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/lit/ - Literature

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7499233 No.7499233 [Reply] [Original]

I've decided it is okay for me to abuse and take advantage of people to ensure my own standard of living remains decent. What are some books that will teach me methods of deception?

>> No.7499240

Eh. You're born intelligent or you aren't.

Sounds like you're fucked

>> No.7499242

The Torah

>> No.7499243
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you are just a pawn

>> No.7499244

I think 136 IQ will do it to be honest

>> No.7499252

>136 IQ
>Will do it

Amazing kek, how's community college going anon? How's your thesis on Slytherin ethics in the Harry Potter series coming along?

>> No.7499260

I was not posting my IQ as if it was something remarkable but I do believe it is quite a bit higher than your own because that point has apparently sailed gracefully over your head

>> No.7499261

> smart
> comes to 4chan for help

>> No.7499270

>IQ less than 150
>doing anything
Git gud scrublord

>> No.7499271

Social contract theory

Acting like an animal with human intelligence doesn't work. People wise up to the narcissists pretty quickly.

>> No.7499275

I don't want to do anything, that is the point.

>> No.7499276

You do realize how foolish it was to post your IQ right? No matter what you post, you'll get shit on for being too high or low.

>> No.7499292

Imcould have just made it up for all you know. The point is John Wayne Gacy and L. Ron Hubbard were fucking idiots and look what they managed to do. I, quite reasonably just want to live as a parasite because really, fuck all this, it is a joke. Nobody believes in this gumption thing anymore and something like 60% of all jobs actually do nothing of any tangible worth. And furthermore, I have no skin in this game. I am far from a narcissist, I am just another useless worm (like 90% of humanity) ready to get real about the seedy underpinnings of his own existence. The only reason I ask for help is because most here seem to have rejected the notion of objective morality and its not like I will bump into any of you and you, so why not?

>> No.7499305

>most here seem to have rejected objective morality
Except for all the people who unironically quote The Bible and Aquinas in arguments.

>> No.7499313

Most is not a vast majority. Lets not pretend the colours of this board are christianity and good will to all men

>> No.7499321

>have rejected the notion of objective morality
That doesn't mean we don't desire the next best thing, or that we want to act to the detriment of all others just to elevate ourselves to a rank we don't think deserves recognition (or evolutionary propagation) despite all others thinking differently, or should I say not thinking at all.

>> No.7499326

I don't think you can accurately gauge what a person is like in person based on their posts here.

My colors aren't Christian, but I'm a fairly good person, I think.

Go downtown and give a homeless man a dollar.

Then go find a different one and steal a dollar from him.

I'm willing to bet that giving will make you feel better, at least by some margin. It also sounds like you're thinking about this in very abstract terms. Once you humanize these hypothetical people, it may be more difficult to fuck them over.

>> No.7499333

>Nothing matters
>Fuck morality

Jesus, why not go with "nothing matters, be moral." Stop being a faggot Nihilist edgelord and dare to make meaning where there is none.

>> No.7499336


Objective morality is retarded, but I don't go intentionally trying to do the opposite of what Jesus would do just because I don't think an ethical system can be objective.

>> No.7499341


You need to meet literal tons of people, convince them that you're a genuinely outgoing and caring person, then identify the ones who are wired in such a way that they become extremely unhappy when nobody depends on them.

Then you need to become the person that depends on them. Literally the thing that suckles at their teat for nourishment and reaffirms their meaning in life.

You're asking for help on a Somalian raft-making imageboard, so I doubt you're social. You're confessing to the anonymous masses that you aspire to be a cunning manipulator squeezing the hard-earned time and effort out of other people, which means you're neither cunning nor manipulative.

And I'd be more than willing to bet that when people look at you, I mean really, closely look at you, they don't see you as validation of their self-worth. They don't imagine you as some sort of sickly, misunderstood puppy they can take in and learn the virtue of warmth and compassion through nurturing you. I'd wager they see you as a warning, clear as day, of what their already tiring, endlessly circling lives will become if they cease putting in all effort entirely. I bet, in some way, they're deeply frightened by you, because you represent the lowest they could possibly sink should they one day decide to throw in the towel and swallow the last surviving drops of their shame.

Oh, and you need to be attractive.

>> No.7499348

I doubt that very much because I regularly do petty things just to annoy people. In fact I am a lot like the late Supreme Gentleman except not as single-minded and slightly more self aware. But it comes down to this. If I had it my way there would be a button on me at all times that would render me permanently unconscious upon hitting it. However, as long as I am here I feel the only responsibility I have is to create an equitable arrangement for myself. I am not a materialist and I wont over-leverage myself but if the prospect is to be caught in a trap of ongoing wageslavery only to receive the foolish satiation that necessitates more Sisyphean "contributions" then I will become increasingly recalcitrant.

>> No.7499353


Either kill yourself or foster an intense substance addiction. Drug of choice doesn't matter, but you'll find yourself extremely motivated to take on the Sisyphean task of procuring income when the ghost of imminent withdrawal is lurking around every corner.

There's no cheat code for life. Stop asking us for one.

>> No.7499357

You should found a society based on these views---OH WAIT

>> No.7499362

Whether there is any possibility for meaning or not, unfortunately for all of us is subordinate to basic needs and instinctual drives. And that certainly calls into question frog philosophy that had no sense of what sort of experience most of the world was actually having.

Not that L. Ron Hubbard or Stefan Molyneux are attractive but thank god I am covered there. If you doubt that then it might be time to meditate on the Just World fallacy

>> No.7499369

You sound like a teenager within normal growing up parameters. They are wide, so catch most. Writing silly overblown things when discussing yourself is normal, this is part of finding your place in the social order and attempting to gain ground in it, no different from vainglorious boasting about sporting victories against other fans. Also, that last sentence. If you want to write like that wait until you are English, in your 50s and complaining to the newspapers about outrage.

>> No.7499371

Now that you mention it drug addicts certainly seem to constitute a large element of the workforce

Exactly, American society is predicated on these values at this point. Everyone is living an excessive life of entitlement and producing nothing and any morality they pretend to have is the diet coke to go along with their 2 square foot cheeseburger

>> No.7499377

I am a permanent adolescent

>> No.7499386

No, I was making fun of you. Society doesn't work when it's composed of people with your mentality.

>> No.7499390

Apparently it does but I might have to concede here that its certainly in its nadir and probable twilight.

>> No.7499399


Just because you used a thesaurus in some odd attempt to impress strangers you'll never meet face to face doesn't make that opinion any less tired and unoriginal.

People have been claiming the sky will soon fall for thousands of years. Why do you think you're the one who will finally be right about it?

>> No.7499416

>on a /lit/ board
>thinks any of these are difficult words and unnatural for someone who reads regularly

Wtf are you even doing here?

Also Americanada is not the fucking world. Thanks for proving my point though family

>> No.7499439 [DELETED] 

You're a walking meme and you don't even know it. Try having an authentic thought for once

>> No.7499445

>that point has apparently sailed gracefully over your head

mixed dead metaphors


>> No.7499449

How do I have an authentic thought without free will? :^)

>> No.7499459 [DELETED] 

Oh, you must be the free will guy again. Well memed

>> No.7499460

I am not aware of any free will guy but I thought I would just spout more beliefs, like somehow because I am having memetic beliefs they are not authentic. Not everyone can be some zany Alan
Watts type. I'd love to hear your beliefs which I am sure are the epitome of sincerity.

>> No.7499483

The Prince

>> No.7499500

Read your post again and see if you are self-aware. Also, why do you expect people to give you advice? For moralfags, it is immoral; for egoists, it should not be in their interest.

>> No.7499506

What is this nonsense? Self aware? Nigger, I am so self aware I can have a tantric orgasm

>> No.7499520

And I would not expect anyone to go out of their way but in the case of listing a few books in a post there is hardly much effort involved. People solve captchas just to type one word responses or question other people's self-awareness like they are some sort of fucking Deepak Chopra

>> No.7499834
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>> No.7499844

You've made a bad decision.

>> No.7499969
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This one :^)

>> No.7500045


>> No.7500054

babbys first nihilism

>> No.7500057

>And the 2015 /lit/ award for Largest Fedora Collection goes to OP.

>> No.7500957

I'm choosing not to tell you, because then you would abuse and take advantage of me.

>> No.7501227

youre probably better off investing the time you wouldve spent reading some pissy self help bullshit in something productive.

>> No.7501232
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ITT roaches acting exactly as I expect them to.

>> No.7501331


But read Stirner before. It'll really help, I swear

>> No.7501332

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

>> No.7501337

Just dont read infinite jest. It'll renew your faith in humanity and make you sincerely able to love other people and yourself. (and its funny)

>> No.7501369

Any book on marketing.

>> No.7501530


>You know, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche believed that morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men. It's worth noting that he died of syphilis.

What are your thoughts on this, guys?

>> No.7501611
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So you want pussy, you're motivated by it and you get on a path. You, work on yourself of your trait, you finally actually get some standard and quantity of pussy
... and find it's actually shit because unlike other goals, everytime you cum you feel like doing this didn't bring you for further in life, another girl who doesn't bring anthing to you other what you just did and you will cut ties with her anyway. And if you do this in a short time span with a bunch of different women the feel is even worse.
Now if this thing, this desire, which you have because biology implemented it to make you spread your genes is discarded: What else is there?
Climbing a career ladder is just to get better girls, I suppose. Working towards having money when you're older is spending time now to have time later.
We live in comfortably socialist time - seems like being a healthy NEET with a hobby you like is -actually- the most rational thing. What do I miss here?

>> No.7501620

>We live in comfortably socialist time - seems like being a healthy NEET with a hobby you like is -actually- the most rational thing. What do I miss here?

Maybe in decadent Europe, here in the blessed USA, being a NEET is frowned on by everyone except blacks and puerto ricans, we keep working to better the world, keep our economy and research institutions strong, so we can keep our military strong and defend freedom and the legacy of the enlightenment, meanwhile what's left of the white people in europe continue to sink into marxist degeneracy and perversion

>> No.7501630

but that's not what Nietzsche thought, Nietzsche thought that your morality reflects your material or class position (although he never said it in those marxy sounding terms), morality is real for Nietzsche, just which morality you are governed by depends on who you are (which is why he was the first post-modern philosopher while marxists shitlords were still crawling around in hegelian mud looking for a clue)