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/lit/ - Literature

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7490371 No.7490371 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite Goosebumps book?

>> No.7490388

Used to love A Shocker on Shock Street. Miss those books

>> No.7490390

the blob that ate everyone is the master race and any other answer is unacceptable

>> No.7490396

fuck you

>> No.7490401

>Used to
What happened?

>> No.7490518

>Not Spookesville master race

>> No.7490556

What's the one where the kids are secretly purple lizards? And they engage in a purple slime cookie eating ritual? That was fairly intense and memorable, especially as a kid who hadn't heard of the Illuminati reptilian overlord conspiracy theory.

>> No.7490580

Underrated post. I'm still laughing.

>> No.7490634

A shocker on shock street, welcome to horrorland, how I learned to fly, and the purple peanut butter choose your own adventure if that counts.

>> No.7491820

without a fucking doubt the ghost next door. Without a fucking doubt you fucking plebs

>> No.7492126

bump so some piece of shit can try to disagree with me and I'll tell them to fuck off

>> No.7492215

Scarecrow Walks at Midnight tbqh

>> No.7492233

The Girl Who Cried Monster gave me spooks when I was eight. I want to get them all again for my niece.

>> No.7493598

the one where they go to school and theres ghosts living in the school that died there ages ago

>> No.7493600

I say this because I have around 30 of them and this is the only one I actually remember

>> No.7493606

The werewolf of fever swamp

>> No.7493999

Calling All Creeps

It had a legitimately unsettling ending too, rather than the usual Shyamalan twist they tended towards

>> No.7494010
File: 16 KB, 654x64, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will reddit leave? serious question.

>> No.7494088

>muh seekrit klub

>> No.7494089

>muh children's books

>> No.7494096

>hurr I am very mature I am grown man who like adult things

>> No.7494103

Cuckoo clock of doom

>> No.7494105

>anyone who calls me out for being a manchild is just *pretending* not to be a manchild!

>> No.7494107

Reddit reduces board quality. That is a fact. You are l i t e r a l l y the cancer killing /lit/.

>> No.7494114

Yeah, pretty much. I don't hate things just because they were "made for kids". Actual adults realize that anything can be fun, regardless of the intended audience, and don't give two shits about the opinions of pretentious retards such as yourself. You're probably 14 though, aren't you? Just wait a few years. Hopefully you'll understand by then. If not, feel free to kill yourself for being retarded human waste.

>> No.7494119
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>this buttmad over people realizing children's books are shit

i kek'd

>> No.7494136
File: 82 KB, 850x400, when will they learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7494996 [DELETED] 

My nigga