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7498547 No.7498547 [Reply] [Original]

So according to modern standards, poetry doesn't have to rhyme. Poetry doesn't have to have regular meter. Poetry doesn't even have to be arranged in verse (see prose poetry).

What the fuck is poetry, then? How are we to distinguish it from the other written arts?

>> No.7498555

poetry is when
you have line breaks
like this

>> No.7498587

poetry is when
you cut the flow of a regular
by adding

>> No.7498599
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I am awash in blood and pain
black roses are strewn in my path
i write in inks of doom
the normals all hate me for they are fools
i cry even as i write
could i find a lonelier place to be
intoxicated with blood
no solace for the unforgiven
i will show the world one day
endless life in the darkness

>> No.7498627

You don't even need line breaks, actually. You can just write whatever and then call it a poem. This post is a poem.

>> No.7498647

I think the definition like nowadays is that poetry is just super compressed and expressively precise language. Note that poetry has never necessarily been verse; if you look far back enough into history, you'll find that boring crap like manual on farming techniques were written in verse. By contrast, while Shakespeare's plays aren't poetry, the language of many of the individual passages (e.g. in the memorable soliloquies - even the occasional prose ones) is definitely poetical owing, for example, the dense use of metaphor.

Poetry is basically the sorta thing that's beautiful, but that, if you said it in casual conversation, they would look at you like you were high.

>> No.7498673


coleridge said that prose is words in their best order, and poetry is the best words in their best order. i think that makes sense. if you want some kind of merriam webster dictionary definition by which you can separate what is and isn't poetry from one another other then I think you're going to be disappointed.

>> No.7498886

cut the flow?
a line break is meant to be read as any regular sentence would if it doesn't contain punctuation.

the criteria for a poem cannot be a strict rule but rather a value judgement or some kind of effectiveness or purpose like so, >>7498673

>> No.7498913

>a line break is meant to be read as any regular sentence would if it doesn't contain punctuation.

>> No.7499253

Poetry is writing for aesthetics. Why do you need a hard definition or distinction between poetry and prose, OP? Writing is just fucking writing, it can be interpreted so many different ways that trying to shoehorn all of it into two categories is just going to shave off a lot of appreciation.

>> No.7499977

poetry is simply the aesthetic refinement of ordinary language into poetic language. There shouldn't really be any specifics as to how this is accomplished, as doing so would severely limit its scope for rich interpretative potential

>> No.7499996

No it isn't god fucking damn, study english for a *month* and you will understand why

>> No.7501740

>what is enjambment

>> No.7501800

Poetry is utilization of languague with artful intentions. As the question of 'what can be considered art' is vague and basically unanswerable, poetry is not defined and thus subjective.

>> No.7501819

enjambment isn't how you'd read it if there wasn't a line break ergo proving my point.

>> No.7502184

Poetry is poetic in the sense that you feel
Even if it is to grasp for, others imitate it as real
A porous porcelain pond stretch itself across
With prose in another sense, the perimeter is bruised so that there may be a loss
You must know what you feel or feel what you know to break the spine of a golden sparrow
Grow tough with tusks to tempt the tide to hold your marrow

>> No.7502186

Please. Die.

>> No.7502192
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i agree. I think it's probably the kierkegaardian thing about if you need the thing described to you, you'll get all the component parts, but miss the 'essence.'

Poetry is like pornography, you'll know it when you see it.

>> No.7502751


>> No.7502983

Didn't think my comment would invoke such hate. Care to elaborate?

>> No.7502990


>> No.7502996

poetry is inspiration. you nees to be able to hear the muses

when you get a sharp intellect + ears that can hear the whispers of the muses

thats when you get shit like the Divine Comedy or the Illiad

>> No.7503015

>homework thread