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/lit/ - Literature

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7487104 No.7487104 [Reply] [Original]

Hey pleb, what books are you reading? I bet it's something only a pleb would read.

>> No.7487106

Finnegans Wake

>> No.7487108

Flowers for Algernon.

>> No.7487110

could be patrician or could be a pseud


>> No.7487116

D-Don Quixote...
in Spanish

>> No.7487118


>> No.7487119

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

>> No.7487120

blood meridian for the 40th time

>> No.7487122

pruebas o sois un tragasables.

>> No.7487124




There are many other books out there. Go searching.

>> No.7487127

The Flight to Lucifer: A Gnostic Fantasy

>> No.7487132


>> No.7487136

the martian

>> No.7487139

this thread

>> No.7487140


This thread isn't a book. Go read a book.

>> No.7487141

The Impossible Lives of Basher Thomas

>> No.7487142

Moby-Dick; or, The Whale.

>> No.7487143

Grimscribe and Songs of a dead dreamer.

>> No.7487148
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>> No.7487149

Is it good?

Second or third time around?

First time reading Ligotti? What do you think?

>> No.7487150

the holy bible

>> No.7487152


It's passable. You can tell that the author just got his MFA.

>> No.7487154

I hope you're joking.

Anything more... contemporary?

>> No.7487170

Swann's Way. Re-reading it and going through all of In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.7487183

Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James
The Letters of William Gaddis
Collection of Sand by Italo Calvino

>> No.7487210

Devil on the Cross. I like it.

>> No.7487212


>> No.7487254

Gogol - Dead souls, not sure what to expect.

>> No.7487265

Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947 at 110 pages an hour

>> No.7487267


>> No.7487275

Writing and Difference by Hackques Derrida

>> No.7487281

Pushkin's poems - Just finished Ruslan and Lyudmila

>> No.7487282

The Castle of Otranto

>> No.7487317

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.7487356

The Theban Plays, just started Oedipus the King

>> No.7487620

The Canterbury Tales read aloud in proper pronunciation.

>> No.7487631

Orhan Pamuk - Black Book

>> No.7487634


Reciting Finnegans Wake by memory without errors in a sensory deprivation tank.

>> No.7487645

The Foundation Pit

>> No.7487665

Zinky Boys - Svetlana Alekseevich

>> No.7487670

Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace

>> No.7487679

A History of Japan: From Stone Age to Superpower by Kenneth Henshall. I watch/read a lot of stuff from Japan, especially postwar works. I feel like I need a better understanding of the history, and this book works as a nice primer on it all.

>> No.7487694

haha oh shit you're right!


>> No.7487720

your favourite book mr bloom

>> No.7487739

What books are YOU reading?

>> No.7487748

But how good is your retention?

>> No.7489501





nonfiction tier

Could be patrician, could be pleb-tier

Barthelme's Sixty Stories, and Wittgenstein's Mistress

>> No.7489545

V. and a few borges stories. recently finished manuscript found in saragossa. wasnt that great.

>> No.7489550
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>> No.7489581


>> No.7489587

I'm reading Dracula by Bram Stoker

>> No.7489588

entry-level, but you're on your way to becoming a patrician if you keep it up


>> No.7489605

Just finished Lord of the Flies. Starting Moby Dick, now in English. First time I read was in Portuguese (my first language), and it was painful.

>> No.7489606

A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens.
Confessions, Augustine.
The Castle, Kafka.

I read if a two or three months ago.
Sophocles' plays were great, but I enjoyed Euripides' play more. I suggest you take a look to them if you like Sophocles.

>> No.7489634

the last days of socrates

>> No.7489654

Hey, I'm reading A Brief History of Seven Killings, too. How are you liking it?

Also started Calvino's Invisible Cities this morning and am slowly going through Being and Time on the side.

>> No.7489674

Nice. Moby-Dick is the pinnacle of American literature. You should try some Shakespeare and Milton next, if you're wanting to read the best of what the English language has to offer.

Hard to judge, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. How are you liking The Castle?

Entry-level. What did you read before this?

>> No.7489676

The Republic

>> No.7489693

Paradise Lost. If I am a pleb so is Bloom

>> No.7489698

Is this your third or fourth time reading it?

>> No.7489910

>concerning >>7489545
does it help that i've already read Ulysses, The Recognitions, and Petersburg?

>> No.7490148


>> No.7490328

Till We Have Faces

Probably somewhat pleb but it's enjoyable, of course enjoying it or reading for enjoyment is probably what makes me a pleb in the first place.

>> No.7491518

Thirteen Ways of Looking, Colum McCann's new novella.

Trouble in Paradisa by Zizek

I wanna read the Book of Disquiet next, but it depends what books I reward myself with for Christmas.

God, no one appreciates judging plebs, especially for most of these guys who are reading some solid lit. Is that why you started this thread? To criticize everyone who hasn't read Paradise Lost at least twice by now?

That being said, how's Wittgenstein's Mistress? Is that by Bernhard or am I getting it confused with another book that has Wittgenstein in the title? Barthelme is based as fuck, that collection is insane. Do you know which story has the scene where the man is like sitting in his room, then hears some song on the radio and turns it up? I cant fucking remember the name of that story but that image stuck with me so much, its so melancholic and sad. Views of My Father Weeping perhaps? It's one of those ones broken into sections, and if you have the penguin classic version Im pretty sure its on the lefthand page.

>> No.7491525

what's the differene between beginner's-core and entry-level

>> No.7491528

I bought The Western Canon and I only read books from the list in the last pages, which is basically all the shit /lit/ recommends.

Beat me to it you old white fuck.

>> No.7491672

Intruder In The Dust by Faulkner
Patterson by WCW

>> No.7492625

The iliad.

>> No.7492637

Bernhard wrote Wittgenstein's Nephew. Wittgenstein's Mistress was written by David Markson. Amusingly, he originally wanted to call it Wittgenstein's Niece, but decided against it because the similarly-titled Bernhard novel was just published in English

>> No.7492641

Quietude and Diffidence by Kitzo Hekotormos

>> No.7492758

Was Mary Shelly a good author?
I'm thinking about buying a collection of her works

>> No.7492777

The Frost by Thomas Bernhard. Who's the pleb now, faggot.

>> No.7492800
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>> No.7492806

Great book

>> No.7493207

The hunchback of Notre Dame

>> No.7493230
File: 203 KB, 575x956, Myra-Breckinridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myra Breckinridge

>> No.7494344

There are about 5 threads on the front page arguing whether Hermione from fucking Harry Potter should be black or not. I believe my calling out of people as plebs when they're reading low-grade fiction or posing by showing off their recently-purchased copy of Paradise Lost is completely warranted. If you don't want /lit/ to be a garbage dump forever, that is.

Don't know which Barthelme story you're talking about. Might be able to read it if this thread is still up in the next two days, but I kind of doubt it.

>> No.7494351


>> No.7494358

Nausea. Sometimes I feel like I am even further gone then the narrator

>> No.7494365

>Views of My Father Weeping perhaps
Not that Anon but im pretty sure this is it. Scenes of My Father Weeping, perhaps? The one where the guy takes a lie detector on the talk show is the most memorable I think. I'll check the title when I get home

>> No.7494367

Is this hard 2 read?

>> No.7494512




Hard to tell, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.7494519

Patrician shit, you know? The Tunnel, The Recognitions, The Lime Twig: The "the" trilogy.

>> No.7494521


>> No.7494523

The cat in the hat.

>> No.7494529

The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.7494531


>> No.7494536

Que dijiste pendejo?

>> No.7494537

What are you 5??? Aha haha

>> No.7494540


>> No.7494541



>> No.7494545

Don Quixote is patrish but shake and lolita are beginner/entery level/core?
Go back to your containment board, you fucking scoundrel.

>> No.7494550


>> No.7494559

I highly doubt that you've read Don Quixote, or you would know that it is a truly patrician work.

>> No.7494565

Only true patrician in this thread. *virtual high five* :)

>> No.7494572

Virtual high five because of fucking science my due.

>> No.7494585

The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster

>> No.7494607

Divine comedy

>> No.7494651
File: 178 KB, 960x720, 1444090454012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there philosophy of mathematics at all?, I. Hacking
Screenplays, P. Auster
Culture & Value, L. Wittgenstein

>> No.7495161

Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers by Tom Wolfe

>> No.7495177

Representing Capital, Fredric Jameson

>> No.7495201

If you don't know Bernhard then you're hte pleb, OP.

>> No.7495219


>> No.7495220

Inter-universal Teichmüller Theory III: Canonical Splittings of the Log-theta-lattice by Shinichi Mochizuki

>> No.7495253

The Picture of Dorian Gray. I like it.

>> No.7495287


You're on your way. Keep it up.

What did you read before this?



>> No.7495301

Oh yeah, I'm definitely a pseud for caring about MATH, that is, the language of the fucking UNIVERSE. Fuck you.

>> No.7495302

can manga be considered literature?

>> No.7495307

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick.

>> No.7495323
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>> No.7495324

its just frost

>> No.7495346

Umberto Eco - Foucault's Pendulum

He gives off a writer's writer aura, however I'm thinking of dropping it as I'm not one for conspiracy/mysteries as an excuse to hide some senseless moralising however agreeable.

>> No.7495366

I read Invitation to a Beheading before I started The New York Trilogy.

>> No.7495385

I'm liking it. Difficult to get into the damn dialect though. I think it will pay off though.

>> No.7495388

yes. my mistake. it is my second Bernhard novel and i really enjoy it. Less than i did Extinction, but it was one of his first novels and he was probably still perfecting his ranting madness style. Huge fan of his though, can't wait to read more.

>> No.7495415


Could be pleb, could be patrician. What did you read before this?

>> No.7495418

Eco is pleb-tier, fag

>> No.7495437

I'm just getting into literature now, desu famerino.

>> No.7495449

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.7495498

Lost in the Funhouse - John Barth

How'd I do /lit/?

>> No.7495976

Blood Meridian, Wolf Hall, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Herodotus' Histories, I, Claudius, Swann's Way.

>> No.7496018

I'm currently reading In Search of Lost Time and Bleeding Edge.

>> No.7496026

Goethe's Elective Affinities. Only like 60 pages in. Has anyone else read it?

>> No.7496034

I've read half of it but i read it simultaneously with his book on colour and architecture, which i eventually dropped elective affinities for. His book on architecture is amazing if you ever get to read it.

>> No.7496122


Thanks for the suggestion, Sophocles was way cooler than I expected so I would definitely like to read more greek drama.

>> No.7496144

Society and Its Discontents

>> No.7496166
File: 64 KB, 800x1051, 800px-Advanced_Test_Reactor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Thousand Plateaus
Einstein, Bohr, and the Quantum Dilemma
poetry of Edwin Arlington Robinson

how i do

>> No.7496836

Thanks! I will check that out at some point