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7475577 No.7475577 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the most bourgeois writers?

>> No.7475589

marxist ones

>> No.7475593


>> No.7475596

DFW, Jonathan Franzen, the people who get pulitzers and such, appear in the New Yorker magazine and are read by middle aged liberal upper middle class cunts concerned with maintaining the appearance of sophistication

>> No.7475601

Why do people always make fun of stable careers?

That seems like a fairly nice existence

>> No.7475609

I don't know where you live that you think middle aged liberals hunker down with IJ and a mimosa, but I can tell you that, living in the liberal Paradiso that is the NYC metropolitan area, that doesn't happen.

>> No.7475667


Because of the current shift in what "happiness" is. While once it was stability and maintaining the status quo, it is now about personal fulfillment and living life authentically.

>> No.7475670

authenticism is overrated

>> No.7475953
File: 946 KB, 791x1518, i prefer seneca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying virtue isn't the only thing needed in a good life

>> No.7475960

Canadafag here
Stewart McLean

>> No.7476070

But that voice though
>Hello, I'm Stuart Mclean, and this is the Vinyl Cafe.

>> No.7476095

You can live a beautiful life with a stable, unspectacular career, but realistically if you once had a shot at being a star and backed down from that or were otherwise prevented from making it big, it would be hard to never ever look back and wonder what if things went differently.

>> No.7476106


>> No.7476758

>Living life as a wage slave in an immoral capitalist system

>> No.7476951

>Emile Zola
He is even a bourgeois propagandist.
Still love him tho

>> No.7476971

yes they do

>> No.7476973
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>personal fulfillment and living life authentically.
good goy
This x infinity

>> No.7477107
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>Why do people always make fun of stable careers?
because deep down, they know that hedonism fails. but they do not know where to turn, so they grow resentment.

>> No.7477140

anyone who uses the "goy" meme should never ever be taken seriously. in fact, the moment I see it appear my interest in what that person has to say immediately vanishes

>> No.7477156

Yes goyim yes excellent

>> No.7477170


>Falling for the P.C. jew


>> No.7477179

Personally I only make fun of people who have a job they don't love. Nothing wrong with a stable career if it's what you want to be doing.

Being the 71%, now that ridiculous.

>> No.7477240

It's far outside of falling for anything, it's more about my wish to avoid the kinds of people who find those things entertaining

>> No.7477259

You must be either poor or a transplant to the city. Are you? I have lived here among the wealthy since I was born and that is exactly what the liberal upper class does.

>> No.7477286

>only my kinds of fun allowed
>i have figured these types of people out they are all the same anyway

>> No.7477306

>I was shocked to see a new Gallup survey show that 71% of workers are “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” from their work.
>I was shocked
I think we found the most bourgeois writer.

>> No.7477315

>being a wageslave

>> No.7477325

right, thanks for repeating what i said. albeit, erroneously.