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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 90 KB, 750x775, 1450710177938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7487771 No.7487771 [Reply] [Original]

I always thought this too.

>> No.7487808

Not like she was established to be white in several movies, video games, book covers etc., right?

>> No.7487812

>very clever

Yeah yeah, I know; back to /pol/

Didn't one of the mean kids change colour between two of the movies?

>> No.7487822


let me guess you're not racist but

>> No.7487825


Lavender Brown wasn't even cast until The Half Blood Prince. A black background actresses was given the characters name Lavender.

Stop reading the Guardian.

>> No.7487832 [DELETED] 






>> No.7487843
File: 86 KB, 684x513, 2781a070-ea99-0131-c06a-0eb233c768fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a moron

hes talking about one of the mean kids

>> No.7487846

This stuff is just classic race baiting. /pol/ foams at the mouth over white appropriation. other people are upset that the appearance of their favorite character has been changed from what they've grown accustomed to, which then gets misconstrued as racism.

It's all very silly. Who gives a fuck I guess. Read the books and imagine her as emilia watson and boycott the movie if it bothers you so much

>> No.7487849

youre a moron

He's actually talking about the numerous background characters that constantly never reappeared in the films.

Also the mean kids actor changed because the original got busted for dealing weed.

>> No.7487851

Now I hope some autist will find some sentence where she describes her skin or eyecolor or some shit. There must be something.

>> No.7487852

Here's your reply

>> No.7487862

No, I was talking about the one in that pic alright.
I want to say the character was named "Boyle" or something?
I'm 98% sure that character was played by a white kid to begin with and then suddenly was a negro.
Don't put words in my mouth when you can just ask me to clarify. Especially not when we're discussing something as serious as deep Harry Potter lore.

>> No.7487863

>every character without a specified skin tone is black

10/10 m8

>> No.7487865 [DELETED] 


There was. In Prisoner of Azkaban, Rowling specifically mentions Hermione's 'white face'. The SJWs are desperately trying to say that was used to denote fear, but it was clearly there because it was night, a full moon and Hermione's pale skin would by really white in the moonlight.

>> No.7487868

>Who gives a fuck I guess

Actually you'd be surprised how many people singularly care because It's Rowling doing this; she's literally destroying her and the books legacy by not shutting the fuck up, every time she opens her mouth she has reveals information on what characters are doing after the book or incredibly personal information about them.

She's thirsty and realized that Harry Potter was a plagiarized fluke that she somehow got away with and can't write anything original.

>> No.7487871

>Also the mean kids actor changed because the original got busted for dealing weed.

And he was the only fat white kid actor in the world? They couldn't find someone that looked a little more like him?

The guy who played Dumbledore died but they didn't hire a fucking 20-year-old for the role in the next movie, did they?

>> No.7487872

>Didn't one of the mean kids change colour between movies
and you read that as:
>he's talking about numerous background characters

why are you on a board for LITERATURE, you know READING if you cant fucking READ

>> No.7487874

I honestly like HP but all the "canon" shit that was commented after the books is dumb

>> No.7487875

You need to check your cis privilege shitlord.

>> No.7487877

>every character without a specified skin tone is white

10/10 m8

PS she isnt making Hermione black canonically, shes saying if you imagine Hermione as black it isnt violated by anything shes written. isnt that sweet, allowing black children to imagine one of the smart, attractive children in a popular childrens book is black.

>> No.7487881

>every character without a specified skin tone is white
Yes, obviously, when written by a white author in a white culture.

>> No.7487913
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>it isnt violated by anything shes written

>> No.7487918

How do writers even describe when black people "go pale" with fear?

>> No.7487919

>Hermione's white face
I mean ignoring the whole drama going on in this thread that's just... bad

>> No.7487920

Please tweet that to Rowling

>> No.7487923

She had literally been wearing white face and left the make up behind a tree. You are retarded. Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.7487924

"ashy" I guess.

>> No.7487928

>Still believing in the bogeyman

>> No.7487929

Wardine eyes be like REAL big of the sudden.

>> No.7487931


>> No.7487942

From Wikipedia
" Finally, according to Rowling, next to Albus Dumbledore, Hermione is the perfect expository character; because of her encyclopaedic knowledge, she can always be used as a plot dump to explain the Harry Potter universe."

Fucking hack!

>> No.7487957

based Malfoy didn't call her a mudblood for nothing.

>> No.7487962

Kekus Petronum

>> No.7487963


It's implied that she's white by the fact that she's very clever.

Silly woman.

>> No.7487965


are you trying to say you're not white?

>> No.7487968

Oh yea...

>> No.7487970

More people than those who care whether you kill yourself tomorrow, something you should definitely go through with, by the way.

>> No.7487973


He's right, if you give a shit you absolutely are retarded and racist.

>> No.7487975
File: 846 KB, 1080x1498, 1421502658729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who even cares at this point
it's all become so predictable at this point
make white character or historical figure black, call anyone who disagrees racist (these castings are done for this very reason) and pat yourself on the back while telling yourself you're destroying white supremacy
you can't rewrite your way to equality though so it's all meaningless
/pol/ should also stop flipping out about shit like this, it's juvenile trash either way and there are bigger things in the pipeline

>> No.7487978


Au contraire negro.

>> No.7487982

that "scene" wasn't even fear. She was hiding to not be seen by anyone other than hagrid.

Outside of Slughorn escorting harry in half-blood prince, students aren't allowed outside of the grounds so going to hagrid's is a violation.

Considering this happened during book 3 there was nothing to worry about in the middle of the daylight

>> No.7487994


>> No.7488001

Stealing. Hijacking history.

>> No.7488023

Can't believe they blackwashed Hermione. That's fucked up.

>> No.7488043

Is "blackwashing" a good word for this, btw? Making originally white characters black so that SJWs wet their panties

>> No.7488048

damn I wrote "at this point" twice
I'm sorry boys it was a mistake

>> No.7488052
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>White skin was never specified.

But it actually was in Deathly Hallows.

Also Angelina Johnson and Dean Thomas are both specified as black, so why isn't Hermione?

Check fucking mate.

>> No.7488058
File: 121 KB, 608x567, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ineluctable modality of believing all you read.

>> No.7488059


Theatre (in England) has always been relatively race-blind and she is an award winning actress, back2pol.

>> No.7488065

This is why you're lonely.

>> No.7488070

I know for a fact you have at least one reddit account.

>> No.7488071


I know for a fact you've been to reddit more than me.

>> No.7488074
File: 133 KB, 314x380, sheevon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also considering Draco Malfoy was alpha as fuck, why wouldn't he just call Hermione a nigger? Don't bother with the mudblood stuff, just go for the obvious. Call her a nigger!

Never mind calling a black person "mudblood" seems somehow more offensive than when aimed at whitey.

>> No.7488075

She obviously isnt black, the book makes clear that she knows who her dad is.

>> No.7488076


>> No.7488079
File: 418 KB, 513x597, ameliabassano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean what's actually worrying about this is that high budget theatre has resorted to acting out Harry Potter fan fiction

>> No.7488080

"Theatre" esp. in the 21st century is for mega homos so that's not surprising

>> No.7488082

The Swedish translation read something like
>Hermione's face was sticking out from behind a tree, but Harry couldn't see her, because it was dark.

>> No.7488086


>> No.7488089

9/10 pic.

>> No.7488095

The real question is, could JK Rowling be more of a fucking attention whore? Why doesn't she just announce a new book if she loves the attention so much

>> No.7488101

To be fair, even "mega homos" don't visit theatre any more, It's ridiculously dead, they can't even fill 1/10 of the seats for plays any more.

>> No.7488103

Or leak a sex tape.

>> No.7488115
File: 750 KB, 1812x1308, Harry-Potter-And-The-Deathly-Hallows_novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a nigger.
Never a nigger.
Niggers have their own characters.
Niggers can act as their own nigger characters.
Niggers need to stop stealing characters and demanding that they're niggers or have always been niggers.

There is nothing more insulting to niggers than this nigger transformation of white characters.

>> No.7488119

>Go to the theatre
>Pretty much dead
>Only other people there are dressed up like tumblr
>Men with stupid "ironic" moustaches, girls who look fresh out of feminism 101.
>Play starts.
>Women run out on to the stage.
>They scream.
>For 10 minutes they just scream.
>Someone comes out and starts monologuing but it's impossible to hear over the screaming.
>In the background a guy behind a set window is masturbating.
>Can't tell if he's doing it for real or if it's a rubber dick or what.
>Jump off the balcony 12 minutes through and escape by going to hospital with a broken leg.

Never again.

>> No.7488128

That's somehow still better than my experience, they admitted a women with a infant who loudly cried the entire fucking time.

>> No.7488129
File: 13 KB, 300x400, 1338578280097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it somehow "problematic" to point out that European people look European? Can we start looking at Asian or African fiction and folklore and start appropriating those characters as white "because technically their skin color wasn't mentioned so maybe they WERE white hmmm?"?

>> No.7488131

Pale is not "white", pale means to not be blush. Black people go pale too, the brown turns lighter and less intense.

>> No.7488134

>color drained from face

Like that.

>> No.7488139

>buy tickets to see Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
>see on ticket "adapted by [some bitch]"
>look her up on the internet
>queer feminist, green hair
>throw tickets in trash

Do they ever just do the classic play the way it was written?

>> No.7488142

kek'd hard cause its true

>> No.7488147

Yeah, but just watch one of the movie versions tho

>> No.7488149

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

>> No.7488150

To be honest, I've always thought Hermione was miscast in the movies. In the books she has this big hair and it reads as a girl who would get bullied in school for it, not Emma Watson.

>> No.7488156

In the first movie she was like that, then she got hot

>> No.7488157

What plays do they even show? Are they Tumblr versions of Shakespeare and Moliere.

>> No.7488158

Nah, Hermione was a cunty little shit in the books; and Emma Watson is a cunty little shit in real life.

Perfect casting.

>> No.7488163

No idea, my nearest theatre just plays stupid pantomime shit all year round.

>Featuring D-list celebrity who was on that thing five years ago!

>> No.7488164

What line?

>> No.7488165

Just go see a version of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)

Pretty much the only adaptation that is worth seeing. Just 3 people do the entire show

>> No.7488180

The line at the end of the book where her kids know their father and attend school.

>> No.7488183

>tfw you will never be a famous author that constantly fucks with their audience like this after publishing their major works

>> No.7488184
File: 45 KB, 548x361, le nigger emojis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting mad that a fictional character in a fucking children's book is being portrayed as a different race
>Getting mad that a fictional character in a fucking children's book is being portrayed as a different race when the fucking author of the book doesn't even give a shit

Get a hobby

>> No.7488193

You sure dont mean Blaise Zabini? I think he was always black

Crab and goyle were always white

>> No.7488195

My name is Hideaki Anno, Anon.

>> No.7488224
File: 81 KB, 1334x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a kid's book.

>> No.7488227

This tbqhwy.

>> No.7488235


>> No.7488236

I've read British kid's books where people use the word nigger, what's your point?

>> No.7488237

In the world that Rowling created, your "magic" heritage was obviously more important than your racial heritage. Malfoy wasn't a dick because he was a racial purist you autist

>> No.7488241

I'm more hurt that you took obvious bait seriously.


>> No.7488247

End yourself as well. It will make no difference to anyone after a few years. Be in control of your own destiny. Do it sooner than later to spare us more worthless replies. I really love hearing you defend yourself though.

>> No.7488264

>back to /pol/
>any different than saying jidf pls go

The spooks are palpable

>> No.7488355


>> No.7488673

You may find it sweet, but bear in mind this is not racial representativity.

>> No.7488684

the hermoines are palpable

>> No.7488707


>> No.7488746

This thread is not /lit/ and is of no discernible value

>> No.7488751

Hermione isn't supposed to be attractive, nigger. She's supposed to look like the homely girl who was really smart in your fifth grade class.

>> No.7488760

>thread about a book isn't /lit/
Go away

>> No.7488771
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>> No.7488842
File: 51 KB, 500x500, tumblr_md91pzRnwo1qjmmyfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write a short story featuring a protagonist with pink dreads
>everyone in my workshop assumed she was black
>mfw I meant her to be white

>> No.7488863


>> No.7488898

bet you hate hearing that black people made all your favorite types of music huh?

>> No.7488908
File: 31 KB, 598x211, pft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like rowling needs to read her own fucking books.

>> No.7488914

I feel like this was a clumsy way of expressing that all the color had drained from her face, but I guess you wouldn't say it that way when talking about a black girl

>> No.7488924
File: 32 KB, 328x640, 14492769178422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Zappa's jazz and Chopin's Nocturnes and Norwegian death metal and IDM and? But muh influence. OK.

>> No.7488942

In all seriousness, though "created" is not an accurate term, African drumming had heavy influence on all of those things. I say this as a white guy that plays the drums, which the Europeans were pretty shitty at

>> No.7488952

They didn't even remotely

>> No.7488955

>implying I don't only listen to western art music
>implying I'm a pleb

>> No.7488960

>African drumming had a heavy influence on Chopin's nocturnes
Citation needed. Don't embarrass yourself.

>> No.7488972


>> No.7488981

we wuz wizards n sheeit

>> No.7488982

There would be no percussion without African drumming it's true. Thank the gods Mozart traveled to Africa. Stop being a dolt.

>> No.7488986
File: 3.50 MB, 1680x2412, dh-uk-kids-jacket-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argument over.

>> No.7488993

Cover art doesn't mean much though.

>> No.7489006

means something

>> No.7489009

Yeah man the author just saw her non-specified skin color character in the fuckload of covers and movies and just let it slide.

>> No.7489015

fucking nigger

>> No.7489017

When I was a youngin' Harry Potter was out so I decided to try to read it. Borrowed it from the library and couldn't even get past the first chapter I thought it was so bad. I don't understand what people got out of the books at all, and I was legitimately the only person in my school that wasn't reading Harry Potter. Other kids would pull out their 900 page HP and I would pull out Fellowship of the Ring. I was often made fun of because my book(s) weren't as long as Harry Potter so that meant I was stupid.

Now I hate Harry Potter.

>> No.7489019


White face...as in Hermitonie is black and painted her face white...

fucking racist if you ask me

>> No.7489022
File: 81 KB, 677x650, 1434883489767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cover art is usually, for the most part, up to the individual artist. Though the artist usually gets guidance regarding character appearance (I have done covers myself).

Out there somewhere exists reference documents for these artists, but they will never be disclosed out of political correctness.

>> No.7489023
File: 1.28 MB, 1680x2412, Canon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means everything.

>> No.7489026
File: 42 KB, 800x432, 1440735653063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ain't done shit nigger, get back in your fucking cage

>> No.7489037
File: 1.34 MB, 1785x2400, 1445525725184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I firmly believe Hermione to be white, my challenged friend.
Political Correctness won't allow J.K to say so though.

>> No.7489038


saved this thread desu

>> No.7489050

Isn't that racist though?

"Oh, so you sayin for a nigga to show emotion he gotta not be black?"

>> No.7489063


>> No.7489073


>> No.7489109

*sniff* SO ON

>> No.7489130

she can still be albino

>> No.7489137

ive been a foxes fan since birth senpai desu, this year we're finally going to go all the way

>> No.7489139
File: 64 KB, 606x455, 1.173746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh isnt she a bit old to be hermione?

>> No.7489152


>> No.7489216

Go to /pol/ they do that shit all the time. Once in a while you will see "GREEKS WERE NORDIC", "EGYPTIANS WERE NORDIC", "BABYLON WAS NORDIC"

>> No.7489222

Wow, you sound so smart.

>> No.7489232

The fuck does being 'very clever' have to do with someone's physical appearance

>> No.7489238

Black people have lower IQs on average

>> No.7489265

Lying bitch, no way in hell Hermione was supposed to be black. All the non-white characters in HP were clearly asserted as black since everyone else was of european heritage. All the fucking art covers in all versions in all of the world have Hermione as a white girl. The author has control over this, she would have said something.

>> No.7489283
File: 160 KB, 1920x1100, Thor-Heimdall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Heimdal saw that comment coming

>> No.7489291

She's making a direct citation you nigger. She didn't intend to make a statement. I don't even give a fuck about this manchild shit but I had to stop by to shut you up.

>> No.7489304

race doesn't matter that's why it's important we have one of every color like the magic school bus or captain planet

>> No.7489305

until the goblet of fire from which point she becomes undeniably attractive

>> No.7489307

I listen to Mozart and Haydn

>> No.7489314


if someone says "blacks arent represented in YA" you cant point to Hermione and say shes black. JK Rowling was just messaged by a fan that said "hey, do you think Hermione could be black?" and JK responded that theres nothing to suggest she isnt

can you imagine her responding any other way?

>> No.7489347

>allowing black children to imagine one of the smart, attractive children in a popular childrens book is black.

This is the most cruel thing of all. Why give them false hope?

>> No.7489350

It takes place 19 years after the end, but yeah, she's still about 10 years too old for that.

>> No.7489358

kings on suicide watch

>> No.7489365

Except that I am.

How do you respond?

>> No.7489372
File: 34 KB, 300x100, 118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only find this kind of bitterness on 4chan.

>> No.7489411

>Also the mean kids actor changed because the original got busted for dealing weed.

It was less changing the actor, and more changing the character. Black kid had been in the films before as a background Slytherian, so they had to use him as he was the only dude in green that somebody might recognise.

>> No.7489432

She does look a bit too old. To be honest, so does Harry's adult actor.

Ron's is the only one who looks around the right age range, though ironically I think he's actually the oldest actor of the trio.

>> No.7489527

Kek, Bloomsbury covers are so shitty. First american editions looked way better.

>> No.7489596

She's actively ignored everyone who has. My girlfriend spend 90% of her day at work ctrl Fing through all the books with different wording to find that quote for her facebook (page 59 of prisoner of azkaban btw) only to find that everyone and their dog has told JK diversity the same thing.

>> No.7489657

its not the same character, he has a different name but is basically a replacement for what crabbe does in the books

>> No.7489971

Finally a meme i can get behind

>> No.7490665
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>> No.7490723

your gf needs a life senpai

>> No.7490816
