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7476968 No.7476968 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't philosophers just tell us what the meaning of life is? What's the best thing to pursue? Instead they spent all their time battling stupid dualisms or semantic games...

Kunt, Neetshit, Hidenigger, Plado, Keekygard didn't help us at all. They wrote tons of shit and didn't even solve the problem

What's the final solution??

>> No.7476970


>> No.7476974

no meaning to life. there is nothing worth pursuing. do not reproduce. die young.

>> No.7476977


>I Dindu Nuffin the philosophy

>> No.7476979

The meaning of life is

>> No.7476982

why would there be a meaning to life? ur pleb as fuck, son. fuck off back to /b/ or whatever shithole you crawled out of and start with the greeks

>> No.7476984
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Christianity already solved that problem, atheism and eastern religions just lead to nihilism, narcissism and suffering like this >>7476974

>> No.7476985

This is actually the correct end-game of philosophical thought; the rejection of existence

>> No.7476987

Cmon guys, we can't know for sure if there is or isn't an inherent meaning to life.

Let's just be skeptics all the way!

>> No.7476991

there's no answer because it's a broken question; it's not that there isn't a meaning, it's that there can't be a meaning. ascribing meaning to things is something humans do, things don't project meaning out to us. read a book.

>> No.7476992

the only logical meaning to human life is to procreate and work

>> No.7477010

seek knowledge, will the moral law, appreciate genius
create your own values, love your fate
be authentic to your own being
seek the good, the true
live the religious life

>> No.7477013


>humans ascribe meaning

we also discover meanings and purposes. And when we don't the question would then be what meaning "ought" we ascribe to such and such

>> No.7477021

Read Hume

>> No.7477026
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the only meaningful purpose I see is pursuing love, love between man and woman.
Every thing else is secondary or a means to this end.

>> No.7477031

>we also discover meanings and purposes

no we don't, you are unintelligent.

>the question would then be what meaning "ought" we ascribe to such and such

the answer is none

>> No.7477034

read a biology book you drug-addled retard, love is nothing

>> No.7477039


>we don't discover purposes

sure we do, give an african a hammer and eventually they will figure out it's purpose.

give a scientist enough data and he'll figure out why birds migrate south, etc

>the answer is none

for u


I study STEM and
IQ 137
sorry you're wrong

>> No.7477041

>not a means to an end

It only exists so you procreate

>> No.7477045


>food is just biology
>love is just biology
>pain is just biology
>suffering is just biology

ya but we're biological beings...what's your point?

>> No.7477047


it's a symbiosis.
Procreation exists so beings can come into existence to love each other.

>> No.7477051
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>Procreation exists to create Love


>> No.7477062
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The trade off for having free will is not being bound to any inherent purpose. Not having a meaning of life means that we are gods of our own existence, worthy of our little slice of creation - the creation of this being during its existence in the unfolding and emergence of time.

>> No.7477063

Nah, evolution disproves that

>> No.7477067
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>> No.7477068


nah, science is silent about teleology.
doesn't confirm or deny these sort of things

>> No.7477081

>studies STEM

pick one and only one. furthermore, everything I said in my post went so far above your head you are literally unable to participate in this discussion. please leave.

>> No.7477085

what an absurdly retarded image

>> No.7477093

>sure we do, give an african a hammer and eventually they will figure out it's purpose.
>give a scientist enough data and he'll figure out why birds migrate south, etc

Holy shit this is some /sci/-tier idiocy. It's like their minds are locked into this mode of cognition and they are genuinely unable to see outside of it. Consider suicide my friend

>> No.7477101
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>can't address the points
>resorts to bullying

>> No.7477112

why bother? you're beyond saving. if you really want to hang with the smart kids you're going to have to support that spastic contention of yours that a hammer has an objective purpose independent of a human endowing it with one


>> No.7477116

>Why don't philosophers just tell us what the meaning of life is?

there is no inherent meaning to life

if there was, it would mean life was created by some other self aware entity for a purpose

>> No.7477117

>having free will


/lit/ is abnormally stupid tonight

>> No.7477118


>objective subjective
>endowing vs discovering

faulty dualisms
humans are part of the natural order so those distinctions are meaningless.

>> No.7477120

oh, you're baiting me. i should have seen it earlier i guess. 7/10 well done

>> No.7477122


lit believes in free-will
sci believes in determinism because some bad experiments said so.

>> No.7477124


I told you 137 IQ you never had a chance.
back to reading your marxist gender-studies paper

>> No.7477144

>Applied Chemistry
>Applied Physics
>Applied Maths
>Applied Philosophy

>> No.7477175

a hammer has no purpose. it has purpose to some specific end, but outside of that end, it has no purpose. within a closed system, things may have purpose, in they sense that they further one's progress towards some particular objective, but outside of a system 'purpose' is an empty word.

>> No.7477177

nice argument you fucking shitpuncher

>> No.7477180

That's backwards. If fucking didn't result in reproduction it wouldn't feel good. Fucking only feels good because it results in reproduction. Reproduction is basic. The pleasure response is an edifice grown from reproduction's root.

>> No.7477184

>free will
How old are you?

You can get to the conclusion that free will is extremely unlikely by reasoning alone, sci just offers additional proofs to the obvious.

>> No.7477191

post definitive proof then

>> No.7477203

>definitive proof
That's not always possible, specialy given our capacity and ignorance. Only likely and unlikely assumptions are.

You have no definitive proof that I am not Jesus either and no chance to prove the opposite.

>> No.7477215

Hey cunt
Enjoy ur can kunt.

>> No.7477247

You are an idiot. We have been provided with countless sources telling us how to live a good life. To cherry pick from Philosophy is actually a good things - there are many truths among the sea of perversions. It is arbitrary whether or not there is "meaning" to life. The only thing that is not arbitrary is how to lead your own personal best life based on what smarter men than you have said.

>> No.7477257


>doesn't give an answer

>> No.7477270

If you want an answer from me, I would say this. The "final solution" of life is to live it to the best of your ability with constant consideration towards morality, evolution of man, and "godliness". Find your ideals and make your life an example of them. There is no quick fix for life. You either craft it or you don't and wish you had.

>> No.7477278

>find your ideals


>> No.7477283

Nigga, if you want to be spoon feed with some bullshit, just join an organized religion already. Or start thinking for yourself and maybe read some motherfucking books after that.

>> No.7477294

First think! What do you support, generally? What do you oppose, generally? What would you fight for? Love, freedom, truth? Big buzzwords! Chances are that someone smarter than you has already addressed the very things you are considering. Once you have a general idea, you can seek out the primary materials.

What is "worth" having in the world? Is there enough of it? Any of it? What about in your own life? What is "worth" wanting? Do you make the effort to seek it?

I was lost and had no concept of my own ideals. Then I read the Iliad, Hesiod, and Aristotle. I kept reading old dead guys. Turns out, they have already said most thoughts I've ever had. I don't agree with everything they write, but to consider the "thought" material objectively that way enables you to take your own thoughts further. You don't need the classics to make your ideals, though. What you need a critical, open mind, and the willingness to put your ego in rather harsh perspective.

Do you feel ideal- less, anon?

>> No.7477300

Suffering is the purpose of life, but it's better to deal with metaphysics and maybe come up with something less depressing

>> No.7477304

Why do you think suffering is the purpose of life?

>> No.7477309

Bentham already answered this, the meaning of life is to pursue the greatest happiness for the greatest number.

>> No.7477311

A noble sentiment, greatly misunderstood by communist plebs.

>> No.7477314

It's the default state of being, you can only distract yourself with pleasurable activities, but you always go back to suffering. Your sustenance depends on the suffering of other forms of life and fellow humans.
Philosophy begins with suffering as well

>> No.7477353

And ignored by liberals and capitalists.

>> No.7477359

Why do you think it is the default state?

>> No.7477371
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>What's the final solution??

I think you know

>> No.7477599


>> No.7477619


>not fighting the absurdity


>> No.7477643

No it wouldn't. However if life was created for a purpose yes we might find meaning.

> you're an idiot

>> No.7477741

I'm not sure how trope theory or semantic holism would lead to that but ok

>> No.7477753

>be authentic to your own being
Not quite. For Heidegger authenticity is kind of a breakdown case of Dasein's being. We're authentic only in the mood of anxiety when we project upon our own death. It rarely ever happens since we're always being tranquilized by the world. It would be more accurate to say that on Heidegger's account, we should be resolute.

>> No.7478063

To fight the absurd is itself absurd and so fails.

>> No.7478530

>default state of being

How would you be able to suffer if you wouldn't know what not-suffering is like? Suffering only exists because you know pleasure. And pleasure only exists because you know suffering.
The default state of being is actually being. We don't know it. It's maybe what death is like. Suffering is also nothing but distraction from that.

>> No.7478828
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Not him but that dualism of "nothing exists by itself" can be countered by grades of the same thing. Like how coldness doesn't really exists, there's only a certain lack of hotness in a system. Pic related.

>> No.7478977

As this might be true, then that thing which exists neither is hotness or coldness. Maybe temperature?

But again we don't know what temperature is so we measure it with arbitrary criterion. But we can only know 'what' it is through experiences.

I don't say that temperature or anything does not exist for itself. It might be that way or it might not be that way. But we can not experience or truely know about things that exist for themselves.

>> No.7478997

The answer to man's predicament, that we are conscious of our own death, lies in the teachings of the greatest philosopher of all time Jesus Christ.

As a philosopher you can't accept it but as some fukkin nobody fukk you sure better.

>> No.7479211

I 110% totally agree

>> No.7479213

>If fucking didn't result in reproduction it wouldn't feel good
Seriously? Have you ever heard of masturbation? Or gay people?

>> No.7479231

I agree with these. 'Life' is a fable people tell themselves to cope with the horrors they experience, and it severely impacts accurate risk assessment, hence why otherwise intelligent people will reproduce without thinking. We are engaged in a constant struggle against millions of years of programming. All functions of consciousness exist only because we were equipped with them in the blind armory of nature to assist us kill and to avoid being killed. For what purpose, what meaning? None. Nothing sentient is or can ever do anything worth doing. The show is not and can never be worth the price of admission to the theater nor the continual production costs.

>> No.7479235

he's talking about why nature made fucking feel good you fucking sperglord. holy shit ur dumb bro

>> No.7479270


Faulty reductionism
Being duped by Dualisms

Get back to us when intro Phil 101 is over.

>> No.7479288

you already did this bait in this very thread, what do u take us 4?

>> No.7479311


stop committing the same mistakes in long-winded paragraphs

>> No.7479334

It doesn't matter. Just have fun and be nice and do as little harm as possible and love everyone you're good to go.

>> No.7479345

>Kunt, Neetshit, Hidenigger, Plado, Keekygard didn't help us at all. They wrote tons of shit and didn't even solve the problem
>What's the final solution??

Kierkegaard isn't interested in solving your problem; he's telling you you have to solve it yourself. And he is absolutely correct in this.

>> No.7479346

>do as little harm as possible

it's funny cause this is still a monumental amount of suffering. life is hot garbage my friend. kill urself

>> No.7479356
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>> No.7479400

How does one even become a philosopher anyway? Seems like all you do is say 99% stupid shit fluff that doesn't even entirely make sense even to yourself and then the 1% of the good stuff is a really simple quote that sums up absolutely nothing and leaves you more hollow than you were before.

>> No.7479419

uve just discovered the secret to philosophy my friend its all shit

>> No.7479423

You are still young, mate. Love is based on feelings and feelings cannot think. Once you let your feelings dictate your action then you will always be biased and immature. The mark of maturity is when logic overcomes feeling.

>> No.7479432

No, I won't do that. I'm having a good time here. You can too, just try it.

>> No.7479454

it's not over yet brah, the worst is still to come. and no, i'm too intelligent to have fun being alive

>> No.7479456


Without emotion we have no goals to pursue.
Without logic we can't pursue our goals correctly.

maturity happens when logic and emotions are in harmony, working towards a goal. I see no higher goal than love in this universe.

>> No.7479474

Stuff it sentimental cunt