stress about work or duties.

Ask yourself this: Are you stressful because know it must be done again?
Are you stressful because of what may happen if you do not work?
Or are you stressful because you think you have to stress?

Writing a book can be a career or a hobby, the amount of time you put into it is what matters. You can write more of your novel tomorrow or you can continue to write today so that you may write again tomorrow.

Ignorance ends does not end. One can be knowledgeable of all, but has one done all? I can see that others are happy and I can know and understand what happiness is, but at the same time I can not feel happiness. I will then want to know why I can not feel happiness, and after I will think about if it is worth feeling. If I have to give something up to feel happiness am I truly happy? Am I happy to feel for that moment or happy to loss a small burden? With each action there is a reaction, but before that there are possibilities. I can throw a football, but before I do I may think about the football. The positioning of my fingers, the way I articulate my arms to determine how the ball will spin, will it be a spiral or a bullet? Will someone catch the ball, will it bounce? What direction will the ball bounce? The direction of the bounce dictates what direction I will go to retrieve the ball. No matter how much I know there will always be more that I do not. To end ignorance I would have to know everything about probability and how each and everything ticks. I would have to know how everything will play out. And as >>7503002
mentions, knowledge =/= experience. I can know many things but I can not experience them all.

>> No.7503158

You can be smart without being wise; you could know almost everything there is to know without the least inkling of what's really important.

>> No.7503161

You're moving away from your starting point and toward mine.

You started with ignorance is bliss and know you're kind of saying you can't know everything so why try.

But you're also just writing like you're trying to be a mystic off some goddamn mountain to teach us city slickers a thing or two about transcendental philosophy and the nature of being.

My point is that life is a difficult thing, and that while not stressin' is vital to your sanity, you do need to stress a little; you need to work for shit and try, not sit around on your lazy-boy like a dimestore buddha shitting yourself at how zen you are.

I will concede that minimization of stress is a good and desire thing; will you concede that some stress is necessary?

And please, just do me a solid and write like a normal person, not these blocks or extravagant shitprose

p.s. what if you are playing a football game that will decide whether or not you get a good scholarship; is ignorance still good you know what don't even answer that

I live because I was born
I dunno what'll happen so I avoid dying
which is basically fear yeah okay

>> No.7503180

ignoramus man you got like 10 minutes more then I'm turning in, so take a shit or get off the pot

>> No.7503182

Even if there is a 1% chance at success, the most ignorant thing to do would be to do nothing. If you can fight, then you should fight for those who are no longer able to fight. If you haven't given it your all, then you haven't given it enough. Even if resistance if futile, fight out of spite.

Also I'm not trying to come off as a sage, it's just how I am.

>> No.7503186

> the most ignorant thing to do would be to do nothing
so don't fight just chill out and don't stress. I am taking you literally here on ignorance and bliss. If I take that literally I don't even know there's a fight. Who's fighting and why? who cares, I don't need that stress

Or is this your oh most sacred/divine sage way of saying that some stuggle, some oomph is necessary in life?

either way I feel like we're done now, you?

>the sage thing
get over yourself man

>> No.7503193


>> No.7503196

Yes, struggle is necessary in life, tragedy helps us grow.

>> No.7503198

alright good finally god damn agreement reached holy fuck man you see what happens when you stop writing giant metaphysical paragraphs of garbage

it's practically the reason we had hemingway you gotta get to the point

i'm out peace and go fuck yourself

>> No.7503200

Imagine a world and you in which you're happy and then live there.

>> No.7503204

This is the worst!

>> No.7503205
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>> No.7503212

>all the good threads about literature get pruned while this bullshit stays on the front page


>> No.7503214

>good threads
>end of 2015
and a happy new year anon

>> No.7503217

Is it pathetic that the only world that I can imagine where I'm happy is a fantasy world akin to FFXIV or I'm born as a little girl?

>> No.7503276
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>>all the good threads about literature get pruned while this bullshit stays on the front page
>I expect a free labor to work well

this is what trump believes.

>> No.7503282
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>Yes, struggle is necessary in life, tragedy helps us grow.
only because you choose to fight in the first place, to gain what you think you want, then to maintain your gain.

only the hedonist lives on tragedy. and you know what such guy is called ? a woman.

>> No.7503287

man please don't open this up again

>> No.7503311

wait a sec, that guy didnt write that. i thought that was nietzsche? wtf

>> No.7503312

>I'm not trying to come off as a sage, it's just how I am.
wew lad