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/lit/ - Literature

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7497034 No.7497034 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ use the library?

>> No.7497044

Occasionally. I am obsessed with collections, though, so I prefer buying books.

I am also an absurdly slow reader so I rarely finish on time and it's annoying to drive 45 minutes to the closest decent library to renew it.

>> No.7497050

I read between classes in my uni library

>> No.7497937

Only when necessary, I don't like dirty dusty books.

>> No.7497944

It's filled with chinkers

>> No.7497982

I use my uni library. It's huge, and the books are filled with pained comments of other students who can't get over things like Cormac not using quotation marks

>> No.7498026

The public library is pretty good here, so yeah I use it. Don't got dat munnies for all the books I want.

>> No.7498066

I use the university law library for books I can't afford to buy and don't need for class. They really put a high price on those things.
150 dollars for a 500 page book.

>> No.7498091

I use my uni library, yeah. If not for reading, it's my first choice for studying.

>> No.7499359

I dig them, I always make sure the qt clerk is there so she can see me take out Criterion Collections.

And it's quiet.

>> No.7499490

I used it constantly in uni, though I think I only ever actually checked 2 books out. I don't use the local library because it is spoopy.

>> No.7499513

I mostly use the uni. library as a quiet comfy reading place since I buy my books

>> No.7499547

I like to work and write at my uni library, don't borrow many books though, except out of print or really expensive stuff.

>> No.7499550

>pained comments of other students who can't get over things like Cormac not using quotation marks
I love these!

>> No.7499790

I live 2 min away from a library, and kindles and shit like that aren't really popular in my country, so, yeah.

>> No.7499901

I only use the public library for cookbooks and philosophy books in Spanish, since they are very hard to find in .epub

I hardly use them for studying or reading, I'd rather do it at home

>> No.7501471

I use college library to study, and to get blow jobs from closeted college students in the lower rest-room with the squeaky outer door.

>> No.7501474

how do you find these closeted students senpai

>> No.7501477

craigslist or grindr obviouly

>> No.7501490

In university the library often had only one copy of an assigned book, and in the second and third years people started buying books less and loaning them instead. I would often go in the library at night when it was empty, find a bunch of books that I knew people would be taking out in a panic the following week (they were on an assigned recommended reading list) and I would read them, takes my own notes,a and then deface the books the books to the point were they were ineligible., often ripping out pages or, if it was an old book, whole chapters. There were at least four emails sent around to every English student asking not to damage books and reminding us that other people wanted to use them too, but I would just trash them straight away. One time a girl in a lecture the day an essay was due tried to make the excuse that the book in the library that she'd reserved for loan had been torn in half and the lecturer criticized her for leaving it late and she started crying. Fucking normalfags man, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

>> No.7501492

if they're on grindr then they're not that closeted

>> No.7501498


green text.

>be me.
>Comp sci, psych, English and performance music major/ minor.
>finals time
>spring is in the air. Shorts are barley covering the legs of coeds.
>Blond coed across from me on those institutional couches, sites like an Indian.
>clear shot of inner thigh and promiseland.
>Study, glance and thigh, study, glance up shorts, study, glance, glance. Glance, glance, glance.
>erection ensues.
>must fap
>off to bathroom in basement for fap.
>Toilet paper roll holder was replaced multiple times, or repaired multirple times, making severl screw holes to allow multiple views into stall.
>TAP FOOT FOR BJ writen on the post.
>Comence to tap foot.
>hear "psst, stick it under".


>> No.7501499
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My university library has almost all the books I could ever want. It's especially useful for out of print books. I don't really understand the motivation for keeping all this rare and obscure fiction, it's clear that the books are rarely read. Is it for the sake of knowledge alone or do lit majors use them?

>> No.7501509

subtle glances, licking of lips or just blatant request to suck your dikc.

No homo, but my nipus does not discriminate. I'm DTF any mouth when hroney

>> No.7501521


>> No.7501527


>hear again, "psst, stick it under"
>bounce off toilet
>stick erect benus under, close eyes.
>ready for warm and wet.
>feel warm and wet, open eyes.
>blood everywhere, stall door next door, slams open with force, and I hear sneaker squeaks out the door.
>look down, nupis was cut, and the other half I later determined was flushed down the toilet.
>fast forward 10 years. I now cutting penises under stalls and through GH's in an attempt to reclaim and reattach my manhood.
-Sincerely, Bruce Jenner.

>> No.7501597
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>> No.7501608

i wonder how many times fags have tried to cruise me like that, one time in manhattan some black stopped me in the middle of the sidewalk and smoked a bowl with me for no reason...i did make eye contact with him, but i was just trying to be anti-racist, not a fucking fag, maybe he felt ripped off when i toked the hell out of his weed but not his el penor

>> No.7501759

>tfw this never happens to me
>tfw uggo