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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 375 KB, 867x1000, 1450039639034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7460276 No.7460276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've read oedipus and will read Lysistrata and assemblywomen next. What else is essential?

>> No.7460280

hippolytus, the frogs, the clouds, oedipus, antigone

>> No.7460327


it's relevant to your interests

>> No.7460337

PLUTARCH the rest are meaningless!

>> No.7460346
File: 725 KB, 1200x1200, 1449942729343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow namefags being idiots what a novel concept

>> No.7460636


>> No.7461291

and also fucking rad

medea is the baddest bitch

>> No.7461534

what made the greeks understand female essentialism so well?

>> No.7461556

>women struggling under patriarchal conditions for self-determination
>female essentialism

>> No.7461574

It can be read equivalently as AWALT

>> No.7461674

especially considering these were written by men for the amusement of men at the expense of women. This post-modern feminist spin on those is but face-saving

>> No.7461679

More like butt-face saving

>> No.7461686

you have to ignore any and all characterization of media to read it the manchild way, but i guess that's how manchild read.

>> No.7461694

but isn't that EXACTLY what literary criticism is, except at the expense white male patriarchy?

>> No.7461848

Maybe you should ask

If you want to read something relevant to women's position in society today, you might want to read Sexual Politics by Kate Millett; Woman Hating, Right Wing Women, Pornography: Men Possessing Women, and Intercourse by Andrea Dworkin; The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, etc.

>> No.7461860

Maybe you should take your recommendations to >>>/tumblr/

>> No.7461872

Maybe you should fuck off to other boards if you're going to spew anti-intellectual horse shit, because this board isn't for that.

>> No.7461880

Becuase only feminist psuedo intellectual bullshit has a monopoly on being uncontested right?
The Greeks were dank misogynists get over it.

>> No.7461954

>feminist psuedo intellectual bullshit
How many feminist classics have you read in your life?
>The Greeks were dank misogynists
Yes, they were. Your point?

>> No.7461983
File: 40 KB, 500x408, Feminism20yearslater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it comes with the territory to have unwarranted pretension on /lit/ but don't act try to enshrine the rambling of eggless spinsters, lest that is what you want to resemble.

>> No.7462010
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>> No.7462035
File: 247 KB, 570x478, bluehairmacro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feminists become more radical because that's all they have to connect to as consequence of alienating male attention and by extension family and children.
It is ideological autism.

>> No.7462055

>spew anti-intellectual horseshit

You already did that with your snarky millennial content-less ad hominem and your tumblr-tier book recommendations

You're a perfect example of why this board has been shit for a while now

>> No.7462091

>if you disagree with my delusional feminist narrative it's because you're an anti intellectual philistine

holy F*CK man. could you be any more libtarded.

>> No.7462125
File: 26 KB, 394x512, 1437577251081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not exactly fond of liberal feminism, but this sort of image macro is worthy of a ban on any board other than /b/ or /pol/.

So please everyone kindly report.

At least made me laugh.

>de Beauvoir
>brushing them off as "tumblr-tier"
Wow, fuck right off the board. /pol/ might be more for you.

>> No.7462138

how is it ban worthy? did i offend our progressive overlords on a powertrip?

>> No.7462226
File: 980 KB, 460x307, 1347831585239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even trolling, but reporting it without refuting it and labeling it /b/ or /pol/ tier is defeatist censorship. By trying to censor one picture you provide a basis and a precedent for people to report any post they don't agree with. That is explicitly what reddit is with their downvote buttons and upboats where the community hides every instance of contrarian opinion to create a safe haven for them to all agree to agree on the same ideas. Their is a hode button for a reason, so you can hide what you don;t like to see, but the ban button is an attempt to hide that post from everyone. Use the ban button for posts that are legitimately against the 4chan rules for posting not against your ideals.

>> No.7462250

If you don't understand that such image macros are of abominational levels of intellectual quality that should be banned on all boards except those made with the explicit purpose of posting retarded shit, then I don't think I can make you understand either.

You expect a serious answer to someone going "lol feminists are just mad that they don't get fucked"?
Give me an honest answer.

>> No.7462251

The feminists on this board are worse than /pol/ crossposters.

>> No.7462257

quit being such a fascist, you have reddit and tumblr to cater to you already

>> No.7462259

says a /pol/ crossposter.

you never notice the feminists, or the anons pretending they are feminists to rustle /pol/ebs, in threads actually about literature.

>> No.7462264

This and /a/ are the only boards I lurk.

>> No.7462265
File: 734 KB, 1900x1364, 1435096607304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why is 'LOL MRAs just made they don't get fucked' a valid rebutal?
I understand feminism is doublethink and hypocrisy as a system but come on

>> No.7462276

That's feminazi logic for you. This isn't tumblr with itssafe spaces and trigger warnings so they have to resort to the only means of censorship available to them: sucking mod cock. It's like gamer gate all over again.

>> No.7462284
File: 36 KB, 481x394, 1446053668614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a bunch of misogynist fedoras one level below /pol/

>literally how do I even use this shit
Most crucial question: can I be anonymous on tumblr? Pseudonymous isn't enough.

>LOL MRAs just made they don't get fucked
Literally never heard a feminist say this.
The whole MRA narrative seems to be built entirely on straw feminists.

>thinking "lol fat feminists mad they don't get laid" is an argument worthy of anyone's time
>It's like gamer gate all over again.

>> No.7462295

>It's like gamer gate all over again.
Please tell me this is satire.

>> No.7462314

>quoting things I never said
>wanting /lit/ to be your personal feminist safe space so bad you're willing to sleep with the mods
k lady. you are really out of line.

>> No.7462316

I don't expect a serious answer, but I also don't expect you to charge the mods, janitors, and the rest of the users of this board to eliminate the posts of people who have opinions contrary to your own. You can hide any number of posts you like but reporting any content that does not violate the rules of the board is a violation of the social contract of this board. /lit/ is not some soapbox for one set of values to be propagated from, but a forum for diverse opinions to be discussed. Reporting image macros or extreme leftist or rightist posts, however untenable their positions, defeats the purpose of having an anonymous posting medium.

>> No.7462338
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1449637170351s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also don't expect you to charge the mods, janitors, and the rest of the users of this board to eliminate the posts of people who have opinions contrary to your own

i do expect them to ban crossboard shitposters. there's a board for politics and one for virgins and one for sjws. i don't see why you people have to pollute our board with your off topic bullshit so i reported p much everyone in this thread.

>> No.7462348

top tier shitpost, you almost had me

>> No.7462360

>who have opinions contrary to your own
The point is that it's not the opinions, but the idiocy.

>image macros or extreme leftist or rightist posts
This isn't "extreme leftist or rightist," it's just extremely stupid. I wouldn't report someone quoting Mein Kampf stating anti-semitist things. (Though I would ridicule them.)

DESU, I would just talk about feminism on /pol/ if it weren't, well, /pol/.
As it stands, most boards seem utterly retarded on such topics. You can have the most interesting discussion on /lit/, because people at the very least respect feminist authors.

>> No.7462361

>OP starts a thread about greek plays
>feminists get triggered
>derail the thread by telling everyone they're wrong for reading greek plays and not their tumblr-tier list of books
>thread turns into an /r9k/ vs tumblr shitshow
Thanks feminists. You're truly a positive influence on this board. Much better than /pol/.

>> No.7462366

>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...

>> No.7462375
File: 29 KB, 512x512, 134316870405-1343156500829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I found the Dworkinposter again. Kek.

>le smug anime response face XD

Please just fucking stop responding ffs.
This --> >>7462338

Burn it all. Burn it all.

>> No.7462376
File: 483 KB, 529x470, 1425798936925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, can't abbreviate To Be Honest now? Funny.
Oh yeah, there was this recent meme wasn't there.

YFW the thread was started by a /pol/ crossboarder.
The feminist post that started the shitposting was simply recommending feminist classic literature. If that's not good /lit/ form, then that would mean the board is doomed. I believe it's just your triggered /pol/ack opinion though.

>> No.7462380
File: 164 KB, 336x360, 1437602010891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using anime reaction faces on 4chan
>proving anything about the poster's identity
>implying Dworkin isn't the Queen of /lit/

>> No.7462383

7. Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

>> No.7462389

at least they shitpost with books instead of infographics