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/lit/ - Literature

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7501410 No.7501410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come there are no good women writers?

>> No.7501414

Because women are stupid.

>> No.7501419

Why do you think?
Women are just dumb compared to men.

>> No.7501421


>> No.7501426

They're irrational, emotional, and incapable of thinking outside of the box.

>> No.7501429

Because good writing requires intelligence.

>> No.7501431

Marina Tsvyetayeva was great. Also Sor Juana "Primero sueño" is one of the best poems in spanish.

>> No.7501435

Lack of critical thinking capability.

>> No.7501438

1) Women are bad at abstract thinking and have a lot of trouble seeing past the ephemera of life (mostly because they actually enjoy the ephemera, it's their natural habitat).

2) Women almost never undergo great suffering, or the kind of pressure that creates interesting people. They just sort of exist, supported and shielded from real life by men.

3) Their brains are slightly smaller, and they are slightly dumber across the board.

4) Their hormones make it impossible for them to focus on anything. On the one hand, they "feel more" than men do, but it's not more DEEPLY, it's just more quantity. They are basically schizophrenic because of their hormones. It prevents them from focusing on any work for a long time, which is necessary to be a great writer.

5) Women are by nature dilettantes. Men have to learn to conquer and subdue little segments of the world around them, to prove themselves worthy of mating. Women are allowed to flit from thing to thing, never delving deeply into it, and still get praise nevertheless.

They were a lot happier when they were domestics, desu. All that "freeing" them did was give them all these expectations that they will be as great as men, and they do nothing but fail miserably. It'll be over soon.

>> No.7501441

There are. But why are there far fewer? Because women are more concerned with the immediate events of life, because they are highly valued socially and receive the level positive reinforcement and attention that only the very, very richest, most famous and most attractive men do. Being a slightly above average looking woman is like being a millionaire rock star if you were a man. So they're less concerned with abstract ideas, think less deeply about the world, take more things as given, question things less, have less time alone with their thoughts.

>> No.7501446

bros if u wana get triggered read this lol


it's partially a guilt trip on white people for being white, but most of it is a black professor confessing to be a sexist mother fucker who can't take female "philosophers" seriously lol but he tries to distract you from what a sexist sexual harasser bill cosbyesque creep he is by "yeah, but you're white and that's bad!" and the only way out of being an evil white is to have a black baby, the juifs trained this clever moral trickster well indeed

>> No.7501448

So wait, being a woman is a Huxleyan dystopia?

>> No.7501451

What is this? A retard convention?

>> No.7501454


>> No.7501481

/pol/ get out, we love plenty of female writers here

>> No.7501488

Sup r/books

>> No.7501495

we have the meme chromosome, they dont

>> No.7501501

Because Sappho and V Woolf were men apparently

>> No.7501529

This very same thread is posted is posted again and again. It's tiring.

>> No.7501535 [SPOILER] 
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Only females who have killed themselves are good writers, and that's the case with just half of them.

>Sarah Kane

>> No.7501536

I don't understand what he's trying to accomplish with this letter, I don't understand how NOT doing or thinking about things means I'm a racist or a sexist.

>> No.7501542
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>> No.7501543

It's not because they're stupid. Anyone thinking that is clearly also stupid.

It's because of the same reason the primary focus of feminism is to react rather than create. It is because women see themselves as bricks in the wall who need to be good at being bricks and mothering more bricks. And so very rarely does their philosophy rise above the wall. They are not ignorant, they are just too immersed in the sensual, tangible world of society by their biology.

>> No.7501550
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This thread is very problematic

>> No.7501563

>that image

holy shit trump can't build that fucking wall fast enough jesus fucking christ

>> No.7501569

Gotta tell ya, it became really annoying how every character sounds the exact same, how she uses the same exact words/phrases over and over again, etc. I don't recall ever reading anything that used a single word as frequently as she uses "ardent" and "ardour".

>> No.7501577

You're wasting your life, friend

>> No.7501579

That's probably Texas, idiot. Rodeo is only popular in the states.

>> No.7501583

He's probably a virgin too.

>> No.7501585

>Rodeo is only popular in the states.
>American education

>> No.7501586

Spotted the triggered femshit. Go back to Tumblr. Your kind isn't welcome here.

>> No.7501588

Gertrude Stein is better than your favorite author. Deal with it.

>> No.7501589

>They were a lot happier when they were domestics, desu. All that "freeing" them did was give them all these expectations that they will be as great as men, and they do nothing but fail miserably. It'll be over soon.

same thing that happened to blacks...now that civil rights has allowed them all the same opportunities as whites and asians it shows what a failed race they are, and it's quite frankly embarrassing for everyone.

i hope to live long enough to see this "age of equality" or as bloom would say "age of resentment" come to an end.

>> No.7501591

Do you know where you are? Retard.

>> No.7501593

The one time in my life I actively discriminate against women is when selecting the next book to read...

>> No.7501709
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>when you le realize /lit/ has been an /r9k/ satellite since 2013
>when you le realize people like >>7501438 can unironically condemn "ephemera" while spending more than thirty minutes on the internet per day without recognizing any kind of cognitive dissonance

>> No.7501715

>2.5mb png

hang yourself and your OC

>> No.7501735


You're predisposed to think women can't write. Probably because your daddy raped you when you were 10 and called you his bitch. From then on, you've held a low opinion of "bitches". You aspire not to be a "bitch". And you think "bitches" can't be anything but. When you heard women called "bitches" all the time post-rape, you came to think of all women as "bitches". Thus you think women aren't good for anything but spitting out babies, getting raped, and generally existing to please you in any way you see fit.

Is it really that hard for you to figure out, OP?

>> No.7501736
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I'm too busy reading and writing to keep up with all these board memes, so could you please like maybe explain to me what you're referring to with all those letters and numbers you greentexted? I'm probably not enough of a "digital native" to understand.

>> No.7501749

>How come there are no good women writers?
because they won't fuck me. I refuse to acknowledge talent in the opposite gender until one of them rewards me with coitus.

>> No.7501751
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>> No.7501753


>> No.7501754


There's John Green, he's basically a woman.

>> No.7501758


Nah. Majority of posters here sould like at least one of Virginia Woolf, Alice Munro, Gertude Stein, Flannery O Conor, Katherine Mansield or Mary Shelly. I doubt anybody here genuinely can't name one female writer they've enjoyed reading.

>> No.7501762

>Virginia Woolf,
>Alice Munro,
>Gertude Stein,
>Flannery O Conor,
>Katherine Mansield
literally who
>Mary Shelly.

please stop reading genre fiction or go back to /r/books

>> No.7501765

>Jane Austen is the greatest English language novelist.

>> No.7501778
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Are you trying to initiate a humorous exchange of looping soundless videos (also known as "gifs")? Because while I'd love to make you laugh as you've made me laugh with your posting of a "gif" of an overweight man in a hotdog suit impotently beckoning towards passerby by responding with an equally comedic "gif" of my own, I am unfortunately unable to as I am writing to you by use of an iPhone 6S, which I do not believe supports such functionality. I will supplement this post instead with a static image of author David Foster Wallace, one of my favorites, and yours as well I'll assume.
I'd love to continue this conversation but I'm approaching the daily internet time limit I'd established for myself long ago.

Good day,

>> No.7501781


>> No.7501787

Because they aren't real people. Nothing authentic has ever come from a woman, they are a cross stitch collage of mimicked responses to stimuli, mimicked actions, mimicked words, mimicked thoughts. They are mirrors dressed in flesh.

Not real people.

>> No.7501791


1: prove it.
2: prove it.
3: Brain size and intelligence aren't linearly correlated. Don't be an idiot. If you consider IQ to be a somewhat accurate indicator of intelligence, you're right about the second part, but it's not a particularly significant difference. Plenty of women have high IQ.
4: prove it.
5: prove it.

Last point: prove it.

>> No.7501794


It's been much, much worse for the last couple of days, hasn't it?

>> No.7501795

>3: Brain size and intelligence aren't linearly correlated. Don't be an idiot. If you consider IQ to be a somewhat accurate indicator of intelligence, you're right about the second part, but it's not a particularly significant difference. Plenty of women have high IQ.
Prove it.

>> No.7501796


Prove it.

>> No.7501797
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How about I keep living my life as an awesome man with an awesome penis, and you can keep living in a world where men file 98% of patents, make 100% of great cultural and intellectual advances, monopolise world power and wealth, and shouting "prove it! Prove it!"?

Enjoy mediocrity, roastie.

>> No.7501813


I just did researched it, and lo and behold, I was wrong. My knowledge was outdated. Women are gaining on men in terms of IQ, and some studies show them overtaking men.


It's probably because they don't spend so much of their time being resentful on the internet and making fedorable, unsubstantiated claims without thought or argument.

>> No.7501818

it's because most men are horrible brutes, lets be real the average nikka on the street didnt read a book in his life

>> No.7501821


I'm a man.

As an aside, honour by association is most often espoused by total and complete losers - i.e. r9k frogpeople.

>> No.7501824

men and women have very similar mean IQ but men have a higher standard deviation in IQ so there will be more exceptionally intelligent men than exceptionally intelligent women.

>> No.7501825


So you're saying women are smarter than men.

Well, Q.E.D. I guess.

>> No.7501828

>exceptionally intelligent women.

there are none of these

let's be real for a second, there has not been a single woman in history on the level of kant, plato, goethe, shakespeare, etc.

but there have been hundreds of men on that level

not one female ibn rushd, not one female da vinci, hume, einstein

the true heights of the species don't exist for women

>> No.7501829


True. This doesn't detract from the fact that there are plenty of women with high IQ.

>> No.7501835

well im sure playing concussion contests like football in school doesn't help the male iq, also the fact that most women still read their porn while dudes just watch it mus have some influence as well, but the reality for declining male iq is the browning of america as hispanic men work to support the women in school

>> No.7501841

It is actually shocking how comparable US achievement and crime rates are to the best Western European countries even now, once you correct for all the browners.

If there were some massive plague that took out all the non-whites in America, it'd bounce up to Belgium tier overnight. Fucking depressing.

>> No.7501844


>Flynn compiled test-takers' scores on a standard IQ test, called the Raven test, in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Estonia and Argentina.

>> No.7501849

aids was supposed to do that but then some yid scientist practically cured the shit and obama made sure everyone could get the drugs free

>> No.7501877

Who are your favourite writers, OP? I can guarantee they were influenced by and enjoyed reading female writers.

>> No.7501880


>he hasn't read mansfield

Could you be a plebian any louder?

>> No.7501887
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>Kathleen Mansfield Murry (14 October 1888 – 9 January 1923) was a prominent New Zealand modernist short story writer
>A major theme in Mansfield’s work is that of the young (usually female) protagonist learning about the world

>> No.7501892

There are some great women writers though, just not many. Woolf, McCullers, O'Connor, Austen, Brontes, Mary Shelley...

>> No.7501895
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does it smell like roastbeef in here?

>> No.7501924

I've recently been getting into Leslie Jamison (her essays and short fiction). Met her in person not long ago and she's really down-to-earth and seems like someone I could hang out and do dumb stuff with.

I'm currently reading IJ and trying not to be ironic about it, if that tells you anything about my character

>> No.7502095


>> No.7502105



>> No.7502124


>> No.7502132

>>Katherine Mansield
>literally who

Wow - pleb central

>> No.7502137

That may be the case - but what have YOU done, anon?

Some day, you will have to face the fact that some women writers are more accomplished and have better lives than you. How will that feel?

>> No.7502141
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Maybe that's because being an intelligent being in the social position of a woman is just horribly depressing and hopeless

>> No.7502143

>the true heights of the species don't exist for women

They also don't exist for you, so, I wouldn't be so cocky

>> No.7502144


You mean the guy who loved Carson McCullers? Rightio cunt

>> No.7502151
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>yfw I'm published academically and commercially




>> No.7502171



>> No.7502209

>>yfw I'm published academically and commercially

Proof, Champ. Anybody can say that.

>> No.7502213

but u still can't get laid so what was the point?

>> No.7502237
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