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/lit/ - Literature

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7466683 No.7466683 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered the meme triology off amazon.
What should I do to prepare myself before they arrive?

>> No.7466690

Start with the greeks? Like, seriously, you won't understand jack shit from Ulysses if you don't.

Infinite Jest is just a bunch of text. You CAN understand GR but you mostly read it for the experience.

>> No.7466693

That's the old meme trilogy

>> No.7466696

Should I do anything special to enhance my reading experience? Maybe a special diet?

>> No.7466704


>> No.7466706


There's a new one?

>> No.7466707

Post the new one. Maybe I'll order those too.

>> No.7466753
File: 296 KB, 674x407, Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 2.54.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinite Jest = In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
Gravity's Rainbow = Kid A
Ulysses = Loveless


>> No.7466777

>Just ordered X
why do people respond to these bait threads

>> No.7466790

>Gravity's Rainbow = Kid A
Should be Amnesiac

>> No.7466791

Loveless isn't that much of a challenge. In fact I'd go as far to say Only Shallow is easily accessible.

>> No.7466821

was gonna say Spirit instead

>> No.7466859

Pineapple :^)

>> No.7466868

IJ = Burial - Untrue
GR = Remain in Light

IMO. Haven't even read either desu. I have read TCoL49 though. Someone let me know if my appraisal is any good. Kinda curious.

>> No.7466873

Good idea. What sort of alcohol should I drink while reading?

>> No.7466878

I'm actually impressed that /mu/ hasn't fallen completely into the retarded muh difficulty muh inaccessibility muh imsosmartudum for reading books meme that /lit/ is shitting itself with lately.

>> No.7466879

switch to bananas for GR

>> No.7466895

Actually, pot would be a good idea for GR. Read it high, then sober, then again sober. People often follow a sober read with another sober read so a high read adds another layer of fun and readability.

Inb4 quentinfags

>> No.7466909
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>> No.7466932


Read Hamlet before Infinite Jest, read the Greeks before Ulysses, haven't read Gravity's Rainbow so I don't know about that.

>> No.7466964

Get plenty of sleep.

>> No.7466984

But that's the wrong one.

>> No.7466985

Get ready to throw Gravity's Rainbow out when you get it, because it's trash.

You need to read the Odyssey before reading Ulysses.

Infinite Jest you just need to... read.

>> No.7466996

Why does everyone say you need to read the Odyssey before Ulysses? If anything read the all of shakespeares works before it. There are tons of Shakespeare references and the allusions to Homer are usually paper thin, especially once you get past the first part of the book (namely proteus). There are actual textual references to Shakespeare. (Othello and Hamlet would be good to start with)

I'd read V. (at least up to the part where some V. bitch is half made of wood and metal) and TCoL49 before GR (a la get into Pinecone threads). Maybe do acid before you hit the third part.

I havent read IJ, but you dont need any prep. My plebest friends have read it without a hitch.

>> No.7466997

The banana meme was the biggest disappointment for me when I read Gravity's Rainbow. It always comes up when people talk about the book on /lit/, but they're literally in one chapter, and they only serve as part of the grander phallic motif. I'm guessing people only know about the bananas because that one chapter is the first chapter, and that's as far as the majority of /lit/ got.

>> No.7467011

Did you not pick up on how the plot of Ulysses mirrors the plot of the Odyssey? That's more important for a thematic understanding than some Shakespeare references.

>> No.7467032

Lol are you talking about the troll one with Plato's Cratylus?

>> No.7467049

Are you kidding me? Knowing that Bloom mirrors Odysseus in that he makes a journey and returns home, only instead of a faithful wife, he returns to an unfaithful wife is almost completely moot to the plot of the story. There's an entire chapter where Stephen proposes a theory about Shakespeare's works and how some of them are autobiographical and which characters coincide to Shakespeare's life. Being able to fully understand those references would enhance the book a lot more than "Oh it's called 'Sirens' and people sing in this chapter XD"

>> No.7467059

the Shakespeare chapter is a farce. if you think it has any significance, you've been le tricked

>> No.7467064

>troll one
It seems like you have an exceedingly poor understanding of literature.

>> No.7467078

>he fell for the joke meme trilogy


>> No.7467083



>> No.7467087


>> No.7467089

There's no ground to it, but not pausing to at least entertain it defeats the experience.

>> No.7467095



>> No.7467096

Knowing your Shakespeare is literally only important for a single chapter, but for Christ's sake, the book is literally a modern retelling of Homer's Odyssey. You're fucking retarded m8.

>> No.7467097
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>> No.7467098

What's a more involved reference to the Odyssey in Ulysses than the Shakespeare one I just indicated?

>> No.7467112


The Odyssey references are so fucking over exaggerated, without the episode names there is literally no significance. It seriously goes as deep as you just said "It is a modern retelling of the Odyssey." So fucking what? Knowing about quotes from Iago, that bear at least some significance towards characterization in the text, references to Dante, which shape a huge part of Stephen's artistic character, and Irish history are way more important for actually understanding the book.

>> No.7467129

>without the episode names there is literally no significance.

Just admit that you haven't even read Homer because you cannot be this fucking dumb. The Shakespeare references are never as subtle as the references to Homer, Joyce practically shoves direct Shakespeare quotes in the readers face.

>> No.7467140

Please PLEASE give me an example of a subtle, unargueable, direct reference to homer in any of the episodes

>> No.7467144
File: 98 KB, 616x283, german meme trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the real new meme trilogy.

>> No.7467147

Also the wrong one.

>> No.7467149


>no The Tunnel by Gass

>> No.7467154
File: 66 KB, 500x743, Knausgård.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say meme trilogy?! I got a deal for you!

>> No.7467156

>short story

>> No.7467157

From the top of my head, been a while since I read it:

The Catholic sermon in Lotus Eaters
The ending of Cyclops
Burton Hotel scene in Lestrygonians

>> No.7467171

That's a hexalogy though.

>> No.7467191


Technically, yes. But divide by 2 and you've got yourself 2 meme trilogies for the price of 1?!

Step right up! Step right up!

>> No.7467201

I know the parallels exist, but is there any real significance that you can take away from the text that besides knowing what each episode corresponds to?

I'm just saying that Odyssey references would give you a shallow excitement when you recognize parallels (which joyce is basically instructing you to look for) but knowing the lyrics to like the Croppy Boy in Sirens or that in Proteus Stephen quotes Aquinas saying something with "color" in it, which, because Stephen's thinking about color, you presume has something to do with color, but it has nothing to do with that, but shows you where stephen's head goes and where his highly-educated mind draws associations from

>> No.7467254

>but is there any real significance that you can take away from the text that besides knowing what each episode corresponds to?

But the entire text is literally built on the foundation of the Odyssey. If you understand when Stephen references Aquinas, good! But that's merely a bonus, an icing on the cake, and if you don't know that Stephen is referencing Aquinas, then no big deal, it doesn't detract from the main body of text. But if you don't know when Joyce is referencing the Odyssey and drawing parallels from it you've literally missed the entire point and structure of Ulysses! You say that recognizing when Homer is alluded to gives the reader a "shallow excitement" but I think it's the precise opposite. The "shallow excitement" comes from recognising all the sprinkles of Aquinas, Dante, Shakespeare, Aristotle/Plato, Blake and Yeats references. But all of these amount to nothing if you haven't recognised The Odyssey in Ulysses.

>> No.7467268

But the Odyssey references are so obviously indicated and it's incredibly common knowledge that you're going to look into it too much. When you start thinking that Stephen's attitude is mercurial because that chapter's named Proteus and you start examining it too much, you're just going to be wasting your time.

>> No.7467282

IMPORTANT: What order should I read them in?

>> No.7467286

Greeks > Americans > Murricans

>> No.7467287


>> No.7467299

Fucking newfag(s) please get with the times.

>> No.7467313

>please get with the times


>> No.7467329

>But the Odyssey references are so obviously indicated and it's incredibly common knowledge that you're going to look into it too much.

That doesn't change that The Odyssey is an integral part of Ulysses' essence. And imo most of the Shakespeare/Dante/Aquinas references are even more obviously indicated than the references to Homer. Scylla and Charybdis is nothing but counting Shakespeare references and often direct quotes, and you can always tell when Stephen or Bloom is referencing Dante or Aquinas since it's often written in either Italian or Latin. And again, even if you don't catch an Aquinas reference it doesn't detract much from the overall text.

>> No.7467365

Not at all. As an independent text, it is completely understandable without knowing any of the Odyssey references, but the different languages actually interrupt the chapter and keep prominent messages and thoughts away from the reader unless they research them further.

>> No.7467443

You are getting way too caught up in the small details of Ulysses. Try to see the big cohesive whole of the work and you'll understand why Homer is the most important influence to the novel.

>> No.7467484

You can't think of Ulysses as independent from the Odyssey, which it most certainly is. Your whole reading of the text was skewed.

>> No.7467508

>which it most certainly is

The book is literally called Ulysses you fucking mongoloid. It's independent in one sense but very much relies on its source material as well. You are ignoring the most important and vital background to the entire novel because you're too much of a lazy shit to actually read Homer and think you're hot shit because you can recognise when Stephen is being a pretentious faggot by dropping a fucking Aquinas quote. Fucking pleb ass nigga.

>> No.7467534

>german literature en vogue
Just in time for my break through

>> No.7467537

Ulysses doesn't "very much rely" on The Odyssey. Literally I made the mistake of reading The Odyssey in painstaking depth before diving into Ulysses and discovered that it had been completely unnecessary.

>> No.7467546

Nigga please, he called it "Ulysses" as a reference to the Greek, but its actually the Latin name, and in the latin translation everything is slightly off from the main source. Joyce is way more obsessed with making puns in hiberno english and deftly referencing the Freeman's Journal than sticking to the Odyssey as a script. It's like this pleb hasn't even looked at Joyce's drafts, pleb mothafuck

>> No.7467555
File: 92 KB, 531x770, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your shitty German book will never be part of the meme trilogy

feels schlecht

>> No.7468136


/mu has Kanye West in their list? This completely invalidates their opinion on music entirely.

>> No.7468161


Then what's V. ???

>> No.7468167


Prepare for the fact that you're probably only going to actually enjoy reading 1 or maybe 2 of them.

>> No.7468171

How's Queen treating you?
Sing it with me!

>> No.7468183

William's Folly
A Hidden Truth In Plain Sight
Your Lying Eyes Haunt Me

>> No.7468222

>This completely invalidates their opinion on music entirely.

they are white guilt central, shouldnt come off as a surprise.

>> No.7468242


>> No.7468872
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>not this generations David Bowie

>> No.7469154

would it be cool to just read a summary or something of hamlet and othello?

>> No.7469164
File: 253 KB, 850x500, nova_imperium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading the old meme trilogy
Gee kid seriously

>> No.7469187

These are the only new memes I like, I don't really like the German memes. This one at least mirrors the other one with the difficulty level. Only problem is Women and Men should be swapped out to some Gass or Vollmann.

>> No.7469188


Is the new meme trilogy that everyone makes their own? lit's witticism is unrelenting, keep at it memers

>> No.7469198

True memes emerge mysteriously from the internet ether.

>> No.7469208

UPS is coming tomorrow. CANT WAIT!
I'll keep everyone updated on the shipping status.

>> No.7469211
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>> No.7469222

>Package has left seller facility and is in transit to carrier

It's coming.

>> No.7469256

Fukken love Burial

>> No.7469333

Finally the right one

>> No.7470986
File: 77 KB, 503x459, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Location:
Arrived - Portland, OR, United States, Wednesday, 12/16/2015


>> No.7471151

I agree with you

>> No.7471191


IJ = ITAOTS definitely
GR = Remain in Light
Ulysses is MBDTF.

>> No.7471207

What edition of Ulysses is that

>> No.7471212

>Ulysses is MBDTF
I almost fell for it.

>> No.7471218
File: 220 KB, 347x440, dfw cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>classic penguin deluxe edition

enjoy your typos

>> No.7471224

MBDTF is the greatest album of the decade though

>> No.7471236
File: 13 KB, 210x320, gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that edition of gravitys rainbow

ishygddt. should have gone with this one you sorry sap

>> No.7471301
File: 139 KB, 670x893, 1449920396158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's fight, fucker

>> No.7471304

This is my fav DFW face

It has three dimensions of quality

>> No.7471310

When and where?

>> No.7471311

OP are you going to read them in chronological order?

>> No.7471323

in an hour, by the barnes & noble

>> No.7471324

I'll be there.

>> No.7471328

>Ulysses = Loveless

shoegaze fags are so fucking delusional

>> No.7471557

>implying David Bowie isn't this generation's David Bowie

>> No.7471563


i hope you know more about books than you do music

>> No.7471568


>buy it again

>> No.7471587

>doesn't "very much rely"

how about the structure of the whole book, the names of characters, the symbolism and themes and arc of every chapter in the book?

of course it's its own thing, as much as something like The Waste Land can be read without knowing anything it refers to, but there is a lot to be gleaned from knowing the major source(s)

>> No.7471611


typos only make meme books better


should i buy them again?

>> No.7472702
File: 1.66 MB, 1408x1433, tmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Ulysses were an album, it would be pic related, no doubt about it.

>> No.7472898

What's the equivalent of Spirits They're Gone?

>> No.7472903

all of this is shit exsept anco and loveasdad

>> No.7474332

Finnegans Wake

>> No.7474336

wow, never heard that one before

>> No.7474397
File: 99 KB, 649x570, meme2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon. Is $50 a good price for these headphones?

>> No.7474432

Little late to be asking..

>> No.7474443

Yeah, it is. I have the same ones, they're good but for some reason the bass is lacking a bit. The cord is long, I use a big binder clip to wrap the middle of it around until it's the desired length.

>> No.7474444

So was it a bad deal?

>> No.7474447

Jesus, no.

IJ is either PaidProgramming, Burial-Untrue or Deathconsciousness.

Ulysses is either Trout Mask Replica or MBDTF... or even Yeezus.

GR is probably Remain in Light.

>> No.7474455

Why isn't my post appearing, it was the best reply, fml.

>> No.7474466

I just am commenting that your sequence of events is off.

>> No.7474471

Well it doesn't matter if it's "too late". I didn't spend very much on them.

>> No.7474482

you bought them, then asked whether it was a good deal
most people would do it in the other order, with the former being dependent on the latter

>> No.7474493

I was just curious. It doesn't really matter to me if it was a good deal.

>> No.7474498

>curiosities have zero priority


>> No.7474509


>> No.7474541

well, what would you suggest?

>> No.7474542

more comfy repeats of memes of seasons past

>> No.7475188

I don't think UPS will get here before 5 ;_;

>> No.7475324
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>> No.7475335

gtfo shill

>> No.7475337

They're good

>> No.7475504

They arrived.

>> No.7475513

How do they smell? Compare and contrast to the smell of your anus.

>> No.7475519

IJ is thicker than I thought. The GR cover is pretty sexy and feels sturdy. Ulysses is wide and thin like they made each page twice as wide instead of making the book thicker, disappointed with Ulysses.

>> No.7475522


>> No.7475533

The books smell like you'd expect. My anus smells like roses and happiness.

>> No.7475541

Disappointed with the headphones. Compared to my Grado SR80s the sound quality is trash, but they're extremely comfortable to wear.

>> No.7475552

I'm gone for a month and everyone starts talking like white university bitches. What's this about? Irony?

>> No.7475571
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Think i'll read IJ first because DFW.

>> No.7475692

there are multiple versions of these charts. Most of them don't have Kanye

>> No.7475738
File: 87 KB, 416x397, fuckkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly should've looked at this before buying it.

>> No.7475770

I hate him, but that album is God-tier.

>> No.7475789

this is pretty much the patrician view

>> No.7476534

kek. you got a shitty version

>> No.7476567

nice quads

>> No.7476583


bretty good album desu like 8/10 people overhype it but can't knock Kanye's vision

also this person destroyed you: >>7468171

>> No.7477111

That's what i'm saying.

>> No.7477138


Quality DFW meme, friend

>> No.7477358

I can't even listen to Radiohead because of memes. It's impossible for me to not constantly think "what a meme". Even when the music is decent, I have never gotten through a full album of their's.

>> No.7477366
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you fucked up

>> No.7477419
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A little bit but i'm mostly happy.

>> No.7477433
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I would be too.

>> No.7477442
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Just finished listening to this for the first time, what a shit album.
>I thought it was my headphones at first

>> No.7477502

>that public domain edition of ulysses

boy are you gonna feel dumb when you get to the end of Ithaca and theres no black dot

>> No.7477528

That album is great m8

>> No.7477536

It's not bad but it's so fucking overrated

>> No.7477636

I always feel dumb so i'm not especially worried.

>> No.7477932


LOL that's fucking awful

Nice Op

>> No.7477948


Just wanted to point out that this is actually a nice debate, but 'muh Greeks anon' who flips his shit at the end is basically engaging in a high level version of '>reading for plot'.

>> No.7478011

>Nice Op

It's not nice. At least it was the cheapest book I bought though.

>> No.7478509

If you're going in blind you'll be confused, especially for Ulysses and IJ.

Sort-of. A rough understanding of the work of Homer really helps, but a thorough understanding medieval history, modern Ireland, the tenets of Judaism, and Catholic theology is necessary to fully appreciate it.