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7485450 No.7485450 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

>> No.7485480

Brave man unsure of their future, draged by the circunmstances but ready to proof themselfs.

Mexicanfag here, do not be to hard.

>> No.7485498

>the guy next to me vomited on my boots
>where are the french women
>they said we'd be eating bonbons
>I wanna go home
>this party has no mademoiselles
>are they listening to edith piaf? So 1939
>my feet hurt

>> No.7485499

wild turkey

>> No.7485511

I'm sick of living among non-whites.

>> No.7485527

this to be honestly honest

>> No.7485542

This isn't really happening, is it?

>> No.7485562

Who the fuck designed this shit boat?... the door on the front? They are going to rape us... forgive me mother.

>> No.7485579
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wish i was dead senpai

>> No.7485587

I love my father. I love myself. I hate my job. I need to stop procrastinating.

>> No.7485624 [DELETED] 

I can't stand reading introductions, but I can't put a book away without having finished it. Most of them just talk about really obvious things that even a retard couldn't miss, and also bother wasting time taking about completely off topic things that don't add to the book in any way. I honestly wish that introductions were limited to 5 pages, and wold simply bullet point some things that one should look out for when reading. This way they would allow the reader to discover the text themselves, rather than simply state what the point of this specific sequence was, and what this thing symbolised.

A lot of personal interpretation of the person writing the introduction usually slips through also, and quite a lot of the time I end up disagreeing with what I read. This is ok I guess, since it makes you ask questions, but in the end it makes me even more confused, since the person writing the introduction knows what he's talking bout, whereas I am uneducated. It makes me wonder if I understood the book at all.

You can't read introductions before you start a book, since they all spoil shit that goes down, and you won't know what the guy is talking about either, since he expects you to know what takes place in the text. If this is the case why even call it an introduction? Why not put it at the back of the book to provide you with some insight?

This is what I'm thinking right now while taking a break from reading this boring thing.

>> No.7485630

Why can't she just leave my mind. You're not welcome anymore, not my head, not my heart, and not in my state. The next time we meet, a tempest shall manifest in my presence.

>> No.7485632
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I always want to finish things today because I want results today.

But it can't always be done today.

I wait for tomorrow.

But before you know it, tomorrow turns into today.

When will tomorrow cease being today and become tomorrow?

>> No.7485633

I am alive. It doesn't really matter what I do with myself, so long as I do something; so long as I take great handfuls of life. To that end I'm going to shitpost on /lit/ tonight, listen to bad music on youtube, and contemplate what pleases me, however delusional. Maybe I will actually read a book later, but probably not.

>> No.7485640

Introductions are more for the writer imo.

>> No.7485667 [DELETED] 

Why are we alive? There is no reason. What should we do? Do whatever you want, It's all meaningless.

There is no reason to live. People don't end it because of biological triggers that stop them. I don't end it for the same reason. We continue to lie to ourselves that there is a point, but we all know that there isn't one. We continue to just to exist, for absolutely no reason.

>> No.7485669

true t'bh

>> No.7485670

Only if you're poor.

>> No.7485676 [DELETED] 

An then you live an existence built on the suffering and exploitation of others. It's even more fake.

>> No.7485682

I am a dragon in human form. This sucks. Wow I'm pathetic. I wonder what will happen if I post this. No wait, I'm just psychotic. But I'm on meds now. I guess I just find some delusions so seductive they penetrate the lucidity of the pills. I almost killed several people in an act of terrorism and then I went insane. It's ok to post that because I didn't actually kill anyone and all the evidence is disposed of. Man, this body is awful. I wonder which of the four books I'm reading I should finish first. I'm not very good at being a dragon. I'm not very good at being a human. I'm awful. I wonder when someone will slay me. I'll probably have to sell my guns soon to pay to fix my van. I wish the voices in my head would come back but I don't want to be permanently psychotic. Someone will yell at me for this post and I will feel bad. Someone will yell at me for this post and I will feel giddy, like I've trolled them. I shouldn't post this. Oh well, it's anonymous, fuck it.

>> No.7485687

I'm way too comfortable. I'm pretty much never bored. I don't do things I don't want to do and essentially have no responsibilities. I've been sleeping 10-14h a day for the last couple months, and I feel like I'm growing more and more stupid. I'm losing touch with friends, and I have no real interests. I don't need to be alive, but I am because it's the path of least resistance.

>> No.7485693

Suffering and exploitation are inevitable.
It's either you or them.
Might at well live your best life.
Besides, not every rich person is an active agent of oppression.
Some poor people can be just as oppressive as the wealthy.
Money ≠ Evil
The Love of Money = Evil

>> No.7485696


>> No.7485700
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I've spent the hour past midnight writing a gay furry incestuous ephebophiliac humiliation transgender greentext and masturbating and it makes me happy that this event is forever etched into the infinite flaming wheel of the eternal recurrence

>> No.7485712


I don't want to be among my own kind. I want to be where I am maximally obnoxious to others.

>> No.7485720

I'm stuck in an unfortunate position where I want to achieve something noble (on a few different fronts), but am too lazy/apathetic to do anything, so I wallow around in self-loathing despite knowing I should be doing something else.

The obvious solution is to actually go out and do the things I'd want to, but excuses are easier to make.

>> No.7485729

Ugliness is its own revenge, isn't it?

>> No.7485743


>> No.7485755

I feel like I'm drunk but I'm not. Just three semesters of school left. I have no idea what will happen then, or even if I'll get there. I may wind up homeless again instead. My roommate is very annoying with his constant football yelling. I feel like I have some responsibility for how awful my life has become, but I can't think of very many choices I made to lead me here. It was all other people. Just the same, I feel prepared to own my own death if it comes down to it. I don't think I was supposed to post in this thread so many times, oh well.

>> No.7485760

6-7 years later I'm still in love
Sad desu

>> No.7485959

these edgy fucking nihilists never stop coming never never never. Also fuck stirner and his meme followers

>> No.7485990
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I don't want to live the wageslave life so I want to move to a cheap asian country but I don't have a clue how the fuck I'm going to do it.

Has anyone else experienced something similar?

>> No.7485992

i cried today

>> No.7486015

I have such a hard fucking time staying in any book.

I'll start a read but never get past the first few chapters, when I was a child I could read all day, the distractions of the world are to much...

Anyone else have a similar issue? I heard taking salt out of the diet helps.

>> No.7486017

I fell for the STEM meme.
That was a terrible idea.

>> No.7486019
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frightening desu

>> No.7486036

I recommend eastern Europe. Still cheap, more historical value to any given area, no dirty asains.

I lived in Romania for 5 years.

>> No.7486089

I live in the EU (UK) so it should be pretty easy to go there, right?

Was Romania nice? How come you moved away though(seeing as you put 'lived')

>> No.7486106


remove niggers and kebabs

>> No.7486108

K.. Keep me posted.
~best modern philosopher

>> No.7486112
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That's real nice n all but we gettin real $¢ up under you

>> No.7486119
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Her. It's always her.

>> No.7486154
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Lily-white tears in the cosmic clockwork rain. Man the fuck up bitch.

>> No.7486161

I'm not diagnosed with anything but I'm pretty sure I would be should I ever see a therapist.
I have to count the number of vowels of the most of what I say, then the number of vowels someone else says, then the number of vowels of something I read. The number of vowels can never equal six, otherwise I will add words to what I'm saying (or even thinking) and it will usually be something like 'wow yes good man' - I'll say this to myself though. After counting the vowels I sometimes count the words, and they can never equal six either, so will add words but make sure the number of vowels do not reach a multiplier of six, or any number with six in it. Sometimes I just don't care fuck all about vowels and words and repeat a sentence or word over and over for no apparent reason. The number six pervades into how many of something I have, how many steps I've taken, or my number of chews. When I'm walking I try to avoid cracks but if I step on a crack I must step on a crack with my other foot and continue to step on cracks - I cannot stop. If I step on cracks with one leg more than the other, the latter leg will feel like it's on fire. I just now repeated the last three words of the preceding sentence twice for no apparent reason. It agitates me.

>> No.7486167

It didn't work.

>> No.7486168
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>> No.7486176

pretty sure that's typical OCD stuff
the book
>Brain Lock
is excelllent for dealing with obsessions and compulsions like that. I strongly recommend it to you because it certainly helped me. It expounds on a 4-step method which is essentially:

>Identify the intrusive thought, label it as OCD, ignore it and refocus to something more constructive. Don't give in, it just makes it stronger.

>> No.7486193

I figured. Thanks.
It makes me feel complete in a way, but probably is still unhealthy.

>> No.7486200

>It makes me feel complete in a way, but probably is still unhealthy.
it's very unhealthy, it's best to nip it in the bud now than allow it spiral out of control and fuck your life up.

>> No.7486215


>> No.7486502

Out of nothingness and time the strings are conceived.
Short fibrous strands at first, but they grow into strong, ropey lines.
They flow through the emptiness, a million tributaries that join to create a great river.
They begin to weave into light and forms.
Incandescent rays shine from their labyrinthine webs.
In time, they create a tapestry.

>> No.7486533

I feel like a successful and happy life is a series of made connections in transit. A bus that takes you to the train station, arriving five minutes before the train leaves. That train takes you to central station, where you change trains, with two minutes to switch platforms. That train takes you to the airport and you have just enough time to check in, drop your bag, go through customs and make the flight. That flight takes you to a central hub, and from there you get the connecting flight to paradise and your future.

The problem is I think I missed the first bus. So the rest is moot. The solution is obvious for we have all the time we need: book a new flight and start over. But I can't afford it.

>> No.7486588
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4chan is a very large part of my life and is influencing me a great deal. I am very normal but spend at least 2-4 hours a day browsing and shitposting on various boards. I'm convinced it attracts the best and brightest on the internet and will be remembered as something special some day. I also have received lots of validation over the last year in various aspects of my life, and am more convinced than ever that I am destined for some type of greatness in art or politics. I love you guys, keep on shitposting lads.

>> No.7486598
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>2-4 hours a day

>> No.7486644


I'm never going to amount to anything, and I'm okay with that.

>> No.7486661

My belly is sticking out a bit. I've been exercising a lot. Went up in my bench just yesterday, but that belly, it's still there. I'd like to say I'll be giving up beer, but I don't want to lie here.

I think I'll be productive this winter. It's been awhile, but I'm confused and a little angered that people are using "senpai" and that it's been censored for some reason or another. Maybe I'm just old.

I'd like to be young again. As young as you, you don't know how good you have it. I didn't, when I was you.

>> No.7486700

on my mind lies a bit of a banter
Im estranged, stranger life should be light
but black as a panther
ever on the prowl with its retracted claw
I walk aimlessly on streets of concrete, but write nothing so

everything staged, I see in the far distance
people walking by aimlessly
almost as much as I
for it is and forever will be I
to you about myself
unto this thread
and aside

>> No.7486720

>we all know that there isn't one.
No, there are faggots that truly believe there is a point, m8.

>> No.7486724
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I want to write something clever that will get me a lot of responses in this thread so that for a brief moment I will feel successful and as soon as the thread disappears I will go do the same in another thread.
Never actually accomplishing anything.

>> No.7486731

I am a cuck among cucks

>> No.7486733

Girls with an Electra Complex are horrifying, but also fascinating

>> No.7486735

it's the circle of life. It moves is all, really

>> No.7487304

God damn, this thread made me realize that this board is plagued with insecure man-children that still live at home with their parents.

>> No.7487306

When are you going to realize that it applies to the whole site?

>> No.7487316

Time is not linear, but circular, like a toilet bowl. The poop of today is flushed into the past, while the anus of tomorrow forever squeezes out the same poop into our bowl, thus does our history repeat itself.

>> No.7487363

Have you ever been a wall a way from death? I believe it is death... honestly I do not check my odds. I know the general favour and I fret never become an optimist. I don't want to lay down let down y'know? Play on words. Sorry, I'm nervous- thats what it's like. I'd construct the wall for you but it's pointless I haven't heard a single fire. And they could reach us- no doubt. This is close enough, and bullet is hard enough, and a gun shoots well enough. I don't need to construct that either? But Construct this. A river flowing from its beginning to its infinite end. It was clear and it is met with salt. It was pure before it's estuary, and it knew where it was going. Maybe that is key? A river is alive, it flows. In it's ocean everything is alive accept itself. It is still, silent, huddled bravely below his friend. Huddled enough so that the friend ahead shields, brave enough so that he shields the friend behind. But the construction? The stillness is key. The ocean sits as if it was met with walls on every side. It sits and waits, while the world passes by immensely through it. Through one picture; through four walls; through so certain death surround; death itself? Maybe it's becoming a medium is its own claim to life. Maybe a walled in picture death transmits life flow beyond its years; down a million mountains and through the box of such potential: an unmet end to the well-read thought

>> No.7487391

Life stretches and explores all crevasses which can sustain it. We yearn and desire, every human being is forced by time to blindly feel their way towards an object which lies in the future. Their desire. The desire rests in what the mind can create, some familiar concept. One which exists in both the present and the future and leads one by the heart, with courage, to it's absorption.

Can we exit this stretching? What is more to being than doing? At this moment I've found an existential boundary, one which is the consequence of doing, of thinking. And since I cannot control the ever flowing though, I cannot stop doing. Since I can't stop time, I can't stop my body's maintenance. I cannot stop desiring.

So if I can't escape desire then what is the best desire? Would it be best to follow all of them in order to fully be human? Do they all have their proper time and place for good use?

Understanding is a way if capturing a concept, seeing it's surface, its insides, and it's evolution.

Must desires have utility? The best maybe. The best desires have utility.

Perhaps the best use of artificial intelligence would be to understand language, so that it could map out the doing of humans, and it's evolution.

>> No.7487407

You are an idiot. No for real, A complete idiot. I shouldn't need to cargo myself to certain death to show you you can never reach my mind. You can never understand me- not what its like to live as me and certainly not as me to die. I am one funeral ship away from oblivion, and that itself is oblivious to you.

>> No.7487416

I should drink more water
but this thought goes through my mind pretty much every day.

>> No.7488552

I took a nap

I had a dream where I was with her again

I woke up with stained underwear and started crying once I realized she isn't actually here anymore

>> No.7488558

just do it, m8

>> No.7488637

maybe i should go make love
or maybe i should take a nap
lifes been good to me so far except for that part where i went insane briefly but you just gotta look towards the future and shit not dwell on the past cause all that worrying bullshits just a waste of time friends i suppose theres always more things to say but i think i just want to relax on my bed and play my guitar right now

>> No.7488665

i hate myself.

>> No.7488672

>I am very normal but spend at least 2-4 hours a day browsing and shitposting on various boards
come back when you spend 10+ hours, I'd be fucking grateful if I could spend ONLY 2-4 hours on this site.

>> No.7488821
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>tfw taking a dump to mentally prepare for writing terrible paper and suddenly realizing the perfect way to bullshit meat of your it and finish early
>tfw it's like a bolt from the blue, pure inspiration
>tfw your eyes widen and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mep0gtkmsuQ starts playing in your mind
>tfw it's like discovering the paper's shatterpoint

>> No.7489285


>> No.7489989

I gave the girl I'm madly in love with a book that she will probably never read. The worst part is that she must have thought it was so cringeworthy when I gave it to her. God damn. At least I gave it to her. I don't know why I did. Fuck. I should just kill myself.

>> No.7490054
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>tfw used to be into continental/post-modern thought
>gradually becoming increasingly disillusioned with my education, thinking its all complete semantic bullshit
>lapsing into either anarchist or profoundly spiritual/christian ideas
>spent the last two weeks alone and am now back home with my family
>tfw all my friends don't live here anymore
>taking a lot of drugs on my own
>mom wants to get me tested for ADD

I can focus when writing dense and 'oh-so-clever' literary analysis but cant fucking even remember to go to the doctors to get prescription meds for my arthritis or make tea and not wander off and forget about it, or spend so many hours working that you forget its been a week and a half since you saw your gf at a house party who as it turns out broke up with you the last time you saw her, but you being a fucking drunk and on a conspicuous coctail of drugs cant even remember happening

>> No.7491017
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I hate women because of their retarded logic so I dismiss them, I'm socially inept, add eight more contradictory excuses while I sit in this apartment where I go to a mediocre state school..it's true that women like "hard to get," as they have literally only come onto me when I'm in a mindstate of complete disdain for other humans

>tfw you instantly forget your bolt of inspiration the second you leave the bathroom

Why are you in love with her if she won't read the book you like?

seems cozy desu, I agree with your thoughts on education, if you're talking about the US

>> No.7491151
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I'm jealous of the guys in this thread who are obsessed with some girl. I feel glad though that I'm not going insane like some others ITT. If I follow Joe Rogan's advice I may live a happy life. He's a celebrity though, so maybe he's fake. I am looking forward to Christmas.

>> No.7491995

I need to finish washing the dishes before I can finally sleep.

I am tired.

I really should drastically reduce my time on IRC, reddit and 4chan, and take up reading. The benefits are great--increased attention span, patience, enhanced calm, more knowledge etc

Maybe I should get my knee checked out. BJJ and powerlifting are putting a strain on my body.

>> No.7492015

goddamn, u niggas will never learn i swear to god! u gone fuck yourselves up on this racist shit bro, i promise, nigga who the fuck control the world bitch?, ppl like me are ur only friends in this system, stop antagonizing good white folk that support y'all cause, stupid ass nigga, u needa get yo bitch ass stomped the fuck out till you learn

>> No.7492016

why does she keep texting me

>> No.7492043
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>islamic state attacks paris
>britbongistan retaliates (or rather, pre-emptively strikes its response to its own inevitable future bombings) leading to even more fucking bombings (obviously)
>british bigots turning on the muslim communities in their country, giving sympathetic believers a valid excuse to join IS in their ostracisation
>mfw we're literally playing right into their hands

>> No.7492198


>> No.7492459

My name is John Wellington Wells was the best Gilbert and Sullivan patter song because it didn't exclusively keep itself at a ridiculous tempo like the Nightmare song or the Major General song did and it has an actually interesting melody to it. Though in terms of the text itself the Nightmare song is quite obviously the winner, who else would be able to make lines like

And bound on that journey, you find your attorney
(who started this morning from Devon);
He's a bit undersized and you don't feel surprised
When he tells you he's only eleven.

Well, you're driving like mad with this singular lad
(By the by, the ship's now a four-wheeler),
And you're playing round games, and he calls you bad names
When you tell him that ties pay the dealer;

>> No.7492462

stop victim blaming

>> No.7492493 [DELETED] 

If "moderate" mudshits are really so stupid & violent that a discrimination is enough to push them from their idiotic religion into full blown ISIS mode, they deserve to be murdered to the man.

I often wonder why western countries even pretend to hold ethical scruples when dealing with ideologies that have none. Why not just threaten to nuke the islamic state unless they ceased all acts of terror? We DO have nuclear weapons, don't we? Or did we dismantle them all?

Why not threaten to bomb mecca? If the moderate muslims don't like it, they should keep their 30-40,000 rapist/murderer brothers in check ffs

>> No.7492505

>We need to give our countries to muslims or they will get mad and kill us.
Nice people.

You know what's playing into ISIS hands? Allowing them to freely migrate to our countries and live on our money while they plan out how they're going to massmurder people.

>> No.7492552

It's only the sun in his eyes.

It's wishful thinking, or some sort of narrative projection, to imagine that I see, from what I can see of his expression, something in it that can describe or illuminate. It's because of some sympathetic impulse that I taste, when I study his brow, the half-congealed spittle of an unwashed mouth. That brow does not reflect a self-perceived lifetime of humiliation: I infer the same and so see it where I expect it to be.

I can't see boredom in his eyes. He is too much concerned with displaying aggression and hatred; he can't be bored. This is the apotheosis of his devotion. He's been caught at some mid-point in his ravings, that's all. A half-second before or after, and his eyes would spit contempt and menace. It's only happenstance that at this one instant, his eyes convey an illusory sense of tedium. I can't say that he feels like an assembly-line worker coming off a split shift, only that he looks as though he feels that way. And the looking is - must be - a mirage.

His actions are so extreme and so brutal that they can only have been prompted by deep meditation. They must have gestated over a long period, and have been chewed over thoroughly, carefully, relentlessly. The point of no return cannot have been reached with no more thought than the futile swatting of a man who can no longer abide the fly that buzzes around his head. That he looks that way - that his eyes and brow speak to me all at once of the sudden crest of rage, the acceptance of its failure, and the grim, meager comfort in its short-lived catharsis - is just some idiosyncrasy of my attitude. It's something in me, not in his expression. His expression does nothing, says nothing, is nothing.

It's only the sun in his eyes.

>> No.7492559


You see the same thing from Israel quite a bit.
>hamas only wants to escalate the conflict!
>that means we have no choice but to escalate the conflict!

Also, pretty sure ISIS aren't migrating to our countries. A lot of them have actually migrated TO there FROM our countries. They want to live in their shitty little caliphate and they want to have a big apocalyptic war with the West. Not sure why you want them to get what they want.

>> No.7492574

>in the end muslims and non-muslims live completely divided in their own territories and will kill each other on sight

based isis making sure i don't have to live among muslim scum any more

>> No.7492577

The sour drip, drip, dripping down through the rusty, corrugated drain lifts me up gently as I float away in the rain.

>> No.7492579

>Also, pretty sure ISIS aren't migrating to our countries.
Some of the Paris massacre people were fresh off the boat Syrian 'refugees', anon.

ISIS confirms this, Western governments confirm this, anyone with any insight into the situation knows this.

>> No.7492584

My life is great, yet the human condition proliferates suffering sprinkled only with occasional happiness. I think this is the case because of the massive tension building between our atavistic instinctual tendencies and our pre-frontal ability to reason and understand. We experience pain, and are left to ruminate. The ox loses a calf, and marches on to breed again. Of course, this has all been said a million times over, often in much more eloquent writing, yet, I am only doing my duty in obeying OP's demand.

So it is.

>> No.7492586

>Some of the Paris massacre people were fresh off the boat Syrian 'refugees', anon.


>> No.7492587

>give our countries to muslims
giving it to them? We've been sharing it with them for the latter half of the 20th century onwards. Like it or not, they're here to stay, what we shouldn't be doing is provoking them into rash acts of fundamentalism.

>Allowing them to freely migrate to our countries and live on our money
>thinking the majority of future jihadists won't be western-born disillusioned muslims

I've lived in south london all my life, and its becoming increasingly common for the lower class criminals or gangs who practise islam to become worryingly more extreme in their beliefs. its more of a reaction to the desperate poverty they (misguidedly) believe has been imposed on them by western authority and values than it is anything to do with islam as a whole.

political rant over, be about yer business

>> No.7492591

Thales didn't merely conceived water as an empirical unity of everything like a modern scientist but what he posited was the first concrete notion of unity of thought, that everything has a origin in the One of cognition and conversely this principle is related to particular living things in an essential manner.

>> No.7492594

Wrought in iron prose the lapidary spittle drips across the dash in prurient indolence. My laissez faire attitude distinguishes me from the flock who deny their own flockitude–I lie (on the ground), slyly smirking away at passersby with the disagreeable air of a hunchbacked adonis. Spiritually speaking, my internals gurgle and giggle at the nothingness nearing the edge of what we indefinitely call life, tangoing with the Cioran's specter he left floating in the muddle mist grooving about our shadowless heads, whispering quietly in our ears to continue playing Bartok at an uncle's funeral that has managed to persist for three days now. How did he die, is what the peripherals ask, and with a single gun-shot motion to the head, I bob my curdled waist and slip another sip of my brandy. The tinge of terra cotta touches my lips, and the priest stands sangfroid. Does he touch himself at night? Define your terms the rabble unwittingly begs. And I don't, won't, can't. Phantasmagoric the waves splashing all's skin is, Yoda says in my dream that isn't a dream.

Anyway, I just stared watching Cowboy Bebop and insist that you do the same. Shit's so cash.

>> No.7492595
File: 333 KB, 451x469, 1446156570646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>desperate poverty they (misguidedly) believe has been imposed on them by western authority and values

But it's not misguided, since they are poor because of capitalism anon.

>> No.7492638


>> No.7492645

That's true to a certain extent, but if it makes them feel so persecuted or ostracised that they are driven into severe acts of violence against their own kin, its more like a narcissistic hegelian resentment than a justifiable revolution against capitalism. Just look at the london riots, the rioters were sacking and looting local businesses because they 'wanted their taxes back', as if they even had jobs well-paid enough for their wages to be taxed, when they almost certainly don't. Those who turn to islamic fundamentalism are just as retarded, and likewise capitalism isn't completely to blame for their retardation

>> No.7492656

>Like it or not, they're here to stay, what we shouldn't be doing is provoking them into rash acts of fundamentalism.
Actually, the only way to make sure they're not here to stay is radicalise Muslims to the point where state violence against them is justified.

Jihadis are great, you can kill them. Moderate muslims are the true cancer, they are the ones silently taking over by never doing something radical enough to provokes direct opposition but in the main time outbreeding everyone while smilingly building mosques. They pay lip service to multiculturalism for as long as it serves them and then they reach the demographic tipping point they will use the existing political system to erode Western values and replace them with Islamic ones bit by bit.

Your friendly cab driver neighbour is the real problem, not some angry lad with an AK. If anything, the latter is sabotaging the rise of Islam as the dominant ideology by rallying opposition to it.

>> No.7492668

Even poorfags pay VAT, anon.

>> No.7492680

>then they reach the demographic tipping point they will use the existing political system to erode Western values and replace them with Islamic ones bit by bit.
I see your line of thinking, but I don't buy into the paranoia. There has been so much islamic scholarship produced condemning the acts and tenets of IS that its not even appropriate to refer to them as aligned with present-day islam (even if that currently means 'moderate' or a more relativist islam which can be subsumed within western values). The issue has always been that of fundamentalism in any ideology, and not islamic belief in its totality.

>> No.7492693
File: 1.70 MB, 3000x1999, albatross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The night's outrage and resolve withers with the coming day.

>> No.7492706

was that you writing those green text stories on /b/ of which there were three

>> No.7492710

I'm not saying moderate muslims are like IS though, anon. I'm considering moderate muslim the problem because they are not like IS. I consider them to be a greater threat and a greater evil.

My fear is not Europe turning into a IS tier caliphate because that's not a reasonable fear. My fear is Europe turning into a moderate Muslim shithole like Morocco for example. Which is demographically speaking bound to happen unless we antagonise all Muslims to the point of violent conflict.

It's ironic, but IS might be the saviour of Europe by turning the continent into Bosnia.

>> No.7492721

For the past three months I have been working on my economic structure for humanity, i have dropped hints on too my professor about my ideal economic world and he has said countless times that it sounds amazing... he is too stupid to put the pieces together but know more about economics than anyone I know. I know if I told him the full structure (or gave him my 200 page essay on it) he would steal it at a moments notice. I'm only a lowly student but I know this could save humanity... I just don't know how to get my work published so the world can see it and I can be honored for my work...

>> No.7492722

Nobody is reading anything anyone else writes in this thread. It's kind of hilarious.

>> No.7492723


I see one guy who went to Syria ~2013 and came back at some unspecified time. Any evidence supporting your claim?

>> No.7492729

nowhere in the OP did it state we had to read anything anyone else writes in this thread. this is purely an exercise in narcissism

>> No.7492735

>Which is demographically speaking bound to happen


>> No.7492798

It's a gradual process, of course, you can't pinpoint a particular instance where it's suddenly a shithole while it wasn't the day before.

>> No.7492812


No, I mean when are they scheduled to outnumber natives?

>> No.7492902

Some stuff from Wiki:

According to the Pew Research Center, Europe's population was 6% Muslim in 2010, and is projected to be 8% Muslim by 2030, excluding Turkey.


Many projections are likely overestimated since they assume that all descendants will remain muslim, but it's more likely that the European trend will mirror the American: data from the General Social Survey in the United States show that 32 percent of those raised Muslim no longer embrace Islam in adulthood, and 18 percent hold no religious identification.


>> No.7492908

Hahahahaha that was pathetic

>> No.7492919


So, when? I mean if it's like "Around 2150 if trends continue" then nobody gaf m8.

>> No.7492950

It is estimated that around the year 2050 the majority of Europe will be non-native.

Big Western European cities are way ahead of the curve when it comes to non-natives and Muslims though, so they tend to be a taste of things to come.

Marseille will have a Muslim majority within a few years, I believe. It's known as the most violent city in Europe.

>> No.7492957

>It is estimated that around the year 2050 the majority of Europe will be non-native.

Estimated by whom?

>> No.7492966

Thinking that European Muslims will act like American Muslims is naive wishful thinking.

>> No.7492970

The first source I found was the Guardian, so you don't have to worry about right wing fear mongering I think.

>> No.7492972

>"A Pew study published in 2015 projected that in 2050 Muslims will make up 10.2% of Europe's population."

A longer timeline is much harder to predict. My guess is children of Muslims educated in the west will likely lose their religion over time.

>> No.7492974


Yeah, can you link to it, please? This is what you want to persuade people of, right? Getting you to elucidate it shouldn't be like pulling teeth.

>> No.7493018


I don't care about getting the year right, it's that other anon that cared about the specific date. My point is that it's bound to happen at some point given the way things are going. It may be sooner or later, but it is inevitable save for some great conflict that intervenes.

>> No.7493037

>My point is that it's bound to happen at some point given the way things are going.

Yeah, you keep saying that and you keep getting evasive when someone asks you like, why you think that.

>> No.7493059
File: 156 KB, 500x251, nYdVzFK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the original question was about Muslims and now you're talking about non-white Europeans.
>it is inevitable save for some great conflict that intervenes.
You mean a race war?

>> No.7493063

Because of official birthrates and immigration numbers, are you retarded?

>> No.7493064

Because people with non-Western values reproduce more than people with Western values, and a lot of people with Western values think people with non-Western values should be able to live and reproduce in Western countries as long as they aren't actively blowing things up.

Isn't that obvious?

>> No.7493075

>he original question was about Muslims and now you're talking about non-white Europeans.
I was specifically asked about non-natives by that other anon.

>You mean a race war?
More like an ideology war.

>> No.7493082

>Because of official birthrates and immigration numbers, are you retarded?

What are they, though?

>Isn't that obvious?

Not really. It's not clear at all that birth rates of descendants of immigrants will remain significantly higher than the indigenous population.

>> No.7493084

What side will the Vietnamese be on?

>> No.7493096

Not the Islamic one, I'd imagine.

>> No.7493168

why are you saying it's the west vs the rest when it comes to reproduction rates? it depends so much per country that it's just a stupid statement to make

>> No.7493201

Are those rabbit ears

>> No.7493213

Probably shaking uncontrollably as this is common for soldiers about to land somewhere.

>> No.7493215

I'm referring to reproduction rates within European countries themselves. If you look at Europe as a whole, non-Muslims have below replacement fertility birthrates and Muslims do not. So you can conclude that in Europe people with Western values are being outfucked by people with non-Western values.

>> No.7493256
File: 817 KB, 400x225, IllDieSomeday.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seldom to my more caustic believe of self-worth, my divided hope drives out of the range of suicide and into the light of productivity. I don't enjoy this drive; these ambitions are not my own.

Most of who I know do not enjoy abstraction, and those who do are dead... and I read their work to make up for my lack social reticulum.

>> No.7493258

One plus one equals oneone. Two plus two equals five equals 1984. Fuck me in the knickers, your mum said with a snicker 'fore I slipped my snickers 'tween her slick dick tickler.

What the Donald, Fuck Trump–who care's about his caricatured media escapades? He's just an animated Macy's day parade float, strings cut, terrorizing small 'townsfolk' in Soho NYC, yah sea?

But that's just fowl wordplay–my Southern drawl drags all syllabic spicks pick eses and meses and tesseracted, redacted, enacted infamous amo cookies gurgled chewy chewbacca wookie snooky old jersy bookies begging with bats for bets begotten smacks and ax. Wut.

A maelstrom of tenuously connected ramblings swept across my neuroses-toiled brain like a war-torn tornado over Dorothy's downtrodden no-place-like-what in Kansas (which, when scaled down, is flatter than an elementary school desk. Just ask scientists.)

>> No.7493290

I just want some people to like me.

Lol. Jk. I'm very good at getting people to like me.

"I already don't like you." I hear you think. Which is to say that I've contrived (contrived?) this post for that exact reason. Or maybe I'm just adopting a reflexive irony like a girl with polio, or Brangelina's multicultural children. "What does that have to do with anything" is a silly question because the predicate could literally be anything, which entails everything, from here–wherever you are, mon ami–to a blank stare, a thousand yards due east.

That reminds me: there is no such thing as maturity. There are only socially acceptable ways of acting yourself, be they Trumpian, Swiftian, Buckleyesque (don't immanentize the eschaton, whatever you do ole' Mid-Atlantic chap), or Kellerian. Clap and sound out the words:

And roll (like lieutenant Dan, who was a shit human being (fictitiously, ofc)).

Bitch I'm faded.

>> No.7493319

It seems that Bell's Inequality theorem holds water, and given that quantum theory correctly predicts the results while several assumptions like to the absurdity of the theorem, we have to relinquish at least one of them.

We assumed that Logic is valid, the "reality of parameters independent of measurement," and Locality. We also implicitly relied on the the second assumption in the logical derivation of the theorem.

I'm probably most comfortable with given up all three, actually. Never sat well with me, our fetishisation of actuality. Given the easy with which *I* can think otherwise in general gives me the feeling that the apparent actuality of experience in general (ie, measurement, in the this specific example) is just an illusion of reality. Possibilities are more real to me, on balance.

Locality I feel is implicitly tied up with the second assumption. Existence implies locality to me.

And obviously, any non-multivalue logic has got to be inadequate for "properly reasoning about reality" given my rejection of the other two assumptions. The law of non-contradiction is tied up with the "either/or" of "the existence of determinate parameters."

>> No.7493343

It sounds like you need to get out more, even if only for the sake of speaking grammatically correct. That being said, I'll be your friend anon. Hmu at 4698653659 (ask for John).

Either you're full of turd-dipped-turdage, or tell us more–!

Due diligence anent my /lit/erary compatriots' needs, I am attempting to proffer.

Overly quixotic or trollin'n'rollin'. If the former, expound bish.


>> No.7493368

Quotes from a now dead man
"Lets go to Las Vegas next year, you and me" "lets alope there, me and you"
" hows about it, what do you say? We will alope there and elvis and everything"
"what did you say to them" "you scared
them off"
"How have you been" "how are you"

"Hey I guess I'll have to try it because you made it."

>> No.7493439

I'm tired of listening to all this gibbering. My ass hurts. I probably shouldn't have taken that Adderall. I hate flying. Don't look at me! I should have taken xanax instead. I don't know how to say headphones in beaner. It's only been 40 minutes. I just want to time travel. Is this the real life? Correct. Who the fuck does this? I don't keep a diary. Goddamn koala nuts. I wonder how many people are watching me right now? You smell like mildew. I hate mildew! You filthy animals must find that culturally acceptable, there's no other explanation for how widespread it is. I could probably go get some xanax now. Fucking adderall though! My memory is worse than my attention span. I could just leave and start a new life here. Taxi driver? No no I could be a waitress. I hate people though. My imagination isn't working yet. There's got to be something I could do here. I don't want to learn Spanish. I'm going home. Drug dog! You don't scare me. He doesn't even look potty trained. Balls are huge. Hmm you look serious though. Of all the things to worry about, you choose drugs. It's all that Catholic guilt, I'm sure. I'm glad that kid stole his hat too. Dumb asshole. I don't even care what he was crying about. Shameful behavior. No go away. That smells terrible, no wonder you're so fat. Good good yes drink all that sugar. Oh jesus christ! If I'm stuck next to that screaming child...I'm going to have no recourse. This is my life? I don't know what I'm doing. Shut the fuck up! Great now I'm sweating. Why is it always my left armpit? Either I'm missing a few pores or it's cancer. That weirdo who tried to convince me to use clay....I probably should have listened to more of his babbling but his tribal tattoos and yoga comments turned my brain off. Eh maybe in another life. I can't sink too much time into every weirdo who wants to talk to me. That Swedish girl was curious though. I preferred her personality more after 5 beers. Airport hookers? I'm not going to the restroom for that! Gross. Now I have to pee. You have no business wearing pantaloons that tight. How am I the only person staring? I'm not a pervert. You freaks must be used to this. No sense of propriety evidently. My right armpit is still dry. Cover your mouth, you animal. Dude is writing in a diary. I'm typing this nonsense as you're writing god knows what. Oh sweet irony. I don't like this place. Whoever designed this chair should be euthanized. I should probably take another adderall. Maybe I can find a book to read. I like books. No one is looking at me. That's good good, mind your own business. I don't know why he keeps texting me photos of feral pigs having sex. He's lost his mind. I like bacon but that's just gross man. I dunno. Who eats cup of noodles? Hot dogs and cup of noodles. You have to have a grudge against your mouth and your butthole, and that's in normal, non, "I'm not sitting on a plane for 7 hours", scenario. Pigeon dicks, mostly.

>> No.7493889

Cat piss sandwiches

>> No.7495021


I know it's super uncouth to beg for feedback, and I'll accept in advance that it's shit, but if anyone would want to read this and at least tell me they understand who I'm describing (or even that they don't) I'd be very grateful. I was really hoping to conjure a specific person in the mind of the reader and took some pains not to be too obvious.

>> No.7495082

Wanderers stare at seas of stone long dead

the bright pupil of the sky stares back,

an ancient eye

one to the other one said

who wanders endlessly, you or I?

the wind whistled in reply

>> No.7495259

Sometimes I think I have a lot of potential and am worth something.
Other times I think I don't.
I don't know which it is.

>> No.7495299

Why aspire when I could just kill myself? I prefer to rather wait for death to claim me on His own, although I suspect I am not worthy in His eyes for an early departure. I will bear the suffering that I deserve and live to be an old man. A man who had no aspirations.

>> No.7495337

When I listen to this song its just so repetitive. Its so one dimensional. Its rap jazz without the rap. Its silly. Its inane. But it's so moving. Why should this song stir such emotion? Why should I be on the verge of tears? Why am I feeling such empty nostalgia? There isn't even a memory its attached to. Its like the song puts the feeling of my entire 24 years of existence into one simple repeating melody of 5 layers. I just don't get it. Fuck these feels. I want to do something great, but it feels as if those great moments have already passed and I don't even know that they happened. I'm gonna go get some chips and salsa.


>> No.7495362

I can sort of feel it too, my guess it has to do with the general sound of old games from youth or something. Sounds like a Japanese SNES rpg.

>> No.7495371

Forgot to add, do you know Erang? Also gives me massive feels in this sort of direction, especially this song:


>> No.7495375

what is this genre called?
stuff like that and

>> No.7495387

Reminds me of this:


>> No.7495393

When I listened to that it made me miss a lot of people that have passed away in my life and lament the fact that I didn't go camping more often. But what's the point of camping when they're all dead? Am I going to see fucking vision spirits and trip on peyote?

>> No.7495405

Camping alone can be amazing, m8, but it's a completely different experience form camping with others. It's worth it to pull a Thoreau though, might even help you with what ails you. You seem very unhappy. Hope you'll feel better.

>> No.7495410

sounds like nujabes

>> No.7495411

>It's worth it to pull a Thoreau though, might even help you with what ails you.
not him but what do you mean by 'pull a Thoreau'?

>> No.7495421

That is the artist.

You do not call all plunderphonics like music The Avalanches

>> No.7495427

>The Avalanches

>> No.7495435

kenmochi hidefumi is nujabes?

>> No.7495459

a sort of general non-literature thread where you can shoot the shit with people of /lit/ like this is beneficial to the board, I think.

every board should have one off topic general where you can talk about things other than the topic when you still want to talk with the same demographic, because a lot of people want to discuss certain non-/lit/ things with /lit/ rather than with /b/ or /r9k/ or /pol/ or whatever.

>> No.7495468

This jobs pretty sweet, at the same time it kinda sucks. That girl that came in is pretty cute. I think she's been here before, fuck it. I'm tired. My eyes feel blood shot. This coffee will probably crash me hard later on but for the moment it's working I think. I hated when it was too warm but now it's kinda cold and it bothers me even more. I will probably by another one before going to work again in like 2 hours when I get off this other job. Fuck my life
Fuck captcha

>> No.7495469

this type of thread isn't something new, senpai.
It's just people didn't want to create one after /his/ got created because of newfags coming to /lit/ and redirecting even slightly unrelated threads to other boards and shitting them up.

Now they've calmed down a little so these threads can be created again but yeah I do agree with that sentiment.

>> No.7495482

I know it's not new, but sometimes they lead to 'persecution' and it would be comfier if we just had one destination for it so that people don't have to risk getting banned for wanting to go off topic for a bit.

>> No.7495506
File: 10 KB, 320x320, blessings pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left foot, right foot. Left foot, right foot. We two walked side by side. The wind bit my cheeks, and I stared at the ground to offer my face a reprieve from the wind.
"Great to come out here in the weather huh? Really fun to get out of the city." He said
"Sure Dad. Yea." I lied
The winding path continued minute after minute, step after step. Until we reached a fork in the road.
"You're not talking much. What's up?" he asked
"I never learned how to say no to you Dad. Cause I was a scared little kid. But I'm a man now. I'm going back down this trail, into the city. I'll rid myself of all the toxic people in my life then watch DJ Khaled's snapchat.

>> No.7495529

Not him, but let me guess: gypsies.

>> No.7495560
File: 27 KB, 278x353, 9820418912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time withers on; you tell me to wait
But I am scared of waiting longer.
I am scared of the loneliness which creeps
into my soul, drips and seeps
into the hole which now comprises my chest.
Would it have been best?
To just not have bothered with the matter at all?
To curl up into a ball,
for I am not Lazarus, and no, I have not come to tell you all,
Like the rest of you, I have come to meet my fall
With some sense of satisfaction
How peaceful it would be to let the world pass me by!
And draw a sigh,
Breathing out this sense of satisfaction and calm
Intermingled with that little bit of helplessness

If only I could head into the cold to get to my home
But I can't help and look back and feel alone

>> No.7495585

I legit cant force myself to read let alone like Dune. i'm like 120 pages in, do i keep going?

>> No.7495602
File: 20 KB, 191x182, 2342324425435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have been a soldier on Omaha Beach,
Jingoistic and armed to the teeth,
Ready to die for America, the land I love,
Ready to protect any of this for the big man above-
But was it really meant to be?
Here I am, talking to a man online
God would laugh at us from smoke in suspended skeins
As would anyone with a proper moral upbringing.
What I would do to get rid of this feeling!
Arsthmatic pathetic little worm in my guts
Making me steal breaths from those better than me
The spotlight is on me and I can feel the
Heat, crushing, killing, blunting me
Slowly, I do not care, I do not care
Their opinions do not matter
But when my thoughts are all spattered
What can I do but stare
Like a deer in the headlights, waiting for the the truck.

>> No.7496365

>wage slave

>> No.7496385

Edge warning:

Vandrande genom fjärran land,
Själv men ack ej ensam,
I vinden viskar du till mig,
I vågornes dåna,
I måsarnes skriande lej,
Dig ser jag - i bottnarna av mina glas,
I solen min gud,
I månljusets skrud,
I alla flickors drag,
Din hand av silkehy,
I min av läder och dy,
När jag vandrat all väg,
Och vandrat all stig,
Hittar jag då,
Om lycklig till dig

>> No.7496391


>> No.7496393

Jag gillade det.

>> No.7496399

Tack svenskbroder

>> No.7496402



>> No.7496405
File: 134 KB, 991x747, battle_normandy228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storming onto the beach with the sensational push that one is about to die for king and country is a feeling that very few men will ever have the privilege of experiencing in their lifetime. Yet nothing can compare to these hopes and dreams coming to a stop with a single bullet penetrating the torso of everything that pushes a man, a soldier, to march onward. For I could not go on, my body collapsed onto the wet sands of a dreary Europe, dead. My lifeless corpse left to rot into the seashore, had a forever imprinted smile with the realization that my spirit had achieved eternal peace.

>> No.7496422


>> No.7496464

“Buy a computer?” “Sure, we got a couple of little ones, Apples, on Dallas. Cost you about, oh, two thousand for a nice system. That’s a lot less than what a car goes for.” “A computer for two thousand dollars?” Bugayev went from wishful to suspicious, certain that Jones was leading him on. “Or less. For three grand you can get a really nice rig. Hell, you tell Apple who you are, and they’ll probably give it to you for free, or the navy will. If you don’t want an Apple, there’s the Commodore, TRS-80, Atari. All kinds. Depends on what you want to use it for. Look, just one company, Apple, has sold over a million of ’em. They’re little, sure, but they’re real computers.”

>> No.7496501


>> No.7496507

nibbana sure is great

>> No.7496799
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The private first class standing next to me on the landing craft was smiling the whole way to the German shoreline. He had an honest, happy smile. Even when we were being splashed by the water from the mortar shells and the bullets cracked in our ears, he smiled eerily. I looked him over and to me he looked no older than twenty. His face, pale and unassuming, had not changed its expression since I first saw him on the carrier. The rolled up sleeve of his uniform revealed the royal flag stamped on his skin.

"For King and Country," he muttered under his breath, and right then we spilled onto the beach. After advancing a couple of hundred yards a bullet from one of the machine guns hit him straight in the chest and he went down like a sack of meat. The shooting stopped abruptly. I hadn’t been the only one watching loyally. The whole infantry battalion, it seemed, had their eyes fixed on him.

After a moment we could see the Germans running out of their bunkers, and without firing a single shot, or being fired at by any of our lads, they skipped over the bodies littering the beach and ran towards the smiling corpse.

When they finally got to where it was they threw down their weapons in the sand and surrounded the body of the private. There was no protest from his fellow as his clothes were ripped off.The Germans sunk their teeth into his limbs, bit off chunks of flesh and then swallowed them greedily. The allied soldiers, themselves overcome with intense hunger, joined in ripping at his face and skin. Soon nothing but bones remained, and the smile was gone. The Major finally came and told us to stop, for he intended to send the poor boy back to England, so that the king and the royal family may at least snap the bones and suck on the marrow. The Germans took up their weapons and promptly returned to their bunkers. We too, took up our positions, and when everyone was in place, began to fight again.

>> No.7496891

I am way to old for this site.
Yet I keep coming back.

I should stop, but I have nothing better to do.

>> No.7496907

I agre with you, I'ma to smart for this here site,

>> No.7496922

The most significant events in life are the ones you didn't expect

>> No.7496925

this, this, this

>> No.7496954

I didn't say too smart, and I didn't mean too old in a condescending way. (I noticed the typo after posting, but thanks for the input).

I am objectively too old though.

>> No.7496967

4chan is a terrible waste of time no matter what age you are. We could all be doing more productive thinks right now.

>> No.7496970

should've pulled out breh

>> No.7497042

Getting frustrated and worried about the relationship people in my generation (born 1994) have with societal rules and the effect that it has on their psychologies.

For an example, I took two visiting friends to a party the other day. It was, I would say, a two minute drive from my house. I get to the party, play a little bit of slap cup (where I drink my one half-beer of the night) and then my two friends indicate to me that they don't really feel like hanging out with these people they don't know--which is totally fair. So I, knowing that they're sort of prudish, tell my friend Julia that she can drive my car home, since I had half of a beer. It's dark out and she completely fails to back up out of the driveway. I awkwardly and politely as possible ask to drive the car to at least the end of the driveway, since she wasn't familiar with it. I easily back up through the curves and, when I get to the end, turn to them and say something along the lines of "it's raining, I've only had half of a beer, and I feel perfectly fine to drive home," and then I drove the 2 minutes to my house. The two acted really strange and reserved around me for the rest of the day. Later, when I asked the guy friend whether they were mad at me, he responds "No, dude, we're not mad at you. You just shouldn't have done it."

That makes me furious. He isn't mad, but I "shouldn't have done it?" It would have been more reasonable if they WERE mad, because that's at least personal conviction. But I "shouldn't have done it???" According to what? According to whom?

Instead of instilling in people the healthy idea that to drive while drunk is unsafe and shouldn't be done, it seems like the campaign's consistently all-or-nothing rhetoric has convinced young people that it's sinful to even ever touch a wheel the same day that you've drunk something. Instead of learning a good moral to be weighed against when judging personal decisions, they've given themselves up to a rule without exception.

The same idea is true of seatbelt-buckling campaigns (although the example doesn't work as smoothly since it's pretty much always a good idea to wear one). I don't think many millenials that I've met could begin driving without buckling even if they tried. Idk why this bothers me, or whether it's even a worthwhile thought, but it makes me sad to see young people that don't realize that taking thoughtful exception to societal rules is a part of being an individual

>> No.7497058

they don't really sound like friends.
If they cause unnecessary stress like this you may as well drop them 2bh.

>> No.7497127

Literally half a beer? Top lel.

Is it true that that drinking daily is looked upon as alcoholism even if you just have a glass of wine with dinner over there?

>> No.7497580

This. Recently started attending art school, most of the artists, even ones who have decent grips on technique, just follow whatever people say in their critique. Their work ends up not really being their own, and not being what they wanted it to be. Millenials suck up to authority and take criticism far too seriously. The fact is, some people criticizing them have no idea what they're talking about and the rest don't really share them inspiration/experience/vision. I'm starting to doubt most of my peers capacity for independent thought. It was even worse in high school though.

No, not really. Getting drunk or tipsy morning/afternoon everyday would be considered alcoholism

>> No.7497644

Getting drunk every night wouldn't?

>> No.7497653


I'm curious what grounds you guys have for attributing this to some unique characteristic of the cohort. I mean, I'll happily concede that like 40 years ago, nobody would have said a word about driving on a good bit more than half a beer. In fact, avoiding driving on half a beer could well have been seen as weak or effeminate or suchlike.

And with the art school thing, I wonder again what basis you have for supposing it was different back in the day. Maybe most people have always been somewhat weak-willed. It doesn't seem prima-facie implausible to me.

Young men in England were shamed in droves into enlisting during WWI by women brandishing white feathers at them (essentially calling them chickens, lol). That's pretty hardcore receptiveness to criticism, if you ask me. And over far bigger a deal than what you're doing on some painting, and also apt to endanger your life, rather than notionally protect you.

tl;dr I'm always suspicious of "These days" stuff.

>> No.7497714

>Young men in England were shamed in droves into enlisting during WWI by women brandishing white feathers at them (essentially calling them chickens, lol)
This is one of the most disgusting thing I can imagine to be honest.

>omg a REAL MAN would die for us while we sit at home

>> No.7497764


Yeah, WWI is pretty good for straight-up horrifying stuff like that. They had a scheme that would let you sign up with all your pals, so there'd be entire villages where half the young men all died the same morning. I look at shit like that and I'm fine with eg trigger warnings etc. Could be a whole lot worse.

>> No.7497835

Productivity is literally a meme.