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File: 25 KB, 590x350, elba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7480237 No.7480237 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder he is set to play Roland Deschain in the Dark Tower adaptation..

you know the main character who 100% of readers imagine to look like some Clint Eastwood type of dude

>> No.7480241

couldn't care less

>> No.7480262

Can't believe Hollywood Jews are ruining my plebfic by making the main character a nigger

>> No.7480263

This is NOT the face of Roland

This is the face of someone who has forgotten their father


>> No.7480266 [DELETED] 

It's funny how /pol/ gets triggered by the most tribial bullshit while complaining about how "landwhales and sjw get triggered by tribial bullshit".
Truly poetic.

>> No.7480269

>mfw King is basically forced to agree to this or have no comment or else he's branded a racist for life

>> No.7480271
File: 168 KB, 1024x768, brisco not sure if serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah clearly all vaguely westernish characters should only ever look like Eastwood because the lowest common denominator of imagination is the one that should be catered to

Fuck off back to your containment board /pol/, or at least /tv/

>> No.7480281

I haven't seen any /pol/ threads about it

>> No.7480285

Imagine how pissed the SJeWs would be if the character were originally black, but played by a white actor in the movie

>> No.7480288

That doesn't bug me too much, and usually this stuff does bug me because it's usually forced as fuck. But here, there's no real reason he couldn't be black.

I think the only real problem is that most people probably do imagine him as a Clint Eastwood guy yeah. But then, book adaptations are not really made for their readers. Couldn't it be argued that ANY character is going to look jarringly unlike how you've imagined for years anyway?

>> No.7480317


Your racism is showing.

This thread is about how it doesn't make sense to cast a British actor as an American Old West gunslinger.

>> No.7480321

>daniel craig in cowboys vs Aliens didn't cause a stir

>> No.7480324

>he was too young to remember the yank riots

>> No.7480325

>you know the main character who 100% of readers imagine to look like some Clint Eastwood type of dude

wow you're right OP definitely wasn't commenting on physical appearance at all

Oh wait, you're a moron and should kill yourself, fuck off

>> No.7480326

You look at a person and all you see is skin color. It's fucking sick.

>> No.7480329

fuck off /pol/

>> No.7480332
File: 99 KB, 570x737, SCOTT-EASTWOOD-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some Clint Eastwood type of dude
They should cast his son.

>> No.7480333

Brits and Aussies play yanks so well you wouldn't notice most of the time.

>> No.7480337

It's an insult.

>> No.7480359

>saving a picture of a guy posing
you're a faggot son

>> No.7480366

>he can't appreciate aesthetics without lust being involved

you're a pleb son

>> No.7480370

muh heritage. It's acting, if you think the actor makes a difference without even seeing the work itself you are logically wrong, you can easily rationalise it out yourself. What kids get upset about is that their imagination doesn't match someone else's, boohoo.

>> No.7480373

You're in denial

>> No.7480375


>> No.7480388

>finding men beautiful is gay

you sound like a fag to be honest

>> No.7480404


Well I like Idris so I don't mind the casting but isn't one of the major points in Dettas chsracter that she's a very aggressive black woman whose rage is directed primarily at the two honky muffahs that kidnapped her?

>> No.7480412

can't get little things like plot get in the way of political correctness, anon.

>> No.7480486

Stringer Bell is a good actor. Couldn't care less if every single person in the movie was black and the film was about English royalty 200 years ago

>> No.7480501

God damn, thats where I remembered his face from. Now Im supportive of this casting!

>> No.7480506


Dark is right in the title. It's your fault for not knowing he was always black.

>> No.7480507

I liked this series when I first read it, but looking back, it got pretty stupid after the first book. Detta and Odetta. The bear with the satellite thing on its head. The Crimson King being a much less interesting villain than Flagg. The author self-inserts. The last book in general.

>> No.7480510

It's been a while since I've read the first few books but I'm damn sure that he's not black

>> No.7480514

Jesus fucking christ who cares? The reason you should dislike it is because the RACE of the characters effects the actual plot of the book because of the change of interaction between Odetta and Roland, and between the parental undertones he has with Jacob and Eddie.

But look wise? Almost completely fucking irrelevant. Yes. It's nice to have a casting that looks like it "jumped" off the page, but the more important thing is getting the correct vibe, correct elocution and acting, etc.

If Elba is so bad in those respects, who would be a better replacement?

Fucking Brad Pitt? Dicaprio? Liam Neeson? Jeff Bridges? Josh Brolin? Maybe Hugh Jackman or Russel Crowe?

Actually, I think some of those might not be bad...

>> No.7480537

Idris Elba makes accents irrelevant, sea beasts with no name.

>> No.7480609

Looks like the Harry Potter actor and Clint Eastwood had a baby.... that dude probably swims in pussy
>tfw virgin

>> No.7480648 [DELETED] 

He and young Clint Eastwood fall into the same archetype for me, and anyone who isn't an idiot I pressure. The casting makes sense.

>> No.7480656

He and young Clint Eastwood fall into the same archetype for me, and anyone who isn't an idiot I presume. The casting makes sense.

>> No.7480901

I never realized how great Jeff Bridges would be as Roland until now.

>> No.7480907

Genre plebs get what they deserve

>> No.7480928

You mean Beasts of No Nation.

>> No.7481011

How? He's neither young nor anything like Clint Eastwood.

>> No.7481086
File: 266 KB, 368x657, U1EXKTe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares, most movies in general are fucking awful

>> No.7481355


Jeff Bridges was great in True Grit, he could do it.

>> No.7481365

>look up dark tower
>stephen king

kek, you aren't from here are you OP

>> No.7481368

Only read the first book of the Dark Tower series, and it was back in high school, when I was on my Stephen King binge, but it's not historical Old West fic, right? It's like dark fantasy. So who gives a shit if he's not a WASP?

Besides, it's the Wild West. Where everyone, no matter how scummy they are or whatever dark secrets they have can attempt to forge a living for themselves, blacks (even former slaves) included.

>> No.7481369

caring what characters look like is pleb tier

>> No.7481376

Sea Beasts with No Name (2016) is the sequel.

It follows Agu (Attah) as he joins the child soldiers who leave the missionary school at the end of the first film. They team up with the Commandant (Elba) again and under his leadership wage guerrilla scuba diving attacks on submarines, eventually seizing control of one of them. We find that in the meantime the Commandant has secured nuclear launch codes from the Supreme Commander and with those they hold the entire continent of Africa hostage.

It's the meaning of the last shot of the first film, Agu going into the ocean. The third film is supposed to be all air battles, I think.

>> No.7481380

He's a fucking actor, dude. This whole thread is about making a white character black--don't fucking pretend it isn't. The "British as an American" business is horseshit you can hide behind because you don't want a black Roland. It's not wrong to say you don't want a black actor to portray a white character. Don't be a chickenchit coward, senpai. You can have a goddamn opinion.

>> No.7481388

wah wah he's not white, I feel threatened, etc

>> No.7481395
File: 276 KB, 500x299, tumblr_nk9bq9AH8l1rdmbxzo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7481401

wtf, Idris Elba isn't white?
i'm never seeing one of his movies again.

>> No.7481404
File: 58 KB, 448x553, pic-K-R-Kramskoi Ivan Ukrainian_Peasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people are arguing over a stephen king novel in /lit/
>tfw people actually read stephen king

>> No.7481447

Of course it makes sense to cast a black guy that has nothing at all in common with Roland Deschain in the Dark Tower AS Roland Deschain in the Dark Tower!

When we are at it, why not make a movie adaption of Heart of Darkness where Kurtz is played by a black woman? Because color and apperance or even gender does not really matter, right?


>> No.7481452

make her finnish too. also, make oblomov an 80 year old mtf trans jap with soft body mods in its forehead.

>> No.7481471

>hurrr its good that white people are being changed to black but if a black is changed to white im gonna get estremely butthurt and cry about it

>> No.7481472

Yeah, it's a shame the author died so young and wasn't alive to prevent this desecration of his works. I mean, it's such an important point that he would have been in there like a shot.

>> No.7481476

The reason to be angry is not the skin color of the actor, it is the fact that the director will jeopardize the artistic vision of a character in the name of political correctness.

While this may be the directors vision of what he perceives the character to be, the consumers have the right to disagree and have their voice be heard. It seems to me like they star black leads for roles that are the antithesis of the "black stereotype" as a poor attempt to win over the black audience (as a culture they consume different media) while keeping the white audience by having that lead embody "white" ideals. They end up just pissing both parties off.

Leave it to Hollywood to put money over authenticity.

>> No.7481524

Actually the reasons IS of the skin color, nigger. We need less niggers in movies because they are disgusting and smell

>> No.7481526
File: 3 KB, 124x125, 1448732979844s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7481535

They should only be allowed in basketball scenes and when they're being gunned down by White Americans.

>> No.7481544
File: 3 KB, 224x225, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7481549

I'm not even trolling tho.. I'm posting my honest opinions. These are the real opinions I have IRL and I say them out loud to everyoen I meet

>> No.7481561

I really want to fuck and breed your sister/mom/aunt....

It would be better if you, yourself was female.
Gazing upon your expression of disgust, as i pummel your sweet sweet velvet walls into submission, and savoring the look of hatred as i make you orgasm from a black penis.

Then having you sit in the corner, not just hating yourself for liking it, but wanting more... that would just make my day

>> No.7481563
File: 101 KB, 550x636, 1423073969429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star him as Jesus, Achilles, Robin Hood, King Arthur and Batman already
c*ck muh white culture up familia

>> No.7481566

I"m female.

>> No.7481591

aint that just like a black to bring rape into it? typical monkey brains yammering away at subjugation of women, while simultaneously being offended at being called out as the vicious and barbaric vermin that they are.

>> No.7481599


Why are blacks so obsessed with cuckolding?

No wonder whites hate you... Blacks on the internet are such autistic perverts.

>> No.7481603

All females should be beaten to death IMO

>> No.7481604
File: 134 KB, 399x346, 1400227064180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why are blacks so obsessed with cuckolding?
I blame /gif/

>> No.7481605

no i wouldnt. matters of race and political fuckery only concern the small minded. focus on your own life and your own excellence. the rest falls into place

>> No.7481633

>whites are a pure race guise
>we never raped people, nor did we enslave them
>we didn't kill people for sport
>it's all lies made by the Jews
>we are a peace loving race
>we don't want world domination
>one of our presidents never said whites are the only true race in the world and we must divide and conquer everyone else

>> No.7481644

>never said anything about whites
>someone's a bit of a whiny bitch about being a nigger rapist

>> No.7481659

The characters literally compare him to Clint Eastwood though.

>> No.7481677

The post implied that whites are not barbarians, it implied that blacks are the only "violent" race in the world.

If you can't read between the lines what are you doing on /lit/???

Are you one of those fags that don't read but shitpost on /lit/?
Or are you crossposter spreading misinformation?

Just know that /lit/ doesn't take kindly to your type.

>> No.7481675

>idris elba
>not eastwood-like

confirmed pleb who's never watched luther

>> No.7481685
File: 14 KB, 480x360, got em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relies on implications rather than what is actually stated
>allows his racial sensitivity to define the ways he interacts with others
>thinks that whites are the antithesis to niggers
>doesnt know that i'm Indian

>> No.7481707

Female? I love your olive brown skin and your lustrous hair.

I heard indian girls got the wettest cunnys around.

Plz be my qt gf.

If your parents say no to our marriage, tell them to fuck off and that arranged marriages are a thing of the past, and that race mixing is the future.

Imagine our little Aryan warrior, when you push him out in a year time.

>> No.7481712

I mean Stringer Bell is as badass as any Clint Eastwood character, and that's really the important part for pleb fiction. Pleb shit can only be good if it's cast by a talented actor. Race matters less; Idris Elba is terrific.

>> No.7481714
File: 1.97 MB, 400x535, 1450256622813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical rapist mindlessness and lack of tact
>thinks i'm actually Indian
>thinks he's not sterile

>> No.7481807

The niggers won't see this movie and the King fans won't watch it, so what's the fucking point of doing this?

>> No.7481821

Having a good actor in the main role?
I'm white as they come, and I really don't have any issues with negroes on the screen, unless they're shoehorned in, or given extremely stereotypical or disbelief-breaking parts.

>> No.7481824

>casting black actor in white role
That sounds pretty shoehorned in to me.

>> No.7481832

Hope having that good actor was worth it when this movie flops.

>> No.7481845

ITT: Genreplebs pretend to be angry at being cucked by a bull.

>> No.7481867


It's just confusing me a little. I could be wrong but considering the character of Roland and considering one of the main characters is a disabled black woman who literally doesn't need no man I don't get why they need to disrupt the character of Roland for the sake of diversity.

>> No.7481871

If he does play Roland I hope he cuts a lot of weight at least. I like the idea of hik being very thin/sinewy.

>> No.7481883

Firstly they're both actors, you don't know what they're really like. Second young Clint Eastwood played gruff manly men, same as this guy does now.

Just admit you're racist.

>> No.7481903

except the ones you like, right?

>> No.7481912
File: 196 KB, 536x800, the_dark_tower_1_the_gunslinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On March 13, 2012, it was reported that Warner Bros. was interested in making at least the first film, and would be in prime position to green-light the TV element through its sister company, HBO. Javier Bardem was originally set to play Roland, but the role was subsequently offered to Russell Crowe.[5] Initial reports indicated filming was going to commence as early as the first quarter of 2013.[6] Warner Bros. has since passed on the project, but Media Rights Capital has entered talks to distribute it.

>the actors for past films considered are white as fuck
>even the cover of the book is a white guy

what in the fuck you smokin?

>> No.7481923
File: 35 KB, 229x343, died of laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh know the imaginary character from my favorite YA series won't look the way I want in the movie
You're fucking pathetic

>> No.7481928

>mfw the guy in this image isn't unambiguously white

>> No.7481933
File: 558 KB, 680x541, Argentina is white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That guy

>> No.7481935


I bet it made you feel really good about yourself posting this.

>> No.7481948

Oh thanks for letting me know. I'll check it out.

>> No.7481952

I dont actually give a fuck either way, I just think it's amusing how white boys get triggered over pointless bullshit

>> No.7481953
File: 190 KB, 257x387, Roland_Deschain_by_Michael_Whelan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roland is called "honky mahfah" by stereotypically black characters within the series, and is described as having blue eyes. how many black honkies you know have blue eyes?

>> No.7481957

How many film adaptations do you know that have stayed 100% accurate to the book?

>> No.7481965

lol look at dis moving the goalpoasts/grasping for straws

>> No.7481967

how many film adaptations do you know where the main protagonist is miraculously transformed from white to black?

>> No.7481969

>oh woe is me a nigger is playing a character from some pleb book in a hollywood kike film

>> No.7481971

The answer you were looking for is "not many"

Not knowing of any doesn't mean it isn't possible.

>> No.7481975
File: 174 KB, 636x1053, 18qj3yrvmqz2ojpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covers dictate how the character should be viewed

>> No.7481979

i seriously don't see why blacks are offended by this, it's clearly an attempt by hollywood to appease black people in the first place, to get more black people to watch their movies. how can they be so blind not to see that the real racism is transforming a character for no reason other than to feed on the racial current of "black lives matter" craze of our social climate?

>> No.7481985

idris plays slick cunts, completely different

>> No.7481988

Offended by what, retard?

>> No.7481991

>doesnt think the cover depiction of a main character is indicative of the author's view of said character

>> No.7481998

Blacks probably aren't offended by this. The majority of whites definitely aren't.

>the author's

>> No.7481999

you are mentally retarded

>> No.7482002

aren't offended* you don't see the jews trying to get your monkey money? for all the racial prejudice you perceive in every day life, you niggers can't dig a little deeper than the streets.

>> No.7482003

because black social activism isn't leftist enough. they don't realise michael jordan is the symbol of black oppression and they don't realise that the commodification of their culture is a bad thing.

>> No.7482004

actually, the artist's rendition was commissioned by stephen king.

>> No.7482006
File: 11 KB, 406x422, slavs aren't white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What culture?

>> No.7482008

Nobody is offended by racist remarks, unless you think that they are in which case >>>/b/

Just be funny about it at least.

>> No.7482018

not trying to offend anyone. trying to show how ridiculous niggers are for mistaking who's manipulating who. i'm offended for these blacks, they need someone to reveal to them how cucked they are by their own racial prejudices.

>> No.7482019

do you want a medal?
no wonder why whites are getting cucked out of existence.

>> No.7482027

i'm trying to help you. don't you want to be taken seriously as a race? probably not, i guess that's par for the course considering the africans were the last to abolish slavery.

>> No.7482028

Racemixing will kill negroids too. All the Afrcan women are being taken by Chinese men, while black bois can only watch and smile because the Chinaman is their boss.

>> No.7482033

>Hurr durr the Han don't own the world by divine right
鬼佬 please go

>> No.7482034

Will kill whites first.

All it takes is one birth for the kid to not be white anymore. They'll be long gone before said offsprings are no longer considered black.

>> No.7482035

black men don't want black women, hence the fixation for cuckery. they're disgusted by their own race.

>> No.7482036

>implying I'm Black or White
nice one bois

>> No.7482041

The kid won't be a nigger either. What will the blacks do once there are no more white women? They'll die out.

>> No.7482046

One drop rule, faggot. Blacks have the dominant genes.

>> No.7482051

No, you'll get a little brown kid with white features, they won't be black. Your one drop rule is retarded.

>> No.7482058

But Hugh Laurie as House.

>> No.7482059

>biology is wrong because I say so :^)
We're done.

>> No.7482062

>white features
A classic American meme

>> No.7482064
File: 1.46 MB, 320x180, ace hood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, in the end, the real matter here is that a black is being shoehorned into a white role to attract more blacks to buy movie tickets. niggas gettin played, they'll go see it to spite the white fanboys who got butthurt, and the jews will pocket their drug money, thus the filtration will be complete, more cocaine for their jew noses, and more gold for their JEWelry.

>> No.7482065

I'm not a yankee.
>le science is objective
*tips fedora*

>> No.7482066

If you think "white features" is a useful term then you might as well be

>> No.7482067

Anybody who wants to be serious about eugenics should drop racial sentimentality, because mixed children are strong and beautiful. Attractive pure races are rare, because staying within one's race is much closer to inbreeding. The more different the genes, the more successful the organism.

>> No.7482074
File: 159 KB, 650x370, uganda space mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shh, you can't let them learn, soon they'll go to space if you keep on this route.

>> No.7482093

You're right. We need to control proportions though, and what races to mix with. For instance, we want to keep the majority of a country white, but mix in small bits of African, asian and arab here and there.

We also need to make sure more men are being born. I see too many qt lolis around, and not enough shotas (little boys), who will grow up into strong, handsome men.

I swear, our soft environment is causing more women to give birth to girls.

>> No.7482096

but anon. the black imagination is the lowest common denominator lol

>> No.7482114

White features like strong jaw, high brow, thin lips etc.
Just like the black features of puffy lips, low brow, small forehead, weak jaw etc.

>> No.7482169

All of the illustrations show him being white. There's a fucking graphic novel. That's why it's weird that they picked a black dude.

I'm not bothered by it, but it does seem like some type of "muh diversity" thing.

>> No.7482203
File: 62 KB, 480x359, EXCITED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, this just in, Ellen Degeneres has been chosen to act as Maya Angelou in the up and coming film I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

>mfw so excited