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7474182 No.7474182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a question for you. Is a rapist character redeemable?

Basically what happens in the story I am writing is that this guy has a really powerful genetic mutation passed on in his family that sort-of lets him see the future, at plot convenient times, and some other stuff. A bit like Paul Atreides in Dune, that was the inspiration for a lot of it, but more subtle, because the mysticism in the story is never outright validated.

Anyway, he catches the equivalent of Ebola; a disease that has a 70% chance of killing him within a few hours. While he is dying, in a fever-ridden state of mind, he realizes he is going to die without reproducing. Thinking what he is doing is for the greater good, and will save thousands of lives, he tries to force himself on one of the female soldiers sleeping in the next room.

Long story short, she wakes up, knocks him out (he's incredibly weak from how sick he is) and he doesn't end up actually, y'know, getting inside her. He wakes up one of the lucky few, chained to a pipe, where he barely manages to bargain for his life and gets exiled from the bunker instead, with nothing but a rifle and some food.

What do you think? This is meant to be a "good guy" character, not even particularly ruthless; would you consider him at all a good person after this? Would him being driven mad in the mind by the disease be some excuse? The point of the entire incident is for the characters to realize he needs to have kids before his luck runs out and he dies.... or something like that. It was kinda just what happened as I wrote the story, but now I am realizing this scene might be a bit fucked up.

What do you guys think? I asked this on Reddit a long time ago and they said this guy was irredeemable.

>> No.7474184

>I asked this on Reddit a long time ago

>> No.7474185

Lots of people like Holden so I'd say yeah.

>> No.7474187

Yes unless your a feminist or SJW cuck

>> No.7474191

>your a feminist

>> No.7474194

You should read Demons or at least the censored chapter, "At Tikhon's".

Also, that sounds dumb.

>> No.7474195

shut the fuck up

>> No.7474196

>that sounds dumb

>> No.7474198

>good guy
>raping people

pick one

>> No.7474470

Well, even leaving aside the ethics (from a simple utilitarian perspective, one rape is a small price for ending the suffering of thousands), his idea is extremely dumb.

He assumes he will succeed in ejaculating into her at all.
He assumes this will impregnate her.
He assumes she won't just fucking abort the child, legally or illegally.
He assumes the resulting child will not be a fucked up person.

He really assumes a crap ton of stuff. It's idiotic, and that he doesn't consider the simple alternative of donating sperm for someone to consensually impregnate herself with his genes tells us that he's kinda deeply disturbed. (Not more so than many other men I would say, but I would be digressing.)

Yeah, it could be the fever fucking him up in part, but it still tells us that subconsciously, the first thing that pops in his mind when he things "gotta create an offspring" is to rape someone instead of find a willing bearer of his child who could save humankind.

>> No.7474489

>putting yourself in the spook-mindset where others's feelings influence the creative one

>> No.7474665

Forgiveness is an emotional response, and emotions are fickle

Nothing is redeemable, the only hope is to be forgotten.

>> No.7474694

Why did he think that fucking some chick while he was sick with Ebola would save thousands of lives?

Also, bear in mind that /lit/ has recently become infested with absolutely shameless tumblr/SJW scum, so take replies with a pinch of salt.

>> No.7474701

>/lit/ has recently become infested with absolutely shameless tumblr/SJW scum

>> No.7474709
File: 1.28 MB, 1400x1944, Transfiguration of Jesus Theophanes the Greek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All is redeemed by Christ.

>> No.7474715
File: 922 KB, 640x360, 1424059098314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ has recently become infested with absolutely shameless tumblr/SJW scum

>> No.7474728

Triggered. You simply would not be so defensive if this wasn't the case.

>> No.7474731

>People on 4chan would never make fun of someone just for being wrong or stupid, they must be triggered.

>> No.7474833


>> No.7474919
File: 561 KB, 500x281, gervaiskek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's triggered if I've ever seen it

>> No.7474920

Not being a sophist means being chronically triggered.

>> No.7474921

Your character obviously can't be a boy-scout if he's willing to rape.

Why does he have to be a good guy?

>> No.7474922


>> No.7474924

Forgot the

>> No.7474945

Through the Pancreator even a tourterer may be redeemed.

>> No.7474966

i'd say if you can write it in a believable way then yes but if you suck it's going to reek of "oh here's a rape scene".

>> No.7475061

>I asked this on Reddit a long time ago

>> No.7475283
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very original idea, OP

>> No.7475303

I think anything is redeemable so long as a character, at some point, shows remorse for his actions. If you're going to keep the plot the same, have him at some point be disgusted with himself. Have him hate what he almost became, the monster he now sees himself as. Have his actions haunt him in some way to show that he has a conscious.

>> No.7475306

Come on, we all know this an Inuit scrimshaw gathering but that gives you no excuse to be a retard.

>> No.7475319

I think just about anything is redeemable. It's another thing altogether convincing other people that a person has truly changed though.

>> No.7475341
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>something that needs redeeming

stay cucked

>> No.7475365

if you manage to treat it as a moment of dementia then yes

>> No.7475428

If he tries to rape someone, regardless of how you portray his character in later chapters, the reader is not going to feel sympathetic for that action. But, you can develop sympathy through his delirium, allowing the reader to identify with his previous self, and perceive the character as he slowly degrades to husk. You are in good standing for a tragedy, but that character will always be the sum of his actions. Does that mean the character is a bad guy? No. But he will not be good, either.

>> No.7475432

Many consider Svidrigailov a redeemed character due to his suicide.