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/lit/ - Literature

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7476905 No.7476905 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.7476907

Untrue. Yesterday I read my grandfather's obituary and it gave me a great deal of stress

>> No.7476937

Reading takes full attention and concentration. Music and walking don't.

So it would make sense that immersing yourself in a book murders more of the ruminations, fears, anxieties, and insecurities that fuel stress.

>> No.7476940

No. That is at best a very incomplete statement. Balance and so on.

>> No.7476942

My stress reduces by at most 59% when reading a book. Out of seven people in my family, none can relax more than 66% while reading.

>> No.7476946

My stress reduces by at most 59% when reading a book. Out of seven people in my family, none can relax more than 66% while reading. My retard brother alone is always relaxed 100% so placing a book in front of him puts him in a meditative coma.

>> No.7476969

Anything with "Researchers have found" is bullshit.

>> No.7477015

Ok so first I start seeing frequent references to Frankenstein about the time I assign it to one of my English classes, never saw references to it before. Now OPs image when I just assigned an essay where one of the passages it was based on discussed how reading reduces stress levels by 68%, better than music, going for a walk, etc. I swear at least one of my students has to be a /lit/izen.

>> No.7477448

whats with these number games that researchers play?

>> No.7477496

What if researchers have found that "Researchers have found is bullshit" is bullshit?

>> No.7477561

Your senses are selective. Know that situation where you think a word and suddenly the tv spouts that very word, and you are wondering if the tv is spying on you and the space lizards are reading yoir mind? Well you think hundreds of thousands of words every day and hear just as many, at one point they will overlap.

I remember how I was really into dinosaurs back in the day and suddenly I started seeing them everywhere. I thought there were suddenly more dinosaur related things in my environment but really I just started noticing them more.

Or when I discovered masturbation, and suddenly - BOOM - tits everywhere!

>> No.7477567
File: 95 KB, 500x358, evangelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading is escapism, since there's so many books you can be out of reality for a long time.

It's escapism, it's not healthy.

>> No.7477616
File: 503 KB, 500x667, 1448674959825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yer class sux teacher i hate u

>> No.7477900
File: 47 KB, 640x480, kaworu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you escape from your fantasies into reality, isn't that escapism still?

>> No.7478623

Impossible. The only students who dislike me are the ones in my intensive reading class who only bother coming to school to pursue pussy and see any attempt by a teacher to have any interaction with them as an intrusion on that pursuit. And none of them would be on 4chan, much less /lit/ of all boards.