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/lit/ - Literature

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7484777 No.7484777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, what do you like to do besides reading, /lit/? Is it fulfilling?
for me,ever since I suddenly lost interest in Anime and Manga, all I do is browse 4chan and read books, which is very unfulfilling.

>> No.7484787

Cooking. Yeah it is fulfilling, but not in that way

>> No.7484798

flirting with grills at work, writing, martial arts, festivals, frisbees and boomerangs

>> No.7484807
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I look at pictures of Kowloon Walled City.

>> No.7484808

This. And film and cycling around aimlessly.

>> No.7484811
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game dev
papier maché animal heads

>> No.7484815

partying and having fun

>> No.7484819

cinema, music, sometimes vg.

>> No.7484820

because it's the closest we've got to cyberpunk?

>> No.7484839

Music, films, walks, drinking

How fulfilling any of this is depends on my mood at the time, recently I was on a good place and found incredible joy in these, but now anhedonia has hit me hard and these activities just feel like rituals to perform when I don't know what else to do

>> No.7484849
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I like music

>> No.7484861

music, cinema, working on your own projects

>> No.7484883

>I like music

Literally everyone likes music

>> No.7484886

>anhedonia has hit me hard and these activities just feel like rituals to perform when I don't know what else to do
me too senpai, I just feel disinterested in everything besides browsing 4chan and listening to music, and even that is getting old.

>> No.7484893

they think they do

>> No.7484895

After listening to the same music, Anhedonia has kicked in and the particular songs I have heard are unpleasurable. It seems that each time I spread to a new album or recording my anhedonia kicks in and it becomes unpleasurable.

>> No.7484899

Its like saying that everybody reads books cause harry potter and shades of grey are popular

>> No.7484911

I only watch movies/TV because my gf does, so occasionally I see something there that I obsess over for a while. since I only have like 5 bands that I enjoy, and I've already listened to them over and over, I don't listen to very much music either these days. reading is my only consistent hobby.

>> No.7484914

>flirting with grills at work,
>flirting in a place people have to be and can't leave

>> No.7484917

>game dev

>> No.7484925

How can a neet get a gf?

>> No.7484927

I have this whole album some anon posted here once, it's beautiful.

>> No.7484929

Sure but there's a difference between someone who spends a significant portion of their free time actively listening to music and trying to discover new artists and someone who puts on the top40 radio station during their commute because they don't like silence

Like how everyone reads, but some read Joyce while others read cereal labels and Facebook posts

>> No.7484932

Based jewrio Mahler.

>> No.7484953

I am in education and employment, so not a NEET, just a functioning sperg.

>> No.7484959

But would it be possible?

>> No.7484979
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My other biggest interest would be tea, but few people consider it a hobby. It's fulfilling, though. Otherwise I spend time on work, video games and listening to audio lectures/podcasts. I collect a lot of things, and when those things arrive or I find a good one, it's a nice feeling.

All my other fulfilling interests happen about monthly, so they're only occasional hobbies: brewing beer, going to the rock climbing gym, going on a mushroom hunt, going to the range to target shoot for a few hours and going to the opera.

>> No.7484988

>My other biggest interest would be tea, but few people consider it a hobby. It's fulfilling, though
do you mean like asian tea ceremonies or you like to drink different types of tea?

>> No.7484994

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, copious amounts of weed, and meditation.

>> No.7484998

I have a NEET friend who has had a lot of girlfriends. He just lies to them and says he works from home.

>> No.7484999

if you don't have income and/or your own place it is nearly impossible to get a gf. whatever gf you might get as a NEET will be one who is desperate and trashy (which is a big part of why /r9k/ NEETs think all girls are sluts).

>> No.7485007

Both, though I'm not technically trained in the former, I just read on it and practice by myself. Drinking and trying lots of kinds, brewing in different styles, collecting teaware, hoping to eventually have a pu-erh cellar once I'm settled somewhere.

>> No.7485014

Painting/drawing, writing, watching artsy/foreign films, video editing, singing, playing piano, martial arts, gaming, gardening/farming, wrangle cats, teaching (it's a career and a lifestyle I guess)

I have a hard time sticking with one thing, sadly.

>> No.7485021

sounds pretty cool senpai, have you read
>The Book of Tea by Okakura Kakuzo

>> No.7485026

Brewing tea can be so fulfilling. Waiting for the water to boil, checking the temparature, pouring it with care, smelling the constantly changing aroma, and then indulging in the taste. It's easy enough that almost anyone can incorporate it into his/hers daily routine, too. Yerba works as well.

>> No.7485039

I don't.

Don't hate it or anything, but I don't make any effort to listen to music for its own sake. I like talk radio and audiobooks.

Hilariously, most of my friends are musicians, so I go to a fair amount of shows. It's ok though, because I'm a visual artist and most of them know fuck all about that.

>> No.7485044

Haha, yeah. Mine has a very cute inscription to someone in the front of it, hoping that this means they'll get to have tea with the inscriptee now.

>> No.7485047

playing the piano
making origami

>> No.7485063

Grilling, Shooting in the summer and late spring, Cinema, Music occasionally, Going out with friends of that counts, Video Games have been less and less part of my life as I've entered Uni, still hope to purchase FO4 or Battlefront this Christmas.

>> No.7485064

can you post it? I love kowloon city, gives me this weird feeling of beeing connected to it. Even though it probably sucked, and I have never been there.

>> No.7485066

>implying i even read

>> No.7485071


cooking (Mediterranean)

>> No.7485092

Not him, but most people doesnt really listen to music. They just put it on as background noice when browsing FB or Twitter. To really get and therefore be able to like it one must devote time to only doing that. I suppose this is what he meant.

>> No.7485096


>> No.7485107


Have fun.

>> No.7485125

just deadlifts, senpai?
nothing else?

>> No.7485181

I've been thinking about picking up tea to kick my soda addiction. Any advice on some good teas to start with?

>> No.7485188

Depends on your palate. What kind of taste do you like the most? Herbal, bitter, sweet? Does it have to be strong, or perhaps less pronounced and ephemeral?

>> No.7485247

I honestly have no idea. I think the only tea I've ever had is Arizona Iced tea, and I doubt that counts. I don't even drink coffee.

>> No.7485268

Try a classic one at first: yunnan (black, bitter and strong, has intense colour) or perhaps sencha (green, grassy and fresh). Check if your local market sells the tea in bulk, the packaged ones are usually more expensive, especially if branded.

>> No.7485299

Oh, and since you mentioned Arizona: don't put sugar in your tea, ever. Unless it's some kind of Bavarian/Thai tea & milk mix, that is.

>> No.7485317
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Listening to podcasts while doing everyday tasks

Long distance runs


Walking the dog to the nearby school and throwing the ball to her

Roasting, grinding, brewing new coffees

I've just started that show Vikings

>> No.7485321

Can't go wrong with good ol' Yorkshire Gold tea.

>> No.7485330

Thanks. I'll look to pick some up next time I go grocery shopping.

>> No.7485338

what language, senpai?

>> No.7485340


>> No.7485344

I watch football, unfortunately.

>> No.7485352

I literally do nothing all day

>> No.7485365

literally nothing like staring at drapes for hours or do you just browse 4chan aimlessy?

>> No.7485372

That's doing something.

>> No.7485380


If I'm not surfing the internet aimlessly I just pace around my house or lie on my bed

>> No.7485405

sounds pretty sad senpai, is it just because there's nothing to do at home?

>> No.7485423

fellow /p/ poster ?

>> No.7485439

Moe anime/mango
Asian tea
learning japanese and chinese

>> No.7485490

>learning japanese and chinese
how do you go about doing this, senpai? I know that /a/ has DJT thread daily but where would you go to learn chinese?

>> No.7485509
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>used to compose serious music
>was on track to study it at conservatory when I was still getting a performance degree
>haven't written more than a bar or touched an instrument since I dropped out in 2012
>started powerlifting
>not sure if I actually enjoy it or if I do it just to feel something
>do literally nothing else than that, shitposting on 4chan and feeling bad about wasting whatever musical talent I had

>> No.7485521

By myself really. I just manually memorize hanzi and since chinese grammar is easy, I don't have to learn a lot. I read chinese classics in chinese along with translated versions in english. (Children tales currently since I suck at chinese currently)

>> No.7485529

I suck stranger's dicks.

>> No.7485537

Ah, I see, thanks.

>> No.7485561

>feeling bad about wasting whatever musical talent I had
If you're not going to practise music anywhere and there's no chance of doing it ever again, there's no point in worrying senpai.

There exists no other conditions than those which caused the current events to transpire, 'what ifs' are illusionary and destructive.

>> No.7485569

That's the thing though, there isn't anything holding me back. I still have all my equipment, the software and programs I wrote, old sketches, a decent library of technical literature, copious amounts of free time etc.

I just couldn't do it anymore then and I still can't.

>> No.7485583

Drawing, writing, writing and listening to music, cats.

>> No.7485586
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>bird watching
>composing ambient music
>discovering various countries folklore

>> No.7485591

If you're not going to do it and you don't really derive pleasure from it then it seems like a no-brainer to not worry/care.

How come you don't want to do music anymore though,anon?

>> No.7485602

But I neither like anything else, nor have any other idea for what to do with myself.

Honestly, I don't know why I suddenly couldn't anymore. It's not even that I don't want to, it's more like I just can't.

>> No.7485611
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Music, watching pro matches and playing CSGO and also films I guess.
I also read the news.

>> No.7485613

that's about it

>> No.7485617

Mostly chess and playing the piano.
Also webdesign (since I study comp sci), which is feels almost like an art to me.

>> No.7485636

how did you start drawing, senpai?
I've got a shitload of time but I have no idea where to start.

>> No.7485651
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Playing league of Legends, music, film and masturbation.
Hell no! It's just a grind that leads nowhere.
Every now and then. Sometimes when I'm in the right mood and listens to noise rock or shoegaze I sort of forget I have a body which is nice.
Sometimes. It's just another waste of time like everything else I do though.
No, I don't even enjoy it.

I feel you, though I never did anything to begin with. I've longed to something like drawing, making music, making film, studying, record sound or just something, but I'm stuck in some kind of mental paralysis that I can't explain.

>> No.7485661

Most of these are not hobbies. Cooking isn't a hobby, it's something necessary to live. Video games are not a hobby because you are playing with toys.

You're like women and saying "shopping is my hobby" followed by a "teehee." Kill yourselves.

>> No.7485668

>Cooking isn't a hobby, it's something necessary to live
I don't cook, yet somehow I'm alive. How is that? Necessary my ass.
>Video games are not a hobby because you are playing with toys
Is playing with toys not a hobby?

>> No.7485672

>Cooking isn't a hobby
>it's something necessary to live.
Being able to prepare some sort of meal, yes. Cooking, no.

>> No.7485691

Playing competitive video games is really just an unnecessary stress in your life

>> No.7485701

Your opinions are stupid, or, at least, very ill-considered.

>> No.7485702

for the past 10 years my hobbies have been pretty much the same.

1 video game at a time which features some form of matchmaking system with mmr/elo to sate my competitive drive. this could be satisfied by a traditional sport (and would probably be more fulfilling) but its really hard to have a consistently available pool of players which are around your ability, maybe if i was in harlem or some shit

An exercise, usually 1 major one and 1 minor, this can be anything but usually running is major and cycling minor. i would prefer to have swimming major and running minor but no pool

diversion, wandering: usually walking, but kayaking works well too. basically too easy to be exercise, but enough to occupy yourself so your mind can really wander and you can attempt (but fail really) to get outside yourself

enrichment: both film and literature. fiction. they afford you an awesome experience of viewing yourself. i think strange loops (something using itself as input) are really central to growth, and film gives you an opportunity to view "ourselves" in the world and literature gives us an opportunity to "view" our internal monologue, both are neat

>> No.7485711
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I know it's shit. I'm high platinum and the players feels the same as they did in silver a few years back. Though I would not say it stresses me, it is just a shitty way to waste your time since it leads to nothing. I'd rather do something else that play league, but it's just easier to plat that do anything else.

>> No.7485726

90% of my freetime is either browsing Reddit, 4chan, YouTube, or TF2.

I should probably find something more constructive.

>> No.7485732

>Roasting, grinding, brewing new coffees
I've got an air-popper and a pound of green beans, how hard is it to get started/get a consistent roast?

>> No.7485745

I quit League of Legends and all other video games last year. I came to the realization that it really was just a completely unnecessary burden on my life. Getting worked up about the results of a video game several times a day is just not needed in life, or worrying about what's really a completely meaningless ranking.
Many people say they use eSports to satisfy their competitive urges. I did think that as well, but I also realized that pouring your competitive urges into something that is completely useless is a big waste of effort. Those urges could be used on trying to compete against Gershwin, Tolstoy or Monet instead of anonymous people calling you names.

Well, that's my rant on something that's largely irrelevant to your post.

>> No.7485759
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>yfw you realise trying to get the high score over tolstoy is just as futile as beating some korean online

>> No.7485762

I screw around with several from the Calligrapher's Bible.
My first time I simply used a wok pan. Regardless of consistency, the sheer freshness will make it one of if not the best cup you've had. Just remember to let the roasted beans sit for around two days before using.

>> No.7485764

well im sorry i havent had your grand reveal yet, but heres a spoiler: its pointless to best Monet and Tolstoy too

its enjoyable to me to play a game and improve at it. im not trying to become a professional, im not trying to rub dirt in anyones face. i have never become so emotionally invested that a loss negatively impacted me. im sorry that competitive video games dont do anything for you, but thats your personal inability to separate your EGO from your PERFORMANCE

hopefully, you post again and say something incredibly self-centered like "oh,,, i used to think the same thing, until i realized the truth..." oh whoops, too late!

>> No.7485768

But at least you create something

Didn't mean to trigger you.

>> No.7485770
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Yerba is fantastic. I commend you good sir.

I smoke when I read, and strangely only when I read. However, ever since I moved to university I've had to switch to vaping however.

Also does having a constant inferiority complex count as having a hobby? I constantly find people who are superior to me in some quality, either in work ethic, personal attribute or otherwise; I then work to transcend them in whatever aspect I find them superior to myself only to be disappointed when I find someone better still, then the process continues.

>> No.7485773

Pretty much all I have anymore is shitposting on 4chan. I lost interest in video games, I've been banned from every real forum in existence, I used to play competitive dance games but now I'm too fat. I guess I have my motorcycle but I think of that as transportation, not recreation.

>> No.7485779
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Apologies, English is not my first language. Also excuse the superfluous added 'however' an editing mistake.

pls dont kill me

>> No.7485781

Let me guess, you are Polish, you like Korwin-Mikke and attend a tech school, huh? If yes, >>>reddit

Otherwise disregard what I just wrote.

>> No.7485788
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I feel the same way I think. But I don't mad, well I get irritated in small burst but never really mad. I still have a hard time stop playing the goddamn game since pretty much all my three friends play it. Which sort of leads me of getting rid of them of my life. I know that sound like an asshole thing, but I don't think our friendship gives me any value any more than dumb over done memes and inside jokes.

tfw you justify playing with competitive substitute after I quit Hockey.

>> No.7485791

It's because I have no life

>> No.7485793
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Correct, correct (Though Braun is my preference), incorrect.
I've moved to the UK five years ago (parents decision) and now study here.

>> No.7485797

I know that feel really bad,anon except I lost interest in anime rather than video games.

It fucking sucks doesn't it? suddenly falling out of love of something you've done for years and enjoyed and shitposted about on 4chan just hurts.

It's been about a year since I've lost interest, how about you anon? How long has it been?

>> No.7485798

That was a subtle hint to get the fuck out, you fedora tipping faggot.

>> No.7485800
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Are you Polish?
I understand that you guessed from the picture of Cejrowski?

>> No.7485804

Schengen my friend, I'm staying here for now.

>> No.7485807

>Which sort of leads me of getting rid of them of my life. I know that sound like an asshole thing, but I don't think our friendship gives me any value any more than dumb over done memes and inside jokes.

I was in the exact same situation as you, dude. Were they your highschool friends and now the only thing you have in common is the past and the fact that you play the same video game?
I got other friends now that I actually have things in common with and I find interesting, life's much better.

>I don't think our friendship gives me any value any more than dumb over done memes and inside jokes.
I'm pretty sure I wrote this exact line in my journal (It's not a diary, mom!) when I quit.

>> No.7485837
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I found them at Swedish pokémon forum maybe five years ago. we got bored at competitive pokémon and started to play league. I've meet one of them three times, one second time and the third I haven't meet but we spend shit tone of time speaking on skype. We're all fucking neets, two of them dropped out of high school and haven't done shit since. I'm the most "productive" of us, since I leave my room every blue moon. shit

How did you do it? I've had these thought for a long time now.

>> No.7485841

you just worded your post really obnoxiously, if competitive games arent for you they arent for you, but please understand the purpose of games. they cannot be replaced by writing, painting, or composing, because those arent games.

a game has a clear set of rules, and a clear (verifiable by any third party) outcome. you are then pitted against an opponent and you both compete to achieve that outcome (which only one side can earn) utilizing everything at your disposal. in this way war, rocket science, track and field, or league are similar.

>War doesnt have rules
of course it does! they aren't rules in the sense of "you cant move without dribbling a ball" where they are imposed by the game necessarily, but rather the game itself inhabits a space with rules (the world, and the laws of physics). so imagine the Duke and Napoleon squaring off for battle, they both prepare to wage war with each other with their starting pieces. They inhabit a particular board. Now its a game with a lot more depth than League or Basketball certainly, but they each utilize the tools at their disposal, they each have an understanding of how their decisions are reflected on the board, the morale of their men, what orders are possible/impossible etc.

one will be the victor, and the victor will be clear. inarguable. thats fun, its axiomatic fun.

sitting down and painting is virtuous, but its not a game. and if it is a game then i fear your paintings will suffer for it, because when the dust settles and your 90 yrs old, your paintings could be on display at the lourve but who the fuck is going to rule on whether you "beat" Monet? its just not a game.

oh and by the way, "competitive urges" arent ladled out like gruel in an orphanage. there is a wealth of evidence that expressing a certain emotion gives rise to more of that emotion, essentially if you compete a lot you become more competitive, you get angry a lot you become angrier. you can't "vent" anger, you just become better at being angry, so the idea of "conserving" your competitive drive for a select few choice activities is also nonsense.

>> No.7485864

My other hobbies include sword fighting. I have a katana that I use in mock hand to hand combat. I'm pretty good with the bad boy. It has a wooden sword but it has the total flex and strength of a true, Japanese katana. Last tournament I used it to slap another katana from my plebeian friend's hand. It was hardcore. My senpai was honoured by my brutal performance. Truly, I am a force to be reckoned with. Kawaii~

>> No.7485886

>understand the purpose of games. they cannot be replaced by writing, painting, or composing, because those arent games.
It worked for me. When I see great works of art or listen to a great album I feel competitive. I think "I want to do that, I could do that". Maybe it's egocentrism or jealousy but I really feel like I want to, maybe not beat them but at least do something great. I feel very inspired. So maybe I'm not truly a competitive person, just a deeply jealous one but funneling my competitive energy towards art has done me a lot of good.

>the idea of "conserving" your competitive drive for a select few choice activities is also nonsense.
Perhaps your competitive drive isn't limited, but at least time is. Very limited. So if you choose to spend your competitive urges on video games, that's time you could have spent channeling it towards something else.

>> No.7485894
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I think one can substitute games with other things as writing, painting or composing. It is just a hell of a lot harder than switching from one competitive game to another because you change you mindset. It clearly is not the same thing nor does it gratify you in same sense as competitive game does. But to realise that most competitive games only do that when you reach a point in your gaming where you do not gain anything from it any more. I learned a bunch of different things by playing League. I learned to better control frustration and anger, how to manipulate people to win games, how to focus on the right things(which seams sort of ironic) and other things too. I think I reached that point some time ago and I do not think I can gain more from it more than stimulate my competitive urge. I would love to shift my competitive urge to something more fulfilling activity, I have tried but I can barley get started.

I probably miss under everything and made a irrelevant comment. I always do.

>> No.7485907

Why is it good to be creative?

>> No.7485949

I don't know. It just feels important.

>> No.7485960

i skate
1 8 hell ride crew

>> No.7485974

>How did you do it?
Boring answer, started uni and met new people.

>> No.7486024

Not him, where should i go if i want tea both sweet and strong?

>> No.7486043
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>> No.7486101

Phoenix Mountain Dancongs, definitely.

>> No.7486237 [DELETED] 

Violin. I like classical music and I've started playing violin a few years ago, recently 'started again' because my new teacher has wants to follow its own method, so I'm following the new book. Using what I knew before it's taking less time that it was scheduled in the book (about two months to finish year 1 in the book), but still it's a bit tiresome.

This one of the instruments one needs to pick up at a young age, but I started at 22, so I really cannot do this as more than a hobby (although my teacher disagrees) to kill time.

>> No.7486239
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Violin. I like classical music and I've started playing violin a few years ago, recently 'started again' because my new teacher has wants to follow its own method, so I'm following the new book. Using what I knew before it's taking less time that it was scheduled in the book (about two months to finish year 1 in the book), but still it's a bit tiresome.

This one of the instruments one needs to pick up at a young age, but I started at 22, so I really cannot do this as more than a hobby (although my teacher disagrees) to kill time.

>> No.7486334

I get this shit too and I blame the internet. I think its ruining my attention span. The more time I spend offline the more joy I find in regular hobbies.

>> No.7486376
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M-maybe we all should just stop browsing the internet or stop using our computers almost completely. I have wanted to do this for a few month but I am to attached to my digital music library to leave my computer alone.

>> No.7486580

I do shiftwork and have big chunks of time off so i use this time to go adventure motorbike riding. I pack up my KLR650 with camping equiptment and food and go for multi-day trips with just myself. Its a good contrast considering when i am working im stuck inside on a computer for 12 hours a day. Maintaining the bike and planning trips is like meditation for me. and it's good because out there's nothing better than reading a book by candlelight while camping in the middle of nowhere.

I always try and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. not for asthetics or anything but because the gradual self improvement is rewarding.

>> No.7486589

I stream vidya for a living. I go to my fighting game locals.

>> No.7486611

How much money do you make?

>> No.7486744

I'm going to finish every good game ever made, see every good film ever made, finish every good series ever made, finish all good albums ever made, and read books.

>> No.7486753

How does one make paper mache animal heads?

>> No.7486755
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I'm a professional shitposter

Reading is my " "other" " hobby

>> No.7486823

Climbing gym, music (finding new artists, discussing it, going to shows, etc), occasionally lifting, gf .

I started smoking/rolling cigs a lot earlier this year and recently replaced it with vaping which I think looks douchey. Probably going to start again when uni is back in session.

>> No.7486845
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I lift for aesthetics and do intense cardio for no more than 30 mins at 8-7 minute mile pace. I'm convinced attractiveness is essential for the life I imagine for myself. I also read about nutrition and take a handful of vitamins every day. I'd like to buy nootropics as well, but I won't go too far down the rabbit hole. Outside of this I follow politics and news. I enjoy politics as entertainment, but support the alt-right movement and research certain topics to strengthen my views. I mostly care about self improvement. I also produce music and make absurd videos for my tracks, which sample shitty older alternative music and turn them into a synth monstrosity (kinda vapor wave-y).

>> No.7486858

Honestly, I've been playing a shit ton of table tenis recently.
I've improved a lot and it helps me to do some excersise and socialize with people around my university. I'm not that great and there might be better things to do in life, but at the moment it feels very fulfilling.