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/lit/ - Literature

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7447035 No.7447035 [Reply] [Original]

Spirits Edition(Old Saint Nick etc)



>What you are you currently reading?
>Who's your favorite Spirit/Ethereal being from SF and Fantasy?
>What's your favorite work in these genres dealing with Spirits?
>What books built most on the good willed spirit themes.

Old Thread >>7401096

>> No.7447635
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Hey amigos. I'm new here but I posted in the last thread with the cool elephant. Probably wasn't a great idea to post some ideas at the end of the thread so I'll just repost I suppose and get the ball rolling. I usually write short stories that I've never shared with people besides my english class. But anyways it's a story about gangs in a steampunk kind of world (think final fantasyISH if I had to name something) and it's kind of a straight forward adventure I suppose with an emphasis on the morals of these peoples lives and stuff. Not trying to reinvent the genre or anything.

I know I sound like a total fag here but I'm just very new to this all and trying to get some serious criticism if the idea is even interesting or not. I kind of want to write a bunch of stuff that goes against the grain but I'm not sure if that's just cause I'm tired of politics. One of the characters was gonna be from the top gang and realize even if she's not a shitlord like the rest she's still gonna be treated the same so it really isn't about doing the right thing to stay alive, more her wanting to succeed and just going with the circumstances. Is that too edgy? I feel like too many stories these days always end up with someone bad doing the right thing and dying cause of it or being redeemed and I want to avoid that.

>> No.7447656

Same guy as before though, PROBABLY should at least respond to OP.

>What you are you currently reading?
I'm actually looking for a book I read a long time ago. I think it's called the thief lord? Wanted to nostalgia read

>Who's your favorite Spirit/Ethereal being from SF and Fantasy?
I feel like a giant cock here but literally nothing comes to mind mayne. Maybe I'm just drawing a blank but I can't think of a single one

>> No.7447727

I don't like steampunk or Final Fantasy so it sounds like crap from a setting pov.

>even if she's not a shitlord like the rest she's still gonna be treated the same so it really isn't about doing the right thing to stay alive

>> No.7447807

>Who's your favorite Spirit/Ethereal being from SF and Fantasy?
The fox god from the magicians by Lev Grossman

>> No.7447946
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Can someone recommend me something with an interesting villain?

I got really bitter about Fantasy a few years back when I realized everything I picked up fell into one of two camps:

a) Multi-book series heavily focusing on politics and different countries expaning/going to war with each other within a fantasy setting.

b) Adventure stories where the major antagonist sole motivation is "I'm just evil" or "darkness", without any real depth beyond being evil for evil's sake.

I'd love to read something new that isn't bogged down in political-maneuvering or that has antagonists with depth and actual reasons for being evil besides simple existing for the sole purpose of being killed by the protagonist.

>> No.7448064

>Sword of Truth in the fantasy rec image

I question this entire chart now. That shit was horrible.

>> No.7448239
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Anyone read anything by Ben Jeapes? What do you think of his alien designs? I loved the 6 legged fuckers in this, I think it was a cool look at solar system level evolution with the right amount of forerunner/prometheus style panspermia.

>> No.7448271
File: 188 KB, 801x1200, twok_ephemera-2_greatshell-webres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want a story about an advanced civilization subtly preying upon and taking advantage of the inhabitants of a primitive world?

Then Everworld has a God-eating God. It was okay.
I thought Pendragon Adventures had a somewhat grey villain.
Black Company has all kinds of different 'villains'.
This probably isn't very helpful but it's all I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.7448352

Is that the final form for the great shells?

A giant walking lobster?

>> No.7448467

No thanks, buddy. I'll post discrete threads about individual works I'd like to discuss rather than being contained to your ghetto.

>> No.7448839

I'm reading Time Streams, the third book of the artifact cycle in the "Magic the Gathering" universe.
It's quite shitty. Everyone hates Urza for not rolling over and letting phyrexians penetrate Dominaria's anus.
Aside from the cringeworthy characters, the pacing is shit, scenery building is sometimes redundant and sometimes flat, conflicts are uninteresting, and a world that once seemed flavorful judging by the texts on playing cards was rendered stale by the books.
I did plan on reading every novel, I hail from /a/ and like to torture myself for the sake of completion... but this is just ridiculous, and I know for a fact that the next protagonist(Gerrard) is a total cunt.
I should really drop this and start Lankhmar, Xantch or Conan.

>> No.7448850

The Planeswalkers are a bunch of divine manchildren who are only together because else Phyrexia kills or assimilates everyone. Guess why Urza put in killswitches to all the Titan-Engines? It doesn't really unfold how fucked up everything is until Invasion.

>> No.7448859

Don't know what you're talking about, I've only just read the chapter where he kills K'rrik.
I never understood why the hell, after decades of living under tha threath of a phyrexian infested gorge in tolaria, he never tried flooding it with slow water.
It would either:
A) Rend phyrexians into slices if it caught them halfway into water and halfway out.
B) Slow them enough for urza to build a huge metal wall around them and watch them drown.
Also, why the hell give up on the spiders? He could just set them to be making permanent noise instead of being activated by the glimmer moon, and them throw them into the fortress.
Before I keep reading this.... is Gerrard as much of a bitch in the later books as he is in Rath and Storm?

>> No.7448867

>I never understood why the hell, after decades of living under tha threath of a phyrexian infested gorge in tolaria, he never tried flooding it with slow water.
Urza is completely fucked in the head and does not want to destroy Phyrexian shit if he can capture it instead.
>Before I keep reading this.... is Gerrard as much of a bitch in the later books as he is in Rath and Storm?
He gets better by Invasion, but it's mainly the other Weatherlight crew members who hold up the story. Gerrard does some pretty awful shit in the last book.

>> No.7448879

Also this

>> No.7449112

>What you are you currently reading?
Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny

>the rest of these questions
Please leave the OPs to someone else.

>> No.7449186

>he keeps posting this shit

>> No.7449230

"You're the worst thing to happen to magic since the gathering."

Thats says it all.

>> No.7449243

>Want a story about an advanced civilization subtly preying upon and taking advantage of the inhabitants of a primitive world?

>Then Everworld has a God-eating God

so is that question targeted at Everworld or were you referencing something else?

>> No.7449297

That isn't even that bad, at least you've got a choice, I can't even remember the last time I read a Sci-fi novel that wasn't a overtly political slew of Marxist propaganda; probably published by Tor or Orbit.

The characters/antagonists in Dying Earth were believable because they operated almost entirely on greed.

>> No.7450079

>he watches erb and can't even quote properly

>> No.7450107

What are some good fantasy books with a horror bent? More existential dread, less skeletons popping out.

>> No.7450210

Never really got horror, I'm so desensitized by 4chan that nothing really fazes me anymore.

>> No.7450258

senpai desu

>> No.7450916

Any books on Killer Santa Claus'?

>> No.7451404
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Probably. I don't recall off the top of my head.

Different, hence the space in between the rest of the post content. Granted, it's a novella and not a full story, and the story is more about the MC's journey but yeah. Meh.

>> No.7451443

Hey cosmere fag, saw this??? >>7450991

>> No.7451786

He's not as insane in time streams, and his efforts seem solely focused on annihilating Phyrexians.
Invasion is looking good then. I like mechas. Is Masques any good?

>> No.7451923

you still didn't say the name of the story or book your first paragraph referenced. spoonfeed me please, i have to use my phone right now

>> No.7452240

How lax was your education?

He clearly said everworld, that is the name of the book.

>> No.7452251
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Saw this on the NYT's best books of 2015 list but I haven't heard of it anywhere else. Anyone read it? Thoughts?

>> No.7452296

Just finished reading Starship Troopers. Enjoyed it to the point where I might rank it as one of my favorites. It took me reading this book to realized how much the concepts of duty and responsibility are missing from our society.

Decided to pick up more Heinlein with The Moon is Harsh Mistress. Not far in but have mixed feelings from what I've read so far (Computer is GOAT, chick is boring).

>> No.7452316
File: 193 KB, 450x675, Inheritence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it and enjoyed it.

It's written in her unique style(fucked up, yet you can't look away).

Its the same author that brought you pic related and she is recommended by /lit/.

>> No.7452588
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Sure. What about it?

Sixth of the Dusk.

>> No.7452689

Heinlein is a really mixed bag. ST and TMIAHM are probably his best books. If you aren't blown away by Moon I'd probably move on to another author afterwards.

>> No.7452955

I made the 4th post on /lit/ and am genuinely dismayed about its current state. Any time I visit /lit/ and see an SF/F general, I will make a post using the keywords discrete and ghetto to let you know you're all pieces of subhuman shit and the glory days are behind us, yes.

>> No.7452975

If a fantasy setting has primitive guns, how long would it take for swords to fall out of focus?

I don't mean them going extinct but like, at what point in gun development would a young hero of the series say "I'd rather use a long gun than a blade" not as a choice based on skill but on a popularity-based comment?

>> No.7453113

Why a fantasy setting? If you're interested in this then research it in real life, because the question you're asking has the basic answer "whenever the author decides it".

>> No.7453123

Development of the flintlock. Also swords were replaced by pistols, not long guns.

>> No.7453202

Looking for an intro to literature via fantasy or fantasy literature! Thanks in advance

>> No.7453498

Tolkien, Lewis, Eddison, and Dunsany

>> No.7453508

>>What you are you currently reading?
Lankhmar Swords and Ice Magic
>>Who's your favorite Spirit/Ethereal being from SF and Fantasy?
The Pancreator, The Imcreate and the Conciliator.
>>What's your favorite work in these genres dealing with Spirits?
I don't tend to read things that deal with this kind of stuff specifically. Maybe The Wizard Knight? Or Lankhmar part 5?
>>What books built most on the good willed spirit themes.
I have absolutely no idea.

>> No.7453579

They wouldn't, swords were still used in World War 2. Bayonets were used effectively as recently as Afghanistan.

>> No.7453666

There was only one bayonet battle in the whole wwii and japs used swords for morale, but they weren't very effective.

>> No.7453680
File: 68 KB, 500x500, LeviathanWakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone.

Just finished Neuromancer, I gotta say, that is one book that should be read with a physical copy, NOT listened to on audio. A bit harder to follow, and this is coming from someone who's read the entire Game of Thrones books by audiobook.

Anyway, not sure if you guys know this, but the SyFy show "The Expanse" is based off a series of Sci Fi books, starting with pic related. Levithan wakes. I just started it last night, and it seems like some gud shit. Has anyone else read this series?

>> No.7453682

To be honest I'm not use on their effectiveness but swords were definitely used by more than just the Japs; German and Polish Cavalry regularly charged during the September Campaign.

>> No.7453731

Any good military sci-fi recommendations?

After reading a shitload of David Weber (Honor Harrington, Safehold, Empire from the Ashes), Jack Campbell (Lost Fleet) and John Ringo (Legacy of the Aldenata and Troy Rising) I seem to crave more. I couldn't get into Forever War. Is Old Man's War any good?

Focus on military aspects is important for me. I've read a lot of various sci-fi (Asimov, Heinlein, Orson Scott Card, Lem) but only the stuff with noticeable military bent managed to grab me by the balls. Modern stuff too, Heinlein's stuff is good but feels a bit dated.

>> No.7453739

Game of thrones is just about as simple as you can get, why use it as a poster for hard to follow?

>> No.7453759

Oh, I'm sure for your vast superior, Alan Watt-esque mind, it is. But for us mere mortals who haven't been embued with your god-like insight and prowess, the books can be a bit hard to follow, especially if you're listening to them at the gym, or driving a motor vehicle.

>> No.7453867

Neal Asher and B.v. Larson, specifically, the Agent Cormac series, the undying mercenaries and the imperium series.

>> No.7453870

I'm sorry God has made you so limited.

>> No.7454117
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Just finished reading pic related and its sequels.

I don't think I've ever been so frustrated with a book before; not because it was so bad but because there was so much potential, so many great small things that were kind of drowned out by the general shittiness of the rest of the book.

>> No.7454489

Excuse my ignorance but tolkien and lewis are considered literary? Although they do require a bit more thought than the average fantasy novel, I'd still considered them quite genre. Are the other two authors creators of more literature based fantasy, or are they just older?

>> No.7454739

How are they not literary? They are better than plenty of canon writers.

>> No.7454937

>tfw bought them all
>haven't started reading yet

First episode wasn't bad, hopefully it picks up.

>one of the main characters is literally wearing a fedora.
Don't think I'll be able to take it seriously

>> No.7454942

I can imagine it getting complicated if you listen to it instead of reading. all those names can become confusing without one of those charts at the end of the books

>> No.7455156
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As someone who's not into "bog standard" medieval fantasy, I'm enjoying this quite a bit

>> No.7455173

>the steel mask is using a gun
You had one job artists....

>> No.7455256

Holy fuck, that looks atrocious.
I don't think I could ever buy a book with a cover like that. I mean the whole style, it's like one of those "New York Times bestseller" books you buy at the airport

>> No.7455523

Sorry bro I'm assuming my ignorance is losing me here, but can you explain why there are literary (i.e. why they have more meaning than say, dune, or the first law trilogy?)

>> No.7455539


> being unable to distinguish a fedora from a pork pie

Bro, do you even haberdashery?

Anyway, The Expanse is a pretty good series as far as space opera novels go. The characters are a wee bit out there (Amos is a war god, etc), but overall it was a great read. A lot of research went into the construction of that universe and it shows. It’s just good, hard scifi.

The pilot episode was impressive in that it held so closely to the book and didn't really spell the harder stuff out for viewers. Either you get the concept of the physics involved with space travel or you're probably too dumb to get the show. I like that.

>> No.7455547

Just to be clear, I don't feel there is much social commentary or complex development of themes and ideas in LOTR. Or am I just downplaying fantasy as a wannabe e/lit/est?

>> No.7455561

I just finished the Subterrene War trilogy. At first I was reluctant because it looked like generic milSF, but each book is a engrossing character study.

The author is also a biotech PHD with a CIA background, and it shows in the setting - a crapsack mid-future earth with realistically advanced responses to future tech.

>> No.7455574

Richard Morgan dips into the military side, but it's not the focus. Stross' Glasshouse and Eschaton series probably fall in the same category.

>> No.7455581


I just finished binge-reading the series.

The first three books were great, the 4th drags a little but is still good and the 5th is better than the 4th but not quite as good as the first 3. It’s very, very solid from the scientific end. With the exception of weirdo alien shit, the world feels very practical. Even the alien shit makes sense in a weird way.

I like the political situation, too. I think that's the best part of the series. The books are set something like 150 years after humanity began colonizing the solar system and distinct groups have emerged. It's easy to understand why the Belters hate the inner planets and vice versa. It's also easy to see why the Martians are a bunch of hard asses and why Earthers are lazy assholes who control the Belt through sheer economic will.

Good series, 8.75/10

>> No.7455615


Read the first three books in the Domination series by Stirling. The fourth sucks. Do not under any circumstances read anything in the Emberverse series.

> Domination series:
> the antagonists are a cross between Republican Rome, the Antebellum American South and Nazi Germany
> own all of Africa
> enslave everybody
> end up fighting a two-front war against the Nazis against the Soviets
> end up beating wholesale ass and owning Eurasia

Pretty good read, probably Stirling's best military scifi.

>> No.7455637

I remember reading a fantasy series once years ago but I can't remember the name.

The premise was that there was this fantasy world being attacked by giant ants, and the leader of the world was given power by god to turn people into superhuman immortals who fought and led the humans.

The protagonist was this guy with wings who was an immortal messenger, but he also had this addiction to a weird drug. Taking the drug took him to a weird dreamworld full of weird creatures from other worlds like guys who fleshcrafted people into plants or cars, or a woman who was actually a shark or so forth. He wasn't sure if it was real until he finds that the ant monsters are travelling through dimensions through it and has to disclose his addiction to his "boss" to stop the invasion.

Then there was a sequel I only read some of where the immortals travel to a tropical island to prosletyze.

It was weird.

>> No.7455656

> being unable to distinguish a fedora from a pork pie

>Bro, do you even haberdashery?

Sorry man, not that good with different types of hats.

>A lot of research went into the construction of that universe and it shows. It’s just good, hard scifi.

Oh thank fuck, finally some good investment.

>The pilot episode was impressive in that it held so closely to the book and didn't really spell the harder stuff out for viewers. Either you get the concept of the physics involved with space travel or you're probably too dumb to get the show. I like that.

I enjoyed that as well.

>Stross' Glasshouse series

got that one on my shelf as well. fuck, got such a huge scifi/fantasy backlog it's not even funny.

The setting reminded me of Battle Angel Alita - Last Order, which, aside of all the Dragonball-battles and all the cyborg body modifications, is scientifically pretty solid as well, especially the weapon(gun-)-tech, space ships, survival in space habitats and the orbital ring around earth.

they are scientifically advanced as well, having shittons of contemporary tech in the 1940s. I was so close to buying that series but it somehow sounded depressing to me when I read about it on wikipedia.

>the writer got attacked by SJWs because they can't keep apart the writers' real life opinion and a fictional story


>> No.7455687

google tells me its called "The Year of our War" by Steph Swainston


>> No.7455700

Is that the one set in venice? If so that was my favourite book as a child, and motivated me to visit the city itself. I was greatly disappointed

>> No.7455712


Oh, cool. That's it.

>> No.7455724

it sounds terrible though

>> No.7455727

What're some must-read sci-fi adventure books?

Alternatively, any good books where the setting is primitive civilization, or otherwise a setting not European-based (AKA lord of the rings, narnia, etc.)

>> No.7455761


It was okay, but obvious it didn't grip me if I got bored on book 2.

>> No.7455762
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Currently reading: Childhood's End

Anyone know any good fantasy that isn't just medieval Europe fanfiction? It's such a tragedy that you can do literally anything with it and most authors just do the exact same shit.

>> No.7455763


Well, let's just say that the idea of Confederate Nazis slaving and raping their way across three continents disturbed Stirling about as much as 14 year old girls getting gorilla-fucked by horsebound savages disturbed George R. R. Martin. Obviously, an author who puts a great deal of thought into an enslaved nun being given to a houseguest as a fucktoy is probably at least marginally entertained by that concept. Not that I am judging, mind you. That was a pretty funny read if for no other reason than the sheer amoral sexual depravity involved.

But, yeah..... Dude has issues. Just as we all do.

>> No.7455883
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I read them a long time ago, during high school maybe or right after. I thought they were decent but I honestly don't remember a lot of details. I didn't like how the story ultimately never really went anywhere, and it was purely BAD END.

Did you ever read the sequel trilogy?

>> No.7455973


>> No.7456123

if you want a bad/evil character to do the right thing, make them do it for a selfish reason that is only incidentally the 'right thing to do'. Selfish people do occasionally perform seemingly-selfless acts - just because you don't know how it's benefiting them doesn't mean it isn't.

>> No.7456214

How primitive are we talking here? The Chinese had firearms during the warring states era and Europe saw cannons as early as the middle ages, but their effectiveness was questionable. Firearms became more advanced over time, complementing the sword in some form or another until the late-1800s or so before they became advanced enough to truly supplant melee weapons. To answer your question briefly - do your research. To answer it very briefly - they won't, not entirely, until you have self-contained ammo (read: modern-style bullets).

>> No.7456231

Old Man's War is pretty cool, yeah. If you want to pleb it up a little you could read Dan Abnett's 'Gaunt's Ghosts' series, most of them are entertaining.

>> No.7456245

I thought the draka don't rape untermenschen, they just enslave them. now I feel like I actually want to read it after all.

and come on, we're on 4chan, we really shouldn't judge at all.

>> No.7456276


I think their whole game was getting a slave to submit to the point where they WANTED to fuck, but there was at least one rape scene (or attempted, anyway) in the second book. A tank crew was about to rape a nun when they got distracted.

>> No.7456667

You could give Prince of Thorns/King of Thorns/Emperor of Thorns a try. The first book was meant as a standalone book, but it then got two sequels. The antagonists all have decent motivations and while there's some war/politics going on, the focus lies elsewhere.

>> No.7456813

Try Weaveworld by Clive Barker. Although it might be horror with a fantasy bent, not sure. It was a good read, though!

>> No.7456818

If you like having SJW-stuff out the wazoo, then by all means read her books.

>> No.7456880

Anyone want to help me brainstorm some Ideas?
I want to write a fantasy (just for myself) and base it in ancient greek culture.

How do i implement the fantasy part? I was thinking of beasts such as the Nemean lion, hydras, cyclops, giants being things in the wilderness, but they didnt really have magic.

And im a fan of a typical"world ending" scenario, im thinking of using the druids because of their magic myths. But how do i make them a threat?

>> No.7456908
File: 21 KB, 219x346, sean stewart night watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Sean Stewart's The Night Watch. It's pretty comfy and wintery. Cloud's End and Resurrection Man were pretty good too.
Anyone else a fan of him?

>> No.7456926

Pretty vast imagination, authentic mythological language, tons of symbolism, attention to detail.

>> No.7456950

I've had Galveston on my shelf for probably a decade, unread. Have you read it?

>> No.7456952


Druids capture a big birdie and train it to attack the sun in hopes of knocking it to earth and setting the world aflame?

>> No.7456988


Thanks! That should keep me going for quite a bit.


I'm not sure about Warhammer stuff, but I did hear Gaunt's Ghosts are pretty cool.

>> No.7456993


Maybe have them attempt a huge ritual that would disable all existing magic in the world and make it mundane? Effectively killing gods?

As for greek mythology "magic" it would take a bit of artistic license but priests of specific gods would perhaps wield some of their power - eg. priests of Zeus calling their god to send some thunderbolts on a desired target.

>> No.7456994

Read Glen Cook's Passage at Arms and the Dragon Never Sleeps. Especially Passage at Arms!

>> No.7457004


Well, Greek mythology generally runs on a "Fuck with people and you get cursed" theme, right?

So what about a play on that? Like, the villain could be this guy who goes around pissing off gods or whatever and they rain horrible punishments on him, but he was actually cursed with "reversed fortunes" or something so instead of getting turned into a bird or having his dick shrunk or whatever he ends up gaining all these crazy powers and growing stronger and stronger, basically exploiting the genre fiction he lives in and the protagonist has to figure out a way to kill him. It's difficult because he's got all these conditions thanks to the reverse curses and shit.

>> No.7457014

just finished "Do androids dream of electric sheep" and i thought it was really great. i thought it was written better than Ubik was. Throughout the book i wasn't sure which way Dick was going to go; was he going to suggest that there was no real difference between the androids and humans, possibly by showing the androids could feel empathy and have isidore fail the voigt kampf test or was he going to show that there were definitely differences between androids and humans, where rick comes to terms with his job and all that. Really liked it a lot, need to watch blade runner now.

>> No.7457021

That's one I haven't read yet but it's on my list. It's last in the trilogy after The Night Watch.

>> No.7457038


Passage at Arms seems interesting from what I could find about it in a short google/wikipedia search.

>> No.7457074


No. Supposedly it was better, but I really can't be bothered right now.

The thing is, like I said, there are some really great concepts there. All magic ultimately being based around perception and wordplay is a cool concept, especially when it leads to a magicians duel where the two magicians try to lock each other in endless conversational loops.

The idea that the God of these people (or whatever) actually picked dozens of groups of chosen people to try and save the land, and our group just happens to be the one that succeeded, is a cool idea. As is the idea that the magic artefact has no powers on its own but acts as a symbol of the unity of the various nations.

The fact the main characters get ahead of the villains they are pursuing by taking a more northernly route to avoid the spring thaw and the mud that comes with it, then set up an ambush for them because the villains are more skilled than they are? Brilliant!

But god, so much else is stupid. The very obvious Christianity parallels, the fact that there's too many nations to immerse yourself in one and far too many characters to ever get to know them, the main character turning into the whiniest bitch ever in the third book, and the gloriously stupid Deus Ex Machina ending that had me laughing.

God I hate these books. He should have stuck to teaching geography.

>> No.7457100

>Deus Ex Machina

Is it a Terra Incognita-tier Deus Ex Machina ending?

>> No.7457139
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>Supposedly it was better
The enemy this time at least forms an appendage whats sole purpose is to rape Stella.

I barely remember the Husk trilogy too but I remember liking it. The enemy of the first three books--the one Stella is wet for--is in the party of the second trilogy, iirc. Or is for some extended period of time. Wasn't a big fan of that, though.

>> No.7457200

There's more to being literary than just having social commentary, which LoTR DOES have as well as developed themes and ideas across it. (relinquishment of power, for one)

>> No.7457246

>social commentary
No thanks. Literally the plebbiest pleb bait. Give me well written characters and a good plot anyd ay.

>> No.7457278

You're in luck when it comes to plot, and the characters aren't too bad either, amazing if you actually understand that it's myth and not supposed to be viewed as live

>> No.7457352


Do you say that because she's a fat black woman or because you've actually read the books?

>> No.7457357


I mean it in the most literal sense. The good guys have failed, partly thanks to them giving control of their armies to the main character, a whiny 15 year old with no knowledge of anything.

The villain, who had his hand shot off with an arrow by God two thousand years past for daring to drink from a holy fountain (kinda Lucifer-Adam mixture), has destroyed the armies the heroes assembled, has captured the capital city and, in their holies building, forces them to sign a document of surrender, acknowledging him as the legal ruler of the continent.

Then, just when he's about to put his own signature on the document, on of the statues of God in the temple comes to life and shoots off his other hand with the same magic arrow and he books it.

It's kind of funny in how utterly ridiculous it is.

See, the thing is, I actually liked Stella by the end of the trilogy, because she does more than any of the other characters in actively opposing the villain (namely, by tricking him into executing his chief lieutenant for something he didn't do, by creating false memories for herself while she's imprisoned because she knows the villain can read minds).

>> No.7457364


So did I.

The Terra Incognita Trilogy is three books about a war between not-Christians and not-Muslims warring over who's the true sucessor of God's faith.

It ends with God coming back and telling them all to stop fighting because its silly.

>> No.7457383

That's how you know it's good.

>> No.7457429

That's somehow even stupider, because it pretends to be somewhat-relevant to the real world.

I'm guessing it never offers coherent explanations for how God acts beyond "mysterious Ways" bullshit?

>> No.7457512

>What you are you currently reading?
I just finished Last and First Men, I'll read a bit more of Lovecraft's stuff before I move on to something else.
>Spirit shit

Last and First Men starts out quite tediously, but once Stapledon gets far enough into the future that he's not preaching about modern (1930s) politics things get more interesting.

The achingly slow pace of the advanced species (The Xth men had a world-spanning civilization for MILLIONS OF YEARS and never ever THOUGHT ABOUT maybe trying to settle other planets?) was strange. However, like much of the rest of the book, that probably reflects both the time and Stapledon's fashionable 1930s cosmopolitanism. Where else will you read about a 1930's progressive talking about the future Utopia on the planet Neptune?

The book was obviously hugely influential. Also, it really reads more like an elevated political tract than like the standard Gernsback pulp fare of its time, which was the goal.

>> No.7457571
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I never could. Her loyalties always ALWAYS ultimately ended up being fully in the hands of the villain.

I really need to reread these now soon.

>> No.7457755

This is the kind of thinking I wish I had, i'm not good at fantasy.

Rituals and curses will probably be a huge deal since thats what seem to be big during that time. Gods are what I dont know what to do with. They gotta have a huge influence, but im not sure how or if i want my gods to come be real or how they will interact. They gotta be subtle but important.

This is neat. i really like it.

heres my current idea: Druids committing mass sacrifices to their god in rituals. Im mixing aztex rituals with druidic magic. These rituals mix blood of the sacrificed with the springs. Those who drink are changed. This will be the key for druids to gain their magic (subtle magic no fireball throwing stuff) back after it was lost during a war long ago, and for animals to change into the kind of shit that greek mythology has. That explains my wilderness. The goal would be to go to war with them and attempt to demolish their ritual center which is in the main fortification. however if you dont stop them, they are just stronger and sacrifice cities at a time. I really dont want it to be edgy, I just think thats a cool way to get all of this in and a "philosophers stone'.

>> No.7457781


This recent thing with Zuckerberg, for example. Everyone's praising him as a selfless man, but there's a variety of selfish reasons he most likely did it for.

>> No.7457805

Gordon R Dickinson's Dorsai books.

>> No.7457820

Harry Harrison, Deathworld series

>> No.7457822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7458006

why do asians always sound so whiney in porn.
It sounds like choking a rubber ducky, not like fun at all.

>> No.7458095

surprisingly you could be interested in all the D&D Drizzt stuff then, except for that demon guy who is just plain evil, all other villains have decent motivations (there's even 3 books completely centering on Entreri and Jarlaxle) and they just go on adventures instead of all that muh politics, muh countries shit.

>> No.7458166

I don't get why people like Gaunt's Ghosts so much. I read the first 3 or 4 books and really didn't like it at all.
The Last Chancers stuff is much better, it's about convicted soldiers of a penal batallion. their choice was getting shot or fighting on in the thickets of battles as cannon fodder, pretty great.

Also the Ciaphas Cain novels are hilarious. He's a commisar who just wants a quiet life on garrison duty on a backwater world, but instead he always gets into big battles and somehow always ends up being the hero without wanting it. It's the best kind of WH40K in my opinion because it deconstructs the whole Grimdark 40K setting in a comedic way while it's still relatively action packed.

Also stay away from Ben Counter novels, they're usually miles below the rest,

>> No.7458172
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forgot pic

>> No.7458186


My problem with Warhammer stuff is the relative softness of sci-fi elements. It's more of FANTASY IN SPACE kind of deal.

I like my milscifi at least dressing up in hard trappings. Like Lost Fleet's solemn regard for vastness of space or Troy Rising\s solar pumped lasers.

>> No.7458333

Well there IS hard(er) 40K stuff, you'll have to pick up the spaceship novels. Shadow Point, Extinction Hour, Relentless.
And the Ciaphas Cain stuff isn't fantasy at all, it's really just military sci-fi, but with that certain comedic twist.

>> No.7458389


It's more about the general feel of the setting. Maybe I'm just biased... I'll probably give the spaceship novels a read to broaden my horizons.

>> No.7458971


Nope. He was just hanging out in a cave then came home to scold both sides like a disappointed parent.

>> No.7458982

This. Gaunt's Ghosts get pretty boring pretty quick.

The best author of Warhammer, both fantasy and 40k, is probably Guy Haley. He kind of flies under the radar but I've enjoyed all his work for BL, Skarsnik is absolutely fucking hilarious, you laugh on almost every page.

>> No.7459604

>Guy Haley

funny, never even heard of him. granted, I stopped reading WH40K stuff in... 2007 or 2008 I think

also I need to add to the spaceship stuff, there's still a lot of "fantasy" elements in it, like Eldar in shadow point, but Relentless is pure spaceship stuff as far as I remember.

spoiler ahead for a summary:

new captain of a warship wants to change how things go on the vessel because he's very strict and the crew and officers are very lax, so the first officer wants to kill him downplanet. he almost succeeds and thinks him dead but he survives the attempt and manages to smuggle himself aboard with a press ganged crew and takes the ship back. the writer takes special care to describe that the captain has basically no idea what's going on around the ship outside the bridge and the officer crew quarters.

>> No.7459809

Fair enough, are the other authors recommended all similar? And are there any modern equivalents(to avoid language barrier), or are the originals that good? Sorry for the questions trying to further my taste, thanks!

>> No.7460079


The first two are things she said, the second is a description of one of her novels.

> "Trigger warning: I’m going to refer to rape, harassment, racism, and other forms of bigotry and abuse in this speech. Also, profanity warning. That’s sort of standard with me."

> “As a black woman,” Jemisin tells me, “I have no particular interest in maintaining the status quo. Why would I? The status quo is harmful, the status quo is significantly racist and sexist and a whole bunch of other things that I think need to change. With epic fantasy there is a tendency for it to be quintessentially conservative, in that its job is to restore what is perceived to be out of whack.”

> Her novels are anything but monochromatic. The first, titled The Killing Moon, is set in a multicultural sort-of alternate Egypt, where a patriarchal monarchy committed to order and peace, and a semi-egalitarian oligarchy, vie for power in a complicated web of shifting alliances and dreams.

I think I'll pass.

>> No.7460679

Is this real or just some crazy dream?

>> No.7460844


>> No.7460917

>language barrier
Two are twentieth century and write in pretty understandable modern english throughout the works, while Eddison does have a 17th century diction it isn't that hard to get.

Just read what they wrote and you'll be good.

>> No.7460984



>> No.7461114

I never read her interviews, but i enjoyed the inheritance trilogy and the first book in the fifth season series.

I disliked the killing moon though.

I don't understand people who go and read up the author's life before reading their books, to "get a better understanding " they say, I just see that as hogwash.

>> No.7461118


I generally avoid any info about writers, actors or studios.

All I care about is what they made.

>> No.7461123
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>these stories probably won prizes and are critically acclaimed

>> No.7461151

Knowing who Dostoevsky was before he converted sheds light on many of his characters, such as Underground man or Raskoljnikov.
Knowing Tolkien was a war veteran helps to focus on certain themes you may miss otherwise.
This works for every author out there.

>> No.7461154

>World Fantasy Award

>> No.7461474

I was fascinated by Brandon Sanderon's lectures on writing and started reading Elantris.

I'm about halfway through now. It's kind of fun and cute, but imo it's more like a fairy tale than fantasy. There's a perfect prince and princess being kept away from each other, Sanderson shies away from most grittiness (like joking away cannibalism as a solution for the Elantrians), and the psychology/politics are very childish. Like when Radeon is walking around talking these supposedly mad gang leaders into joining him like it's nothing. It's just unrealistic imo ...

I also think it's unnecessarily long ...

Is Mistborn basically like this or is it more serious/heavy?

>> No.7461531

The can't die, I think some were eating others(but it made them crazy) iirc

>> No.7461584


Yeah, they can't die, but they're hungry as fuck which is why they rob newcomers for food. What's cheap to me is that Sanderson just says eating people doesn't work because magic bla bla bla, so that he doesn't have to deal with the full consequences of his world.

Apparently Sanderson respects GRRM, but think his stories are too unpleasant ...

>> No.7461609

He just doesn't go into the perverse, he is a Mormon after all, all his books have the main characters having sex after marriage, there are "loose" personages about, but they are not the persons you are suppose to identify with.

Also he doesn't skirt the problem, from that explanation alone it tells you that persons ate others and the ones that witnessed it were so scarred, they would rather starve than experience it.

It's like you are a NEET and your virginity has you pent you, your mom fresh off of her office's Chad's dick, walks into your room wearing a teddy and smelling of musk... would you attack her because "i need to cum(i want to eat)"???

>> No.7461610

>It's like you are a NEET and your virginity has you pent you, your mom fresh off of her office's Chad's dick, walks into your room wearing a teddy and smelling of musk... would you attack her because "i need to cum(i want to eat)"???
u wot m8

>> No.7461613


Lol, no actually he says "for some mysterious reason" or something like that "eating humans just makes you sicker" and then a character jokes, "How convenient!" or something like that.

But yeah, I might very well be reading his books for the wrong reasons. I'm fascinated by his world-building, but I'm wondering if it might be a bit too tame for me if I'm going to spend tens of hours in his universes ...

>> No.7461636

Read the perfect state, its a short story not set in the cosmere universe... but it's ooohhh so good.

If he continues writing in this way I can only see him getting better and better.

>> No.7461979

Its actually good, rarely mentioned book here but worth reading, its 3 books in a trilogy called The Castle. If it means anything Gaiman and Mieville rate her books.

>> No.7463060


Yeah, it is rather fairy tale. Nothing wrong with that, and it's not bad for a first novel. The priest character is definitely my favourite.

It's also good to see how much he's improved as a writer since then, which is a good thing; if the Stormlight Archive keeps getting better written as it goes one then it'll be excellent by the time its finished (in 20 years).

>> No.7463208
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What is some worth reading anthropocentric sci-fi literature?

>> No.7463517

Is there any good fantasy lit set in a non-Tolkien world heavily focused on how the world affects the characters rather than the world itself? I've been looking for something outside the box to read.

>> No.7463552
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Has anyone else read this book?

>> No.7464440
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>Read Shadow of the Torturer
>mfw it just fucking ends

>> No.7464457

Starship Troopers is the most common answer you'll get

>> No.7465217


Time to move onto Claw.

>> No.7465332


Apparently Wolfe did that because the publishers refused to let him release all four books as one novel.

>> No.7465385

Starship Troopers, Old Man's War

>> No.7465753
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>have a really good feeling about this one agent
>get rejected a few days after sending a proposal

Well, at least I guess this means I can now contact the other agents at their agency quicker, though maybe my fantasy novel is just unmarketable.

>> No.7465784

I just found Syfy is in charge of a Hyperion adaptation

>> No.7465933

the Shrike has got to be the potentially most awesome creature AND/OR the most jankiest in filming history at the same time.
It really has a huge range of possible outcomes.

And the cruciform story could be unsettling as fuck.

>> No.7466767

good luck anon, hope someone will recognize your genius

>> No.7466976


I just don't think Syfy has the budget to bring it to life.

>> No.7467479


Thanks, but I doubt I'm a genius. Writing is just the only thing that doesn't make me want to throw myself in front of a truck.

>> No.7467975

Self publish, then whore yourself out to social media, if you gain a large following, agents will let you take their daughter's virginity to get you as a client.

>> No.7467993


I'm too much of a hermit for that.

>> No.7469122

What are your three essential super modern fantasy(later than the 80s)? The same for sci fi? Also, assuming they hadn't read Conan Elric etc. how would you change the list?

>> No.7469252
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See, now these would be good OP questions.

Nobody answer these, save them for the OP of the next thread please.

>> No.7469265


Pretty sure self-publishing is about as successful as regular proposals, just more expensive.

>> No.7469404

Then skip step one

>> No.7469463

The Book of the New Sun
A Game of Thrones\The Wheel of Time
Ender's Game
Embassytown\The City & the City
Iain Banks
Timothy Archer\VALIS
The Dark Tower

>> No.7469955
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I'm kind of new to reading in general. Are there any great dark fantasy novels? with an atmosphere similar to berserk or dark souls, I guess.

Also, I'm currently trying to read through the entirety of 1001 nights, and lovecraft seems really appealing to me. Are my interests in the right place for a "novice"? I would like to develop good taste, not just absorb popular culture.

>> No.7470366

By the way, I also read I have no mouth and I must scream a long time ago.
I loved it. I think I'm mostly drawn to weird, imposing scenarios or creatures explained in a coherent way, maybe through science, magic/lore, etc.

>> No.7471122

A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.7471183


Malazan Book of the Fallen is pretty damn dark. The setting is rife with old unexplained mysteries, story starts in medias res. Good stuff.

>> No.7471318

Just got Black Company, so I can't really judge it yet, but it has a really good reputation.

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath is excellent fantasy, whereas most Lovecraft is horror.

>> No.7471331

Gormenghast is on your list, but save it for last.

>> No.7471416

Black Company and Book of the New Sun.

>> No.7471491

Well, I'm already pretty familiar with Song of ice and fire (if only for the series). It's great and fits in with its gritt. Though I'm looking for something less political.

The "old unexplained" thing sounds right up my alley.

Heh, "Black company" souns really berserk-ish, granted it's fantasy.

Sounds cool, I'll trust u <3

I was actually interested in BotNS after loorking here today, Now I'm even more curious.

Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll certainly check all of them.

And I'd appreciate more, of course. Tonight starts a new passion in my life, hopefully. I´ll be searching for the epubs.

>> No.7471652

essentials feel mandatory, like homework. i'd have to say things like Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and The Martian because of their impact. but i only think they're good, not great.

i'll give you my favorites instead, the ones i've enjoyed the most

The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
Sewer, Gas, & Electric - Matt Ruff
Carve the Sky - Alexander Jablokov

Vurt - Jeff Noon
The Night Watch - Sean Stewart
Hild - Nicola Griffith

>> No.7471685

Can you make a follow up on the Kadath thing? Different poster. I'm interested in Lovecraftish Fantasy or Sci-Fi

>> No.7471714

>finished 1984 some time ago
>that whole third part

That was fucking terrible.

Also, i heard plenty of times that Star Wars is a Dune rip-off, but i'm relatively close to finishing the first one, and the only similarities i could find where... well, the intergalactic setting, an empire, the MC being da chosen one for some people, and him being blood related to the main antagonist.

Besides those, the rest of the setting has been pretty damn different, so far.

>> No.7472253
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Most Lovecraft stories are in 3 basic categories: regular horror, sci-fi horror, and dreamlands fantasy. Kadath is the longest and best of the dreamlands stories.

If you like that I recommend Tyson's Necronomicon (important: there are other authors who made books of the same name). It's also an adventure story with fantastic and Lovecraftian elements.

Other sci-fi Lovecraft stories include The Whisperer in Darkness, and At the Mountains of Madness. From there it's mostly regular horror.

>> No.7473041

Cool answers for your faves, but I have to say the Martian doesn't belong to your previous list. My sci fi knowledge is minimal but that book is at best something you have fun with once
But nice faves how'd you find the?

>> No.7473085

First Law trilogy
Prince of Nothing

>> No.7473155

the Gotrek and Felix books are good dark high fantasy and definitely low brow enough for a newbie to ween on. Some of the other stuff they recommended you is pretty heavy and you might get bored or lost in the exposition. As a reader you tend to fall in love hardest with your first few books, make sure you aren't reading the very best in a genre, because it will spoil you and make you think everything else is shit.

>> No.7473159

The similarities mostly come from Return of the Jedi. Luke is reborn, can see into the future, is much more powerful, the desert planet theme; also the Sith being scarred and disfigured parallels the hideousness of the Baron who is reliant on technology to keep him alive. Star Wars rips off a lot of space operas, Asimov's Foundation probably being the most relevant in terms of thematic background and technology, but it dumbs everything down and puts it in the distant background, making it all about Skywalker.

>> No.7473193

I started the coldfire trilogy and holy shit I fucking love it.

>> No.7473910

I just read the entry in wikipedia and only have one question. Do I need to know anything about warhammer to understand it? I have zero knowledge of the entire franchise.

I was actually struggling a bit yesterday with the first pages of the black company (mostly because I was really sleepy) but it took me a while just to figure out who the narrator was lol, even though it was said kind of explicitly, I missunderstood a phrase.

If possible, I'll start with GaF. And then try to follow it with something slightly more complicated. I hope to get more simmilar recommendations, I'll also research on my own later.
It would suck to take amazing things for granted early on, before appreciating the simpler things.
Your advice is really helpful. thnks, m8

>> No.7473960

I'm reading Ray Bradbury's non science fiction right now. Oh it's so cozy and wonderful. Dandelion wine is the kind of stuff that I believe inspired Calvin and Hobbes.

>> No.7474626

The main character was a fucking idiot who started two wars because he didn't think about the consequences of letting information just out into the infospehere. It was literally the dumbest fucking thing he could of done.

>> No.7475591

>tfw no cat girl sex

>> No.7475618

Wait, there's catgirl sex in the coldfire trilogy? I own the books and if there is I just gotta get on that.

>> No.7475905

The Martian is notable because it's SF's first self published success. It's also hard SF, which doesn't usually hit the charts. Again, I don't think it's a great novel but it's a bellwether for the state of the genre. I fully expect more hard SF books to become popular.

>> No.7476134

Any Sci-Fi that deals with Imperialism and Colonialism by humans on Alien species?

>> No.7476446

Any good hard sci like Egan or Chiang?

>> No.7476467

The word for world is forest by le guin

>> No.7476482
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Just started pic related. Can't wait to see how this series ends, it's been pretty bat-shit insane.

>> No.7476562
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Coming July 5th.

>> No.7476643
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Is this any good?

>> No.7476679

About fucking time.

>> No.7476740

It's only the first half though right?

>> No.7476747

Yes. Pretty packed and heavy.

>> No.7476789

I liked the gay, rape and incest in Blindsight series.

>> No.7476885

Could someone tell me more about this series? I know it's gritty and stuff but is it on the same vein as asoiaf wherein it's done in a grand scale with lots of characters or is it just the adventure of some guy?

>> No.7476894
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Yes. It was fantastic. At the risk of sounding cliche, I related to the main character far more than I ever thought I would.

>> No.7476923

>what is dis a pic 4 ants.webm

>> No.7476931

Welcome back friend, I see you wre still trying to force my words of wisdom into a meme.

Look at what >>7476789 said, the prince of nothing series is filled with a shit load of rape, incest and buggering.

>> No.7477135

>is it on the same vein as asoiaf wherein it's done in a grand scale with lots of characters

Yes. There are less POV characters than ASOIAF but I'd say on a whole it's on a more epic scale.

>> No.7477190

Don't listen to these cunts. Thousandcuck thought is filled with a bunch of literal faggotry.

I can't believe i listened to these cunts and read 3 of the books.

>> No.7477455

>Want to write fantasy
>Been world building for years
>Spent my formative years watching TV and aging vidya when I should have been reading and cultivating ideas

I should just give up, huh?

>> No.7477469

not at all.

>> No.7477472






>> No.7477480

Thank you anon. I'm reading a lot more now, writing 1k words per day (not normally fantasy either), but it just feels like unless you are a specific type of person you'll never write anything good. Maybe I should just write to my enjoyment.

>> No.7477512

writing is a learned skill. talent is only aptitude that still needs development. if you can't take a class, read some books on writing novels or screenplays/ it doesn't matter, both deal with narrative.
stephen king on writing, john truby anatomy of story, donald maass how to write the breakout novel, viki king how to write a movie in 21 days, &c. there's lots that will help a beginner.

>> No.7477866

>not having gay sex with your perfect shape shifting trapfu

>> No.7477878

Shakespeare used less and fewer interchangeably, you're getting tricked by archaic grammatists and prudes.

>> No.7478354
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Stormlight Archive was worldbuilt for a decade before publication. Can't hurt to hope.

>> No.7478775
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Raymond Chandler, one of the greatest prose writers of all time, did not start writing until age 44. I have yet to read a book by a man who writers better prose or dialogue than he does.

I'm willing to bet you're far younger than him, maybe even half his age. If he could do it, so can you.

>> No.7478791

ahv i lvoe read9ing scienc fiction gi ve me som scien ce fiction bu t i would wnat THAT science FICTION to have social scien and not pew pew also no politi please i dont lik my BELIEFS to be given any sort of opposing question for tha t

>> No.7478872

The World of Ice and Fire is fucking boring. I'm trying, but I just don't care. I just want the main fucking story.

>> No.7479457

no you don't. Warhammer Fantasy is one of the iconic settings, the only different stuff about it is that there are rat creatures called Skaven who lurk under the earth and that there's that Chaos stuff (4 gods, all chaos followers are crazy and mutate the crazier they go).

Oh and the Imperium's language is German, names of places, family names etc, all in Pseudo-German, which makes for quite a laugh (or cringe) if you understand it.

Just fly over the wikipedia article and you're good:

>> No.7479938

It's because it's by two literal autists instead of GRRM.

>> No.7480090

>the writer takes special care to describe that the captain has basically no idea what's going on around the ship outside the bridge and the officer crew quarters.

I've known several people in the Navy who have separately told me that at sea the Captain literally never leaves the bridge level, even having a special bedroom there (the fancy Captain's Wardroom being used only for guests or in port).

>> No.7480096

I've found that knowing about an author's life usually gives me a deeper appreciation for their work. To a lesser extent, this is true of actors.

Knowing about musicians, on the other hand, never seems to do anything but lower my opinion of them. The "Lick My Love Pump" scene from This Is Spinal Tap epitomizes this. Somehow musical talent seems to kind of exist on its own.

>> No.7480631


Isn't some of the content written by GRRM? Background history he expanded upon during ADWD?

>> No.7480863

I have never actually become immersed by a book the way everyone says they love being
I've never gotten so into it that i get sad when i finish because i can't read it again
or when a character dies for that matter

What am i doing wrong? got any recommendations that might work better for me?

>> No.7480877

movies or video games sound more your go

>> No.7480888

I don't wanna be a scrub, though

>> No.7481024

What really kept me reading was the ideas, not so much the execution. Things like the protagonist's pattern-extrapolating robot half-brain "excreting" mental impressions of the aliens into his subconscious. There was some stuff I thought was pretty stupid too but overall worth reading just for things like that.

>> No.7481413

Too late it seems

>> No.7481431

Just finished binge reading the first 3. Loving it so far. The Fedora isn't as strong as it may seem at first.

>> No.7481449

Fuck yes Dunsany. His works are so haunting and mystical and otherworldly.

>> No.7481772

Thanks a lot. It's a shame I don't know german, I'd probably laugh at that stuff. I remember a kind of similiar situation with the spanish translation of world of warcraft, it was far too literal and everything sounded awful.

Thanks,I'll check both eventually. The premise of Prince of Nothing seems interesting.

>> No.7482528

Wait what?

>> No.7482689

the problem with English translations into German is basically that most writers are stuck in the Helmut-Adolf-and-Hans Era, no one's called like that any more here, no one would call their children like that but English writers still seem to think that these are perfectly common names here. It does work for Warhammer Fantasy for most German people, since they think "oh boy those are old ass names, they probably had them in the middle ages here as well", but most of them weren't around in that form.
Okay, less autism now, but seriously, most of the times English writers try to use "authentic" German they fuck up. Hard.
I still have to wonder, is it really that hard to get in touch with some undergrad student who studies German to countercheck what they've thought up there? It'd literally cost them a single line in the credits if they're lucky.
"Thanks to undergad student x for spellchecking"
It CAN be funny of course, there's a fuckold Warhammer adventure where the villainous demon is called Zahnarzt and only one tooth is visible.
Zahnarzt is the German word for Dentist

>> No.7482764

I just watched Childhood's End TV series and was astonished. Such a great concept, might read the book for more insight. Never heard of it before and now I see it on the Scifi image...was I blind?

>> No.7482770

When I read the first book, I thought it read like it was meant to be a SyFy show. So it makes sense that it ended up that way.

Not meant as a compliment. Pretty low tier sci-fi.

>> No.7482798

Clarke is scifi 101

>> No.7483335

Hi guys, I'm looking for a new series to get into since I finished Wise Man's Fear and I'm waiting for book 3.

I tried getting into Michael J Sullivan's books, but it feels like it's written for a 13 year old. Does anyone know of a fun series that has bad words, sex, violence (preferably not going overboard with the mature content) with some good adventure or story to go along with it (NOT ASOIAF)?

Sorry if this my question reads kinda poorly, it's late and I'm tired

>> No.7483342

>Does anyone know of a fun series that has bad words, sex, violence

You ask questions like a 13 year old trying to be edgy.

>> No.7483387

It's by these two ugly autists.


>> No.7483388

First Law trilogy
The Lies of Locke Lamora
The Grim Company

>> No.7483432

Shh, don't tell my mom.

Thanks, I've been considering First Law. Should I read the standalones first and then the actual trilogy? Or the trilogy and the standalones after?

>> No.7483438


Trilogy first.

>> No.7483590

Read the trilogy then the standalones in chronological order.

>> No.7483597

Ah ok. I didn't know that, so the world was not created by Martin.

>> No.7483655

Obscure rec?

>> No.7483758
File: 23 KB, 220x330, ManPlus(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this was a pile of trash.
Does anyone have anything similar to Flowers for Algernon or Dying Inside to help me forget about it?

>> No.7483763

Yes it was - but these guys wrote the World of Ice & Fire book.

>> No.7483941

Something similar to The Stars My Destination?

>> No.7484285

Wise Man's Fear was shit.

>> No.7484342

Daughter of the Empire by Feist. Heavy focus on political maneuvering and tolkien esque anecdotes though

>> No.7484572

It's more like Dune with partially insane superhumans, and a weird blend of scifi and fantasy later on.

>> No.7484579

Anyone read any of the Kane books by Karl Edward Wagner?

How do they compare to stuff like Conan or Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser?

>> No.7484607

Anyone here read Deverry by Katharine Kerr? I'm at book 6 now.

>> No.7484667

Murasaki shared world thing.

>> No.7484942

no, but it sounds interesting and most book reviews I could find are mostly positive

>> No.7485571

Its the crusades with mage orders instead of knightly orders

Bakker likes to get a bit philosophical in it and his philosophy stuff doesnt always work, but overall its a great series

>> No.7485634


Mojave Wells.

You'll hate me later.

>> No.7485658

Is the halo series any good?

>> No.7485698

Is this the children's literature general? How do y'all feel about Doctor Seuss?

>> No.7486163

>imma shit talk without reading the thread
Seems about right.

>> No.7486203

Guys, I'm looking for a recommendation for a science fantasy book to read. I want it to be from the 30s or 40s, and to be a pulp adventure story. Any recommendations?

Basically the stuff that inspired Star Wars, but came before it- swashbuckling adventure. I love the Barsoom novels for instance.

>> No.7486383

>Things like the protagonist's pattern-extrapolating robot half-brain "excreting" mental impressions of the aliens into his subconscious.

I thought it meant that the aliens were actually already inside the ship, observing the crew.
Peter Watt's prose is not the best, but damn, beside a few bumps I truly truly enjoyed this book.

>> No.7486584

There is none of that in Blindsight.

>> No.7486658

Dune, while being from the 60s, was extremely influential on Star Wars.

>> No.7487290

I liked the gay, rape and incest in Doctor Seuss series.

>> No.7487291

why do you faggots always have to recommend dune? no matter what the request is some slimy asswipe will come out and say dune. is it the only book you have ever read? come the fuck on.

>> No.7487351

Because it's good and everyone can enjoy it, unlike the usual shit that people recommend here to appear smart

>> No.7487408

That is an ancient historical depiction of the greatshells, believed to be depicted by an artist that only ever read descriptions of them.

>> No.7487615

Can someone recommend some fantasy without fantasy? Like Musashii or The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.7487621

>fantasy without fantasy
I think the word you're looking for is 'fiction'.

>> No.7487648

Nah, asking for fiction rec is useless, too broad. I want something with no fantasy but with similar themes.

>> No.7487662

Sounds like you're after stuff set in secondary worlds but without the other stuff that makes it fantasy like magic or non-human races.

Try KJ Parker of Guy Gavriel Kay.

>> No.7487666


>> No.7488559


>> No.7488586
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Because its a good book that applies to what he was asking.

>> No.7488591

Do you mean Adventure stories?

>> No.7488619
File: 428 KB, 791x1200, twok_ephemera-4_relief-webres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SA3 not until 2017
>first Elantris sequel not until between SA4 and 5
>second Elantris sequel not until after SA5
>Mistborn Adventures 4 not until 2018
>Warbreaker sequel on hiatus
>Silence Divine on hiatus

>> No.7488678

>SA3 not until 2017
What the fuck do you mean faggot?

A few threads ago you told me delicious Jasnah by the end of next year.

>> No.7488770

Tigana was terrible I'm scared to try something else from him, also it had pretty op magic if I remember correctly. Tnx for the other rec.

>> No.7488772

Robinson Crusoe

>> No.7489234
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>> No.7489780

Are there any books that take place in a matrix like world where everything isn't actually real. And like spies who monitor the world can only get out by teleportation? Anything relatively close?

>> No.7490426

Brandon Sanderson short story, "perfect state".

>> No.7491496

Are the books for January still on track?

>> No.7491499

For >>7488619

>> No.7492206

The wind up girl.

>> No.7492231

Parker is based as fuck, enjoy.

Also maybe try Michael Chabon's Gentlemen of the Road.

>> No.7493252
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Bands of Mourning is already written; was written at the same time he wrote Shadows of Self, so yes. That's the only book for January.

>There’s a good chance I won’t hold to this, but just so you know, here’s how I view my upcoming novel release schedule (not including any novellas or short stories that may or may not appear during moments when I need to do something new):

January 2016: Wax and Wayne 3
February 2016: Reckoners 3 (final book)
June 2016: Alcatraz 5
Sometime 2017: Stormlight 3
Sometime 2017: Rithmatist 2
Spring 2018: New YA project 1
Fall 2018: Wax and Wayne 4 (final book)
Sometime 2019: Stormlight 4
Sometime 2019: New YA project 2
Sometime 2020: Elantris 2
Sometime 2020 New YA project 3 (final book)
Sometime 2021: Stormlight 5 (ending of first arc)
Sometime 2022: Elantris 3 (final book)

>> No.7493693

>This Mormon keeps building worlds

Why haven't you stopped him /lit/?

>> No.7493720
File: 131 KB, 796x1200, 9200000029899941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found a €20 bookstore voucher. What book(s) do I buy? Currently reading the books of the Black Company, and I like them.
Is The Mechanical by Ian Tregillis worth reading?

>> No.7494123

>Sometime 2017: Stormlight 3
>Sometime 2017: Rithmatist 2
>Spring 2018: New YA project 1
>Fall 2018: Wax and Wayne 4 (final book)
>Sometime 2019: Stormlight 4
>Sometime 2019: New YA project 2
>Sometime 2020: Elantris 2
>Sometime 2020 New YA project 3 (final book)
>Sometime 2021: Stormlight 5 (ending of first arc)
>Sometime 2022: Elantris 3 (final book)


>> No.7494630
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The entire Cosmere cycle won't even be complete until the '40s.
It feels fucking weird to type that out.

>> No.7494871


I wonder if the writer wouldn't feel pretty pleased that people are holding off their suicides until they finish writing.

>> No.7494879

For you, I'm sure he'd give up writing altogether.

>> No.7494884



>> No.7494934




>> No.7495383
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Depending on what it is about, yeah.

I'm more excited about the Star Chart.

>> No.7495541

it'll be nice to know where planets are, sure, but
look not to be mean but do you even have a waifu
what are you on 4chan for

>> No.7495609

>January 2016: Wax and Wayne 3
>February 2016: Reckoners 3 (final book)
>June 2016: Alcatraz 5
>Sometime 2017: Rithmatist 2
>Spring 2018: New YA project 1
>Sometime 2019: New YA project 2
>Sometime 2020 New YA project 3 (final book)
I'm going to commit Sudoku

>> No.7496160
File: 321 KB, 1375x2048, WoR_SKETCHBOOK-CHASMLI_fmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on 4chan way before waifus even became a popular thing.

Some of his logic puzzles me.

>I had this idea for the Cosmere series since I was young
>I worked hard and fervently in order to make this happen, always serious and adult-like from a young age
>But I need to write other stories that way I don't burn myself out
I know it's selfish but I really wish he'd stick to fucking Cosmere.

>> No.7496191

Yeah but I guess normal people would find it difficult to stick to one series too. For example, most amateur fanfiction rarely crosses 1,000 words. Trying to cross at least 180,000 words every year is a monumental feat of concentration and dedication, especially if you're trying to do something you love justice.

Still, I wish he would stop getting sidetracked.

>> No.7496420
File: 1.85 MB, 1806x1209, Conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally started reading The Complete Chronicles of Conan. Holy shit man, it's great and a fun ride, I didn't know.

I read that introduction story like a year ago and it put me off (because it was just a history lesson) and I feared the whole book was like that so I read other stuff instead. Glad I came back to it now.

I put the LOA box on my list for January, because I wanted to buy something else than science fiction and fantasy again once in a while, hope it won't disappoint. I trust you, anon...

>> No.7496521

The Lensmen books by E.E. Smith for early space opera with mystical powers etc. (If you want to get *really* retro, his Skylark of Space stuff. But you should just start with Lensmen, it's superior in every way.)

They didn't have as much influence on Star Wars, but I prefer A.E. van Vogt's stuff for 40s pulp.

>> No.7496526

Dune was enormously influential, good, and also yes a lot of people have read it. Deal w/ it.

>> No.7496702

the name of the rose.

>> No.7496820

It's probably his way of staying capable of writing his stories. Look at GRRM, the man is incapable of finishing his stories properly, and has already lost all pleasure in writing.

>> No.7497581

I know that feel fɑm, I can't be reading Sanderson in my forties(if I'm around that long)

>> No.7498248

what's the bump limit on /lit/?

>> No.7498794

So is it just me or is Sci-Fi dying while Fantasy is thriving?

>> No.7499029

300 which means we need a new thread.

>> No.7499571

Pretty sure it's 310 or some arbitrary number, 4chan X hasn't yet coloured the post count red as it always does when the bump limit is reached.

>> No.7499573

And my post just bumped it to the front page.

>> No.7499721

post number is shown in italics now without 4chan x so I guess we just hit it.

>> No.7499913


Sci-fi is hard to get into unless it's near-future stuff. So space opera is out.

I'd like to write it in future but I'm going to try and establish myself with fantasy and horror first.

If I can ever get this writing career started, that is.

>> No.7500686

new thread:
