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7475756 No.7475756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine you're an idealistic romantic (faggot, cuck, whatever) and you wish to find the perfect partner who appreciates you for who you are, because you're an idealistic romantic who believes in monogamy (naive faggot, etc, whatever), should you or should you not work on your appearance?

Do you think there's a contradiction between looking for this special kind of love, and say lifting?

>> No.7475771

>appreciates you for who you are

People appreciate people who are smart, beautiful, kind, friendly, charismatic etc.. If you lift, that is part of who you are and people will like that part of your life.

Personally, I would work on your crippling insecurity first (referring to yourself a "naive faggot cuck" unprompted).

>> No.7475778

You should lift out of love for yourself to become the best you that you can be.

>> No.7475779


Working on your appearance is a big help, but not exactly for the reasons you think. Being physically fit projects the image that you care about your body and if you look healthy people subconsciously are more comfortable around you. If you are fit you also feel better physically and mentally and this positive feeling shows to others at least subliminally. You would want your perfect partner to look healthy and feel good about themselves for being healthy right? Well you should be willing to do the same.

>> No.7475780

first impressions matter.
I'm pretty ugly and look like a thug so everyone thinks I'm dumb.

>> No.7475781

In order to find the perfect romantic partner, one should strive to be the perfect romantic partner. Think of what you would want in another person and be that.

>> No.7475784

>find the perfect partner who appreciates you for who you are
I fully expect to die before that happens desu
And that's because I don't try to improve myself

>> No.7475786
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you're not gonna find that perfect partner in the hypergamous,decadent 1st world, lad.

>> No.7475792
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>It's not my fault it's the world's! There's nothing I can do!

You on the right
Your brain on the left

>> No.7475795

>People appreciate people who are smart, beautiful, kind, friendly, charismatic etc
the only quality that people care for in that list is
everything else is just window dressing 2bh, if you were an ugly guy who was kind,smart and friendly no one would like you but if you were handsome along with being kind,smart and friendly you've suddenly got hordes of cucks to do your bidding.

>> No.7475796
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You smaht. You loyal. You grateful. I appreciate dat.

>> No.7475797


I'll add on to this that healthy appearance is a big part of what will attract two people together and bring passion to the relationship, but the true test of a relationship is thinking about the other person as old, out of shape, or ugly/sick and still finding yourself wanting to be around them. A good relationship is a conversation that both people don't want to end for any reason.

>> No.7475804

I don't give a fuck anymore 2bh

>> No.7475815
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Sure thing pal. You're so above it all, man.

>> No.7475819
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>/lit/-Normalfag advice

>> No.7475821

What are you trying to prove?

>> No.7475825

I was trying to prove that you were a little defeatist bitch but you've done that yourself

>> No.7475829

There's literally nothing wrong with defeatism, you think I'm going to be snapped out of it by being called a little bitch?

Sorry nigger, the shaming tactics only work in real life.

>> No.7475835

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm making fun of you for my own entertainment.

There's no point in trying to convince you to drop defeatism anyway. Might as well not even try ;^^^)

>> No.7475843
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>lifting to work on your appearance

>> No.7475845

>I'm making fun of you for my own entertainment.
sure, it's obviously not do with being so insecure that you lash out any mention of defeatism?

There's always a cuck like you in these type of threads, getting assblasted over defeatist sentiment and then playing it off like you don't care.

>> No.7475849
File: 132 KB, 1200x1600, DSC_0303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Do you think a woman would like me solely for my looks?

>> No.7475850

If you really want to know, it's not your defeatism but where you place the blame that's pathetic. Nothing wrong with defeatism if you can nut up and take responsibility for your failures.

>> No.7475852

Sorry, you have cuckface

>> No.7475858

time stamp it, senpai.
but if that is actually OP, it's average 2bh, better than being ugly.

>> No.7475862

Do americans actually think this is average?

>> No.7475864
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>Personally, I would work on your crippling insecurity first (referring to yourself a "naive faggot cuck" unprompted).
This OP.

>> No.7475867

OP here, not me.

>> No.7475870

I'm not american and there's a stark difference between average and ugly, by 'ugly' I mean girls don't want to talk to you and people revile you and be rude to you.

Because I'm really fucking ugly and I get shit treatment.

>> No.7475873

I would definitely consider that ugly.

>> No.7475879

I guess we just have different standards senpai, if people aren't disgusted by you and don't actively avoid then you're not ugly in my book.

>> No.7475882

>Do you think there's a contradiction between looking for this special kind of love, and say lifting?

Yes, but it doesn't matter. It's one of those things, "je sais bien, mais quand-même." No one will ever love you for "who you really are". There's no such thing as 'the real you'. The performance of you is you.

>> No.7475912

>Personally, I would work on your crippling insecurity first (referring to yourself a "naive faggot cuck" unprompted).
dude OP obviously was inb4ing the typical /r9k/ tier responses calling him that, not being insecure