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7461634 No.7461634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your 5 favourite films, albums, and TV (anime and /co/shit included) and get rec'd some books

>> No.7461648

>End of Evangelion
>8 1/2
>The Passion of Joan of Arc
>My Winnipeg
>The Holy Mountain

>Doopees - Doopee Time
>Scott Walker - Scott 4
>Glenn Branca - The Ascension
>Hymie's Basement - s/t
>Fantastic Plastic Machine - s/t

>The Tatami Galaxy
>The Sopranos
>Xavier: Renegade Angel
>Star Trek: Deep Space 9
>Moral Orel

>> No.7461665


>> No.7461667

Fookin epoch.

>> No.7461693

let's see how it goes

>Taxi Driver
>Seven Samurai
>Children of Men
>Aguirre, The Wrath of God

I'm more of a /bleep/ man myself, so it wouldn't be fair to say I like X or Y album since a lot of music I like is on EP's/LP's but I'll try to keep it album related.
>Goldie - Timeless
>Burial - Untrue
>Derrick May - Innovator
>Mouse on Mars - Iaora Tahiti
>Basic Channel - Quadrant Dub

>Malcom in The Middle
>Simpsons (From seasons 2-8)
>The Wire
>The Sopranos
>The Office (American version)

>> No.7461715

>La Dolce Vita
>Taxi Driver
>Belle du Jour

Ugh. The idea of "albums" is such a rockist construct.
One recording from each major genre, then.
>Eric Dolphy - Out to Lunch!
>Nas - Illmatic
>Berg's Lulu, the recording with Teresa Stratas
I don't know shit about electronic.

TV shows:
I dunno. I liked the first season of The Wire. I don't really watch TV.

>> No.7461754

Madame de ...
Late Autumn
All that Heaven Allows
His Girl Friday
Scenes from a Marriage

I like songs to albums
Tarot Sport
BN comp of Herbie Nichols
Grieg Songs/Lyric Pieces

BSG Reboot
The Shield
The Good Wife
Friday Night Lights

>> No.7461760

Finding Nemo
Porco Rosso
Spirited Away
Fight Club

Nas - Illmatic
Made in Heights - Without my enemy what would I do
Brand New - the devil and god
Toe - For Long Tomorrow

Adventure Time
Code Geass
Guilty Crown


>> No.7461771

1. Lost In Translation
2. Fight Club
3. Babel
4. Children of Men
5. We Need to Talk About Kevin

1. Swans, Filth
2. Chelsea Wolfe, Pain Is Beauty
3. Nirvana, Bleach
4. Mazzy Star, Among My Swan
5. The XX, xx

1. Rick and Morty
2. Carnivàle
3. Lost
4. Vikings
5. Supernatural

>> No.7461773

Are you the 16 years old me?

>> No.7461778


>> No.7461789

Everybody posts and nobody responds.

>> No.7461793

>kiss kiss bang bang
>buffalo soldier

>credence clearwater revival
>mumford and sons

>teen wolf (1-4b)
>gravity falls
>over the garden wall

eh. that's all I can remember. I'm not pleb, I promise. I so totally am.

>> No.7461804

Try Sick City by Tony O'Neill

>> No.7461813

It's true that sometimes I still feel like a teenager. How do I get out of this bubble? The thing is that I constantly come back to it because it feels so comfortable and wistful; or maybe bittersweet longing after something that I don't even know what or who it is. Should I 'evolve' into something else? Serious question.

Thank you.

>> No.7461817
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>> No.7461823

Anything by Paul Scheerbart or Pigeons on the Grass by Koeppen maybe?

>> No.7461827

> Interstellar
> Cloud Atlas
> Midnight in Paris
> Her
> LotR

> Mike Oldfield - Incantations
> Nightwish - Endless Forms Most Beautiful
> Sigur Rós - Valtari
> Muse - Absolution
> Philip Glass - Metamorphosis

Series, Anime:
> Castle
> Steins; Gate
> Elfen Lied
> Sherlock
> House, M.D.

>> No.7461829

I'm absolutely pleb, but here we go:

1. The Truman Show
2. Toy Story 3
3. Amadeus
4. The Social Network
5. For A Few Dollars More

1. Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here
2. The Beatles, Revolver
3. Mastodon, Crack the Skye
4. Burial, Untrue
5. Sufjan Stevens, Illinois

1. Black Mirror
2. Breaking Bad
3. Seinfeld
4. Silicon Valley
5. Fargo

>> No.7461831

This thread will be gross.

>> No.7461832

Oh, also By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept

>> No.7461838

Which post is yours? I'm not gonna be great in terms of book recs, but maybe I could rec albums?

>> No.7461847

>Groundhog Day
>Falling Down
>Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
>The Thing (1982)
>Pineapple Express

>Coheed and Cambria — In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
>Coheed and Cambria — Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
>Deftones — White Pony
>The Killers — Hot Fuss
>Marilyn Manson — Antichrist Superstar

>The Sopranos
>The X-Files
>Mad Men
>Aeon Flux

>> No.7461856

>it wouldn't be fair to say I like X or Y album since a lot of music I like is on EP's/LP's but I'll try to keep it album related
Friendly notification: autism

>> No.7461865


Autist detected

>> No.7461868

Didn't post yet, but here we go

1. End of Evangelion
2. Taxi Driver
3. The Fountain
4. Eraserhead
5. Tetsuo the Iron Man

1. Lichens - The Psychic Nature of Being
2. Jim O'Rourke - Happy Days
3. Jarboe - Anhedoniac
4. Moi Dix Mois - Dix Infernal
5. Xasthur - Xasthur

1. Breaking Bad
2. Evangelion
3. Game of Thrones
4. The Walking Dead
5. Serial Experiments Lain

So much hate incoming

>> No.7461875

Au contraire. You have good taste imo. Apart from you choice of albums, that is. Can't say I've heard of any of these othe artists

>> No.7461876

>Blader Runner
>American Graffiti
>THX 1138
>Pierrot Le Fou
>Rebel Without a Cause

>Slowdive - Souvlaki Space Station
>Amon Düül II - Lemmingmania
>Björk - Debut
>Death In June - Brown Book
>Earth - Hex; Or Printing in the Infernal Method

>Serial Experiments: Lain
>Cowboy Bebop
>True Detective
>Twin Peaks

>> No.7461879

Terrible taste

>> No.7461884


Get out

>> No.7461887

The guy from Lichens stars in an experimental movie called "A Spell to Ward of the Darkness". Not Oscar tier, but bretty good in the experimental/meditative genre.

Good taste, senpai.

>> No.7461890

>Rebel Without a Cause
>Miami Vice

>Ripely Pine (Lady Lamb)
>Hospice (yeah, I know)
>Born to Run (Bruce)
>Pushin' Against a Stone (Valerie June)
>Inside Llewyn Davis soundtrack

>old Simpsons
>Twin Peaks
>True Detective Season 2

>> No.7461895

Back to the Future
Indiana Johnes

Hadouken! - Every Weekend
T-ara - Gossip Girls
The Nightwatchman - One man revolution
Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
Flogging Molly - Speed of Darkness

>Series, Anime:
Neon Genesis Evangelion
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

>> No.7461915
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1. American Psycho
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. Django Unchained
4. Heavy Traffic
5. Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Vietnamese Cartoons

1. Welcome to the N.H.K
2. Legend of the Galactic Heroes
3. Ping Pong The Animation
4. Berserk
5. Jojo's Bizarre Motherfucking Adventure

TV series

1. South Park
2. Oz
3. Game of Thrones
4. Sherlock
5. Scrubs

>> No.7461922

>Rocco and his brothers
>A nous la liberté
>La dolce vita
>Il gattopardo

>The shadow ring - City lights
>Destroy all monsters - 1974 - 1976
>Arrigó Barnabé - Clara Crocodilo
>Animal collective - Feels
>Aksak Maboul - Onze danses pour combattre la migraine

>Breaking Bad

>> No.7461923

The "pleb who thinks he isn't a pleb" movie list.

>> No.7461925

> Pather Panchali
> Satan's Brew
> The Big Lebowski
> 8 1/2
> Andrei Rublev

> Miles Davis' In A Silent Way
> Nick Drake's Pink Moon
> Kate Bush's Hounds of Love
> Napalm Death's Scum
> John Zorn's Naked City

> Planetes
> Dekalog
> Scrubs
> Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job
> Rocko's Modern Life

pls no bully ok

>> No.7461932

>The Godfather
>The Dark Knight
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>A Night At the Opera - Queen
>Arrival - ABBA
>The Wall - Pink Floyd
>21 - Adele
>Hot Space - Queen
TV shows
>Game of Thrones
>Doctor Who
>Last Week Tonight
>The Daily Show
>The Simpsons
I would love some literary recommendations pls.

>> No.7461941
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What? They're all entertaining as fuck!
Can you elaborate...

>> No.7461952

>They Call Her One Eye
>The End of Evangelion
>Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
>Adolescence of Utena
>Jin Rou/The Wolf Brigade

I can't possibly choose top five albums, so these are just five of my many favorite albums.

>Edge of Sanity- Crimson
>Burzum- Filosofem
>Sonic Youth- Evol
>Slowdive- Souvlaki
>Camel- Mirage

>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Revolutionary Girl Utena
>South Park
>Xavier: Renegade Angel

>> No.7461957

Good taste senpai.

>> No.7461966

>Cleo from 5 to 7
>Enter the Void
>Eastern Boys
>Blue is the Warmest Color
I'm not really going to post TV because I consider TV veg time instead of actual art.
>Olivier Messaien's Vignt Regards sur L'Enfant Jesus
>Shostakovich, Op. 117 No. 9 in E-flat major
>Nicolas Jaar- Space is Only Noise
>Clipping - S/T
>Purity Ring - Another Eternity

>> No.7461968


Movies, no order, also not much of a movie guy

Synecdoche, NY
Interstellar (come at me fags)
28 Days Later


Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye
Macha - s/t
Alexander Scriabin's piano sonatas and assorted etudes/poemes
Bobby Hutcherson - Dialogue
False - Untitled (2015)


Time of Eve
Serial Experiments Lain
Samurai Jack

>> No.7461972

Thanks anon-kun :3
I didn't know about the movie, I'll have a look at it, thanks!

>> No.7461978

I'd also take recommendations of films or music. Both of the boards for those are insufferable to ask for recommendations.

>> No.7461986

>la femme de l'aviateur
>dance party USA
>in a lonely place

>the wire
>mad men
>bojack horseman

im a pleb at music tbqh

>brite futures - glistening pleasure
>romantic rights - death from above 1979
>dandy warhols - thirteen tales from urban bohemia
>amanda blank - i love you
>rachels' - music for egon schiele

>> No.7461988

Have you seen "Oslo, August 31st" (also by Trier) ? Terrific, has the same actor playing the main role.

>> No.7461992

Why did you say they are insufferable? I feel like they recommend stuff (that while good) they haven't actually watched.

>> No.7462000

Both /lit/, /mu/ and /tv/ are riddled with jaded contrarians who'll shit on anything they stood behind the moment it gets popular.

>> No.7462017

/tv/ has always seemed to think anything difficult or experimental is pretentious, so they recommend really basic shit. The dick sucking of Christopher Nolan is awful. I admit, I haven't been there in a while.
/mu/ just tries to recommend obscure music rather than good music.
I have seen Oslo, and thought it was excellent. Lie was brilliant in both. I almost put that instead of Reprise. Can't wait to see more Trier.

>> No.7462020

>Kate bush

>> No.7462024

/tv/ hates Nolan

>> No.7462025

samurai jack is getting a new series

>> No.7462028

trips of truth
I remember when St. Vincent's self titled album started being well reviewed, and then they all acted like they always thought she was shit, and that they hadn't fallen in love with Strange Mercy a couple years prior.

>> No.7462036

Finally. I realized I haven't been there since Inception came out.

>> No.7462039

That is true about /tv/. I noticed that in post your favourite film threads everyone says stuff like Eisenstein, Carne, Truffaut and Bresson. However, all of the other threads are about capeshite. They claim to like these good films yet I never see proof of it.

>> No.7462041

>romantic rights - death from above 1979

>> No.7462043

No particular order, esp. since they always change

The Discreet Charm of The Bourgeoisie
Blow Up
They Live
Short Cuts

Requiem - Mozart
Ready to Die - Biggie
1928 Sessions - Mississippi John Hurt
Lofty - shy kids
Too Hot to Hold - Bohannon

The Wire
Tim and Eric (anything)
South Park
China IL
The Colbert Report

>> No.7462052

The Conversation
The Third Man

Millions now Living will Never Die- Tortoise
Uncle Meat- Frank Zappa
Swordfishtrombones- Tom Waits
Naked City- John Zorn
The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady- Mingus

The Wire
The Sopranos
Mad Men
Peep Show
Xavier Renegade Angel

>> No.7462056

i don't mind really, music is just background noise for me, not something i actively consume

>> No.7462070

ia. Heads Up is their only good release.

>> No.7462080

>Solaris/2001/Ghost in the Shell (1996)
>The Earrings of Madame De
>Battleship Potemkin
>Persona (because fuck five)

Not as keen on music, but here they are:

>Kid A - Radiohead
>Heavenly Wheel - Hurricanes of Love
>Good Kid Maad City/MBDTF/Danny Brown anything
>Immunity - Jon Hopkins
>Voff Voff - Eberg

>Rick and Morty
>Game of Thrones
>The Simpsons
>Breaking Bad
>Nathan for You
>Cowboy Bebop

>> No.7462114
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Fra Lippo Lippi
(Browning in general)

Nine Stories

Days of Heaven
Easy Rider
The New World
The Master
Zorba The Greek

Country Life
Daises of The Galaxy
Harvest Moon

Twilight Zone
True Detective (season 1)

I always do these threads and rec other people, but never get recs myself. Could someone please do me?

>> No.7462115
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>Picnic at Hanging Rock
>Secret Honor
>Withnail & I
>The Ninth Gate

>Sonny Rollins - Saxophone Colossus
>Gustav Holst - The Planets (Charles Dutoit)
>Angry Samoans - Inside My Brain
>Killing Joke - Pandemonium
>Laurie Anderson - Bright Red

>Mad Men
>The Knick
>Penny Dreadful

>> No.7462117

only recommending people who are not film plebs

read delillo, great jones street or one of the biggies

read john barth

barth or lecarre

read chekhov and strindberg

you're a pleb but you should read burgess' fictional biographies

you should read lolitO, i assume you've read lolita already

nope hes a pleb

you should read russian romantics, lermontov or pushkin

lol watch dinner conversation

ps: >>7461923 that's >>7461922

read minor OULIPOs

>> No.7462131

>Annie Hall
>Dr. Strangelove
>American Beauty
>The Dreamers
>Reservoir Dogs

>Fabrizio De André- Tutti morimmo a stento
>Lucio Battisti- Umanamente uomo: il sogno
>Leonard Cohen- Songs of Leonard Cohen
>Bob Dylan- The Freewheelin'
>Charles Trenet- The very best of Charles Trenet

>Game of Thrones
>Breaking Bad
>Doctor Who
>House of Cards

>> No.7462135

cortazar short stories. p sure you'll like it.

other things: house of leaves and borges and fernand braudel and zizek, dfwalrus, emil cioran, Play and huis clos. if you ever find the seinfeld literary equivalent tell me

>> No.7462143

you will like janine 1982 but you might not be ready yet

>> No.7462150

being john malkovich
kung fu hustle

tool's undertow
pearl jam's ten
infected mushroom's vicious delicious
i'm not much of an album guy, more of a singles guy

Yes, Minister
One Punch Man
not a big tv fan either.

>> No.7462156

Lost In Translation
Blue Is The Warmest Color
Chungking Express
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Radiohead - Kid A
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works II
Tame Impala - Lonerism
Foxygen - We Are The 21st Century...
Boris - Flood

Mad Med
The Sopranos
Boardwalk Empire
The Wire

>> No.7462157

luzhin's defense

>> No.7462164
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Can't you recommend me one, or am I to much of a plebian?

>> No.7462175

you are

read trainspotting i guess

>> No.7462177

ITT: banal narcissism

>> No.7462182
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>Red, Kieslowski
>Tokyo Story, Ozu
>The Lives of Others, Donnersmarck
>Andrei Rublev, Tarkovsky
>Chungking Express, Wong

>Astral Weeks - Van Morrison
>Have One on Me - Joanna Newsom
>Ys - Joanna Newsom
>Get Disowned - Hop Along
>You Forgot it in People - Broken Social Scene

>The Wire season 1, all i've seen but have watched through it multiple times
>Arrested Development
thats really it desu

>> No.7462187

fookin love Delillo, mate.

>> No.7462188

>Synecdoche, New York
>Inland Empire
>2001 A Space Odyssey
>Enter The Void

>Members Of Immortal Damnation - Purtenance
>Storm Of The Light's Bane - Dissection
>A Velvet Creation - Eucharist
>A Book About My Idle Plot And Vague Anxiety - Toe
>At War With Walls And Mazes - Son Lux

>Puella Magi: Madoka Magica
>Orphan Black
>Black Mirror
>Twin Peaks

>> No.7462190

Hey! Thanks man! I only know half of those dudes.
>if you ever find the seinfeld literary equivalent tell me

>> No.7462193
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>> No.7462196

banal narcissism: the post

>> No.7462209

Accurate, I've just finished "A Hero of Our Time" and loved it.

>> No.7462215

Why not Blue, senpai?

>> No.7462217

you know its true, fuckfoot

>> No.7462227
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>banal narcissism: the post
banal narcissism: the post

>> No.7462234
File: 132 KB, 800x596, 800px-Buchla_Music_Easel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jefre-Cantu Ledesma - A Year with 13 Moons
>Oneohtrix Point Never - R Plus Seven
>J Dilla - Donuts
>Charles Cohen - Brother I Prove You Wrong
>Sun Ra - Monorails and Satellites

>2001: A Space Odyssey
>The Holy Mountain
>Synecdoche, New York

TV is shit.

Pic related is Charles Cohen's Buchla music easel.

>> No.7462239

Can you recommend me? I don't think I'm much of a pleb. My taste is a little more normal but not Pleb-level bad.>>7461932

>> No.7462241
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>>banal narcissism: the post
>banal narcissism: the post
banal narcissism: the post

>> No.7462245

>Deep Space 9
You were doing so well up until that

>> No.7462268
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>>>banal narcissism: the post
>>banal narcissism: the post
>banal narcissism: the post
banal narcissism: the post *the ride never ends*

>> No.7462270

ITT: The school day just ended let me hang out on 4chan with my patrician buddies

This is a literature board, you all know that this post has zero literary value and devalues the discussion of literature on this board. Both /r9k/ and /b/ support the posting random content and this post is much more suited to one of those boards

>> No.7462273
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the reason I can't rec plebs is not pure elitism, it's also because I can't discern their tastes. their 'favorites' say nothing about them so everything i would say would be a shitty guess or trying to impose my own taste.

use this chart.

>> No.7462278

>Pulp Fiction
>Reservoir Dogs
>12 Angry Men
>Back to the Future
>Hot Fuzz
>The Wall by Pink Floyd
>Animals by Pink Floyd
>Bridge over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel
>Photographs and Memories by Jim Croce
>Rio by Duran Duran
>Breaking Bad

>> No.7462280

asking for recommendations based on other tastes is way more relevant to /lit/ than shitposting in the daily /r9k/ or /pol/ b8 threads so fuck off with your condescending 'oh no people are talking about themselves' outrage.

>> No.7462291

My favourite films
It's A Wonderful Life
The World of Apu
Fellini Satyricon
The Magic Flute (Bergman)
Battleship Potemkin

My favourite Albums
Brilliant Corners
The White Album
Die Zauberflote ( Colin Davis version)
A Good Beginning - Sigur Ros
Voices of Light - Richard Einhorn

TV shows
The Simpsons (seasons 1-8)
South Park
Pls no bully.

>> No.7462334
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>>>>banal narcissism: the post
>>>banal narcissism: the post
>>banal narcissism: the post
>banal narcissism: the post *the ride never ends*
banal narcissism: I want off Mr Bone's Wild Ride

>> No.7462394

This thread, when I made that post, had 1 reference(recommendation) to literature and one image from the sticky, in a thread with over 50 unique posts that hardly qualifies as a thread about literature, more so a thread with minimal associations with literature
>asking for recommendations based on other tastes is way more relevant to /lit/ than shitposting in the daily /r9k/ or /pol/ b8 threads
Just because other's make shitposts doesn't obligate you to contribute to them. If you read what this board is about, it has nothing to do with /r9k/, nothing to do with /pol/, nothing to do with recommendations. This board is designated as a place to discuss literature. If you want recommendations, their are several reddit boards with the sole designation of giving them. Perhaps you should go to a forum that's sole design is the main theme of your post. Additionally this is not a blog so I don't understand why you think this is a place to talk about yourself and not literature.

>> No.7462406

dog star man

touki bouki

James Ferraro - Alternative Soundtrack To: Scream in Blue Surf Video [Full album]
sicko mobb super sayan
tarzana alien wildlife estate
sensational vibrations loaded with power
incantation onward to golgotha

Storm of Love
trailer park boys

readhy>> read s good sex illustrated
read tony duvert
read klossowsky the baphomet
read yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.7462413

>wah wah i don't like people being recommended books!

so hide it, faggot. if you weren't bumping it so much by whining it would be on its way to be pruned by now.

rec threads have been a staple of /lit/ for longer than you've been here and no one cares about what you think qualifies a thread as relevant to /lit/. cry me a river.

>> No.7462427

1. people aren't recommending books
2. how long have i been on /lit/?
3. are you aware you can post without bumping a thread?

>> No.7462434

>1. people aren't recommending books

>2. how long have i been on /lit/?

not long enough

>3. are you aware you can post without bumping a thread?

>implying your whining doesn't get me to post without saging

>> No.7462447

This isn't even a /lit/ thread. Take this shit to /b/. Even /pol/ would delete this shit for being off-topic.

>> No.7462452

awesome thanks

>> No.7462454

great taste

>> No.7462455

>wah wah im a newfag and don't like the posts!!!

thanks for your contribution buddy

>> No.7462460

1. 2 posts with recs out of 50-60 posts, that means 2-3% of this thread has literary value which is unacceptable
2. how long is not long enough?
3. you forgot the kramer.jpeg picture

>> No.7462463

>A Serious Man
>Inside Llewyn Davis
>Paris, Texas

> Basement Tapes by Dylan and The Band
>Highway 61 Revisited by Dylan
>Darkness on the edge of town by Springsteen
>Hunky Dory by Bowie
>Trout mask replica by Beefheart
>(Swordfishtrombones by Waits)

>Breaking bad
>Black books
>(Person of interest)

I add things I've been getting into recently in brackets.
Also, no bully for movies, never was a big movie buff.

>> No.7462470

So if I was new it would automatically make it okay for everyone to shitpost in off-topic threads? Saved/ hidden.

>> No.7462474
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>1. 2 posts with recs out of 50-60 posts, that means 2-3% of this thread has literary value which is unacceptable

i like how in your mind anyone cares what you consider to be the acceptable amount of literary value for a thread to be justified in existing.

>> No.7462482

you ever been so mad you become incoherent, /lit/?

>> No.7462490

Inherent Vice.

The Basic Eight.

>> No.7462493

If you reduce that argument to what it really is, you're arguing that posts need have no relevance to the boards that they are submitted to.

>> No.7462498

You claimed me the Newfag. I'm not a fucking Newfag!! But this off-topic shit should be saged. It's shitting up our board. We almost never have /lit/ threads anymore. Just memes and /b/ tier threads.

>> No.7462499

Her music, or specifically more her voice, is like a nostalgic lullaby or a distant memory from childhood that you fondly remember the basics of but never quite the detail.

>> No.7462502

Not necessarily true but when is enough enough?

>> No.7462510

>If you reduce that argument

why is it idiots always pretend insults are actually trying to engage them in an argument?

>> No.7462518

That wasn't an insult merely a critique of which a response was deemed proportionally necessary.

>> No.7462526

The bait is more sublte, by refusing to stoop to his level and inviting to a level of rational discourse, I gain the advantage as opposed to him having the advantage in a name calling and greentext contest.

>> No.7462533

rofl so you read >>7462474 and didn't pick up on the fact that its only statement is calling you a narcissist, huh? talk about irony

>> No.7462544

>I gain the advantage

if you looking deluded about what conversation you're having is 'the advantage', then sure

>> No.7462552


>> No.7462587

The only insult is you thinking you're intelligent enough to qualify posting.
>hide all posts with that distinct flavor of stupidity
...and I'm done

>> No.7462592

It wasn't narcissism. There should be a line where you say "Okay, this thread doesn't really have anything to do with /lit/ and just clutters up the board. The means to this achievement can be brought through public agreement.

>> No.7462605
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buttmad levels: off the chart
thread: bumped
you: done


>> No.7462618

>he keeps taking the bait
This was too easy

>> No.7462623

Yozakura Quartet

>Bands (albums too difficult)
Porcupine Tree

These questions make me realize that I'm a bit strange. I dislike western films in general; there's many I watched in the past that were OK (last one I watched and like was The Man From Earth I think). I still haven't watched tons of anime classics although I watched tons of seasonal crap (and some seasonal stuff that was really good but feels unworthy of a "favorite" listing). And the only songs I can think of that consistently give me amazing feels are by Opeth and Porcupine Tree; maybe I should try out more different music.

Favorite books:
Woman Hating
Pornography and Civil Rights

Perhaps depression took a big toll on me. Then there's autistic amounts of time spent on computer science...

>> No.7462627


>> No.7462641

Wrong anon. That was some guy shitposting. This thread is actually off-topic. I don't see how any of this thread has to do with /lit/.

>> No.7462653

We were supposed to recommend each other books based on other tastes.

>> No.7462670

Yes but which of the many posts contain that in a large quantifiable number. I would posture a minimilized account. Clearly, this thread is off-topic. SAGED!

>> No.7462673

>post bumped to the top of the page

actual sage

>> No.7462727

based taste.

>> No.7462730

Stop trying to misuse terms. This thread should be saved and hidden. It isn't even /lit/ related. SAGED!

>> No.7462799

>Simon of the Desert
>8 1/2

>La Leyenda del Tiempo - Camarón
>Freak Out! - The Mothers of Invention
>Mothership Connection - Parliament
>Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) - Wu-Tang Clan
>Brilliant Corners - Thelonious Monk

Never watched a full TV serie

>> No.7462823


>Never watched a full TV serie

Shame. Some are worth your time.

>> No.7462843

OK, but I want my shit recommended.

>> No.7462844
File: 480 KB, 1920x1080, 1438099841564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Autobiography of Malcolm X
The Big Sleep
I, the Supreme
Brighton Rock
Seize the Day!

>Close-Up (Kiarostami)
>If... (Anderson)
>Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Schrader)
>I Am Cuba (Kalatozov)
>Nostalghia (Tarkovsky)

>Monks - Black Monk Time
>The Beach Boys - Smiley Smile
>The Wedding Present - Seamonsters
>The Modern Lovers - The Modern Lovers
>Beat Happening - Beat Happening

>Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
>Peep Show
>Curb Your Enthusiasm
>Louie (inb4 BIG)
>Venture Bros.

>> No.7462870

motherless brooklyn

>> No.7462892 [DELETED] 


The Wire
Band of Brothers
The Sopranos

Those three are truly /lit/ worthy. There's definitely more but but you should hit those three asap. They are masterpieces.

>> No.7462894


The Wire
Band of Brothers
The Sopranos

Those three are truly /lit/ worthy. There's definitely more but you should hit those three asap. They are masterpieces.

>> No.7462924

Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
Marketa Lazarova
The Human Condition Trilogy
Bicycle Thieves

Space Runaway Ideon
Galaxy Express 999
City Hunter
Lupin the 3rd

TV shows:
Twilight Zone
The Prisoner
Peep Show

The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
Straight, No Chaser
Pet Sounds
In the Court of the Crimson King
Our Man in Paris

>> No.7462932

>Enter the Void
>Three Colours: Blue
>8 1/2
>Synecdoche, NY

>Geogaddi - Boards of Canada
>Collected Ambient Works 85-92 - Aphex Twin
>The Ziggurat - The Constructus Corporation
>Debut - Bjork
>The Essential Duke Ellington - Duke Ellington

>Scenes from a Marriage
>Twin Peaks
>China, IL
>The Simpsons
>Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.7462933


>Valerie and Her Week of Wonders

underwhelming 2bh

>> No.7462934

are you russian?

>> No.7462938


>> No.7462944


English actually

>> No.7462945

oh i thought i recognized someone. nvm.

>> No.7462951

Funny, that's already on my reading list

>> No.7462962

>Late Spring
>Sans Soleil

>The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
>Pet Sounds
>Trout Mask Replica
>A Love Supreme

>The Sopranos
>The Decalogue
>Revolutionary Girl Utena
>Akage no Anne
>Mad Men

>> No.7462971

>people actually like satantango

tf. anyway VALIS.

>> No.7462988

My nigga for having SKU on your list, but damn the movie too? That shit was insane. Hmm, go with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

>> No.7463002


Walt Disney Animation Studios, various directors - Fantasia (1940)
Gene Kelly - Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Fritz Lang - Metropolis (1927)
Orson Welles - Citizen Kane (1941)
Harry Everett Smith - Heaven and Earth Magic (1962)

Frank Zappa - Civilization Phaze III (1994)
Busdriver - Temporary Forever (2014)
Madonna - Ray of Light (1998)
Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica (1969)
David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972)

Carnivale (2003-2005)
Twin Peaks (1990-1991)
In Treatment (2008-2010)
Daria (1997-2002)
Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969)

>> No.7463004


>> No.7463005


*Temporary Forever (2002)

>> No.7463011

In no particular order of favoritism
>A Clockwork Orange
>Apocalypse Now!
>Mr. Nobody
>Dead Poets Society

>In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
>Good Kid, m.A.A.d. city
>either The Powers that B, or 2014 Forest Hills Drive

>The Office (american)
>Twin Peaks

>> No.7463027

if on a winter's night a traveller, or if you've read that: The Polyglots

And Still the Earth


Dead Souls

Silas Marner


The Cyberiad


The Unbearable Lightness of Being, or Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me


Les Chants de Maldoror

>> No.7463038

the sailor who fell from the grace with the sea

and some pretty great indirect movie recs

>> No.7463040
File: 48 KB, 624x352, venturethatguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 1/2
>V for Vendetta
>The Truman Show

(I know these are pleb, but I primarily listen to soundtracks/instrumentals and musicals. Sorry to all the /mu/ out there)
>Pink Floyd - The Wall
>The Mountain Goats - Tallahassee
>Radiohead - Paranoid Android
> Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
>X Japan - Blue Blood

>Shoujo Kakumei Utena
>Arrested Development
>South Park
>Venture Bros. tied with Moral Orel
>Justice League/JLU

>> No.7463053

Shit wasn't Carnivale's cancellation like a kick to the nuts? I'm still angry a decade later.

Stranger in a Strange Land

>> No.7463075

The Thing
Mad Max
Let the Right One In

Slint - Spiderland
Dinosaur Jr - You're Living All Over Me
Jackie Mclean - Destination Out!
Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp

Malcom In the Middle
Early seasons of The Office
Bob's Burgers

>> No.7463080

Dangerous Liasons
They Live
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
12 Angry Men
Cool Hand Luke

Marin Marais
Melvins: Houdini

Yes, Minister
Mr. Bean
BlackAdder (2nd season mostly)

>> No.7463136

>>>7462799 (You)
Already read.

>> No.7463138


Princess Mononoke
Jason and the Argonauts
Pan's Labyrinth
7th Voyage of Sinbad

Led Zeppelin IV - Led Zep
Tonights the Night- Neil Young
Deloused in Comatorium - The Mars Volta
America - John Fahey
Black Saint and the Sinner Lady - Charles Mingus

The Simpsons
Arrested Development
The Sopranos
South Park
Cowboy Bebop

>> No.7463150


I like how Carnivale has a lot of love here on /lit/, definitely one of the cancelled shows I was genuinely sad about due to how original and interesting the mythology was. That dust bowl backdrop setting was great too. Really added to the whole apocalypse theme of the show.

>> No.7463172

Can you elaborate? Why do you think so?

>> No.7463237

How about Fathers and Sons? or Tristam Shandy?

>> No.7463330
File: 16 KB, 241x300, FBBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixies - Surfer Rosa
Sun City Girls - Torch Of The Mystics
Radiohead - The King of Limbs
Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
Yo La Tengo - I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One

I don't really know if the tv shows and movies I like are very relevant or useful for book recommendations, it all just a bunch of random shit and nostalgia. Only slightly better with music, maybe somebody can come up with something for me.

>> No.7463339


>City of God
>Pulp Fiction
>Blade Runner
>Lawrence of Arabia

>Modal Soul by Nujabes
> Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
>Abraxas by Santana
>Funeral by Arcade Fire
>good kid Maad city by Kendrick

TV Shows
>Breaking Bad

>> No.7463456


Boogie Nights
Blue Velvet
The Shining
The Master

Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica
Tim Hecker - Virgins
Belong - October Language
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
Broadcast - Tender Buttons

Game of Thrones
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Paranoia Agent
Twin Peaks

>> No.7463477

>literally all garbage pop music.
There are no good albums.
You don't like EoE unless you have a comprehensive knowledge of 80s anime, and arguably have lived in Japan.

>> No.7463507


>>hates all albums but is an anime elitist

Work on the subtlety, sprout.
Make the baits believable now.

>> No.7463519

Not an argument. sorry!

Truth isn't elitism, by the way.

>> No.7463527

Sure thing, buddy. The best way to convince someone is to act in a condescending manner.

>> No.7463535

I'm not here to convince anybody. I'm right, you're a meek undergrad.

>> No.7463536

1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. The Godfather
3. The Godfather: Part II
4. The Dark Knight
5. 12 Angry Men

1. Radiohead - OK Computer
2. Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon
3. The Velvet Underground & Nico
4. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
5. King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King

1. Breaking Bad
2. Game of Thrones
3. The Wire
4. The Sopranos
5. The Walking Dead

>> No.7463539

Not an argument, sorry!

>> No.7463546

Nacho Libre
Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie
Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny
Undercover Brother
Army of Darkness

>> No.7463555


>Not an argument. sorry!

I remember you trying this gimmick out a few days ago in some other shitshow thread. You got a bunch but it was all so dull and lame.

Is it like some private joke to yourself to be really consistently boring or are you just this unimaginative at baiting?

>> No.7463563

>The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
>Seven Samurai
>Lawrence of Arabia
>Back to the Future

>Rage Against the Machine
>Back in Black
>Straight Outta Compton
>To Pimp a Butterfly

>Mad Men
>The Sopranos
>House of Cards
>Attack on Titan

>> No.7463565

>Not an argument. sorry!
lmfao genius

>> No.7463571

Did you just get the fucking top 250 list of movies and TV shows from IMDB, along with some other top 100 list for the albums, and post the top five of them?

>> No.7463572

Why do you project so much? Does it make the pain of being wrong stop?

>> No.7463576

>Random Access Memories
>Settle - Disclosure
>No jacket required - Phil Collins
>AM - Arctic Monkeys

>It's always sunny in philly
>Curb your enthusiasm
>Top Gear
>The X-files

>Apocalypse Now
>Dr. strange love
>Pulp Fiction
>Beyond the black rainbow

>> No.7463583

>The Color of Pomegranates
>Abraham's Valley
>Platform (2004)
>God's Comedy

>Art Tatum - The Complete Pablo Solo Masterpieces
>Judee Sill - Heart Food
>Lloyd Miller - A Lifetime in Oriental Jazz
>Various Artists - Goodbye, Babylon
>Keith Hudson - Playing It Cool and Playing it Right

>The Decalogue
>Space Ghost Coast to Coast
>The Leftovers
>Mad Men
>Xavier: Renegade Angel

>> No.7463585
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This was as uneventful then as it is now.

>> No.7463592

Being a pseud isn't cool.
Yes yes, keep on blabbering.

>> No.7463595


Token trigger response to token bait.

>> No.7463600


>> No.7463605

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.7463608


Response to bait.

>> No.7463626

I'll do that m80.
Already partway through GR.
I dig it.

I suppose I kind of have eclectic tastes which lend themselves to enjoying all of P's work.
I see where you're coming from with that Rec at any rate

>> No.7463627

Incantations is so good

>> No.7463666

The Emperor Strikes Back
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Journey Through the Past
Easy Rider

Yes - Close to the Edge
Claude Debussy - Piano Music
Animal Collective - Feels
John Ludington - Clouds Today
The Grateful Dead - Europe '72


>> No.7463675

Have you read V. or M&D? I think GR is honestly his worst work.

>> No.7463684

Not yet.
I figured I'd start with the most discussed just so I could be more "in the know" as it were.
What is it you dislike about it, or rather like more about the others?
Because as it is its pretty good, if the others are better all the more reason to hurry up and read them also

>> No.7463716

It's uneventful, meaningless, the descriptions are meandering, and the stream-of-consciousness is nonsensical and overdone to the point where it just isn't enjoyable to read.

>> No.7463913


The Fault in Our Stars, A Plethora of Katherines, Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.7463971

High Plains Drifter
The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Wild Bunch
High Noon

Cocteau Twins - Treasure
Lilys - In the Presence of Nothing
Pale Saints - In Ribbons
The Sundays - Reading, Writing and Arithmetic
Weezer - Pinkerton

Mad Men
The Knick

I'd like to return the favor but I'm not well-read and have nothing to recommend.

>> No.7464057

Requiem for a Dream
Fight Club
Reservior Dogs
Seven Samurai

Soundtracks For The Blind
The Velvet Underground & Nico/WLWH
SMiLE 2011
Trout Mask Replica
This Heat

>> No.7464075

You kniw, this is just going to turn into an "I'm more patrician than you" fight. That said, I'll still participate

El Topo
Mulholland Drive
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

>TV Shows
Twin Peaks
Six Feet Under
True Detective Season 1
Ren and Stimpy
Generation Kill

100 Flowers - Self-Titled
Swans - Soundtracks for the Blind
Husker Dü - Zen Arcade
Fleetwood Mac - Dreams
Miles Davis - Bitches Brew

>> No.7464293

Red Dragon

The Oxford English Dictionary, you soulless bastard

The Big Sleep

The Warlord Chronicles

Catcher in the Rye

See above if you want to change, or some YA if you don't

Jonathan Franzen

Probably Slaughterhouse 5

Something by Lermontov

Seconding Big Sleep

American Psycho, desu
If not, Trainspotting

Storm of Steel

Rabbit Run

Snow Crash

If you want films, try Come and See


Canticle for Leibowitz


>> No.7464311

How did you get Silas Marner from that?

>> No.7464335

The Stranger

Blood Meridian

>Jeanne Dielman
>The Tree of Life
>Au Hasard Balthazar
>It's Such a Beautiful Day

>Belle and Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister
>The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
>Slint - Spiderland
>Daniel Johnston - Hi, How Are You?

>The Sopranos
>The Dekalog
>The Wire
>Breaking Bad? The Twilight Zone? Mad Men? I feel like there's a power gap after the first four.

>> No.7464339

go listen to all of Coltrane's works already Issac

>> No.7464349


>> No.7464353

tell the truth

have you actually listened to any albums by Daniel Johnston that aren't Hi How Are You

>> No.7464361
File: 119 KB, 475x582, Takarajima Silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is prefect for me. I'm decently new to literature (despite having a BA in English) but not to film and anime.

>Ikiru - Dir. Akira Kurosawa
>The Third Man - Dir. Carol Reed
>Only Yesterday - Dir. Isao Takahata
>Good Morning - Dir. Yasujiro Ozu
>The Bad Sleep Well - Dir. Akira Kurosawa

>I really only listen to The Decemberists and Ben Folds.

TV (All anime):
>Takarajima (Treasure Island) - Dir. Osamu Dezaki
>Future Boy Conan - Dir. Hayao Miyazaki
>Lupin III - Various directors
>The Rose of Versailles - Dir. Osamu Dezaki
>Fantastic Children - Dir. Takashi Nakamura

Recommend me some books.

>> No.7464365

>7 Samurai
>American Psycho
>Dr. Strangelove
>The Usual Suspects

>Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
>Knife Man
>Modal Soul

>Deep Space 9
>The Wire
>Rick & Morty
>Cromartie Highschool

I never realized how shit my taste was until I typed it out. Thanks anon for some self actualization.

>> No.7464372

what lured you to English if not the literature?

also buddy i'm going to blow your fucking mind

>Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
>Nick Drake - Pink Moon
>Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
>Vashti Bunyan - Just Another Diamond Day
>The Zombies - Odeyssey and Oracle
>The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico

as for books
>Invisible Cities
>Divertimento 1889

>> No.7464377

I haven't read a lot of books (that's why I'm lurking on this board) so I can't give good recomendations. But here's my list. Feel free to make fun of it.

1. Tree of Life
2.Thin Red Line
3. Woman in the dunes
4. Still Walking
5. Clean, Shaven

1. Grouper - Ruins
2. 宇宙コンビニ - 染まる音を確認したら
3. Bygones - By-
4. Tim Hecker- Virgins
5. Grouper - Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill

I haven't watched a lot of tv shows of anykind, so this list might be especially bad

1.Welcome to the N.H.K.
3.Gurren Lagann
5. Eric Andre Show

>> No.7464383

Hi, How Are You > Songs of Pain > Don't Be Scared > Retired Boxer > Merry Christmas > Continued Story > Yip Jump Music > 1990 > Fun > The What of Whom > Respect > It's Spooky

of what I've heard. Really do like Dan. Hi, How Are You is definitely his most seminal work imo, because it is his most cohesive as an album (although I do think he has higher highs in Don't Be Scared with tracks like The Story of the Artist, Loner and Going Down). Songs of Pain is up there too, but it sort of loses its effect by the end, Hi, How Are You is short and sweet and I find myself listening to it a lot when I feel lonely and sad.

>> No.7464384

>Seven Samurai
>Rick & Morty


you just need to develop yourself a bit. Get more out there in the terms of film. How much Kubrick have you seen? Any Ingmar Bergman? Fritz Lang? You'd probably DIG The Night of the Hunter too

as for albums
>Galaxie 500 - On Fire OR Today
>Techno Animal - Brotherhood of the Bomb (proto-Death Grips)
>New Kingdom - Paradise Don't Come Cheap (proto hobo-rap)
>Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
>Jackson C Frank - Blues Run the Game (sad folk)
and the founding document of folk punk, the Violent Femmes s/t is essential

>> No.7464388

>what lured you to English if not the literature?
I was interested in journalism for awhile. Sadly I lost interest after I couldn't change my major. I have decent paying job though, and I graduated this year.

And I have read Hamlet back in high school. I've never been able to get into Shakespeare, but I dig a lot of the modern adaptations. Welles and Kurosawa especially. I'll check out the others. Dubliners interests me.

>> No.7464391

that's such a different ranking than I normally see. How are You? to me always just feels lacking whereas Yip/Jump and Fun he really seems to have a bit more footing

you should check out Guided By Voices and R Stevie Moore if you haven't

>> No.7464397

confederacy of dunces

>> No.7464400

>Dazed and Confused
>Prince of Darkness
>Kicking and Screaming (1995)
>Fallen Angels

>LCD Soundsystem - s/t
>Foetus - Nail
>OPN - R Plus Seven
>Massive Attack - Mezzanine

>Curb Your Enthusiasm
>Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei
I don't know, man, if I kept listing Western TV it would all be edgy FX and HBO comedies, and if I listed my favorite anime it would all be the things you could find in most 3x3s on /a/

>> No.7464402

Not the guy you're responding to, but you like Cloud Atlas and Elfin Lied enough to consider them among your favorites

>> No.7464428

Pretty much everything in his TV and Film list are laughable.

>> No.7464430

>laughing at someone's taste

i promise yours is awful too anon

>> No.7464453

Don't know if you're him, but the anon clearly has an interest in tightly sewn plots as well as what I would call a 'down-to-earth-from-the-heavens' aesthetic, from the bluesy provincial verve of HW 61 to the slice of life whirligig that is Seinfeld. Silas Marner, being such a succinctly and smartly written tale of simple yet titillating coincidences, seemed to fit both bills. That's just my take, though.

>> No.7464454

The Sopranos
Band of Brothers
True Detective (S1)
Curb your Enthusiasm

Paris, Texas
Memories of Murder
Army of Shadows

I don't listen to music

>> No.7464459


Get over yourselves. This isn't a pissing war. Jesus.

>> No.7464462

I was singling out the worst offenders in my opinion. Interstellar is a decent enough 2001 remake.

>> No.7464466

absolutely disgusting shit taste

at least Paris, Texas and Badlands are good but man not listening to music...gross

>> No.7464473

Obviously not. You'd think a board dedicated to shitposting about how great Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow are would have a more-than-pedestrian interest in film and television. None of the music lists even reflect /mu/ crossboarding, meaning no one here gets recs from RYM, and instead everyone has the taste of a tumblr kid or a /v/edditor

>> No.7464477
File: 2.92 MB, 950x1040, 1449168640899.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Primer
2. Man from the Earth
3. District 9
4. Interstellar
5. Synecdoche

1. In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
2. London Grammar
3. Lykee Li
4. Birdy
5. Fleet Foxes

1. Welcome to NHK
2. Steins Gate
3. Death Note
4. Haruhi
5. Fargo

>> No.7464483

>thinking this isn't pure /mu/

RYM is for avant geeks

shut up and go listen to T Rex and Exuma and stop being such a loser

all sci-fi books that are well received a la Dhalgren, Neuromancer, Electric Sheep, etc

>> No.7464488

Not going to recommend a book?

>> No.7464489

who cares about inferior art forms? music is incidental

>> No.7464496

Yip has too many weak tracks for me. Fun, I just don't really like the production on.

Guided By Voices are great. I mean everyone says Bee Thousand is their best, but I really like Alien Lanes.

Heard a lot about R Stevie Moore, thanks for the rec!

>> No.7464497

i'd say go for something scenic. A travel book in America. Anything from On the Road to Death of a Salesman (not sure why i associate that with travel beyond him being a traveling salesman)

>> No.7464503

Anything beyond Blood Meridian? Have already read it

>> No.7464504

>The Fall

>Andy Stott
>Arvo Part

>Silicon Valley
>Mononoke (Medicine Seller)
>Rick and Morty
>Probably fucking GoT but no interest in the books

>> No.7464505

Thanks desu senpai will check out those books.

>> No.7464506

that's funny because the production of Fun is what makes it for me. Those guitars sound so gooooood

Bee Thousand is my all-time favorite album, but Alien Lanes is a phenomenal effort. I think Propeller and Vampire on Titus need more love though...both mindblowing as well

>> No.7464508

franny and zooey

>> No.7464509

>RYM is for avant geeks
Avant-teens is the term. And T Rex are hardly experimental. Anyway, I was using RYM as an example because their genre charts are pretty decent. Actual top-100 charts are pretty shit, though, with the overall top 100 being OK Computer and a bunch of dadrock, and 2015 still has Kdot's new album as AOTY, despite it being a shameless OutKast ripoff. Also, of course, there is the overwhelming amount of bad prog metal littered about the site's highest rated albums

Well exactly, why list favorite TV shows, when television isn't even art? Why list film? Why not list video games if we're going to list TV?

>> No.7464518

franny and zooey was meant for you

also down there on a visit by isherwood

>not art


make your own thread with your own parameters if you don't like these

>> No.7464520

The Trial?

>> No.7464521

>T Rex are hardly experimental
that's the point bruh bruh

you obviously take shit way too seriously so learn to just enjoy it and give people recs on things they like instead of going full sperg ahead because someone hasn't heard the Threnody for Hiroshima

also you gotta understand that /mu/ really doesn't have good taste or out there taste. They like to pretend they do, but most people know surface level shit about the weird stuff or just the central popular album you have to know. That's why most Beefheart discussions begin and end between TMR and Safe as Milk, little to no Mirror Man, Lick My Decals, Bat Chain Puller, etc

>> No.7464528

also you gotta understand that /lit/ really doesn't have good taste or out there taste. They like to pretend they do, but most people know surface level shit about the weird stuff or just the central popular books you have to know. That's why most Pynchon discussions begin and end between Gravitys Rainbow and V, little to no Mason & Dixon, Crying of Lot 49, Against the Day, etc

>> No.7464563

>fellowship of the ring
>winter soldier
>empire strikes back
>2001 a space odessy

>Spider-Man TAS 90s
>Batman beyond

>> No.7464565

Why would you consume any other piece of media when literature can do things none of them can do and make you look better?

>> No.7464566

>franny and zooey was meant for you
Thanks for the rec; seems legit

>> No.7464593

Fair. What's a good translation?

>> No.7464930

Finally, someone who agrees with me on the best tv.

>> No.7465627

>The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
>Andrei Rublev
>25th Hour
>The Big Lebowski

>Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
>Yanqui UXO - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
>Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
>Is This It - The Strokes
>The Avalanches - Since I Left You

I don't really ADORE a TV show, other than The Wire maybe, but here's a list of shows I enjoy.
>Breaking Bad
>The Wire

>> No.7465684

Synecdoche, New York
Chungking Express
Le Samourai
Dazed and Confused
Touch of Evil

Ugh albums, I'll say bands.
Explosions in the Sky
Mac DeMarco
From Indian Lakes

Six Feet Under
The Wire
Hajime no Ippo
Ookiku Furikabutte

>> No.7465774

Books: everything by Durrenmatt, La coscienza di Zeno, Pharsalia, Die Rauber and Chtulhu's mytos.
music: everything by Fabrizio De André (il giudice, l'infanzia di maria, un blasfemo, un medico...), Carmina Burana, Wagner, Sabaton, Korpiklaani
Films: the seventh seal (or what is the english name), Brazil, Delicatissen, M.P. and the meaning of life, Pulp Fiction
games: The binding of isaac, risk of rain, tf2, darkest dungeon and nuclear throne
Comics from Japan (cuz they are just fucking comics): attack on titan and hellsing ultimate (I saw just those two cuz i hate oriental culture)
Philosophers: schopenhauer, Stirner (not memeing), Schelling, Giordano Bruno, Nietzsche
tv: happyish

>> No.7465852

good taste.. but WD.. really?

that show LITERALLY went to shit after the 1st season and i gave up at like season 4

>> No.7465867

are you a girl?

>> No.7465868

Im only doing films.

>Red Desert
>Synecdoche New York
>Tokyo Drifter
>A Woman Under the Influence


>> No.7466186

I'm a sucker for plebby (because let's be honest, it IS pretty plebby) character 'studies'

>> No.7466270
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