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/lit/ - Literature

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7494733 No.7494733 [Reply] [Original]

What are some great "women will never understand"-core books?

I'll start

>> No.7494744

Female PKK fighters probably understand it better than men who have never fought in a war.

>> No.7494746
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>> No.7494748

>What are some great "women will never understand"-core books?

Pretty much any book

>> No.7494807

every book by Remarque

>> No.7494869

2bh, my diary

>> No.7494873


Why do you think they wouldn't understand Three Comrades?

>> No.7494883


Every time I see /r9k/ post here..it pleases me to know that another one of you loser fucks has killed himself somewhere. And there is a good chance that tomorrow you will.

>> No.7494895

i admire your attempt to out-edge r9k

>> No.7494906


The Bible
The Illiad
The Odyssey
Plato's Dialogues
The Divine Comedy
The Canterbury Tales
Don Quixote
The works of Shakespeare
Paradise Lost
Tristram Shandy
The Red and the Black
Leaves of Grass
The Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace
The Golden Bowl
In Search of Lost Time
The Trial
The Sound and the Fury
The short stories of Borges
The plays of Beckett

>> No.7494914

You must know some dumb-fuck women.

>> No.7494926

>he didn't see the /books men will never understand/ thread that this thread is a response to
Welcome newfriend

>> No.7494930 [DELETED] 

You mean all of them?

>> No.7494937
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>> No.7494991


>> No.7494995

this desu

>> No.7495002

Stop forcing this meme

>> No.7495003 [DELETED] 


>> No.7495006
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>> No.7495019

>female PKK fighters

lol, the few of them that haven't been utterly BTFO by now

>> No.7495023

I speak the truth.

>> No.7495027

madoka did it better.

>> No.7495042

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.7495044

No need to be upset friendo :-)

>> No.7495156

Now i'm not going to kill myself, just to spite you.

>> No.7495166
File: 878 KB, 2000x2800, lit guid to depressing literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything about loneliness or depression.

>> No.7495369

>watching meme anime

>> No.7495399

Are women incapable of feeling depression or loneliness? I am a man and I'm constantly feeling both.

>> No.7495423

Andrea Dworkin

>> No.7495430

Are chinamen and niggers incapable of feeling depression or loneliness? I am an Aryan and I'm constantly feeling both.

>> No.7495436

strangely enough, that's my mom's favorite book and author

>> No.7495440

Your mother pretends to like books?

>> No.7495467

i love the amount of asspain these threads cause

>> No.7495484

>Implying she gets it

>> No.7495485

I am not a fan of /r9k/ but if they keep reddit away thy can stay as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.7495491

/r9k/ is literally reddit + honesty

>> No.7495533
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Nowhere near the degree men feel it. It really just comes down to the simple fact that the male and female experience are fundamentally different on a systemic level. A woman is coddled her entire life, told she has inherent value, she's constantly given preferential treatment and relationships will just fall into her lap. A woman will rarely have to face any form of adversity because everything in her life is given on a silver platter.

>> No.7495542

>implying this hard

>> No.7495547
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>Aryan = male
>Chinamen, "niggers" = women
That is brilliant! Thank God!

>> No.7495551

> Iliad
> Odyssey

Ma nigga.

>> No.7495558

>meme arrow substitutes for actual argument

>> No.7495565

This is correct. Men are disposable, and nobody gives a shit about our lives except for our bros and our family. It's freeing once you realize this, to be honest.

>> No.7495587

This isn't true of all women. Don't be irrational.

>> No.7495595
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Yes it is. The very fact that they have a vagina gives them inherent worth and society treats them accordingly.

>> No.7495599

Is this why all women live in the lap of luxury and literally none of them has a shitty job?

>> No.7495608



I can tell you haven't ever worked a full time job in your life in anything approaching a respectable career otherwise you couldn't hold those beliefs

>> No.7495613

I don't know, man, in my job I've met a lot of women who pull their weight, and women who have had, and still have, really shitty lives.

>> No.7495615

I'd honestly buy this.

>> No.7495616

I recommend you read up on these things called logical fallacies. Until then,


>> No.7495628

Thanks for your anecdotal evidence. Really changed my perspective.

>> No.7495640

Women ... job???

>> No.7495647

Haha. Are you serious? Despite the fact that women can't get jobs in male dominated sectors, relationships are just as hard to get with someone you actually like and all that aside 99% of the world is still remarkably sexist and women are made to stay to the home. Maybe in some very exceptional countries women have the same opportunities as men but by no means even a slight majority.

>> No.7495649

>using newfriend

Please leave /b/

>> No.7495655

They're doing a damn good job against ISIS

>> No.7495658

True. No woman anywhere has a job.

>> No.7495660

>women can't get jobs in male dominated sectors
But it is the other way around, women have it way easier in fields were most of the workers are male, even in uni professors help women for being the minority in STEM courses. HR departments love having a strong base of women and so on.

There has never been a better time to be born as a woman.

>> No.7495665

>being this new

>> No.7495670

these delusions are straight out of tumblr.

>> No.7495685


>> No.7495830

Here's your reply.

>> No.7495838

This delusion is straight out of /pol/

>> No.7495839

/pol/ worships women. you're thinking of /r9k/

>> No.7495847

If you aren't a woman you can't tell, most of you are boys not men so wouldn't know what a book for men is yet without someone telling you.

>> No.7495850

Wrong strawman, roastie.

>> No.7495892

>madoka did it better.

>> No.7496037

Anything by Hemmingway

>> No.7496092

>women will never get loneliness and depression
>8 books by women on the list
C'mon, son.

>> No.7496202

I read Storm of Steel as more of an historical document than literature, framing it, I think appropriately, as a proto-fascistic work. The ending passage is particularly haunting with the hindsight of what the next generation of Germans end up fighting so bravely for. Funny to talk about women not understanding the beginnings of an ideology that holds misogyny as a core tenant.

When I read it I was helping my European history professor decide whether to assign Storm of Steel or Not So Quite by Evadne Price to help contextualize WWI with a work of fiction. We went with Not So Quiet because it is not only a better war document, (not so blatantly embellished and valorized like Junger), but is also far better written.

But yeah, women don't understand.

>> No.7496240

stop aping your disgusting liberal college professors please
literally goodreads review tier

>> No.7496251

how is misogyny a core tenant of fascism

>> No.7496256


Ernst Junger wasn't too happy when the Nazi's paraded him around as a war hero. I'm not sure where you got the idea that he was a proto-fascist and if I remember correctly the introduction in the penguin edition makes it clear that he wasn't.

>> No.7496706

you can't be serious

>> No.7496769

my diary, desu

>> No.7496780

Can you guys stop being fucking misogynistic? /r9k/ is thataway

>> No.7496785


Fuck off mate. They're horrible posts and horrible people, but they're not beyond redemption.

>> No.7496787


>projecting this hard

>> No.7496788

>In Search of Lost Time


>> No.7496789


Replace women with millennials and your post still works. Even better, actually.

>> No.7496797

>women can't get jobs in male dominated sectors

Every engineering student I've talked to has complained about the amount of women-only job placements they get spammed with in their university inbox.

>> No.7496801

This is true.

>> No.7496807

I can almost smell the period blood

>> No.7496888

My ex-girlfirend's favourite Hemingway novel...

>> No.7496915

Anything by Neil Strauss. Outside of that one book, he's a less shitty Gladwell.

>> No.7496919

anything thats not YA trash. women have shit taste in art. they will simply never experience a whole spectrum of emotions and feeling like men can. they cant appreciate work that reflects what they have never known.

>> No.7496979
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The answer OP, is anything about war, religion, and true individuality.

Women may "get it" on a shallow level, as though there is some secret one-liner answer to the assumed question. They might be able to analyze it objectively, many women love deconstructionism and enjoy reducing things to base because they have no real connection to things. They are frivolous and shallow.

Men are natural warriors, this is who we are. While many men (especially millennials) have totally lost connection to this, the military can still "make a soldier out of you by stripping away the domestication and returning you to your natural state. This is why all men enjoy war, whether it be violent games in the playground, paintball, films, books, or the real thing. Women can understand war as much as men can understand motherhood; a detached incomplete understanding.

Women are normally attracted to the sentimental and "love" messages of the Bible. Religious women are often universalists and support liberation theology and "all dogs go to heaven". The sublimity of the Bible is largely lost on them. Religion to women is just one of the many instructors in their life, women would often vote how their priests voted.

>True Individuality
This leads on from the second point and is really exemplified by the difference between Sartre and Beauvoir, Paine and Wollstonecraft. Women on the whole lack individuality. Some possess it in a very shallow sense, their idea of individuality only ever amounts to joining group that is smaller than the one she left. Women are biologically hard wired to act this way. Individualism is not a necessary trait for women, much the same as being funny is surplus to their function.

This is why I laugh when women claim that Nietzsche is their favorite philosopher as it demonstrates their lack of understanding in these three areas.

Before flaming this post really sit on it and you know it's true. There are some things men will never truly understand, and some things women will never understand.

>> No.7496984

>anything thats not YA trash


>> No.7497013

Books about loneliness, depression and honor.

>> No.7497025

>relationships are just as hard to get with someone you actually like
this proves you're a woman.

women can go through dozens and dozens of boyfriends until they find someone they "actually like." any little flaw can disturb their "actual like." they have no sense of commitment or loyalty, or the idea that a relationship deepens the longer you spend with someone. they just look at the very surface and expect you to entertain them. that's what "actual like" means.


you're right to say that this is mostly a first world/global north phenomenon. but that is where you and i live. and the effect that relationships have on the meaning of a person's life is not to be underestimated. many, if not most, if not all people would likely prefer a drastic reduction of their own means if it meant having meaningful relationships with others in their community. those who wouldn't probably aren't very stressed out about the situation with women.

moving closer to the latter has been of infinite benefit to my mental well-being. women are not to be trusted on the romantic front. that is where the idea of "woman" appears most vividly and that is where it is at its absolute darkest. the is hardly a political stance. it is a deeply private, emotional/experiential one. but the patterns that cause it repeat themselves. i will not venture to legislate on just what should be done, if anything.

all i know is i would only trust a woman who has had similar experiences to myself regarding relationships. and the rarity of this attests to the very problem of which i speak.

>> No.7497031


Jesus Christ you're a faggot.

Tell me all about your combat experience, true-born warrior man.

>This is why all men enjoy war

Oh my god this post is terrible.

>> No.7497045


I'm sorry you had a shitty mother anon, but all these claims are completely baseless.

>> No.7497060

What makes you think YOU understand them?

>> No.7497066

you obviously don't understand what he's saying

>violent games in the playground, paintball, films, books, or the real thing

war is not just limited to combat.

>> No.7497108

>hurrr women is stupid
>i am smart
ITT: virgins mad hilary is going to win the election and women are finally getting rights. you neckbears are a dying breed.

>> No.7497414

That's because they can't fill 'em, let alone keep 'em. We'll hire women and if we're luck they'll stay for a year, before ruthlessly abusing maternity leave, sick pay etc. and then eventually leaving.

>> No.7497431
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ITT: men who don't understand women but think they understand them enough to understand what women don't understand because they resent women for not sleeping with them or breaking their heart once in 7th grade

>> No.7497438


>> No.7497445

>1st world women don't have rights
pick one

>> No.7497449

ITT: Misogynists can't get laid and are angry. Read some Dworkin.

>> No.7497454


>> No.7497482

Is it weird that I kind of agree with Dworkin that all heterosexual sex is rape on some level?

>> No.7497485
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>> No.7497502

in case you didn't notice misogynists get the most pussy

>> No.7497508

i'm sorry but you're mentally ill

>> No.7497559

He's hailed as part of the Revolutionary Conservative movement, but that makes little difference to liberal keks.

By "proto-fascist", they literally mean someone who proudly lives their life in the Will to Power. They say the same thing about Mishima

>> No.7497561
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>> No.7497909


>war is not just limited to combat.

All that other stuff is a pale substitute. A woman in a war zone understands armed conflict better than a man who has never experienced it. Are you telling me that an American teenaged boy understands war better than say, a woman who was in the Polish resistance in WWII? Than a female Soviet sniper in the same conflict? Than a female child soldier in Africa (10-30% of child soldiers are female)?

>> No.7497923


>> No.7498009


>> No.7498021
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>> No.7498059

>Hemingway is evil, I can't understand how men like him!

every time

>> No.7498069

You mean PKK propaganda models who pose as fighters to harness Western sympathy?

>> No.7498071


triggered af

woman get out, you will never understand literature

>> No.7498088

My Twisted World, by Elliot Rodger

>> No.7498096
File: 149 KB, 393x608, Rudyard_Kipling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine a female liking Kipling's poetry.

>> No.7498114

prove that YOU understand it, Sport, and that you're not just another /lit/ poseur

>> No.7498116


i understand it because i'm a man

now gtfo

>> No.7498124

>i'm a man

I sincerely doubt that - a boy, maybe

>> No.7498129

>prove that you understand it
>another /lit/ poseur


>> No.7498134


even if i were a boy i would still have the potential of being a man, and understanding it in some years

you can't do it, just leave

>> No.7498154

pretty much this.

>> No.7498161

Thanks, Marry.

Hemingway sure is incomprehensible, huh?

>> No.7498185


Have you actually read the book?

Junger does not 'embellish' or 'valorize' anything. There are repeated passages that explain and refrain back to Junger calling his comrades brothers not so much because of some imagined nationalism that you Liberal hooligans like to imagine and place on a piece of literature you've never even absorbed, but rather because they all think themselves to be men doing a duty, and that is to defend their state. That he does give the name 'coward' or look down on some people for certain things only gives us Ernst's perspectives.

It goes into great depth about trench assault, warfare, morale, the tactics of 1917-1918, the War of Materiel, and you want to toss it aside for some cunt ambulance driver who wants to write another, "War is bad, I saw sum shit n it was nawt gud"? I mean really, a fucking ambulance driver over the memoirs of an NCO in the trenches?

You are confirmed for trying to mislead and misinform. You should leave this board and reconsider what your values on life are.

>> No.7498225
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>What are some great "women will never understand"-core books?

If it's "literature," women can't understand it.

They're better at pretending with certain genres, like fiction, but even then they're just enjoying the petty emotional drama.

Women are incapable of heights and lows. They just exist. They're what you would be like if someone took away your soul. Just a fat lazy thing that fundamentally conceives of the universe in terms of whining until someone adjusts things to its liking.

>> No.7498239

remember: when threatened, make sure to relate everything back to the intrinsic worth of vaginas

>you really need to bag the customer's goods faster, mary
>mary you're becoming belligerent

like clockwork every time

i thank god every day that i am an AIDS-ridden faggot

>> No.7498253
File: 1.83 MB, 320x240, 81AqAkU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife, existential tuning fork. Tap her and she fucking resonates.

>> No.7498274


It's as good as the counter argument: you will never understand because I say so. I know what you inner life is like because I think I do and I say it's insufficient because then I can feel superior. I can't prove I'm right but you can't prove I'm wrong ahahaha!

>> No.7498309
File: 115 KB, 1200x1200, MTIwNjA4NjMzNTY5NjQxOTk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Death of a Salesman

>> No.7498317

shoo shoo roast beef.

>> No.7498343

This thread is full of men making claims to intellectual superiority without presenting any argument at all. It's nothing but tragically transparent bitter bitching. Baseless claims, all of them.

I'd advise you all to read "What's it like to be a bat?" by Nagel.

>> No.7498345

>recommending Nagel, the only philosopher of mind so pleb that even Pleb Emperor Dennett can spend essays upon essays humiliating him

Nagel confirmed for "so bad at philosophy that he's literally for women" tier

>> No.7498346


>That picture

Are women stupid because they don't message you and want to go on dates with you?

You fucking child.

>> No.7498349


Great critique. Fine posturing.

Have you read the text? Do you have an intelligent rebuttal you'd care to share instead of vomiting memes in lieu of thought?

>> No.7498355

Both are very valid points.

>> No.7498431
File: 58 KB, 1725x277, Smaller brains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they're stupid because they have inferior brains.

>> No.7498478

People are different and that isn't bad.
Women staying at home it's not bad.

>> No.7498488

like dworkin you're probably projecting some sick rape fetish you have

>> No.7498593


Dunno about Junger because I haven't read him, but it's pretty accurate about Mishima (btw, you don't need to be a Hitler /pol/faggot fanboy to have obvious proto-fascist tendences).

Even thought Mishima's mainly a traditionalist he's very influenced by western culture. Not only that he tried to find a way to return aesthetic value to politics (as he understood was the case of pre-WWII Japan), which itself tends inevitabily to fascism, but also on his extreme nationalism, his autarchic views on foreing affairs, his cult to death, his will to die for something greater that would give his life a mystic meaning and even on the fucking uniforms he designed you can see obvious fascist influences.

Yes, Mihsima is the perfect example of what being a "proto-fascist" means. And not because of some faggy shit about stronk will.

>> No.7498603

>Liberal hooligans
This whole post is pure butthurt. is this what you do when someone doesn't think like you? Cry like a bitch? Junger wouldn't be so proud of you, m8.

>> No.7498638

>dying breed
Neckbeard are the end of their family line almost by definition. Nah, they won't become extinct.

>> No.7498704

>le I never personally fought in a war but they were the same gender as me so I understand it

>> No.7498771

wow, neat fascism-core book. Also there were women fascists so that doesn't count


go back to r9k.

>> No.7498777
File: 592 KB, 640x360, 1447740962006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so insecure and passive-aggressive as to create a thread "in response" to another, unrelated thread

I really cannot understand how you function in society.

>> No.7498791


you must not have met many english teachers

>> No.7498796

anybody who claims the truth is lying

>> No.7498797

>I really cannot understand how you function in society.

>posts anime

>> No.7498802

You haven't met my sister. 7 Facebook friends, steps out of the house once a week for school, otherwise wouldn't leave, basically r9k with a vagina personified.

>> No.7498805

GTFO. You have no response. You are literally on suicide watch. Misogynists on suicide watch. Back to Reddit.

>> No.7498808

I really love that pic. Yes, because of my penis, I hold a terrible burden. The White Man's Burden is dead, long live The Man's Burden!

>> No.7498811

Sup reddit

>> No.7498812

>Facebook friends

>> No.7498814

shoo shoo roast beef.

>> No.7498815

>trying to argue with r9k

engaging with the mentally ill isn't productive, anon.

>> No.7498817

are you saying you want to be coddled like the hypothetical woman in this scenario?

Really just cut your dick off, you fucking bitch. I know women supporting their families as primary breadwinners who are manlier than you.

>> No.7498822

did you even read the attached image or do you just have poor reading comprehension?

>> No.7498824

wut. re-read those posts again, this time follow the comment chain carefully.

>> No.7498831

>Liberal hooligans

go back to /pol/

If you want to learn about trench warfare you don't read propaganda, dumbshit.

Junger didn't like the Nazis because they uprooted the Junker system, not necessarily because of their beliefs.

>> No.7498833

It is not roast beef. It is tight and swarming with juices.

>> No.7498837

nice try roastie, but every "female" who posts on 4chan is a guaranteed roastie.

>> No.7498838

Yea. /r9k/ just bitches at women instead of an actual argument.

>> No.7498839

I have never seen someone this deluded about gender socialization until now. Congratulations.

Poe's Law is the true law of the Internet.

>> No.7498844

50s cents mother was gay and he wrote a book about it

poster child of r9k

>> No.7498846

>Misogynists get the most pussy.
Wut? For all their complaining, it's the nice guys who just act like themselves who get all the pussy.

>> No.7498850

/r9k/ is male Tumblr. They think males are discriminated against and that Stacies are holding them down.

>> No.7498851

I didn't understand it either.

>> No.7498858

ahahahaha the bitterness and resentment it must have taken to assemble this picture

do you know if there's a repository of these? These are hilarious. The pics of Schopenhauer just fucking make it. From the original robot to his descendants. I suppose the difference was that Schopenhauer was actually smart and didn't dedicate his life to screaming about inequality like a tumblr SJW

>> No.7498866

wow. this is definite proof of cognitive capacity, because that is defined by brain mass. Congratulations, you have solved all ambiguities in neuroscience! How does it feel to be so brilliant you drew an inductive claim from an empirical observation from a completely unrelated article? I bet it feels pretty good! Look at you, using that 27 000 km extra of myelinated fiber for the good of humanity

>> No.7498867

>it's the nice guys who just act like themselves who get all the pussy
lol you're deluded as fuck or a woman. If you've ever talked to anyone that could be considered "chad" you would realize most of them hold many of the same views /r9k/ holds. zyzz being a prime example.

>> No.7498871

I'd take anime over Ernst Junger, tbqh

at least anime is a self-aware caricature

>> No.7498881

You're welcome to do your own research, but almost every single study on IQ shows that the male brain is on average 5-10 IQ points above the female brain.

>> No.7498891

Please, I've read all this shit, on r9k, on wizchan, on pol, on reddit. One thing that's really great about the MRA movement is how they bitch about tumblr but turn right around and use tumblr's tactics to bitch about "men's rights". If men are so superior, then why don't you act like it, you piece of shit? You think whining on the internet all day is what you should do, as a "superior man"? If you're so morally, physically and intellectually superior to women, why are they constantly outsmarting you and taking your money in divorce settlements and living off your paychecks?

Go on, you ubermensch, you. I know you can do it. There's NO WAY you'd be some loser on the internet, right?

>> No.7498898
File: 2.29 MB, 1809x1200, TheThinRedLine_2stPass-ReprintCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7498899
File: 1.28 MB, 368x206, TRUE LOVE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always great how oppositional extremist views end up being the same.

>> No.7498900

>Hold most of the views that /r9k/ holds
Then why hasn't /r9k/ gotten laid?

>> No.7498902

Yes, because IQ tests are a worthwhile test of intelligence. Yeah, IQ is the sole determinant of worth, because we don't need athletes, construction workers and other physical occupations at all, right?

>> No.7498903

>this whole post
>being this triggered
This is why I love these threads. I can almost smell the period blood through these posts.

>> No.7498905

the back cover reads like homoerotic slash fiction.

>> No.7498909


>> No.7498912

Not even that anon but you have no response. You were BTFO but stay and whine on a Tibetan Yeti-sighting website.

>> No.7498915

Oh, it's great. Especially when r9k autists write paragraphs so big they need to be put in an image like in >>7495595

I can smell the smegma through these posts.

>> No.7498919

>a Tibetan Yeti-sighting website

not bad to be honest

>> No.7498920

But women care more for the emotional security of a romance than the physical side. Men prefer the physical side of a relationship. Men do nothing to conceal it.

>> No.7498921

it's a female yeti. that's why OP is so scared

>> No.7498923

zyzz was on steroids. give me another excuse.

>> No.7498925

It's a really good book. Women probably could get it, but it's definitely very masculine, and no real female characters except ones that cheat on their male husbands. I suspect women just wouldn't like this book as much, even if they did recognize it was a work of great merit.

>> No.7498932

It looks like a bunch of moto bullshit. This is why I read history books and US Army War College papers when I read about war.

Also, women fought on the Soviet side in much worse conditions than Guadalcanal (Leningrad was a bitch), and also did crazy shit like >>7498771 , so I figure they would be able to "get it".

Try again. Or don't. Either way it'll help this thread die faster.

>> No.7498933

Prove it.

>> No.7498943

It was actually written by someone who had first hand combat experience, be wise and don't dismiss something you've never read yet but of course this is /lit/.

>> No.7498945
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Keep telling yourself that. The only thing women want from a relationship is someone who is attractive and isn't horribly autistic.

>> No.7498946

No, I mean half of PKK forces.

>swallowing Western propaganda about the PKK
>complaining about PKK propaganda

>> No.7498950

Well, I'm obviously not going to argue with you, you sound like a horrible conversation partner.

>> No.7498953

Imagine being killed in combat by a woman. I can't think of a more pathetic way of going out.

>> No.7498955

There's no definite proof, but his family made a statement regarding his high blood pressure and shortness of breath (classic symptoms, also his dad is a cardiologist), which are definite side effects of anabolics. There's really only circumstantial evidence, but the fact that he was talking about "bicycles", his brother was arrested and fined for possession of steroids, and one of his employers making a casual statement regarding his steroid use ( http://www.baka.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/generation-v-buff-but-not-so-pretty-after-dark-20110901-1jnzw.html#ixzz1jCswUbhZ ). It's not conclusive, but it's enough for a court.

>> No.7498962

>There's no definite proof
stopped reading there.

>> No.7498964

How is it that you can be aware of this fact and still not understand why you can't get a date?

He probably watched that VICE video and took it as gospel.

I'm ok with that. I'm more or less surrounded by shit like this talking about OUR BOYS IN THE SANDBOX/TRENCHES/FRANCE and it gets incredibly annoying. I could barely sit through Band of Brothers' more 'Merica moments.

Generation Kill is pretty excellent though. Shame there isn't much in that vein for war lit.

Is it better to be killed by disease? The majority of casualties in pre-WW1 wars (Western wars) was to disease.
Also relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J93qm6XCT4Y

>> No.7498968


grats on not having the barest grasp of logic or argumentation. At least you fit in on r9k right?

>> No.7498976

Going on bombing runs in the middle of the night is not the same as actually fighting an enemy, at all.

>> No.7498979

So? All that men want is a woman who is attractive and not horribly autistic. What's the difference?

>> No.7498980

Regardless of the fact that he took steroids, it's pretty clear from his pre bulk pictures he had good genetics. Strong jawline, tall mesomorphic body type, blue eyes. He also had a girlfriend before he even got into lifting, so your argument is moot right off the bat.

>> No.7498982

Stopped reading there

>> No.7498989

iiiiight nigga.

"At its largest, it had 40 two-person crews. It flew over 23,000 sorties and is said to have dropped [2] 3,000 tons of bombs. It was the most highly decorated female unit in the Soviet Air Force, each pilot having flown over 800 missions by the end of the war and twenty-three having been awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union title."

"The regiment flew in wood-and-canvas Polikarpov Po-2 biplanes, a 1928 design intended for use as training aircraft and for crop-dusting, and to this day the most-produced biplane in aviation history. The planes could carry only six bombs at a time, so multiple missions per night were necessary. Although the aircraft were obsolete and slow, the pilots made daring use of their exceptional maneuverability; they had the advantage of having a maximum speed that was lower than the stall speed of both the Messerschmitt Bf 109 and the Focke-Wulf Fw 190, and as a result, German pilots found them very difficult to shoot down. An attack technique of the night bombers was to idle the engine near the target and glide to the bomb release point, with only wind noise left to reveal their location. German soldiers likened the sound to broomsticks and named the pilots "Night Witches."[4] Due to the weight of the bombs and the low altitude of flight, the pilots carried no parachutes.[5]"

I know you're the kind of person to ignore facts when presented to you, but I know you're also the kind of person to pick through it for any inconsistencies due to your autism. Enjoy this tale of heroism.

>> No.7498990
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I'm very sorry for you.

>> No.7498997

Holy fucking shit.

I really hope this thread is just a symptom of the xmas influx and that soon we'll be back to comparing bookshelves, talking about spooks and complaining about capitalism.

>> No.7499002

There is no difference. I'm just responding to your claim that "women care more for the emotional security of a romance than the physical side". You seemed to be implying that some poor sap from /r9k/ could somehow snag a gf if he just acted more romantic or emotional, which is disingenuous, because everyone who lives in reality knows it fundamentally comes down to genetics.

>> No.7499009

>some poor sap from /r9k/ could snag a girl by being nicer
Wew lad. I didn't mean to imply that. I meant to imply that sexually women respond better to increased emotions than to physical images.

>> No.7499010
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you think this is bad? you should see /his/. At least crossboarders attempt to disguise their invasions here.

>> No.7499013

You don't understand what this word means. Cunning, perhaps, but heroic? Bullshit. Yes, they avoided death and bested their enemy. What did they sacrifice? What degree of courage is required to utilize an effective strategy successfully?

>> No.7499015

what's wrong with capitalism?

>> No.7499019

It rewards risk-taking, and women and faggots are risk-averse by nature.

>> No.7499024

i would consider being gay or a woman pretty risky

>> No.7499032

It also comes down to money. Plus "genetics" only accounts for so much, unless you have a chromosomal defect. The truth is these "chads" just take all the autismal energy r9k puts into rationalizing and shifting blame away from themselves and puts it into working out and getting an attractive (ie good) job. They're not exactly intellectually stimulating, but they

You think flying a wooden trainer biplane in a night bombing mission far behind enemy lines is easy? You think target identification with no bombing optics or auxiliary crew is easy? You want to dodge better trained pilots in planes literally decades ahead of yours, with better detection equipment, flying over their own territory, while you have to commit to multiple takeoffs due to how little your plane can carry.

Twenty three Hero of the Soviet Union medals. That's equivalent to the Medal of Honor. Here's an example of a woman who got it in ground combat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliya_Moldagulova

Took command of a battalion when the commander was MIA, took a land mine hit in CQC, died to a gunshot wound. Is that "hardcore" enough for you, COD kiddie?


here's a woman who crawled across twenty five yards of no man's land (aka literal suicide in the era of the MG) and took out a tank with two Molotov cocktails. Then she got promoted to sergeant, commanded an HMG position, and singlehandedly manned the gun (normally takes minimum two people to load and fire, and preferably a spotter as well) and continued fighting after the entire rest of her gun crew was killed.

The real shame is that most of these women didn't get the award until after the war due to discrimination. It wasn't as bad as black Medal of Honor recipients in WW2 who had to wait until 1997, but it's not exactly good either.

btw, any strategy dependent on "courage" is designed to fail. The French tried that in WW1 and it got them a mutiny.

>> No.7499037

whoops, forgot about my first post since I was having fun with history.

"Chads" aren't intellectually stimulating, but they're dependable and attractive, in both the physical and emotional sense (for what women look for in men)

>> No.7499038

it rewards access to capital and rents

>> No.7499040

this is true. there is no conceptual difference between genetics and fate.

>> No.7499046

Interesting take on determinism. So everyone with "bad genetics" should just give up? Man, I hope there's enough helium for the entirety of r9k!

>> No.7499067

I don't like the values it ends up promoting. I love all the cool shit it makes however.

I'm more interested in the analysis of how it works, how it effects people and how it's changed society, etc. /lit/ occasionally produces interesting discussions on the topic.

>> No.7499068
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>getting an attractive
lol. straight out of /r/relationship advice. People don't "get attractive", you're either born with an attractive face or you're not. So long as you're not a obese landwhale, it should be fairly easy for someone to tell if they won the genetic lottery or not.

pic very related.

>> No.7499073
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I said attractive job, numb nuts. Learn to read. Or were you only pretending to be retarded? Does your "genetics" prevent you from learning to squat?


>> No.7499076

capitalism is grand, but art demands to be free of it i feel.
not all things are served best when thrown into the hand of the market.

who knows.
i kind of feel like we should let those with an experiment try their shit. capitalism feels limiting at times, maybe there is a better way?

>> No.7499078

unless you like boipuss, squats aren't going to make you a chad

>> No.7499086

The issue with capitalism is that wealth seemingly refuses to follow a normal Pareto distribution and constantly accumulates at the top, while real wages stagnate. And revolutions kind of suck. This may be indicative of a global distribution of capital rather than a national one, but frankly I feel it's too early to tell. My issue with capitalism is that it's periodic, with growth alternating with recession/depression. It's not very stable. Then again neither are humans.

Confirmed for not reading SS. Wow, you don't even have an excuse, do you? You're literally the kind of loser who hasn't even tried, who lost before they even tried to play. Christ, I bet you would blame your inability to do pushups and C25K on "genetics" or whatever. Keep blaming those you consider weaker than you.

Stay weak, shitlord.

>> No.7499093

yeah, i think i am retarded. regardless, the rest of your post implied that one can become a "chad" and chads became chad through their own hard work and self-improvement, which isn't the case as the only requirement to being a chad is having an attractive face and not being a turbo autist.

>> No.7499148

Shut up slut you know he's right.

>> No.7499165

You've never been in a war, have you?


>> No.7499225

Where did I say you can become a "chad"? Where did I say you SHOULD become a "chad"? All I said was that "chads" start out the same as you, o genetically-deficient lord. They just realize that creating copypasta bitching about how women won't fuck them is counterproductive and focus on making women fuck them.

Have you ever talked to a PUA? They're some of the biggest losers you'll ever meet. But they have a pretty solid difference to the average robot: they actually try. They have the balls to actually put all this dumb broscience into work (not like it matters anyway) to "prove their superiority" or whatever to manipulate women into having sex with them. And it works.

"Chads" don't necessarily work hard, because they just keep doing what they've been doing their entire lives. To a "chad", writing persuasive arguments like this for no gain or profit is immeasurably exhausting, but it isn't for you because you've been doing it for quite a long time. That's the difference.

I suppose the difference between me and you is that I refuse to consider myself a victim. To do so would be to put myself on the same level as tumblr. Every superiority complex is simply a well disguised inferiority complex.

And yeah, I'm a jerk, but frankly people like you piss me off. You claim to be masculine but fail to show any parts of masculinity. Since when was being a man about bitching about your family or gay people? Who cares about those?

>> No.7499245

There are many studies into brain function that demonstrate the differences - not all of them to males' advantage. For example, the corpus callosum is thicker in women, which enables language functions on both sides of the brain in females resulting in stronger language skills for females. Boys suffer learning disabilities, dyslexia and ADHD at higher rates than girls. On the other hand, males demonstrate more brain function in the areas that focus on mathematics and geometry. Men have 6.5 more times brain matter, whereas females have 9 times more white matter. Gray matter is used to process information, but white matter forms connections and organizes the brain. This results in different advantages for each sex. The frontal area of the cortex and the temporal area of the cortex are larger in women. Women use language better, men have better spatial skills. IQ is not the only measure.

Here's a couple of good reads: http://www.jneurosci.org/content/19/10/4065.full


>> No.7499248

Just because she likes it, does not mean she understood it.

>> No.7499255

The same can be said about anyone. How do you know for certain YOU understand the literature you like?

>> No.7499258


>> No.7499279

I genuinely love this part of /lit/. Always manages to give me a kek.

>> No.7499298
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Stormfront invaded /pol/, /pol/ invaded the rest. Add in some /b/ rejects and you have r9k. then they find common ground and spread.

Human psychiatric epidemology is real interestin'

>> No.7499312
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>muh boogeymen
/lit/ has literally always been a branch of /r9k/. you're the boogeyman here.

>> No.7499315
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Good. I'll be waiting under your bed.

>> No.7499317

A copy/paste list from a similar thread a week ago. You guys aren't even trying anymore.

>> No.7499325

Shit, what woman beat your ass? You sound like an absolute pussy with a complex lashing out instead of facing your own inadequacies.

Women and men face different gender-based hardships, and many that aren't exclusive to one gender. I hope you're just trolling because if this is sincerity, you're pathetic.

>> No.7499327

My theory, if I'm to generalize gender a bit, is that men are willing to face their deaths, but women are more willing to face life and the hardships that come with it. In most cases, I've seen women take so much on their shoulders, shit that a lot of men run out on because they cannot handle the pressure (of raising a family, dealing with illness, etc.)

>> No.7499328


I can't tell if I am just bitter sitting in my internet echo chamber of women hating or we really do have it tough. I have to admit, women have been far more callous than sensitive in my experience

>> No.7499342
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Perhaps. I feel like it has less to do with gender and more to do with the fact that women give birth, and the father actually has an opportunity to run; if men gave birth I think we'd see absentee moms as the norm. There's a loooot of hormones and shit that happen with pregnancy, and frankly a woman's body is not the same after it. Postpartum depression is one of the most well-known aftereffects of pregnancy or miscarriage.

As for men willing to face their deaths, well, that's just how most successful societies worked out. Emperor penguins split hunting duties equally because there isn't much sexual dimorphism, but there is a quite a bit between men and women. So men get socialized to be "manly", prepared to do violence, etc, while women are socialized to be communal, multitask, act as support, etc.

Nobody has it tough. Everyone has it tough. It doesn't matter. Being able to post on this Cambodian Jenkem enthusiast forum is a privilege in itself. Ultimately it really doesn't matter because you can find people who started off worse than you who are doing better, and people who started off better who are doing worse. If you want an accurate metric of your life, ask yourself.

>> No.7499347

The concept of the disposable male is a societal one. it's true of all men and all social circumstances involving men.

>> No.7499349

I've had, by an large, the opposite experience.

>> No.7499351

Oh, believe me, there's a lot of much more humiliating ways to die than a bullet wound and it happens in hospitals all the fucking time.

>> No.7499355

I don't believe you.

>> No.7499360

Obviously the fact they wrote the books doesn't mean they understood them.

>> No.7499368

If some sniper shoots your from hundreds of yards away, what difference is it if it's a man or a woman? Do they use different bullets?

>> No.7499373

It's a good thing there aren't any female snipers.

>> No.7499375
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>> No.7499379

I'm all for recognizing that there's nature and nurture involved with gender, but pregnancy is an oversimplification. I've never given birth, honestly never want to, but I've stuck through a lot of hardships I could have ditched in my life.

Also, with pain, so many men are such ninnies about it. My mom takes chronic pain like a trooper, my dad was a whiny mess when he had his appendix out.

>> No.7499380

There have been.

>> No.7499383


>> No.7499384

They're just being pathetic. Don't mind them.

>> No.7499389


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Hathcock (scroll down and read up on Apache)

>> No.7499391

I'd say stuff like pain tolerance is dependent on the individual.

My point about pregnancy is that your description of a female tendency to "stick with it" is a combination of female socialization to be "homemakers", ie create and maintain a stable environment for the potential rearing of children, and the hormonal and general body changes associated with pregnancy. Here's some proof: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complications_of_pregnancy

death in childbirth was (and still is in some areas) pretty common before modern medicine. I don't even know how I would handle something like Postpartum psychosis or getting PTSD from the birth of your child.

>> No.7499404

My wife had post-partum depression after the birth of our first child. That was some rough shit.

>> No.7499405

lol. is that all you could come up with from your google search? one female from WW2. you sure showed me.

>> No.7499410

There are no known emotional or intellectual differences between the races according to the evidence we now have.

However, there IS evidence to suggest that men and women are very different when it comes to emotional and intellectual reactions to certain things because of different genetic and chromosomal aspects of our nature. Our brains are different sizes, shapes, colors and work in different ways. This isn't even about genitalia or being a terrible sexist.

>> No.7499411 [DELETED] 

She was the most notorious one, and the one who immediately came to mind, but there were many others - and others in the Vietnam war as well. Do your own research, you ignorant twat.

>> No.7499417

Because females are worse at combat than males.


>> No.7499420
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man, you could at least attempt to make the troll more interesting.

I already linked a bunch of them earlier. This guy's fishing.

>> No.7499423

She's the most notorious one, so she's the one who came to mind. There were many others, and others in the Vietnam war.

>> No.7499427

Those male units have been in existence and cohesion, as well as combat experience for much longer.

>> No.7499431

Obviously, and in WWII the Soviets kept the female combat units separate from the men, and kept females as tank operators, snipers, and pilots - nothing that required hand to hand combat. But even somebody less skilled than you can still shoot you, can't they?

>> No.7499434

Video games and paintball are basically playing tag with gun shaped objects. They fulfill men's need for competition. I've talked with a bunch of man who have been in combat and most of they don't "get" war ether . Modern combat isn't a noble competition that forges the soul of a man. It's impersonal, distant and surreal. You wait for a guy to show his face and you shoot from a huge distance, you push a bunch of buttons and some people far away will probably, you get scared shitless when you hear those familiar sound and you understand that weather you live or die is decided by blind luck

>> No.7499435

Oldfag detected.

Millenials have harder time getting jobs or getting into college in this fucked up economy. We'll also have to deal with climate change and the god awful national tensions the older, stupid generation left behind.

>> No.7499438

Read the article, you dolt. They were volunteers and most of them didn't even know each other prior to the study.

>The Marines created a battalion of 100 female and 300 male volunteers. During the past year, they trained in North Carolina and California, taking part in realistic combat exercises.

>All-male squads, the study found, performed better than mixed gender units across the board. The males were more accurate hitting targets, faster at climbing over obstacles, better at avoiding injuries.

>> No.7499441

It might have been interesting to throw in an all female squad.

>> No.7499443

yes, because female combat units literally haven't existed until now. Unless they selected exclusively POGs. The point is the vast majority of women in the Army are POGs.

>> No.7499456

Consider this. If a women shoots you in the head you don't even have time to feel humiliated.

On the other hand for some patients death is a long ordeal with gradual failure of your organism functions. That shit's pretty horrifying.

>> No.7499462

>Faggots are risk-averse by nature
Come on, being gay is pretty fucking dangerous and hardcore.

>> No.7499464

Being a man doesn't make you instinctively better at understanding a book about war.

>> No.7499526

My ex said she loved it when we where dating I had her read it, as she old read The Old Man and the Sea.

We were able to be buddy buddy down the road and she told me she hated it, that BITCH.

>> No.7499544

4chan always surprises me with how much they know about women. I've spend a lot of time around women and can't say I know shit about them.

>> No.7499556
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Nobody is going to trust a woman with expensive equipment, you fucking retard. It's all Soviet propaganda, just like the PKK is. Women are stupid, weak, petulant little children and they don't respect you at all if you can't figure that obvious truth out. You are a faggot. Grow a pair of balls and claim your birth right superiority. Women are built for no other purpose than to attract mates and raise children.

All of the Soviet claims are ridiculous. Why would you use women in your valuable aircrafts when you could use men? Why would you not pick the gender with better reaction times and stress management? You wouldn't and they didn't. I don't think you realize how much of Soviet history is an outright lie or who really controlled it behind the scenes.

Quit being a faggot. Have you ever actually observed a woman do something useful? I know I haven't. It's all in your mind. It can happen in the movies and in your comic books, why not in real life? Because the "liberal" agenda is all about getting stupid fucks like you to ignore reality and replace it with whatever the current agenda they are pushing is. Women are mentally and physically useless, get the fuck over it. I'd slap the shit out of you if you ran on about this shit in my presence.

>> No.7499560
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>A woman will rarely have to face any form of adversity because everything in her life is given on a silver platter.
Grill here. Im struggling with mental problems, my family sees me like a inadapted loser, cant have bf cause mens get scared of me and my problems. Life could be shit, no matter what is between your legs.

>> No.7499562

You seem mad online

>> No.7499563


>> No.7499564

Did you just shit yourself?

>> No.7499574

>Women are incapable of heights and lows. They just exist. They're what you would be like if someone took away your soul. Just a fat lazy thing that fundamentally conceives of the universe in terms of whining until someone adjusts things to its liking
That sounds exactly like a depressed /r9k/er tho

>> No.7499577

Just a little bit. I can't believe people don't understand that most of history is a lie. Isn't it obvious? Do you really think everything can be broken down into some black and white category? Where there are big lies rampant, as in the case of the Soviet Union, you have to assume it was all lies until proven otherwise. No, a few pictures isn't proof.

Let me tell you something: this entire feminism problem is bullshit. The family unit has been annihilated by idiots following this agenda which is going right off a cliff. Women need to take care of their children instead of trying to be men. It's becoming increasingly obvious that no woman will ever have the intelligence to put that together on her own. We have to dominate them again the way we always have. I don't mean in the cruel sense, but more the we aren't going to take any bullshit out of you any longer. We are superior to them by every measurable metric, both intellectual and athletic. It's really time for them to stop competing with us and become wives and mothers again.

>> No.7499582

That was just irony, familia

>> No.7499591


Nobody listens to you because you sound like a delusional fanatic.

Until you calm down people are just going to assume you're crazy. This whole historical conspiracy is only obvious to you.

>> No.7499608

The historical conspiracy has been an ongoing theme for the last five thousand years. The excavations at Ur in the Middle East have basically confirmed what the more intelligent among us have always assumed: nothing changes. It's the same bullshit over and over again; the only thing changing is the pseudo-intellectual fluff used to justify it. You think lies are new? Think of all the religions that have passed on to become myths because of their obvious inaccuracies. Do you really think a religion has to be theological? Feminism, Hitler being Satan incarnate, equality, etc. are our religion. Are you smart enough to notice it?

>> No.7499633


I know you won't listen but you need to read the book and stop being a sad cunt about things. I'm sorry that whatever Ernst said in the book about men needing to harden the fuck up offended you but he came from a generation of men that died doing jobs that we consider obsolete nowadays. You have no awareness at all when you call him similar to a Nazi or a propagandist because of some hitherto unexplained bias that you have failed to illustrate at all.

In the book, there are multiple descriptions of campaigns leading up from Vosges to Nord-Pas-Calais, and within them there are several descriptions of how confusing trench warfare was and how scouting and infiltration formed the crux of infantry tactics here.

Understand this, I know you're trolling but I am hoping that by illustrating some of what he says in the book it will get more people to read it, as it was an excellent account of the First World War and certainly not a piece of propaganda as you claim it to be.

>> No.7499638


Proto Fascism is a useless term. Providing the grounds for an ideology without actually advocating the ideology can be found pretty much consistently throughout Human thought.

Thus, we can label pretty much anything a Proto-X. You are inflecting an extreme bias in your use of language by explicitly calling something a Proto-X. To which point I would ask you to just come out and say it instead of trying to pussyfoot around it like a little bitch.

>> No.7499641

I dont. Im reading to try to stave off the inevitable realisation that I am creatively and intellectually retarded and I belong with the dregs of society.

I was also going to say that being a woman doesnt necessarily mean she cant get it either but i didnt so there that is

>> No.7499652


He isn't /pol/ for calling you Liberal. Liberal is more of a philosophical school than a political one and it certainly occurs here as an applicable literary term.

>> No.7499696

Junger is not obviously pro or anti-war. Storm of Steel is really just comes across as an honest recounting of his experiences in the war, it does not seem sanitized or glorified.

At times he will go into what makes a good soldier but will also honestly describe some of the failings or courageous acts of his comrades.

He regards his enemies with respect, particularly the British.

I personally took Storm of Steel as Junger describing how someone can cope with being thrust into one the deadliest conflicts in history. He makes no statements about the political context, or the justification for the fight. War is treated as a reality, rather than something desirable.

>> No.7499706


Lol, this sums it up. It's also funny to see /lit/ fall for Aristotle style top down reasoning.

>"There are two genders, therefore they each have (100 / 2) % of the hardship!"

>> No.7499729


>> No.7499733
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Yeah, women would never actually fight an enemy.

>> No.7499740

>/lit/ has literally always
Keep telling yourself that, faggot.

>> No.7499761
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>> No.7499777
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>> No.7499779


Bigger brains = bigger smarter
Therefore, elephants are smarter than ppl


>> No.7499780

Ressentiment: the thread.

>> No.7499791


But there's been no argument presented from the resentment crew. It has literally been a bunch of statements saying women don't understand honour, women don't understand x, women don't understand y. There's been no substantiation, no attempt at proof, no argument at all.

No shit you get responses of equally vacuous validity when you don't present any argument whatsoever save for sweeping statements without substantiation.

>> No.7499796
File: 322 KB, 1598x862, baum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still here getting mad at a misogyny thread 12 hours later?

>> No.7499804

>nature designed

>> No.7499809

>read through that image when i post it
>"I bet this retard will take issue with 'nature designed' because the tenured professor with a PhD from Princeton used it colloquially instead of 'selected for', then not read anything else"


1970-1974 Princeton University (A.B.)
1971-1972 University of Heidelberg, West Germany
1974-1976 Duke University (M.A.)
1976-1978 Princeton University (Ph.D.)


Without the higher powers of the imagination and reason, no eminent success can be gained in many subjects. These latter faculties, as well as the former, will have been developed in man, partly through sexual selection,– that is, through the contest of rival males, and partly through natural selection,– from success in the general struggle for life; and as in both cases the struggle will have been during maturity, the characters gained will have been transmitted more fully to the male than to the female offspring. It accords in a striking manner with this view of the modification and re-inforcement of many of our mental faculties by sexual selection, that, firstly, they notoriously undergo a considerable change at puberty, and, secondly, that eunuchs remain throughout life inferior in these same qualities. Thus man has ultimately become superior to woman.
- Charles Darwin

>> No.7499819

What does his education have to do with anything?

>> No.7499822

I think we just discovered why there are so few women in STEM.

>> No.7499826


>> No.7499852

You can find images of women shooting in the trenches if you google it, retard.

>> No.7499938
File: 47 KB, 500x395, tumblr_mjzkb3qRfA1r2g7mto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7499945

only women understand these books. men can't comprehend anything but sports and video games, which they talk endlessly about

>> No.7500017

It's one guy trying to push a new meme

>> No.7500088

Genuine question: anons that take this thread seriously, what is it that you think women will never understand about these books?

>> No.7500106

mad woman detected

shoes sure are great, right?

>> No.7500119
File: 23 KB, 396x360, 1448320763684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7500120

>You can find images of white blue-whales in their natural habitat if you google it, retard.

>> No.7500139

we dont need athletes whatsoever.

>> No.7500246

I've posted here and I'd push the button anyway.

>> No.7500322



Jesus. Die. All of you.

Women aren't men with tits. But they're not fucking pets, either.

>> No.7500325

Ok, let's start with you.

>> No.7500328

I think it would be harder to find some great books that women will understand.

>> No.7500332

You are such an insecure little boy. You need a spanking from your mommy.

>> No.7500342


>> No.7500397

>implying men aren't obsessed with sports shoes

>> No.7500449

>Have you ever actually observed a woman do something useful?

At the E.R. where I work, I see it every day, you child.

>> No.7500473

I agree my Stacey!

Why are men so OBSESSED with football, movies or books?
I just can't understand it!

You are my bestie (:

>> No.7500478

NAxALT is not an argument.

>> No.7500483

No you don't. They may be good errand runners, but you know as well as I do no one would trust a woman with a surgery. Changing bed pans isn't special. A child could do that. It's just busy work.

Kill yourself. Women have 15% less brain volume than men, and more like 50% less in very high interest males. They are inferior.

>> No.7500484



>> No.7500544

I know two female trauma surgeons, fuckhead.

>> No.7500625
File: 12 KB, 340x340, sweaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize women behave functionally EXACTLY like children
>tfw it's not even a joke, they are actually "overgrown children" in the sense that their behavior is literally childlike but they are physically larger than a child
>tfw you realize you had a 50/50 shot in the womb of being unable to attain adulthood
>tfw stopping and actually thanking the cosmos for nudging your chromosome in the "capable of being a real person" direction

Boy I sure can't wait to read the next riveting cultural contribution from "Dadddyyyy the world'ss not fair, fix it for meeeee!!!": The Gender

>> No.7500762

Nope. Just reaction image
This is b8. You're not exactly proving women are capable.

>> No.7500771

>no one would trust a woman with a surgery

What rock do you live under?

>> No.7500786

No, I think the other guy meant that Dworkin is a forced meme being spread by some Tumblrina.

>> No.7500793

They actually let women do that sort of thing? I thought that was just a meme? How many people have they killed because of their innate incompetence? Or are they just assistants or something? There's no way they actually let them operate, right? That would be asinine.

>What rock do you live under?

The rock of reality, where women are children. They even respect you more when you realize that fact. You aren't going to get any pussy sucking up to women, that's for sure.

>> No.7501290

i'll be your bf

>> No.7501333

at least they have an excuse.

>> No.7501848


Everything about that post sucks ass minus that story about a lesbian posing as a man. Understanding the mistreatment of women is one half of getting rid of it. Understanding the source of it, the frustration and constant rejection of men is the other, even though you cannot compare not being able to get a significant other with constantly being afraid of getting raped. But the content of the post I am quoting is proof that something might be fundamentally wrong with the relationship of the two sexes. This is some Elliot Rodger kinda shit and women sense this mindset cooking under the surface, which in turn leads to these people never getting a girlfriend ever. A never ending spiral. I don't know what's the source of it. Maybe it's the frist time in western history an educated men has no guarantee to immediately find a partner since women are not dependent anymore. But other cultures show there can be respect without this apelike mouthfrothing blueball aggression presented here.

>> No.7501854
File: 43 KB, 470x353, 1450990669765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constantly being afraid of getting raped.

>mfw white first world women invent nonexist problems so they can justify their worldview that consists entirely of persecution delusions and therefore their entitlement to special attention and support from men

Keep whining like a child, that will make the world respect you