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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.04 MB, 749x2320, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7488979 No.7488979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sure is reddit around here

seriously though
i wonder what percentage actually looked up /lit/. even if it was 2% that's 16980 more plebs posting on my /lit/. absolutely nauseating, if i'm being completely honest.

>> No.7489014
File: 41 KB, 640x432, [HoM]_Hokuto_no_Ken_-_073[XviD_MP3][5FB8C881].avi_snapshot_12.35_[2013.02.22_22.13.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can see the catalog full of reddit tier threads at the moment.
But i suspect is just our own shitposters using that pic as an excuse.

>> No.7489016

I thought the post quality had slipped.

>> No.7489025
File: 129 KB, 640x640, 1450231871493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sperging out over any mention of the Bible in any context whatsoever

could Reddit be any more predictable?

>> No.7489027 [DELETED] 

top kek, post list again

>> No.7489031


>> No.7489042

'The book thief, We need to talk about Kevin, Before I die, the girl with the dragon tatoo series...I think this list lacks modern reads' - Imgur

>> No.7489043

Holy fuck these comments

>> No.7489045

Who would've thought people could be so plebeian; we need to up our elitist defencesy

>> No.7489058

>/lit/ is full of pretentious douschbags who got banned from reddit 2bh
say what you want about reddit, I hate em too, but their shitposting game is on point, especially because a lot of the time they sincerely believe what they are posting

>> No.7489060


Oh god what a fucking hack.

>> No.7489064

To be fair that list is complete shit. Only memers and pretentious elitists actually care for shit like the Bible and Ulysses.

>> No.7489068

It's a post-sincironic list

parts of the Bible are great tho desu

>> No.7489079
File: 659 KB, 720x540, smug_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't count 2 female authors

>> No.7489084

Is Reddit really so retarded?

>> No.7489092

feels great

>> No.7489093

I can't find the reddit thread for this. Do people actually browse imgur randomly?

>> No.7489094

Reddit's taste in books. Truly patrician.

>> No.7489095

that's not shitposting then...

>> No.7489097

I really don't understand how or why that would get so many views. Could someone explain?

>> No.7489099

imgur and reddit are the same thing.

>> No.7489103

Shitting yourself is just as shitty as shitting on your mate Bezza

>> No.7489105


>> No.7489112


People love lists for some reason, especially ranked ones. I guess to count off how many things in the list they know about, or to just complain about certain things being or not being on the list.

>> No.7489116
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> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1odBM0G4hcifTw5jFL7qs6-LEzC5qYT9704pb44OBi5g/edit?pref=2&pli=1

>> No.7489117

>I thought 4chan was libertarian
We're reactionary Christians now. Social liberalism destroys society, which is where libertarianism fails.

>> No.7489127
File: 6 KB, 215x235, 1424818736379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark tower is far better than Iliad

>> No.7489128

genre fiction should be banned from /lit/

>> No.7489129

The Bible was the first printed book in the world. It's had the most impact since that publication and many subsequent revisions than all the other books put together.

Most political, social, judicial, and most importantly most LITERARY influence on western society.

Nothing even comes close to it. If you don't understand the historical significance of that collection of stories you're a fucking moron.

>> No.7489131

You all have to remember that Reddit is a place where
>mediocrity is the norm
>challenging yourself to be better than others is distasteful
>opinions matter more than facts
>people who are different are more right than those who are the majority
>to tell someone something they like is fundamentally bad is basically being a nazi stepping on jews because they might feel bad because they rely on others for their self esteem which explains their addiction to a karma system and their paranoia at a 'threatening system where each person is actually equal".

Seriously. Reddit is the most hypocritical shit you can imagine.

A bunch of libtards who shut down free speech because it doesn't agree with them while commenting on some post about China surpressing free speech

>> No.7489133

c-c-can i be Manichean?

>> No.7489140

Yeah, it's also fucking boring and no one gives a shit about it.

>> No.7489146

No. Catholicism is the most literary tradition of Christianity, but it's too become too accomodating of Feminism and Social Justice as of late.

>> No.7489157
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>Catholicism is the most literary tradition of Christianity
As if, nerd.

>> No.7489170

im betting you subscribe to the gamergate sub

>> No.7489173


I don't even know what gamergate is except it involved a dick sucking

>> No.7489181

Good... I don't know what it is, either

>> No.7489183

This is not even slightly ironic. Intellectuals need to flock to Christianity now, as it is the last bastion against complete societal breakdown and erosion of any sense of realism.

Hey lets pump 8 yr old boys or girls full or hormones because they want to change their gender, oh their parents are 2 lesbians or 2 gay men, what a weird coincidence.

Hey lets allow for rampant immigration to go unchecked through our southern border, but actually physically penetrate people flying in who paid for a ticket and have their passports.

Hey lets force interracial couples in every media stream, because remember segregation and slavery? We're so progressive now it doesn't ever happen. What's that? You're an asian male, you must be brainy, what's that you're a hispanic woman? crazy single mother right! what's that you're old? imagenotfound.jpg

Meanwhile everything you say or do is strictly monitored by your friendly federal organisations with zero congressional oversight and no transparent fund allocation, completely illegal and unconstitutional but trust us ;) we're the good guys.

You are living in a giant fucking social experiment, plastic people being melted down and stuffed into cookie cutter molds. Bland, uninteresting. No wonder so many consume escapism, reality has become a nightmare they can barely spend a day in.

It's not so bad Anon, you're overgeneralizing and blowing hot air about nothing. We're just becoming more open and equal as a society. Doublethink.

>> No.7489184

if only they could just stay on their site instead of trying to shit everything up here
worse than /pol/acks twobh

>> No.7489194


The last dying gasp of Western Civilization.

"I'm booooooooooooored."

>> No.7489224

You can hate Feminism without involving yourself with video games. From the liitle I know about Gamergate, they failed to proclaim themselves as antifeminist and focused on "journalistic ethics", missing an opportunity for antifeminist reaction.

Agreed. Modern society is tolerant of degenerate behavior like homosexuality, transexuality, and race mixing, when we should be celebrating Whites and not filling our country with brown people.

>> No.7489226

hellooo reddit.

>> No.7489241

Hello r/redpill

>> No.7489247
File: 487 KB, 1280x960, 1428773750283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this post isn't really beneficial to the thread, for that I apologize.

However, I needed you to know, anon, that this picture made me say "oh no" out loud.

>> No.7489249

>Virginia Woolf, more than once
>J.K fucking Rowling
>Emily Bronte

Confirmed they only know about Rowling; they probably think that "Bronte, E." and "Woolf" were cis white males.

God, the comments are awful. These guys are unsufferable and obnocious cunts.
>I-I'm not illiterate, I read a lot senpai
>You know, good shit like Stephen King, Pratchett, Ready Player One...
>/lit/ just pretend to like that shit cuz reading the classics is for hipsters and contrarians
>I'm le true special snowflake, trascending the dichotomy hipster/Transformers fan

The list gets a lot of criticism here because it includes a lot of "genre fiction" like HP, Tolkien, Vonnegut, PKD, etc., and yet these people feel diminished by it? Fuck off, reddit/imgur.

>> No.7489257

That sounds more like /pol/ to me.....

>> No.7489258

No one said anything about feminism, but I do hate feminism. I disagree with the rest of your post though, homosexuality, transgenderism and race mixing are all good.

>> No.7489259


>> No.7489260

They're quite similar, this thread has more of a Reddit theme however

>> No.7489266

I thought redpill was mostly about pickup artist stuff

>> No.7489269

>homosexuality, transgenderism
Against God's law.

>race mixing
Diluting white genes.

>> No.7489272

im atheist and i dont think white genes are special

>> No.7489279

though to bh i only think that stuff is good becausei want to get fucked in the ass by a black tranny

>> No.7489287

Japanese newhalfs or nothing pleb

>> No.7489289

>homosexuality, transgenderism
lower's birth rate

> race mixing
promotes open borders and decrease sovereignty of nation and power of citizenship

Remember when you could eat any food you wanted? You know how now, unless you grow, cook, can your own meat fruit and vegetables you are basically eating something owned in whole by one or more of the big 10 companies that own the means of human food production. What do you think happens when there are no more countries and you are no longer protected as a citizen of a nation state? Do you think the UN or some world body is going to defend your rights?

>> No.7489301


Good lord, I don't use this term often but those are some pretty plebeian comments. I can guarantee they enjoy shit like Harry Potter and other children's novels.

>> No.7489316

>Remember when you could eat any food you wanted?

>> No.7489323


God damn it. God fucking damn it.

>> No.7489338


4chan's only guiding ideology is extreme contrarianism.

>> No.7489381
File: 69 KB, 500x639, 1446268434266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why you all sperg out , about reddits or imgurs lists.

I remember a thread on pynchon last year and nobody had anyting of value to say concerning his work, don't get me wrong Gravitys Rainbow is great work, but it seems to me most people read it for intellectual posturing rather than get something meaningful out of it. And lets not even get into Joyce, because I have almost never seen a Ullyses thread in here, and in other thread an anon was dismissing TS Elliot as "cranky elitist old man". So I don't see how /lit/'s elitism is in anyway well founded, just because they picked most books from Blooms western canon.

Also these posts:


Just proves that /lit/ is inhabited more and more with /pol/ tier christcuck contrarians, that really do believe in the right/left paradigm so passionately that this lends their disingenuous commitments to Christianity and conservationism some credit.

Both cases are just culturally empty posturing, with nothing to really back their cases or ideas. One is just mainstream mediocrity, while the other is popular on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum.

>> No.7489398
File: 48 KB, 500x451, 64738916274896321874129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck man is this a serious 'best' book list?

>> No.7489412


They've transcended irony through sheer stupidity. Commendable.

>> No.7489437

politically disengaged, deaf dumb and blind.

Funny how EVERY author you read would not have wasted their spit on you if they could see the opportunities you have been afford and how you chose to squander them.

>> No.7489447
File: 639 KB, 2448x1836, FOWLuHK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Steven King?

>> No.7489450

I'm /lit/'s local Jerome and I have expressed only wanting to bone the yellows. White women are disgusting.

>> No.7489454
File: 44 KB, 329x399, 1414627189012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7489459

>not tumblr

>> No.7489465


That list isn't too bad, lots of genre fiction but nothing to be mad about
>68 the alchemist : Paulo Coelho
>ahead of Hemingway, Saint Exupery, Stevenson
Just fucking kill me now

>> No.7489477

>imgur's number 1 is A Very Hungry Caterpillar
You guys did this

>> No.7489482

>nothing to be mad about
>26. The Martian - Andy Weir

>> No.7489491

The fundamental problem with Reddit, as with any other community that isn't inherently elitist, is that it allows women to participate.

For women to participate, the entire community has to be dumbed down to their level. The bar has to be lowered for their zero-effort approach. Then they systemically infect the whole thing with effeminacy: feelings become more important than facts, disagreements are inherently bad and everything has to end in friendly equivocating, merit is bad and being an ambitionless sponge becomes the community ideal.

4chan's anonymous posting ejects and excludes women because it's fundamentally meritocratic, at base. They can't leverage their social capital, and they sure as fuck aren't competent enough to compete normally for attention, so they either leave or slink into the background. As a result the discourse remains competitive, meritocratic, incisive, etc. People are willing to take risks and tear down what they think is bad.

As the weak inferior gender is banished, feelings are destroyed, and everything becomes great.

>> No.7489505
File: 634 KB, 330x186, Robert-DeNiro-Laughing-Awards-Ceremony.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fundamental problem with Reddit, as with any other community that isn't inherently elitist, is that it allows women to participate.
holy shit my fucking sides, kept reading right there

>> No.7489513

History would like to have a word with you.

>> No.7489542

>inb4 mad roasties roastying

>> No.7489546

Fellow Redditor and part-time imgurian chiming in! Hiya folks!
Oh, I know, I know, it looks like I found myself…deep inside enemy territory, but worry not, friends, for I have nothing but benign intentions. Despite my occasional lurk every now and then on this subchannel, I'd like to declare myself as a complete newbee, which would make me perfect for the role as an ambassador for my home sites. The fruits of time are more than ripe for such a person, as I believe in the greater good both of our communities can achieve. Even if it's just us bookworms on both forums. Especially we are inteligent kind of people, and our passion (gotta LOVE the smell of bookstores) should serve as the base to overcome all prejudices we have against each other. So, /lit/, are we beyond the point of pure hate? Can we work it out together? Could this be a new dawn for e-relations between Reddit and 4chan?
'tis my hearts biggest wish.

Thank you for your attention, fellow 4channers.

>> No.7489549
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10/10 post friend

>> No.7489555

> no authors of color
I'm glad he thinks Yukio Mishima is a white guy.

>> No.7489556
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>> No.7489558

We're so overpopulated. Decreased birth rate is a good thing

>> No.7489562

This desu, plus in my country we have the bible as the first book, it's how reading and writing was spread to the locals

Plus the printing press alone was a game changer

>> No.7489568

Asian people don't count as PoC.

>> No.7489569

No, fuck off.

>intelligent kind of people
As if there are any intelligent people on reddit's counterpart to /lit/. It's all SJWs/tumblr fags or people that are nostalgic about the harry potter books since that's the first thing they ever read.

Fuck Harry Potter and fuck you.

Also you most likely have autism.

>> No.7489574

0/10, try harder

>> No.7489603

Making fun of people with disabilities…that, my good sir, is truly a new low you achieved there. Other than that, I don't frequent tumblr, and while I'm not waging war for social justice, I stand for a much greater cause. The cause is rational humanism beyond all esoteric bogeymen and religious scarecrows that held us back for too much time. But that, friend, is a topic that would likely overextend our scope here. I do about that I'm a big fan of Harry Potter.
I'm sad to read your empty insults, but alas, sticks and stones…

>> No.7489610

>perfect for the role as an ambassador

Oh, I've been on holiday to Greece a few times maybe I should become a fucking diplomat!

No, fuck you, that's not how things work.

If the need for an ambassador ever did arise it would be fulfilled by someone who is not only familiar with both sites but also divides their time equally between them.
Furthermore he/she shouldn't be a fag, which you are.

This is all besides the point though since:
a) There is no need for an ambassador
b) Your site is shit, not because of a shitty UI or whatever but because the users are shit
c) Your bait has made me mad enough to make 2 posts about this

>> No.7489611
File: 12 KB, 284x217, 1449834710993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone actually saved my dumb NieR image

>> No.7489623

Hmmmm…I see your point and I shall think it through. But please don't underestimate the power of diplomacy. We shall build bridges instead of dividing each other.

>> No.7489631

I went there once, it was pretty much just a bunch of virgins bitching about women

k e k

>> No.7489632

>Nothing to be mad about
Did we even read the same list?

>> No.7489635

What about Bolano

>> No.7489642

If you actually think that Latinos count as PoC you're a retard.
t. Argentinean

>> No.7489648
File: 41 KB, 575x575, 1437430110577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello my white friend.

>> No.7489661

>/lit/, the board where Butterfly and Feminister literally dominated the board's attention for a stretch of several months, thinks it can pretend it doesn't let women "leverage their social capital"

>> No.7489665

Isn't the Bible on there? I thought Redditors knew that Jesus was a strong person of colour.

>> No.7489666

That epic meme you're referring to here will be received way better over at /pol/.

>> No.7489673

unless you're samefagging, you're trying much too hard
>while I'm not waging war for social justice
I mean really...

>> No.7489675

you're trying much too hard
>while I'm not waging war for social justice

>> No.7489677

>Butterfly and Feminister
>lesbian and schizophrenic man
Their shitposting was more fascinating than anything else.

>> No.7489710

if we ban discussion of all these books we will have solved the problem

>> No.7489711

Christianity is not a stalwart. It will morph into what ever it can in order to grasp at the power it once had.

Islam is a better bet for what you want. It hasn't been forcibly separated from its ruling class.

>> No.7489729

>dark tower is far better than illiad
i legitimately threw up after i read that

>> No.7489793

Tumblr was almost god tier for porn and art but cencorship and female neckbeards had to push their agenda into every aspect of it. Reddit was always ugly.

>> No.7489802

>using tumblr for your porn
hello underage b&

>> No.7489817

>female neckbeard
the word is legbeard, anonymous

>> No.7489821

Can we ban everyone thick enough to take this bait?

>> No.7489833

I doubt more than 50 posters. Think of it. You're browsing reddit and scrolling past thousands of pictures a day, are you going to look up the website or reference every post is based on and stay there for more than a minute or two? No way. Then factor in that the page views of 4chan are way larger than the post count, indicating that there are plenty who just lurk and never post. Then remember that redditors have no incentive to post things on the internet without karma. I doubt there will be more than 20 posters from reddit.

>> No.7489864

ITT redditors pretending they aren't reddit

>> No.7489880

i use the reddit website, but only because i found it on 4chan

>> No.7489888

That's fair. I was underage when I used it.

>> No.7489972

I care about gamergate the least of all of us

>> No.7489982

Fuck off Satan. European here, you spics will never be white.

>> No.7490001

It's extremely bad to care about gamergate one way or the other.

>> No.7490009

Is it okay to find it funny that Gamergate trolled some SJWs and made some retard tranny called Brian Wu expose himself as a mental patient?

>> No.7490022

Yeah.. it's bad to find that funny, because then you're thinking about gamergate, which is something that it's bad to do.

>> No.7490032

Do not think about GamerGate everyone!!! Stop it!!!!!!!! Stop thinking about Gamer Gate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7490053


>> No.7490057

its a good thing if youre asian because there actually are too many asian people but not so much for whites

>> No.7490061

To be quite honest I do really hope that the majority of the comments in OP's picture are just people from here joking about. Because the majority of them literally read like parody to me at least.

>> No.7490070

Yeah.. just like the post you just made LOL

>> No.7490089

Your probably right too tbqh

>> No.7490095

if this some sort of double bait or did you actually think he was being serious?

if you cant spot someone being ironic for a laugh then you need to go back to le reddit

>> No.7490109


>> No.7490152

Noone cares about it but people making a joke about how inconsequential it is belong on Reddit.

>> No.7490174

I care about it and feel that ti's very consequential

>> No.7490343

Contrarianism only exists in the mind of whoever detected it as an alienating mechanism against fringe opinions.

>> No.7490361

>just an expansive highschool summer reading list

I agree

>> No.7490367

I want to go the high school that taught Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, and Infinite Jest with any level of competency.

>> No.7490374

IJ isnt worth it

>> No.7490394

they were basically memes 2bh

>> No.7490402

Just mentioning the bible seems to fuck reddit up.

>> No.7490431

You're fucking retarded if you genuinely expect to find good taste on Reddit's slower younger brother.

Breaking news people who jack their microdicks to epic may mays love scifi and wouldn't know good taste if it held them down and skullfucked them. I'm sure you feel very accomplished in your misplaced moral outrage.

>> No.7490465 [DELETED] 

I really fucking hate saying this but your post has a lot more creativity and stylistic flair then 90% of what's in our critique threads.

You've perfectly captured the creepy child-like dopiness that only someone who wears an unironic novelty t-shirt would have. The prose is perfect. The subtle off white coloring. The tasteful thickness.

>> No.7490538


I'm 100% aware it's bait and it still made me mad.

>> No.7490548

But Dark Tower is actually better than the Iliad.

>> No.7490562

Only thing missing was the humble brag about being in school for engineering or IT or whatever major lame introverted guys get into.

>> No.7490588

Mostly agreed, but I think race-mixing is good because, as a straight white man, I have the right to put my dick inside the women of any of the races we have conquered.

>> No.7490606

dubs confirm

>> No.7490821

I have nothing against blacks, gays, whoever really. It's just when they start being assholes or shoving themselves in normal people's faces that I get pissed. They whore attention and cry discrimination at anything that drives that attention away from them or impacts them negatively. Those people need to grow up and actually contribute to society

>> No.7490834

>ctually contribute to society
Spooky as fuck,dude.

>> No.7490863

Prachett is "comfy-tier" /lit/. It's nice when your mentally exhausted and just want to enjoy yourself without any actual mental stimulation or work. It's the literary equivalent of masturbation.

>> No.7491113

I generally enjoyed their posts and their contributions to threads. It's sad to hear that theyre RIP now.

>> No.7491121

Too much /pol/ in this thread.

>> No.7491126

how do I upvote on this site?

>> No.7491158

Something being fun doesn't make it good, which is the problem with Reddit, Imgur, and most of the internet.

>> No.7491174
File: 21 KB, 324x324, 95417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow redditor here, or "newfag" as these whacky channers like to call us. I have yet to find an upvote button, but after hours of investigation I have managed to discern a complex system of frog trading that appears comparable our upvote system over there on the reddits, haha. I've also discovered something called 'saging', which appears to act in a similar fashion to downvoting. I have much more investigation to do, I'll update you with my progress over on my blog: scienceisflippinawesome@blogspot.com

I don't know if i'm doing this right, but here, have a rare pepe for being a fellow redditbro :)

>> No.7491179

too much (you) in this thread

>> No.7491247

11/10 troll holy shit

>> No.7491419
File: 584 KB, 3840x2160, 1450480704377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of them would be science fiction and all of them would be fantasy because fuck maths

>> No.7491425

why do you people do this to your selves

>> No.7491449


It seems to be a pretty common thought that 'people don't really like the classics', I guess it's due to plebs feeling insecure that they don't read dostoevsky, proust etc.

I remember reading some article about a common facebook thing where you posted your top ten favourite books, and the writer was annoyed that nobody said harry potter or stephen king and shit. literally said something along the lines of 'no, your favourite book is not heart of darkness, and your favourite writer is not hemingway', as if it is impossible to enjoy those things. God, it's weird

>> No.7491463

>>7488979 et passim
>reddit as pejorative
I have a theory that this is mostly used by recent arrivals disillusioned by the lack of depth in certain default boards there

>> No.7491467

Hey 4chan!

I was linked this thread on imgur (I promise, I'm not a redditor), and wanted to give my two cents.

1. You guys seem to be very unhappy
2. It would help your case if you weren't so mean
3. Would it KILL you to not be so racist and sexist in formulating your opinion on the best literature? A lot of people look at your list, you're influencing the next generation!
4. Happy Holidays!

>> No.7491468
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>> No.7491477

i am a big fan of reading

>> No.7491479

Literally reddit: the thread.

>> No.7491481
File: 5 KB, 611x113, hnng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7491482

weak bait, my man.

>> No.7491485
File: 18 KB, 591x511, redditorgenocidewhen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7491488

>Catcher and the Rye was boring IMO
>I'm not much of a mystery reader

>> No.7491493

it's not that they're so plebeian that it hurts, it's that they're so completely unaware and ignorant of their plebbery that they actually think their opinions are worth anything

>> No.7491494
File: 2 KB, 362x50, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7491495

Do these people genuinely think it's sexist not to have women in a top 100 list? Last I checked a top 100 list was based on quality, not the authors genitalia.

>> No.7491501

>feminist can't into math

what a surprise

>> No.7491503

Is this even genuine Reddit? Comments like
>no authors of color
make me think someone tried to imitate Reddit, but went too far.

>> No.7491504
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>> No.7491609


>> No.7491614


The implication is that women's books are dismissed, even if they are good quality. How dense are you?

>> No.7491646
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>> No.7491651

Oldguy here, can confirm.

>> No.7491657

>Dark Tower is better than the Iliad
>No authors of color
>Fucking Pratchett
>Female Authors
>Hurr the Bible
This is truly nauseating. A little glimmer of hope within me has dulled.

>> No.7491662
File: 15 KB, 208x271, sdsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand at all how they can shit on the /lit/ top 100 and then produce that list

>> No.7491670

>Christopher Paolini


>> No.7491674

>American Psycho... 130 pages of clothes description
That's actually true.

>> No.7491679

Nice try. Reads like a /lit/izen and 4channer.

You need to make it shorter, patronising, and more self-congratulatory.

Something like:

Hey 4chan, saw a link to this post on Reddit, and thought I'd come and give a proper Reddit representation. You can give me some 4chan recommendations but feel free to AMA :)

>> No.7491682

Dude, there's some good stuff on there. You're missing out.

>> No.7491689


>> No.7491696

>Gimme a good Sci-Fi, or Fantasy anyday.

>> No.7491702

They have an obsession for hating pedophilia, no matter how or where they see it.

>> No.7491711

>Lord of the Flies but no All Quiet On The Western Front

This is a good point. They're both great books.

>> No.7491714


Neither are even decent you backstreet nigger

>> No.7491725

>Dark Tower is far better than the Iliad
>People thinking the Bible somehow isn't an immeasurably important book
There is nothing wrong with eugenics

>> No.7491731

Hey hey hey.

Homosexuality is fine.
Race mixing is ok only in some circumstances. Societal heterogeneity can be harmful, because it's like incest; think of evolution. But, in saying that, you gotta be careful who you breed.
Transexuality is fucked. They shouldn't be supported at all. It's INCREDIBLY harmful.

>> No.7491736

the death of the author applies to shitposting

>> No.7491740

I enjoyed All Quiet On The Western Front. Fight me.

>> No.7491743

>the death of the author applies to shitposting
What did he mean by this?

>> No.7491751
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>Homosexuality is fine.

>> No.7491758

That's why it's good!

>> No.7491761

Strategic use of the Pepe chum!
Good show!

>> No.7491796
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the power of christ compels you!

they'll be long gone in a jiffy, no sweat literatiz

>> No.7491843

You've never wanted to fuck a qt crossdressing twink?

It's very lewd.

>> No.7491857


The Greeks did it.

>> No.7491872

Ambition and gender are spooks though.

>> No.7491877

A fifth of their entries don't even list the author. What a bunch of plebs.

>> No.7491881
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Saved and screencapped.

>> No.7491898

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.7491925
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>As an owner of an English bachelor degree

>> No.7491987
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rate me, /lit/

>> No.7492009

They sure as shit didn't support gay marriage, though.

>> No.7492031
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>> No.7492078

>Wait, that hacker has a book list?

Lost it there

>> No.7492156
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>You don't read Moby Dick. You might read excerpts of Moby Dick, but you don't straight up read all of Moby Dick.


>> No.7492164


>So, /lit/, are we beyond the point of pure hate?

No. My hate is white-hot and all-pervading right now.

>> No.7492177


>that, my good sir,

It's peculiar, I know you're a troll, yet that sentence alone has so much trollpower I winced and grimaced when reading it.

>> No.7492573

>Nothing by Stephen King, really?

>> No.7492578
File: 1.96 MB, 2036x1508, 1450513476739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeoo weeoo it's the diversity police show me your top 100 books

>> No.7492602

Right? What are we doing? 11/22/63 or It. Should probably be It, because of the end.

>> No.7492621

It's not difficult to find intelligent people of any race at my college. There is plenty of retarded white people to go around too. Base your opinions of people on legitimate characteristics you stupid fuck.

>> No.7492626

Is in reply to

>> No.7492651

The Dead?

>> No.7492672

Statistics and probability theory are a real thing, you tard. It's what powers your retarded first-world lifestyle.

>> No.7492677
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4/100 = 4% not sexist
therefore 100/100 female authors = 100% not sexist

therefore by exclusively having female authors, regardless of merit but simply for possessing poons, it is no longer sexist


>> No.7492682

>steven king


>> No.7492683

Doesn't change the fact that people of any race can obtain genius. Race is only used as a measure of a person's worth by xenophobes. If statistically most people who wear tall socks are retarded would you just assume this for every person you saw with tall socks? Wouldn't you consider maybe sock height isn't the true characteristic you are interested in?

>> No.7492688

Best way tot ell if someone is retarded is if they wear a helmet all the time

>> No.7492698

To be fair, this list is pretty pleb. Fucking Harry Potter?!

>> No.7492705

Jesus fucking christ, this explains so much

>> No.7492717

holy fuck im going to throw up
did you know they call us e/lit/ists

>> No.7492725

Why is LoneDirewofl so cute?

>> No.7492731


It's even worse, anon.

>> No.7492771
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>yfw 4chan will be the birthplace of a revival of Orthofoxy

>> No.7492793

Please tell me you are baiting. Don't fucking come to this board ever fucking again. As have been pointed out, the Bible is without a doubt the most significant work of literature ever created, and you dare say that no one cares about it? I'm sorry if your attention span doesn't last more than 3 pages, but it being 'boring' doesn't take away any of its value.

You don't belong on this board, and anyone who sympathizes with you doesn't either. Please get the fuck out you retarded imbecile.

>> No.7492813

Haha I feel like half of them must be baiting

>> No.7492815

Pardon me if I just chime in like this again, but such an accusation cannot stand untackled. It is evident that the Harry Potter series written by the talented Joanne K. Rowling is literally drooling with literary merit, as it is well loved among the most diverse groups, whether it's gender, age or race. It's quite snobbish of you to say that it's bad, as it's often the entry level to literature for said groups.

Okay then, another deed done, seeya guys!

>> No.7492824

>I have nothing against blacks, gays, whoever really.
>being assholes or shoving themselves in normal people's faces that I get pissed.
>normal people's faces

>> No.7492833



>> No.7492834

Honestly I agree more with:
Islam seems the way to go. More followers, more radical. If there is anything that beats sjw's it's Islam.

Can't we all do a reading group for the Quran?

>> No.7492835

Nice bait/memeing friend

>> No.7492883

The demonym "e/lit/ist" was invented by us tho

>> No.7492918

except china just removed their one child policy, and europe and north america are getting cuckfucked by brown people.

>> No.7492945

>all these plebs namedropping plebcore books they skimmed off on wikipedia
>recommending entry level genre fiction
>"'The Bible' really?"

Fuck these precocious little high-school runts

>> No.7492981

The funny thing is, being accepting of homosexuals and not reproducing occur in the same demographic (secular humanist liberal whites), who are in the process of dying out. Brown people who hate fags are still fucking like rabbits.

Being tolerant of homosexuals is apparently a trait nature selects against.

>> No.7493029

>literally dominated the board's attention

you're delusional

>> No.7493928

Seriously. Anyone who remembers TyBrax knows they don't even come CLOSE

>> No.7494443
File: 3.06 MB, 1820x4348, Lit's Top 100 Books (2015).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting the 2014 version, when 2016 is just around the corner

>> No.7494455

This image is pretty depressing.

>> No.7494470

What makes something good?

>> No.7494553

Bah, all this Christposting. I got no problem with Christians but come on, that, Islam, this shit sucks. I don't want to be forced to believe in some shit or even pay lip service to some shit that doesn't interest me. Anyway, aren't atheists becoming more and more common, at least in the West? Will that change?

Whatever. Can't we just form a union of egoists already? I mean damn. Look at the number of people getting butthurt over a fucking list, as if this is the first time you've realized that most people are average/mediocre and have corresponding tastes.

Ready Player One is dog shit, in my opinion, yet millions of people adore it and are looking forward to the movie. I glance at it and move on. Feels good to not get caught up in this juvenile bullshit anymore.

>> No.7494562

Women participate in /lit/ and on the other boards too. We just don't broadcast it, 4chan is an anonymous board, there'd be no point doing that.
When we do announce it, 12 year olds protest but that sort of behaviour wouldn't frighten a kitten.

>> No.7494602

women are defacto plebs. it disgusts me that I share a board with your kind.

also i feel the need to point out your post is self-contradictory, not to mention completely false, seeing as how the most obnoxious /lit/ trips happen to be been female.

>> No.7494609

*have been

>> No.7494641

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion, but it's irrelevant. It's irrelevant in an anonymous board, and it's irrelevant in real life.
How you feel other people should behave will never have an effect on anyone other than yourself - as you grow aware of how petty and irrelevant your opinion of others is, you too will begin to ignore it as we all do. Once you acknowledge your own insignificance and understand how wrong you are about everything, despite believing otherwise, you will start on your path to being a functional human being.
Until then, carry on practicing step one and refrain from sharing your unnecessary opinion. Women and "minorities" will continue to be part of your little precious online and offline world, act accordingly.

>> No.7494650
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stay beta

>> No.7494656

>beta alpha dichotomy

>> No.7494678

>christcuck throws a tantrum
Right on cue.

>> No.7494685

this is almost correct. what it (and >>7494602) does not take into account is that the women of reddit are groomed by society into being these dumbed-down, overly emotional plebs—in other words, when we are talking reddit, we are talking normies, those who embody the feminine status quo, and the same applies to the majority of males, who are also are dumb and emotionally driven.

but the majority of men and women do not use 4chan. the women who frequent 4chan are not like the women who frequent reddit, and can shitpost and have intelligent discussions as well as any of the men can.

>> No.7494690

TyBrax, Deep&Edgy, Stagolee/Quentin, Fabulous, Brownbear, none of them were female

>> No.7494691
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>> No.7494709

This was pretty good until I saw the 'tis

>> No.7494710

thank you

>> No.7494721

They were all trolls though, so they were being obnoxious on purpose. Butterfly was just mentally challenged

>> No.7494722

see >>7489661

>> No.7494725

this is why /lit/ is my favourite fucking board

>> No.7494732

All of the people I listed consumed way more attention than butterfly or feminister ever did, though with TyBrax he did pretend to be a female for some time

>> No.7494765

Collectively, maybe, individually, they have nothing on butterfly and feminister.

>> No.7494782

TyBrax was worse than both of them combined, IMO. Every time he made a thread it would immediately generate 500 replies and then he'd just make another, it was ridiculous. You mustn't have been around at the time.

>> No.7495775

>2 dostoevsky books in top 10
>bulgakov #20
>gogol #95
>no turgenev (good luck translating this fellow properly)
>no chekhov
>instead we have tolstoy!
you filthy westerners cannot into slav, just give it up

>> No.7495782

oh once and future slav!
teach me how to squat!

>> No.7495786

I'm only an amateur squatter, and I'm bad at teaching

>> No.7495793

rate this poem I wrote about you

Гoвнo, зaлyпa, пeниc, хep, дaвaлкa, хyй, блядинa
Гoлoвкa, шлюхa, жoпa, члeн, eблaн, пeтyх, мyдилa
Pyкoблyд, ccaнинa, oчкo, блядyн, вaгинa
Cyкa, eблaнищe, влaгaлищe, пepдyн, дpoчилa
Пидop, пиздa, тyз, мaлaфья, гoмик, мyдилa, пилoткa, мaндa
Aнyc, вaгинa, пyтaнa, пeдpилa, шaлaвa, хyилa, мoшoнкa, eлдa.

>> No.7495823

Reddit isn't liberal at all though. At least its karma system isn't liberal. Between 4chan and Reddit, 4chan is much more liberal when you look at the way each site operates.

>> No.7495835

Why do you americans always have to drag politics into things?
There is no liberal/conservative binary switch, and american "liberals" are just contrarian conservatives, please stop or proceed to /pol/.

>> No.7495846

None publicly degenerate homo sex is fine. But gay culture has a lot of demons that need to be addressed.

Race mixing is personal, but it's fucking retarded when people try to push it as "the future ". I'm a race mixer myself, but people don't realize of you try and make " race mixing " a movement you delegitamize mixed relationships. Every race will continue.

Trans shit should be 18+ with a psychological exam before any treatment. Fuck this kids on hormones shit. These poor kids are failing experiments and its such society is allowing it out of pc culture..

>> No.7495966

>ironically using "normie"
Please go back to your r9k shithole and never return

>> No.7495977


>> No.7495989

shoo shoo roast beef.

>> No.7496738
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>> No.7496752

>Women participate in /lit/ and on the other boards too. We just don't broadcast it
>we just don't broadcast it

it's amazing that anyone can contradict themselves so quickly and completely. Truly, a magnificent example of female reasoning.

>> No.7496774


You're an idiot. She's obviously referring to posting in general (and she's right there, I don't see a lot of posts here broadcasting gender), and the broadcasting that she is a woman is needed to lend credence to the point.

I'm not going to diminish myself by saying your post is male reasoning, because it's not, it's idiot reasoning. And incidentally, it proves the second part of her post.

But 10/10 sophistry anyway.

>> No.7496803

>that guyvcomplaining abt the. Bible and no authors of color

>> No.7496821

shoo shoo whitenight, go lick chad's cum from your oneitis' pussy

>> No.7496825

>if I mention enough memes hopefully that anon will go away

>> No.7496829
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>> No.7497188
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if you were wondering where all the troll bookshelf threads came from

>> No.7497210

>Dark Tower is better than the Illiad

jesus fkn christ, how are these people aloud to live and breathe