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7489868 No.7489868 [Reply] [Original]

nothing of literary interest happened between 200 C.E and the 1600s except for dante

>> No.7489908

Thanks for that flash of insight.

>> No.7489921

no probs fαm

>> No.7489924

Saint Agustine comes to mind.

>> No.7489929

>ignoring the Heian period, the Icelandic sagas, T'ang dynasty poetry and almost all of the great Chinese novels

>> No.7489934

i was excluding philosophy, otherwise i would be dismissing the scholastics

>> No.7489935

can you read latin?

>> No.7489937

t. Shitpost McGee

>> No.7489942

weeb shit doesn't count

i'll give you the eddas, but that's it

the eddas and dante

>> No.7489947

nope, just greek

>> No.7489948

Why doesn't the Eastern world "count"?

Actually, I don't know why I'm replying. I'm just going to go read.

>> No.7489951

Have you ever read a book?

>> No.7489970


>Why doesn't the Eastern world "count"?

what are you, some kinda commie?

>> No.7490180


>> No.7490196


>> No.7490224


trashy trash


proof the anglos were useless until the normans came around to civilize them

>> No.7490335

Shakespeare and Marlowe and that's the lowest hanging fruit.

>except for dante

Edgy trash

>> No.7490356

>Shakespeare and Marlowe and that's the lowest hanging fruit.

hmm guess my 1600s date doesn't get marlowe in


foiled again

i'll be back with a better shitpost

>> No.7490387

Edmund Spencer - The Fairie Queene
Philip Sidney - Astrophil and Stella

>> No.7490403
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>> No.7490416

I love how many people respect and Icelandic literature, The eddas and the tales of the icelanders dating from like 850-1300 are increadible especially in icelandic ofcourse.

Ps. For more recent Icelandic literature I highly recommend Halldór Laxness if you haven't read his works. He is the icelandic dostoyevsky but at the same time like almost at his level of genious.

>> No.7490417

thanks I'll check them out

>> No.7490422

>Halldór Laxness

what should I read by him?

>> No.7490433

The Canterbury Tales
The Summa Theologica

>> No.7490437

Bitch why you gotta be that way
No one has mentioned 1001 nights nor any other Arabic works

>> No.7490446

>nothing of literary interest happened between 200 C.E and the 1600s except for dante

lol maybe in Europe lmao

>> No.7490455


he wrote in the 1600s, he counts.

>The Canterbury Tales

trashy trash

>The Summa Theologica

not counting philosophy.

hmm i hadnt considered that, but i'm iffy about reading translated arabic.

well, we don't have anything from the americas because catholics killed them all and burned their stuff, and asia doesn't count. i hadn't considered arabic works im asking about that.

>> No.7490512

Go back to grindin' in the club

>> No.7490519
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im @ the club rn and we're all laughing at you being buttblasted because im right

>> No.7490584

Shakespeare started in the late 1500's

>> No.7490686

Giovanni Boccaccio.

>> No.7491346

>Shakespeare started in the late 1500's

yes but worked into the 1600s

maybe i should rework op to say 16th century

>> No.7491717

don't forget Rabelais

>> No.7491754

OP: I'm a big fat pleb