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/lit/ - Literature

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7462166 No.7462166 [Reply] [Original]

bookshelf thread. post em.

will anon from pic related post, cause i want to ask what you think about some of your books.

>> No.7462238
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>> No.7462258
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>> No.7462263

Are you that dense?
The anon who posted these obviously got them off of reddit.
Holy fuck

>> No.7462267

k newfriend

>> No.7462272
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>> No.7462277

I don't go on reddit I wouldn't know

>> No.7462283

now THAT's what i call autism

>> No.7462286

don't we all do that?

>> No.7462302

care to explain?

>> No.7462362
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>> No.7462370
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>> No.7462379
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My entire bookshelf. Pls r8.

>> No.7462410

k newfriend

>> No.7462415
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>> No.7462416

those new covers are awful

>> No.7462504
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I collect mainly movies, but here's my small book collection.

>> No.7462550

You shouldn't judge the covers but the written content of the books.

>> No.7462556
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>> No.7462601

>those piles on the floor
have fun living in hell

>> No.7462779

>owns a katana


>> No.7462800

You the guy on /tv/ who buys all those VHS horror movies?

>> No.7462806

It's for decorative, combat and self-defense purposes. Hardly nerdy at all.

>> No.7462812
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Damn, he got me.

>> No.7462908
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>> No.7463355


>> No.7463417
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>> No.7463462

tbqhwymf, this is better than most bookshelves (real or shitpost) we get.

Do you happen to know some sort of database for awful 80s / 90s movies (specially sf and horror)?

I'm looking for a few shit I remember renting as a kid, but specifically, a softcore sci-fi called something like Elm's Mayhem or some shit like that.

>> No.7463578



If you have a facebook, I'd recommend joining the group Horror VHS Collcetor's Unite, has a decent fanbase you can ask for movies you can't remember.

>> No.7463607

Why do you collect VHS? Isn't it a bit early to start fawning over that particular inferior dead format?

>> No.7463613

Nigga, I see those GoT books.

>> No.7463678

I get asked this a lot, and the best answer I can really give is why not!

I guess you can say it's part nostalgia, and the fact that the movies (half the time just the cover art) are awesome.

>> No.7463741


>Uzumaki isn't with the other Ito books

But what was your favourite story from Fragments of Horror? Mine was the one with the hiker and the bird woman.

Also how is The Familiar? I enjoyed House of Leaves but 27 books is a little daunting.

>> No.7463785

Lol weebs and VHS nostalgic autists. Sure know how to derail a BOOK shelf thread to be honest family.

>> No.7463804
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Thanks m8

Also, if you ever get across pic related, buy it on sight, this shit is AWESOME

>> No.7463808

You can keep them.on a bookshelf too.

>> No.7463813

Yeah but this level of trash and degeneracy just hurts the soul

>> No.7463841

My shitty photo of my book collection

>> No.7463848
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forgot picture

>> No.7463857


What's that manga on top of Gatsby?

>> No.7463927
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Kim Jung Gi's 2007 sketch collection.

No one's really sure if he's a savant.

>> No.7463976

>risking breaking your neck every time you want to grab a book

what a fucking terrible idea

>> No.7464013
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Here's my top shelf.

>> No.7464015

Uzumaki is not with the others because I needed a book end. I'm waiting on more shelves to properly store everything. I have boxes more of movies. Have about 3000.

My favorite story was from Fragments of Horror is also Blackbird.

I haven't finished The Familiar yet, only picked it up about a week ago when i went Christmas shopping. What I've read so far I've been enjoying, but I'm not very far into it.

Didn't mean to derail the thread, sorry!

>> No.7464019

I love most of the stuff from Prism, so I'll make sure to keep a look out for it.


>> No.7464041

>The Twelve Caesars facing the left
literally triggering my autism

>> No.7464065
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Update from last few threads, now with less memes

>> No.7464072

Dunno if you've read them, but asking anyway. Are The Forever War sequels any good?

>> No.7464083

Haven't read the first one yet, just got it recently so couldn't say

>> No.7464715

update: you should still kill yourself

>> No.7464772

>be 20
>live with parents
>get kicked out
>bring a spare shirt, pair of underwear, a toothbrush, and over 50 books in two bags to a friends place
>end up selling 2/3 of books to a local bookstore for money to buy percocet b/c addict
>mfw bookshelf thread


>> No.7465608
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>> No.7465660

missed u bb

>> No.7465668

Noticed the Ayn Rand. Good taste.

>> No.7465756
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pls no bully

>> No.7465780

>Noticed the Ayn Rand. Good taste.

>> No.7465816
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>> No.7465843

Who published those Harry Potter books? That shit looks good. Hardcover I assume?

>> No.7465846

pls be in belo horizonte

>> No.7465866

I actually am dawg, Nova Lima tbqhwy

>> No.7465869

no holy bible or mein kampf, into trash.jpg

>> No.7465899
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>being a judeo-christian

>> No.7465902

Do you have Crime and Punishment published vintage.

>> No.7465907

No, only Demons and Brothers, my Crime and Punishment is a old (and rather bad) translation from russian to french to portuguese

>> No.7465912

>not euro-christian

>> No.7465915

Ah. Is Brothers a good translation? I've ordered C&P and War and Peace, both published by Vintage, and am worried about the translation quality.

>> No.7465928

I haven't read it yet, but I had no problems with Demons, it was good enough for me to understand my C&P's problems.

Also, Vintage generally has good translations, not only from russian, as far as I'm aware

>> No.7465931

>>7465843 publisher is Arthur a. Levine books, an imprint of scholastics if you're still curious

>> No.7465939

Sounds good, thanks!


>> No.7465940

are either of you named Benjamin?

>> No.7465996


>less memes

You're not fooling anybody

>> No.7466004

>How dare anyone like something I don't.
Maybe you should read it before complaining.

>> No.7466019


Nice FAb books.

>> No.7466041


>> No.7466046


Those pink books from Free Association Books. They're usually quite good.

>> No.7466083

Oh, I suppose you're talking about those books besides the Oxford classics ones, they're from Martins, a Brazilian publisher, but they do seem to imitate FAb from a quick Google search

>> No.7466095

Meant to reply >>7466046

>> No.7466135


>> No.7466199


jesus christ dude, did you really just migrate here from /co/ and read all the memes

>> No.7466209


this has to be the bookshelf of the anon's little brother with literary fiction scattered throughout. very good troll but there is one better if anyone can find it. it was reddit garbage with the bottom shelf being all stephen king/GoT but in the very back corner is Jonathan Franzen

>> No.7466251

do you happen to study letters in the state federal uni?

>> No.7466374

Nope, currently finishing visual arts at Guignard, UEMG. My gf just graduated from FALE though.

Are you interested in trading contract info?

>> No.7466604

It works both ways, his collection is mostly composed of multi-board memeworks

>> No.7466952

u still there senpai?

>> No.7467436
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>> No.7467456


>> No.7467579

lmao good series.

>> No.7468152
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I've gotten a few new books since I last posted. Currently reading Run, Melos! and Other Stories by Osamu Dazai. Will probably start the New York Trilogy afterwards.

>> No.7468749
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The stack on the top shelf is my "to-read" pile

>> No.7468779


>> No.7468783

why even bother

>> No.7468811

Reading the Dazai in Japanese? I see it on your shelf, but I can't make out the edition.

>> No.7468814
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It's from Kodansha's English library. So it is a Japanese copy, but the book is in English. It includes Schoolgirl and a few other short stories as well.

>> No.7468820

I think that was the one I read from, but I borrowed it from a library re-bound.

I like your Japanese lit, anon. But you need far more pre-war classics up there.

>> No.7468823

Thanks. 20th century Japan has always been my favorite subject in history. I should expand to older works though.

>> No.7468830

what do you mean?

>> No.7468836

Literatur ist sehr gut!

>> No.7469366

Ist sehr as.

>> No.7469375

great for a Kubrick movie, bad for your everyday life

>> No.7469511

fat and balding/10

>> No.7469615
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>> No.7470517
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>> No.7470535

>the ruins
The thing that pissed me off about that books was that they were all lured into the pit by the plant imitating a cell phone, but no one though that a phone would never have reception at the bottom of a deep hole. Why didn't they throw a flashlight down there with a rope attached?
>entire plot avoided.

>> No.7470547

>those ships.
>that stove
10/10 would bang

>> No.7470570


>> No.7470646

Burn World War Z pls

>> No.7470721

If you're referring to the the katana then keep in mind that it is for mainly decorative purposes. It may be used in combat roles and self-defense purposes if need be. If an intruder breaks in and you swing that around then they'll high-tail it out of there.

>> No.7470763
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>> No.7470774

Don't you find having loads of DVDs in sight depressing as fuck? Just a reminder of money wasted on an obsolete format. I hid mine away in the cupboard and desu I'd probably torrent it even if I already owned it save me finding it, loading it into a dvd player and whatever

>> No.7470794

wigga was

>> No.7470930
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>tfw empty bookshelves

How do you guys do it, do you steal books or do you steal money and buy books?

>> No.7470941

depends on where you live. Second hand books stores and bargain bins, or if you're lucky, you can get boxes of books for pennies at pawn shops and garage sales.

>> No.7470955

In England you can get a lot of great books for 50p in charity shops. Brought back with me almost 150 books which i bought there while i was living in Cardiff.

>> No.7470964

>tfw at the awkward stage of not having enough books for a book shelf but have too much to just have laying around

>> No.7470970

I have a good job and don't have children yet. Plenty of disposable income.

Also books are super cheap. Rarely pay more than $4 for a used book.

>> No.7470981

Make a shelf out of cinder blocks/stone blocks/bricks and wood planks. Trendy, cheap and you can build it up as needed.

>> No.7470985

That's just your ego talking. It's time to just be logical and get a bookshelf to put in whatever books you have.

>> No.7470995

s w o o n

>> No.7471022

Where do you think I would live if I had a copy of the constitution of the United States? I remember seeing a store with a lot of books out front, I believe they would be very cheap. I shall check that out.

If I had a job then when would I have time to read?

>> No.7471037

Obviously you'll have little time to do so if you're in unskilled labor, or pick a career that's work-intensive. I didn't, and if you want to read often, you shouldn't.

>> No.7471044

I'm majoring in computer science. Maybe I should just be a nighttime security officer and read all day. That would be better. Computer science is work intensive and it has no soul.

>> No.7471053

read all night* on the job

>> No.7471058

Depends on what subset of computer science you'd want to go into. My partner is a data center administrator and "works" one hour out of twelve.

>> No.7471081

Yeah, something that involves a lot of waiting would be great. Like some kind of maintenance position where I sit around and wait for something to break, reading in the meantime. I wouldn't want to be some standard programmer coding away for hours on end.

>> No.7471150

it's called having a job you fuck

>> No.7471175

You are an angry person. You must have really wanted to be an angry person because not many people would get angry at that post. Well, you are doing a good job on being an angry character.

>> No.7471396

choke on your own severed cock please.
Yeah I also hate sleep. Who needs it amirite?

>> No.7471406

1493 is a under rated book desu

>> No.7471429

The second one was really good. It has nothing to do with the first one, but it's just as elegant.
could you put both of the Brooks books together? it feels so weird seeing them apart.
Also how's Gyo?

>> No.7471487

I have a job and books, even new ones, are not expensive.

>> No.7471510

Yes, I understand this already. I was just kidding around, I know how to get money to afford books. I got some good advice though on where to find cheap books.

>> No.7471561

y u mad

>> No.7471565


Thanks, saw that and 1491 and was interested.

>> No.7471629
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no h8 please

>> No.7471649

So do these threads only consist of people crossposting off of /r/bookshelf now?

>> No.7471664

>game of penises shit
>scott faggot
>anything SK except for IT
>mixing comics with books with NOTEBOOKS with cheap booze for faggots
>glasses NOT upside down

This is how I know you are a faggot

>> No.7471669


>> No.7471670


you are likely either cutting your own hand (goodbye girlfriend) or hurting someone else and ending up in prison (goodbye virginity)

>> No.7471675

Hello nightmares.

Murakami will never get the nobel

>> No.7471683

>all that churchhill shit

just why?

>> No.7471684

>this is /lit/

>> No.7471688

lol, you can get cheap books (sometimes new or almost perfect) on ebay. Paperbacks are almost free and hardcover are not difficult to find

>> No.7471701

>one hundred percent genre fiction
Why would even browse /lit/ when you clearly do not enjoy literature? I'm not judging your taste, you can read whatever you want, but I'm genuinely curious as to why you're here when you'd fit right into r/books.

>> No.7471722

It's like your goal is to never get laid.

>> No.7471726


why even bother to live

>> No.7471736
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>touching spirit bear

Holy shit I read that in elementary school

I wonder if me and that redditor are from the same place

>> No.7471740

Everything you own is anti-lit


>> No.7471752

I live in Portugal and I have a copy. Granted it was given as a joke, but it's not unusual i suppose

>> No.7471757

Literally none of those books would hint to him being a /pol/fag

Reddit rather

>> No.7471813

I think it is important for any citizen to have a copy of their country's constitution.

>> No.7471843 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7471844
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>> No.7471860

Mirin history collection

Not mirin you padding 1.5 shelves with a fucking dictionary set

>> No.7471861

Why do you have no individual taste?

>> No.7471865

Look at all that old shit. Don't you buy anything new? Old stuff is bad, which is why you should buy new things. Don't mend, spend.

>> No.7471916
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Define individual taste. I buy what I like to read.

That's my old shit bookcase.

>> No.7471927

How many pages is that Ascend book?

>> No.7471955

Over 9000.
it's a speaker

>> No.7472001

>i just started reading books in the last year or so, and only what was popular

this is a new low

>> No.7472089

10/10 would bang for financial security

>> No.7472099

read them both, fantastic stuff. I would take it all with a grain of salt, but I liked it much better then guns germs and steel. Super easy to read for the materiel it deals with, and I dont mean that as a insult for once

>> No.7472102

yo bro u kno wut wud b sick? if u cud buy audiobooks that look like a book but they're really speakers that play the book

>> No.7472106

Why would anyone want this

>> No.7472113

Nice. Have you read any of the others on that shelf? Been looking to find some newer history books. I'm OP and I enjoy books on sailing/colonial history/age of exploration/etc, so was looking for other recommendations after seeing this lovely shelf.

>> No.7472115
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>World war z

>> No.7472120

>Poorly lit as fuck
>All those volumes
>wtf are you doing with those hats
>door opens into bookshelf
>ships and busts covering books
>cheap ass university chairs
>no couch
>no reading lamps
>shitty cheap table
Has potential, but nah. This looks like an old man from Kentucky's library. I bet half of those books are about the American Civil War and North American wildlife.

>> No.7472125
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>Buying the new feminist approved propaganda

>> No.7472146

Not my goal, it just sort of happened.

>> No.7472493


dam bro good taste digging the carver 2 copies of suttree get rid of stephen king

>> No.7472504

>get rid of stephen king

Why would he do that? Everyone has their tastes.

>> No.7472612
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This is anon from pic related. What would you like to ask, OP?

>> No.7472615

I noticed you have a lot of books on ships, the sea, etc, which I also love. Care to share some favorites or recommendations?

>> No.7472623

Nah, I like them.

Gyo is great, almost as good as Uzumaki. It's honestly a pretty terrifying concept too.

>> No.7472644
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Are you looking for history or fiction?

In fiction, I have a soft spot for Napoleonic era stuff, so the Aubrey/Maturin and Hornblower novels are kind of obvious picks. Melville has some good stuff of literary value too (Moby Dick, Billy Budd). Sabastini's novels (Captain Blood, Sea Hawk) are pulpy and fun, but not really significant in any literary way.

In non-fiction, well, there's a pretty large field. Depends on what time periods you're interested in. I enjoyed Hale's "Lords of the Sea" about the Athenian Navy quite a bit, though you can of course go back to the actual sources on that if you want. Another book I quite enjoyed that kind of snuck up on me was Joshua Slocum's "Sailing Alone Around the World," which I thought was quite good (basically a memoir, takes place around the 1900s).

I've only posted on Reddit once, on an AMA with Phillip Zimbardo. I asked him how he could call his Stanford Prison Experiment an 'experiment' given that it used no control group and basically abandoned the scientific method, and how he would compare himself to Milgram, who used a very consciously constructed design and control groups/etc with his own experiments to which Zimbardo's is often compared. He did not reply.

It's the OED, though. As far as dictionaries go, it's the best.

>> No.7472678
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Don't judge, senpai

>> No.7472692

Either is fine. I saw Lords of the Sea and it looked interesting, so I added it to my list to get soon. Another anon pointed out 1491 and 1493 which seemed interesting as well.

Sailing Alone Around the World is spot on. I was looking for more like that. Memoirs, primary or secondary accounts of expeditions, and so on. I recently read the writings of Ferdinand Magellan during his voyage, as well as a book called Endurance by Alfred Lansing. About Shackleton's expedition to Antarctica. It was incredible and I highly recommend it. That's what got me in the mood for more, but really I'll would check out just about anything historical.

I saw Life Before the Mast on your shelf and looked that up, seems to be a collection of writings by sailors during the Napoeleonic Wars. How'd you like that? I can't make out every title you have, so if you can think of anything else, I'd be happy to hear about it.

Also, how are those biographies (i'm guessing biography) on Teddy?

>> No.7472701

I used to have hundreds of books in the three languages I grew up speaking, but I got rid of them all in favour of ebooks. Can I ask why you anon's still keep physical books is it nostalgia? I prefer my 3 kindles desu.

>> No.7472714

because i don't like e-readers

>> No.7472716
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>falling for the 'start with the greeks' meme

>> No.7472720


The Roosevelt biographies are the three by Edmund Morris. They are very good, though I liked them more when I was a bit younger (they're very well researched and written, though they tend a bit more towards hagiography than I would like; if I were to recommend anything on Roosevelt today, I'd probably just say 'read his autobiography' (I also quite like his "Winning of the West," but that's not about him).

You are right about "Life Before the Mast" - it is a collection of writings from sailors who are contemporaries to the Napoleonic Wars. Some are better than others, but if you get on a nautical kick, they're worth reading. I liked Edgar Vincent's biography of Lord Nelson, though like the biographies about Roosevelt mentioned above, it can verge on hagiography. Two other books that you might consider are Robert Pirsig's "Lila" and Olaudah Equiano's autobiography. Neither is traditionally thought of as a 'nautical' book or a book about boats and seafaring, but they are both heavily influenced by boats.

And of course there are the obvious /lit/ picks too, like "Huck Finn," "The Odyssey," etc.

>> No.7472770

There aren't ebooks for everything I have, and ebooks are difficult to keep easily referable notes in. I plan to teach, so I'd rather have that accessible.

>> No.7472780
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Thanks for being a cool guy, anon.

>> No.7472784


No problem, anon. I know I'm forgetting a number of recommendations I could make, but if they come to me I'll go ahead and post them.

>> No.7472917

Also on ebay, if they don't do it already, if you buy a lot of books from one seller, try and message them, and if they aren't an ass, they can usually package and ship them all together. saves you a bit of dough

>> No.7472926
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"any relic of the dead is precious" anon

>> No.7472938

because it's a hell of a lot easier for a klutz like me to break an ereader than a book, I've gone through three lol. Plus you can't really loan people books then, and there are some people I'd trust a 4 dollar copy of a book with and not a 50 dollar flake of plastic.

>> No.7473283
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These two beauties just arrived.

>> No.7473330

This isn't a recent purchase thread anon.

>> No.7473332

Like I give a shit lmao

>> No.7473340
File: 18 KB, 227x217, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7473341

Kill yourself.

>> No.7473342

No u

>> No.7473352

You're the one posting the wrong thread faget.

>> No.7473358

Sorry Mr. Autismus, but it seems you're derailing the thread far worse than I.

>> No.7473474
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>not knowing the classic McSweeney's volume 36

>> No.7473517
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>He did not reply

>> No.7473526

>Ask me anything guys!
>I don't like that, not going answer it

>> No.7473604
File: 263 KB, 700x521, myrna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I asked very politely and respectfully too, so it wasn't just 'hey, Zimbardo! This isn't an experiment, it's a massive fucked up anecdote that you had a very firm hand in creating! You did it all wrong if you wanted to prove anything!'

But then again, I'm not particularly surprised, given that he makes definite conclusions about human nature from his 'experiment' when the only conclusions one can reasonably make - if any - are that Zimbardo doesn't understand the concept of an actual experiment.

>> No.7475455
File: 111 KB, 449x600, 1436749065900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now he's getting all paranoid and isn't sure he has taste

>> No.7475456

Is that a hardcover of Savage Detectives? Fuck man.

>> No.7475729


Yes, but I can't claim an early bead on Bolaño. I read 2666 first. Still, it's amazing what you can find for $1 on the bargain bin at your local used bookstore. (FWIW you can buy it used in hardback on Amazon right now for $3).

Taste is a meme, friendo, at least how you're using it. Read what you enjoy.

>> No.7475735


>> No.7475743
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved recently so I don't have all my books with me.


>> No.7475747

What the fuck? The image is facing correctly on my phone.

>> No.7475751
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>> No.7475755
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>> No.7475783

I dig your taste, bro. especially the penguin classics those are my favorite

>> No.7475799


>> No.7475823

you a mason bro?

>> No.7475842
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>> No.7475893

thats ok, it perfectly comments those books featured in your pic

>> No.7476270

not that rare desu

>> No.7476433
File: 123 KB, 983x553, 1654651654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished renovating my house and getting my book room together.

>> No.7476437
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>> No.7476442
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>> No.7476445


>> No.7476449
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>> No.7476454
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>> No.7476569


Lord Billy, king of Ikea, count of crappy furniture.

>> No.7476638

>Battle royale
My nigga

>> No.7477479
File: 2.13 MB, 3264x2448, 4L_Caa9pUaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have since removed/added some books since I last posted here. It seems every time I post I get called a pleb. This is one out of two shelves of books that I've got, on the other shelf I have genre-fiction that I can discuss with normies (ASOIAF, LotR, HP).

I have recently been looking at reading from non-English authors. I've got C&P, and War and Peace is yet to arrive in the mail. Do you guys have any recommendations for me based on what's on my shelf?

>> No.7477723
File: 1.26 MB, 3264x2448, 4L_0RTvb6Z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level plebs

>> No.7477760

What a gaudy picture

I've never seen a grouping of books that looks borderline baroque

>> No.7477836
File: 174 KB, 500x277, lci1ajX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7477852


dat sufjan

>> No.7477861

>Fancy, expensive design workstation
>That fucking chair

Why do people do this?

>> No.7478207

>wherever the ladder is, it pisses you off and block the way

>> No.7478279

The new covers are pretty bad desu

>> No.7478292

I agree but the stories themselves hold up so it was worth it.

>> No.7478303

I do not have a girlfriend. By combat I meant if a robber or a crook ever tries to mess with me.

>> No.7478343

I haven't read one in a couple years so that's good to hear

>> No.7478357

Unless you have a entire room dedicated to ancient Japanese weapons with the encyclopaedic knowledge required, all you look like is a pathetic weaboo everyone makes laugh of. Seriously. Sell this crap to another weaboo.

>> No.7478368

Not him, but that sounds like excessively high standards.

I have three original ukiyo-e prints and consider them decorative collectibles. I've read extensively on the artists I have, but I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge on all of ukiyo-e production or even the era around the artists, because there is a very large amount out there to learn on them.

>> No.7478375

Well, I don't have an extensive knowledge on the subject either but I'm pretty sure ukiyo-e aren't weapons.

>> No.7478380

I'm jealous of your books.

>> No.7478383

You shouldn't. Most are shit.

>> No.7478408

So only weapons need that kind of standard to qualify the interest? I mean, ukiyo-e is still a "weeaboo" thing.

>> No.7478437

I was merely mentioning it was off-topic but yes, it's a “weaboo” item you shouldn't show until you acquire a certain level of wealth. It's not much about origin, it's about coherence. If you bought a sword and hanged it from your ceiling or displayed three or four $90 cheap paintings or famous paintings' reproductions, it would still be “cringy”. Japanese is worst only because of cultural difference. It is common sense you need to build an appropriate, whole setting to make such a decoration acceptable, otherwise it would be like mixing books with DVDs and manga in your shelves. On another need, of course, it must not be tacky. A $80 katana or low-quality ukiyo-e prints will be awful, whatever the room you're putting them in.

>> No.7478457

Yup. I rate 10/10.

>> No.7478462

But it looks really badass. When friends come over they marvel at it. We must run in different circles since I think that it looks hardcore.

>> No.7478474

No, no. This is a bait.

>> No.7478871
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I dunno. I guess this is what I've read.

>> No.7478910

isn't it the same thing as amazon where books are usually cheap as shit but the shipping price fucks you up?

>> No.7478956

What level of wealth is needed? Is education ever a substitute for wealth? i.e. having a PhD in Japanese studies, but certainly not making six figures a year being a professor for it.

Since you're talking about an overall setting to be acceptable, would a large book collected devoted to ukiyo-e not count towards making it acceptable?

>> No.7478960

large book collection*

>> No.7478988


>Vampire Hunter D

Been meaning to read those, how are they? Loved the two films they made and I'm excited they are making a new one or series, can't remember which one it was but all I know it will be rotoscoped I think.

>> No.7479022

I haven't really read them in almost a decade now. They're written rather densely from what I remember. It can be confusing at certain time. They're worth it if you have the time and want something to read. Test out the first, they're written the same as far as I can remember.

>> No.7479049

That wasn't even me. K.. I do stand by that my sword looks fine and I don't need to change anything.

>> No.7479106


That is nice. How much would you estimate they cost you in total?

>> No.7479271
File: 1.72 MB, 3216x2208, IMG_0265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine again in full. Bottom shelf is philosophy section because I did a degree in it and it's mostly non fiction as I used to think reading fiction was frivolous and a waste of time.

Some random books I'd recommend:
Selfish Gene by Dawkins: atheist or not this book is an absolute masterpiece. It completely changed the way I thought about evolution and it is SO WELL WRITTEN. Probably my favourite non fiction book, possibly my favourite book ever.
Philosophical Investigations by Wittgenstein: most mind bending philosophy book written. Really hard to understand and hard to keep all the ideas in your head at once but the picture he paints is correct and once you understand it you see how it completely undermines most philosophy that came before it. Pretty impenetrable though and I probably wouldn't have understood it if I hadn't been taught about it and could ask questions to people who did understand it.
Dracula by Bram Stoker: One of my favourite novels. Creepy and paints a vivid picture. Middle third is pretty boring though.
The Plato and Aristotle books (black Penguin section on bottom shelf): Haven't really read these but kind of got the gist of most of them. Sure, it sounds clever to read these but I'd say other than The Republic you're wasting your time
Autobiographies: Pretty eclectic mix. Roger Moore, Blair, Tyson, Branson. Love reading these and these guys are all heroes of mine in a way (except Blair). Tyson's life was just insane.
James Bond series by Ian Fleming: Just good fun like the film series. Wonderfully un-PC.

Would love to discuss any of the others on my shelf

>> No.7479302

>t r a n s l a t i o n

>> No.7479492

>James Bond series by Ian Fleming: Just good fun like the film series. Wonderfully un-PC.
My favourite part is in Casino Royale when Bond sits naked on the beach thinking about fucking Vesper and he says he likes how reserved she is because each act of sex will have the sweet tang of rape.

>> No.7479503

The fuck

>> No.7479876

I should have stated “ressources” instead of “wealth”, yes, but it should be held carefully. Whatever your knowledge on swordsmanship and smithing, a low-quality katana bought for $200 during a convention will still be embarrassing, although I don't think such a cultured person would engage in this kind of questionable purchases. Professors don't fit the most when it comes to collect since they precisely haven't an adequate salary to acquire valuable articles and, as far as my modest experience goes, professors' workplaces are filled with books regarding their own field rather than aforementioned goods. A katana is harder to show, because Japanese culture are less likely to correctly fit in a Western setting, and inside Japanese culture swords are worst because of the strong association with so-called “weaboos” and superficial people. At least, your ukiyo-e, even of low quality, suggest you're interest in a more profound and insightful part of Japanese culture.

>> No.7480023

Yeah, sure Australia.

>> No.7480068


Oh man, this thread right here. Who needs print.

>> No.7480407
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> decorative
ugly as fuck
> combat
as in war? Not going to be much use against a gun
> self-defence
good luck swinging that thing in your house. Why not just get a knife

Regardless of whether you agree with my reasons it screams one thing... neeeeeeerd

>> No.7480496
File: 2.37 MB, 3264x1836, 20151219_140436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the time I bought paper book. Using them as a wall now since the room is too big.

>> No.7480497
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x1920, 2015-12-19 14.21.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some rare/cool shit.

>> No.7480500 [DELETED] 
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x1836, 20151219_143359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's the book from the famous jpg.

>> No.7480512

Kinda cool.

>> No.7480516
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, 2015-12-19 14.50.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's the book from the famous meme.

>> No.7480684

Fancy desu senapi.
Where did you get that copy of the sound and the fury?
>salutations, fellow /lit/erati! (Did I do that right?) I have come from the far away digital land of r/books to see what you guys have to offer to fellow readers such as myself! I am very excited to join this community! Also, How do I upvote quality content?

Nice hard covers

Where do you buy books like that? Looks like a bookshelf you'd see in skyrim or something. I love it

>> No.7480794

googled it

>> No.7480796

meant to reply to

>> No.7480803


Good decoration, small old tv, very patrician and 80's.

>> No.7480847

My collection is fucked up. I don't have bookshelves so everything's stacking up on my floor or desk.

>> No.7480860
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1836, 20151219_172845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, also comfy

>> No.7480878

9/10. Be careful you don't get damp with all that clothes hanging.

>> No.7480883

9/10 would sleep on couch after watching movie marathon

>> No.7480962

I am a redditor starter pack

>> No.7481119

Almost every professor in Japanese studies has some affection for a Japanese craft or type of art though. At least those who specialize in the early modern period, because any of your research will end up having some relation to it. Whether it's old books, kabuki prints, netsuke, shunga, ukiyo-e generally, furniture, calligraphy, ink stones, especially ceramics and pottery, they'll have a few, or one centerpiece.

I don't know what type of professors your modest experience is with, but if they're teaching in a country that isn't their field of study, they more than likely will want something to remind them of what they've devoted their life to.

>> No.7481137

As I said, books.

>> No.7481142

Okay... antique books being related to those whose subject of study is book history, and not necessarily monographs related to their field.

I mean, I could ping the listserv and even give you specifics on what each of them collect, although the answers would only trickle in over days.

>> No.7481163

I don't get what you mean.

>> No.7481199

Goldwater and Curchill. I want to hang with this family member.

>> No.7481234

reddit: the bookshelf

>> No.7481248
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These are the people we discuss literature with.

>> No.7481249

You bought leather bound books when you could've bought paperbacks for a fraction of the price
That's honestly embarrassing and shows you don't give a shit about reading you just want your bookshelf to look nice

>> No.7481281

It may shows he is rich enough to don't care.

>> No.7481357
File: 518 KB, 995x666, BloomBigBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Some people just post here to watch the world burn.

>> No.7481455

I want to see more from Mr. Japanese Studies PhD

>> No.7481465

I think it was an example for he wrote “i.e.”.

>> No.7481516

The Franklin Library and Easton Press books average $ 25 to $ 50. The folio editions that I have were a little less than that.

>> No.7481538


>Doesn't appreciate fine book binding as an art in itself.

>> No.7481590

>I wouldn't want to be some standard programmer coding away for hours on end
>tfw software developer

If you're not passionate about it, it is soul crushing. Don't do it for the money and job security like me

>> No.7481673

and Taggerrung

>> No.7481703
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Sorry for mess & lighting.

>> No.7481713

Conquistador by Buddy Levy and The Last Days of the Incas by Kim MacQuarrie

>> No.7481725
File: 572 KB, 500x495, 1442195475618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you who I think you are or you only posted it to pretend you are who I think you are?

>> No.7481726
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This is not representative of my usual reading habits, I'm on a kick.

>> No.7481745
File: 1.24 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20151219_172938_658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally my daughter's shelf.

She is 1 and isn't even reading Ronald Dahl yet, pleb that she is.

>> No.7481751


>> No.7482043

>my bookshelf wasn't called shit

Thanks anon, that made my day better.

>> No.7482071

Make sure you teach her how to use reddit, I see you're an expert.

>> No.7482497

how useful was/is your degree in philosophy

>> No.7482534
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>Leaving books on the floor.

>> No.7482540

The covers were the only good or relatively scary part of the entire series.

>> No.7482542

>Bottom centre novel titled "white guy"
Sums it up nicely.

>> No.7482550
File: 92 KB, 736x414, 0ba2e6572bf8566497c73cb69fb59f5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not 3, not 4, but 5 Vonnegut's.

>> No.7482559

Hatred of Rand is the biggest meme of all.

>> No.7482564

>all you need is kill
>not a meme

>> No.7482574

H8 you will get in abundance, mothafucka.

>> No.7482576

Hello, Olavo.

>> No.7482582

People will tell you those copies are old as fuck, but they're hard covers and they'll last longer. Props, brah.

>> No.7482589
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How's my shit? Ignore Stephen king section, I bought those when I was 12 and no used bookstores are interested. Open space in the middle for upcoming classics and meme books

>> No.7482597

If you like hunter s Thompson check out William Seabrook. Asylum is very good.

>> No.7482713

This is what I plan on doing soon. I want to order the various full sets that Franklin and Easton have made and give away any duplicates/copies I already own.

>> No.7482781
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>> No.7482841

are those books fucking floating

>> No.7482865

Superglue nigga

>> No.7482880

>no bookshelf
its like the books themselves are slavsquatting

>> No.7482885

>hardcover volumes of both IJ and M&D
damn they look fine nigga
>not ordering the full sets of LOA author volumes
I read maybe 50 pages into The Familiar and got bored. the second volume is out too if you still dig danielewski

>> No.7482922

new thread

new thread

new thread

>> No.7483006

I enjoyed House of Leaves but I think his style becomes gimmicky really fast

>> No.7484493
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Actually pretty useful. I work as a copywriter and the general writing skills I picked up definitely help and the logical structure of how I write as a result of studying philosophy gives me a bit of an edge over other writers (I think). It's a USP at least. Also, just having the degree (any degree) meant I could apply for graduate jobs I wouldn't otherwise be eligible for.

I also, broadly speaking, use the 'skills' of philosophy every day because it has profoundly shaped the way I think but this is only because I took the course so seriously. I wouldn't recommend someone study it if it doesn't interest them though because they're not likely to get the same value from studying it as I did.

Hoping to go back and do a PhD in September.

>> No.7484500
