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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 460x276, Don-DeLillo-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7499954 No.7499954 [Reply] [Original]

How did he know terrorists would destroy the WTC buildings? Does he understand America better than anyone?

>> No.7500002


>> No.7500015

"Players" especially.Holy fuck. Published in 77, I think. Very fucking weird to read after 9/11.

Plus some parts of "Mao II" and "Underworld."

>> No.7500348

pynchon probably told him

>> No.7500503

except delillo has surpassed pynchon

>> No.7500513

>implying delillo hasn't waded through powdered history, heard dead kings walking underground, heard fanfares sound through human skulls

>> No.7500517

How can one man be so based?

Really, how is it possible?

>> No.7500523

please tell me white noise is one of his worse books.

>> No.7500526


Who wins at

>incorporation of science into literature
>post modern traits

>> No.7500537

>incorporation of science
Pynchon obviously; he studied physics and chemistry before becoming a writer
>post modern traits
this is a weird category. Both are the most notorious of post modern authors, so they both hold plenty of pomo traits.

>> No.7500549

Ratner's Star plays with science, math and mysticism better than Mason and Dixon or GR does imho senpai

>> No.7500554

>incorporation of science into literature
>most modern traits

>> No.7500577
File: 2.73 MB, 2944x3316, Mossad_did_911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How did he know terrorists would destroy the WTC buildings?

>Don DeLillo will receive the Jerusalem Prize this year, the first American writer to win the prize since it was established 26 years ago.

>The prize, awarded at the biennial Jerusalem International Book Fair, to be held this year June 20-25, is awarded to a writer whose work best expresses the freedom of the individual in society.

>DeLillo, who will be at the fair, will receive the prize from Jerusalem's mayor, Ehud Olmert.


>> No.7500579

This guy knows

>> No.7500606

the Trump "people cheered in Jersey" meme is actually to help cover this up...on 9/11 someone saw a group of people on a rooftop cheering and celebrating...they called the cops...their van was pulled over...it was all Israelis...but by spreading this fake shit that it was muslims celebrating, it covers over the fact that the people celebrating were israeli. sort of like how "internet reputation management" companies know you can never delete bad things off the internet and so to deal with it you spam good and/or fake stuff enough so that the thing you don't want people to see gets buried. 9/11 was an outside job.

>> No.7500608

>physics and chemistry
nigga wasnt he an engineer?

>> No.7500619

He started studying engineering but left for the Navy, then got a degree in English

>> No.7500623

what, pray tell, do you think "engineers" actually study? stem is plebby shit but god damn get a clue

>> No.7500629
File: 254 KB, 456x833, stem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engineers honestly believe they are physicists and chemists

>> No.7500633

he fell for the stem meme

>> No.7500637
File: 9 KB, 250x238, 1450140843979s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you think "engineers" actually study
>he thinks engineers study real physics

please, we have to dumb down the dumbed down models just to get engineers to not fuck up our bridges and shit.

>> No.7500638

suppose you were, like, studying to shoot a rocket way up in the sky and have it land some place you wanted it to land...do you suppose physics might be useful? do you suppose chemistry might be useful? do you suppose you're a fucking pleb? do you suppose you should kill yourself right now because you are to stupid to live?

>> No.7500639

No one said he was a physicist or a chemist, they just said he know physics and chemistry. Which he does

No need to get defensive, man, I doubt /lit/ of all places will defend the glorified cattle that engineers are part of

>> No.7500648

yeah studying super strings in the 12th dimension while sitting in the faculty lounge sipping a latte is REAL physics, unlike these engineering nerds who just do shit like fly men to the moon and back

>> No.7500651
File: 61 KB, 155x210, hard-on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon here, just wanted to say that this post gave me a hard-on

>> No.7500656

pls leave this board forever

>> No.7500666

>my knowledge of trivial physics are important!!!

btw nasa employs a lot of real physicists because engineers can't be trusted with important shit

>> No.7500674

Right back at you, buddy. If you want someone to give you worth for your idiocy you should try /sci/.

>> No.7500677
File: 1.69 MB, 383x576, z1mKvoy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7500680


>> No.7500695


>> No.7500716

physics is cheesy bullshit, i'm just letting those uneducated plebs among us who never browsed a university course catalog while taking dump, that engineers do indeed study physics and chemistry

>> No.7500750

>engineers do indeed study physics

not real physics

children physics

>> No.7500751

ITT: Stemlords butthurt that nobody respects them

Goddamn when I first opened this thread and it had 0 replies I couldn't have assumed it will ever become this good

>> No.7500761

yeah and after college engineers do adults jobs while physics phds work at toys-r-us in the anime doll section

>> No.7500766

lmao stay mad kid

>> No.7500769

DeLillo did 911 obvi

>> No.7500777

>physics phds work at toys-r-us

Is that what engineers tell themselves? Aww.

>> No.7500779

yeah, this thread was supposed to be about how mossad did 9/11 and the holohoax never happened, but some sneaky juif instigated a stem spergout to derail it

>> No.7500782


>> No.7500808
File: 181 KB, 429x410, gvqMNRb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7501104

Holy shit /lit/ knows nothing about physics, chemistry, or engineering.

>> No.7501124

>incorporation of science into literature
>postmodern traits