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File: 21 KB, 300x389, Celine_Louis-Ferdinand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7464748 No.7464748 [Reply] [Original]

Why were fascists such good writers?

>> No.7464850

Hating jews doesn't make C-line a fascist

>> No.7464869

He openly praised fascism

>"Who is the true friend of the people? Fascism is. Who has done the most for the working man? The USSR or Hitler? Hitler has... Who has done the most for the small businessman? Not Thorez but Hitler!"

>> No.7464875

It's the patricians political stance.

>> No.7464881


>> No.7464899

It's the patricians political stance because it's the patricians political stance. There's you're tautology, plen.

Good writing follows

>> No.7464904
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Fascists express the truth, and they write it in their own blood.

>> No.7464909

you clever bastard

>> No.7464925

If drilling a hole in your head and letting the excrement drool out can be called writing, then yeah, Celine was a good writer

>> No.7464934
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>Why were fascists such good writers?

superior patrician tastes and values.

>> No.7464963


>> No.7464980

Who the fuck cares about white bois in 2015?

>> No.7464984

The same reason non-fascists were great writers.

>> No.7464987

There's practically 3 good fascist writers. Its like op saying 'why are apples so good?' when only 3 apples in the entire world are good.

>> No.7464989

without analogy here i do not understood

>> No.7464990

I'm sure she was into all kinds of kinky shit after the war.

>> No.7464992

I put it there for nong nongs like you and the right wingers

>> No.7464994

that's a terrible analogy.

>> No.7465237

Anyone else hate Nazism and general /pol/eb shittery, but find the thought of fascism romantically appealing at some level?

>> No.7465262

lol she's ugly af tho.

Fuck you I love apples.

>> No.7465266

Everything about your post is dumb.

>> No.7465278

So what's your top 3 apple list?
Come on, surprise me.

>> No.7465284

Because fascism is cool and not for gay nerds like communism and liberalism is

>> No.7465331

3 good writers is more than some races produce desu. for a single ideology thats p good

>> No.7466264

It's a philosophy which praises energy and activity.

>> No.7466346

Name some good fascists writers.

>> No.7466356

You mean she probably enjoyed being raped by Russian soldiers?

>> No.7466367

>It's the patricians political stance.

It's literally a movement for plebs, hence why Evola hated fascism.

>> No.7466400

>There's practically 3 good fascist writers.
Name them. That's not a challenge, I'm just curious to know who they are.

>> No.7466406

who is this?

>> No.7466432

so what do you do to promote fascism in everyday life? Do you lecture people? Do you attend meetings or distribute pamphlets? Surely you don't just shitpost on 4chan all day?

>> No.7466459
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I state my fascist beliefs if asked in everyday conversation and look to better myself and my community.

>> No.7466510

Yeah, fascism is really appealing. I'd never support it IRL because I know it's not actually a good idea, but on a lower level it's just really emotionally and aesthetically satisfying.

>> No.7466531

its not that fascists are good writers, its that fascists are some of the few people who believe with blood, heart and mind. Other groups that held so strongly to their own "truths" are similar. Good writing comes in part from the purity of belief

>> No.7466540

Most great writers just had contrarian politics. And most fascist writers liked it for aesthetic reasons.

Ezra Pound thought fascism was the authentic heir of Confucianism, and should be preferred over Christian quasi-monarchism (T.S. Eliot).

>> No.7466555

what are fascist ideas? I'm curious, no homo

>> No.7466558
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1) Social privilege.
2) Shallow fucks getting impressed by masculine writing.

Kill all other races.

>> No.7466625

For further information I would suggest reading The Doctrine of Fascism by Mussolini. And if you aren't scared of reddit /r/debatefascism is a nice community.

Fascism has nothing to do with race.

>> No.7466632
File: 15 KB, 1128x63, Screenshot from 2015-12-15 14-05-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Evola was simply a /pol/tard and nothing more.

>> No.7466651

Can you explain to me what fascism is? It will help me and might help clarify some things ITT that cause unnecessary shitposting and other smug anime faces.

>> No.7466675

Because only fucktards can be liberals or communists, and fascism was the only other dynamic ideology of the first half of the 20th century.

>> No.7466686

In simple sorta edgy video form look here.

In /lit/ form

Modern examples

>> No.7466691

Huh, looks like Scarlet Johannsen.

>> No.7466697

knut hamsun, celine..... i cant think of any others

>> No.7466719

don't take this the wrong way, but you're bad at explaining. What do you say to the people who ask you IRL why you're fascist?
>C-come back to my house, there's this video I have to show you
>here, read this entire book
>do you have internet on your phone? Go on wikipedia and search-

>> No.7466727

I don't tell them I'm fascist straight up. Like if someone asks me my stance on something I will tell them my stance on it. That happens to fascist.

I hope that makes sense.

>> No.7466730

It would be political sucide on the current climate. So I just say I'm a conservative. But one day I have hope that a strong party will be formed that is not edgy regards like the American Nazi Party or other cringeworthy groups.

>> No.7466752

Cioran, Mishima, Junger, Pound?

>> No.7466761

Third Positionist, Alternative Right etc

>> No.7467063

But I thought Cioran was 2stronk2believ?

>> No.7467070

You blind?
She looks nothing like her

>> No.7467072

When he was younger.

>> No.7467080

He wasn't

>> No.7467104
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Only for the last few decades have discussion of metaphysical ideas tied to race or culture been declared haram.

I think it's high time we start looking into again now that the universal man of liberalism has proven unable to ever come into existence (obvious, as it is messianic idealism)

>> No.7467146

Every time someone mentions some "not all muslims are terrorists, stop judging from the actions of a few or what some turks did 500 years ago!" I state my full agreement and remind them of how not all fascists are racist and how we're discriminated against on a daily basis. Muslim shouldn't be synonymous with ISIS, Fascist shouldn't be synonymous with Hitler #NotAllMuslims, #NotAllFascists #UniteForPeacefulTotalitarianism #BaatismWhen

>> No.7467181

Social democracy with balls. A strong state that looks after its citizens, provides opportunities for social advancement, rewards hard work and has a nice balance between economic liberalism and socialism. We do not want oligarchs who use their wealth to influence politics, like in modern America, nor do we want total state monopoly on everything, which kills advancement due to no competition.

If something or someone are actively hurting the Nation, they should be stopped, be this mass-media encouraging 12 year old girls to twerk in booty shorts or big corporations releasing millions of tons of toxic chemicals into the nature.

A state that is not stalled by inefficient beaurocracy and a system where nobody really ends up taking any responsibility. Look at how Mussolini Look at Mussolini and the Pontine Marshes. "Vast tracts of malaria-infested swamp were drained by workers transported from poor areas of northern Italy, leaving the coastal area south of Rome with rich farmland and a few newly created beach towns". How many years of city planning would that take in modern Europe? 10? 15? He pulled a Shia and JUST.DID.IT!

With great power comes great responsibility or some cliche shit like that, fascism puts a lot of responsibility on its leaders.

Yes it often ends up with corrupt states run by the CIA when south-americans try it, but its not exactly like they do democracy or socialism much better.

For some reading i would recommend Oswald Mosley's books, Fascism is very nation-specific and I think most /lit/ posters would recognize the British circumstances he talks about more than those in Romania (Codreanu), Spain (de Rivera), Italy (Mussolini, Evola, etc.), and so on.

>> No.7467197

>Yes it often ends up with corrupt states run by the CIA when south-americans try it, but its not exactly like they do democracy or socialism much better.
You best not be talking shit about Generalissimo Pinochet here gringo

>> No.7467200

I know you want to link to Dworkin, don't ya?

>> No.7467431
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What are you talking about?

>> No.7467745

>Yes it often ends up with corrupt states run by the CIA when south-americans try it
Actually the CIA govs came after the pseudo-fascist ones.

t. sudaca

>> No.7467774

celine a fascist? what

>> No.7467889
File: 838 KB, 4928x3264, Beautiful-Polish-Girl-Nationalists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see >>7464869

>> No.7467919

Drive. Ambition. Sense of passion. Strength. Not caring about being hated.

Fascism is a very aesthetic movement. Heretic/10 though, good but dire need of Christ.

>> No.7467924
File: 19 KB, 460x276, is-this-revisionist-serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7469292


>> No.7469304
File: 75 KB, 670x677, orthodox feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't reconcile your christian values with your greco-roman values of will to power, strength and elitism

>> No.7469360


she's adorable, don't bully

>> No.7469464

Because you want to be a fascist.

>> No.7469491

I don't believe you actually have any values. Stop lying on the internet.

>> No.7469494

If you hold the latter you do not hold the former. You will have to choose one to have clarity in your life.

>> No.7469512

Celine is great. Hamsun I didn't like, apparently he's a fascist, and Pound is lauded though I didn't like him. I haven't read all the facsist writers though, there was an element of fascistiousness to my post.

>> No.7470192

If you read Les Deux Etendards, you must be french, is that right?

>> No.7470539

>putting the external appearance of a woman before her political ideals

>> No.7470892
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Because they loved Art.

>> No.7470899

The latter is malleable, the former is not.

>> No.7470903
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>> No.7470914
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Je t'aime.

>> No.7470919

For they tend to adopt such ideologies for reasons merely aesthetical; and thus can we guess that artists devoted to beauty enough to join such movements should be concerned about producing higher forms of art.

>> No.7471329


>Evola /pol/tard
This is a meme.

>> No.7471407

>For they tend to adopt such ideologies for reasons merely aesthetical

Why use such archaic diction? It makes you look like a ponce.

>> No.7471415


Read 'North', 'Castle to Castle' and 'Rigadoon'

Very amusing read... also some of the most graphic depictions of end/post war Germany I have ever read... Had a 'stranger than fiction' feel about it... especially in Rigadoon which is probably his best...

Also Hamsun should be on the list, his works aren't very explicitly NatSoc. Some of his characters are sickeningly romantic in a sort of existential way, hard to describe, has to experienced.

>> No.7471556


her politics only enhance her beauty.
being a patriot and having morals is a good thing.

>> No.7471603

>Muslim shouldn't be synonymous with ISIS

That's because ISIS isn't a muslim organization but a subsidiary of the western military industrial complex meant to destabilize the region to continue the war economy, infiltrate OPEC and eventually tear apart the defenses of Iran to leave Israel and Saudi Arabia as the two nations of power in the region.

With that being said you have to realize that ISIS is not the sole perpetrator of terrorism in the world. All legitimate, practicing Sunni muslims support terrorism, jihad, the oppression of women, destruction of western secular society and sharia law.

>> No.7471622

Add Pierre Drieu La Rochelle to the fascist list (even if he was a collaborationist)

>> No.7472471

Well you kind of have to be if you're trying to sell abject human misery to people.

>> No.7472479

boo hoo ;_;7

>> No.7472482

Jazz, D'arcy Spice, Chenango Strawberry

Get at me scrublord

>> No.7472498

go over to Iron March forums
actually a good place for discussion unlike most other right wing forums out there
they would be able to give you a good beginners course

>> No.7472525

What would be the philosophy of entropy, then? Liberalism? Over time, fascism diminishes and liberalism maximizes

>> No.7472534


degeneracy seems to be increasing, but there's always a tipping point where it implodes on itself

>> No.7472858

Because your emotional age is 13.

>> No.7472864

i dunno work ethic probably.

>> No.7473080

He despised writing and he was a lousy doctor. His work ethic was "here's some shit, gimme money."

>> No.7473113

>he expects pay for work
>what a piece of shit
>lousy doctor

gtfo reddit

>> No.7473114

I'd say either Taoism or Buddhism, they're all about letting things go. Even Gautama's last words were that everything was subject to decay afaik.