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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7472743 No.7472743 [Reply] [Original]

Can you please recommend any literature that make me a happier person? I'm miserable. Thanks.

>> No.7472752

/lit/ has a way of making you unhappier

>> No.7472754


Epictetus' Discourses.

>> No.7472760

tao te ching
marcus aurelius meditations
leslie marmon silko ceremony

>> No.7473299

Nietzsche. After Schopenhauer has destroyed you, you go to Nietzsche to learn how to rebuild yourself. Start with Twilight of the Idols.

Bertrand Russel's The Conquest of Happiness might be of interest to you as well. I never finished it though.

>> No.7473306


No, after Nietzsche has told you how to live yourself, you go to Schoppy to face squarely the worthlessness of existence.

>> No.7473490

Books you enjoy will make you happy.

>> No.7473501

Counsels and Maxims by Arthur Schopenhauer.

>> No.7473509
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>> No.7473519
File: 177 KB, 325x325, 852078035a981b4a28603edf7a43-yang-zhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Read Yung Chu's (Yang Zhu's) Garden of Pleasure, OP.

>> No.7473537


Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning
Burns, Feeling Good

>> No.7473596

lmao yeah, sure as hell not schop

reading robert anton wilson always made me happy for some reason. maybe cause of all the whacky shit

>> No.7473632


Aurelius, Epictetus, Tao Te Ching

>> No.7473638

Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire Lestat

>> No.7473794

HDT walden pond

>> No.7473962

This is spot on

>> No.7474033
File: 64 KB, 286x475, siddhartha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7474069

Think and grow rich!! The best book about motivation and what you want to accomplish in your life (not necessarily wealth)

>> No.7474143
File: 9 KB, 307x475, Epicurus reader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7474146

What is better, that, or, The Essential Epicurus?

>> No.7474677

>Books you enjoy will make you happy.

Sup reddit

>> No.7474680

The Epicurus Reader by far. The Essential Epicurus only includes the works of Epicurus and a short introduction, but of course the amount of work we have left from Epicurus is small. But the Epicurus reader contains all his work, including the fragments left over, as well as work from other writers such as Cicero and Lucretius about their thoughts on Epicurus. It even includes the biography that Diogenes Laertius did about him.

>> No.7474684

After Epicurus read "Utilitarianism" by John Stuart Mill. He basically expands the ethics of Epicurus.

>> No.7474686
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>> No.7474779

You want a book that will make you happier, Feeling Good by David Burns is what you're looking for. But for real literature/philosophy, there are numerous angles to take. Nietzsche if you want loud, overflowing happiness, Taoism/Buddhism for quiet serenity, stoics for temperance. As for fiction, I find that Tolstoy has a way of elevating his readers. Dante redefines love in a very beautiful and optimistic way. Joyce is great spiritual material, because to me he masters both the existential struggles and daily struggles, but there's a sort of 'the dude abides' way of dealing with it.

>> No.7474809

Where do i start with Nietzsche??

>> No.7475673

>thinks happiness is important
>posts a pic of schoppy

>> No.7475676

happiness is literally the only thing worth striving for .t shoppy

>> No.7475696
File: 64 KB, 154x251, yang zhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you miserable, family?

>> No.7475701

there's between saying 'happiness isn't important' and 'desire/will causes suffering and the only way to beat it is to stop desiring/willing or alleviate it through aesthetic contemplation'

>> No.7475705

>there's between
>there's a DIFFERENCE between

>> No.7475712

Anywhere except Zarathustra works, but it's usually agreed the best places to start with are either The Gay Science or Twilight of the Idols. But since The Gay Science is less critique of older philosophy than Twilight and more of his inspiring beautiful shit, I'd go with The Gay Science.
You should understand have at least a rough understanding Plato's theory of forms and Schopenhauer's idea of the will.
I envy anybody who gets to read Nietzsche the for the first time. The first 20 pages you might say hmmm a lot, but when it comes together it's really a great moment for the mind.

>> No.7475716

Very true. My attitude always improves when I take breaks from here. Not sure why I come back.

>> No.7475720

"The things that make us happy make us wise." -- John Crowley, Little, Big

>> No.7475723

get a book of hammer and nod like fuck niqqa

bang dat shit

>> No.7475727

>tfw you feel like suicide is your thing but you're not the self killing type

baka desu senpai

>> No.7475728

Jostein Gaarder

>> No.7475742

Read Schopenhauer

>> No.7476852

The only writer who consistently and near-instantaneously makes people happier (that I know of, anyway) is C. S. Lewis.

>> No.7476854
