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7458641 No.7458641 [Reply] [Original]

What's the second most patrician religion, after Catholicism?

>> No.7458646


>> No.7458657


>> No.7458659

Catholicism is /pol/ tier trash.

Plotinian Neo-Platonism or nothing, pleb.

>> No.7458664


dream on

>> No.7458669

Get a load of this pleb

>> No.7458701


>> No.7458948

Catholicism is Neoplatonic you illiterate.

>> No.7458961

Paganism or Satanism, why do you think rich people being involved in a cult/secret society is a cliche?

>> No.7458970


>> No.7459007

The Nouveau Riche are plebeians.

>> No.7459011


>> No.7459015

this is the only true answer

>> No.7459031

What does patrician really mean in this context really?

I mean I know has to do with being upper-class, and kind of erudite, but how do you quantify that especially across cultures

>> No.7459041


>> No.7459043
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Celestial North Koreanism

>> No.7459046

It doesn't. This is just a shitposting thread.

>> No.7459318


>> No.7459358


Buddhism is the best religion, it transcends the misguided view of things as being patrician/plebeian.

>> No.7460332


>> No.7460338

Literally the worst.

>> No.7460343

catholicism is the most aesthetic. holy shit cathedrals are fucking insane. I go to mass as an atheist just to be in them.

>> No.7460344
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this desu

>> No.7460348

Modern Catholicism is Aristotelian, do you even Aquinas?

>> No.7460349

>I go to mass as an atheist just to be in them.
>I fuck guys in the ass a hetero just to be in them.

>> No.7460354

muslims stole your church and stuck minarets on it, and frankly I like those prayer towers.

>> No.7460368


Catholicism is pleb compared to Orthodoxy/Taoism/Sufism/Platonism/basicallyany Indian religion

>> No.7461035

>not ever science fiction

>> No.7461043
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Calvinism is the most patrician religion. It's intellectually consistent even though that means it's not fun.

>> No.7461062

Eastern Orthodox monasticism and/or asceticism.

>> No.7461063

>got angry responses à la "it's shit because of people like you >:-(" that time when I told an anon that lit does not have an "elitist board culture"
>go on lit again
>literally a which relgion is the betterest? thread, lmao you guys

>> No.7461064

This. There's nothing more patrician than realizing that God created you to go to hell, and then loving him nonetheless.

>> No.7461074
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That honestly sounds more like being the ultimate cùck

>> No.7461075

>There's nothing more patrician than realizing that God created you to go to hell, and then loving him nonetheless.
Sounds like cognitive dissonance and/or Stockholm Syndrome tbqh baka desu

>> No.7461078

Amor fati, lads.

>> No.7461080


>> No.7461086
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Yep, cùcks.

>> No.7461094

Jesus, I hate you almost more than these religious idiots for that filename.

>> No.7461096
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>his love for god is conditional

>> No.7461101

All eastern religions are shit.
Plebs follow them because they want to be seen as "spiritual" by their middle class peers.

>> No.7461104
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Funnily enough, the Chinese are doing exactly the same with Catholicism at the moment.

>> No.7461106

U just mad that you ain't chosen, fuccboi.

>> No.7461111
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>rebelling against the almighty

>> No.7461119
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>I am this intimidated by sophisticated political satire
Did I hit a nerve Hans?

>> No.7461122

Kek, this.

inb4 "I-i didn't want to be part of the elect anyway, baka"

>> No.7461124

>chinks think they have a soul to be saved
lmao 2bh

>> No.7461137
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>not welcoming our chinese brethren into the fold
>not realising the Pope's Liberation Army will free Islamic Europe through a holy crusade within your lifetime

>> No.7461218


>> No.7461264
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this tbhf

>> No.7461271

>we're the best
>we transcend misguided views of being the best

>> No.7461272

only right answer

>> No.7461708


I never said I was a Buddhist and I'm not one. Its just that from an outside perspective as someone who dosn't care either way its just what seems to be the case.

>> No.7461709


>> No.7461728

>meanwhile buddhists call other buddhists who disagree with them followers of the 'lower vehicle'

>> No.7461740

Lutheran Chruch.

>> No.7461747

>implying religions will ever deserve the title of patrician

For the sake of argument the only religion or mythos that deserves it is the actual religion of the Romans.

>> No.7461765


>> No.7461788

patrician, not patriarchal

>> No.7461796

Pretty sure a big percentage of Catholics can't even read.

>> No.7461799

that's some silly lower vehicle shit though, dawg.

>> No.7461803

>m-my vehicle is the higher one i'm right!
>nooo my vehicle beats your vehicle it's made of diamond!!

buddhism is playground tier desu

>> No.7461814

Are you seriously this retarded?

>> No.7461818
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>lutheranism doesn't even have hell

Comfiest religion.

>> No.7461820

Everybody just calm down. People are going through tough times. They'll say stuff that's mean and hurtful. You just have to understand. OK? OK.


>> No.7461825

You just have to get on your knees and count beads.

>> No.7461837
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>> No.7461843

>lutheranism doesn't even have hell
Uhhhh... no... it's actually Super Hell. You're there forever.

Other sects let you work off your sins there, but Lutheranism is "you're there forever."

>> No.7461930

Orthodoxy or Anglicanism. In the west.

Buddhism isn't a valid answer. There's a lot of different denominations there too.

>> No.7461944


its just a matter of disagreeing about what sect is closer to the truth or more orthodox in regards to the original teachings

thats found in most religions including Christianity

>> No.7461950

>Buddhism isn't a valid answer.

what makes you say that?

>> No.7462005

>There's a lot of different denominations there too.
If he says Catholicism, rather than Christianity, he should also not refer to all of Buddhism as one religion.

>> No.7462038

Judaism is the very definition of patrician.
We pride ourselves on outlasting everyone and being better than everyone else. The core tenant of Judaism is basically "we'll be around longer than you because G-d likes us better." Ashkenazi (me!) Jews are the only people statistically proven to have a higher average IQ.
Judaism revels in life ("l'chaim, l'chaim!") where other religions see it as a distraction. We do not recognize "the fall of man" as anything but totally necessary. Instead of seeking to regress to an "innocent state" like Christians, we push ever-outwards, building the world up and ourselves along with it. It's only natural, us being the chosen people.
If different relgions' Gods are metaphors for their followers behaviors, then we Jews worship our own power as a people.
Zionists can go fuck themselves, though.

>> No.7462046

Disclaimer: to the anti-semites looking for ammunition, this is mostly satire. I do, however, think that Judaism promotes strength as individuals and as a people where Christianity strives towards a docile state.

>> No.7462057

Buddhism has a lot of variety to be honest. Pure Land Buddhism seems like Evangelicalism to me for example, while something like the Forest Tradition seems Franciscan tier.

>> No.7462059

Abrahamic religion is retarded, and the best time in Jewish history is when you were influenced more by the Hellenic Greeks than your own religion.

>> No.7462065

You mean during Jesus' time?

Jesus likely started with the Greeks.

>> No.7462082

Greek religion is homosexuality and ephobilia.

>> No.7462088

>Abrahamic religion is retarded

>the best time in Jewish history is when you were influenced more by the Hellenic Greeks than your own religion
It was certainly a good time in Jewish history—not sure about the best.
A lot of the Jewish people's power comes from how well we outlast everyone else. We take the best from every culture we interact with, all while keeping our nomadic identity intact.

>> No.7462089

And Jesus travelled with his own stable of young men. Also, the new testament is heavy on foot fetish.

>> No.7462092

Good times. Good times.

>> No.7462099


The metaphysical claims of your religion are false.

>> No.7462103

This, furthermore, is why Zionism is stupid. To maintain Jewish strength, we have to keep bettering ourselves for when we have our own land, not seizing it.
Nomadic behavior is a way better defense for the Jews than any IDF.

>> No.7462112

Of course they are. It's the resultant behavior that gives the Jewish people strength.
Most Jews, myself included, don't believe a word of Torah.

>> No.7462122

So you're not really Jewish.

>> No.7462130

Anyone Jewish through matrilineal descent is 100% Jewish. Even the Chassidim acknowledge this.
If you say that the Orthodox and Chassidim are the only real Jews, be careful, because that leads you to disputes over who's a real Christian too.

>> No.7462137

So you're a Christian if you don't believe in Christian doctrine, but your mother was a Christian?

>> No.7462185

Different doctrines. You're Christian if you're baptized and confirmed.
You're Jewish if your mother was Jewish. Even if you never had a Brit or a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, you're still "innately" a Jew. I knew a rabbi who used to brag that there was some Eastern European fascist figure who "learned" he was "really a Jew" and now he wears a yarmulke everywhere.

>> No.7462192

I have a joke:

What dies faster than sperm in semen?

Judaism in semen.

>> No.7462201

So what you're essentially saying is that the Nazi conception of Jews is correct.

>> No.7462204

Buddhism and hinduism are very insightful religions, philosophically speaking.

Islam and protestants are cancer

>> No.7462211

Yeah, pretty much.

Nah, they accepted patrilineal descent as well.

>> No.7462224

>Nah, they accepted patrilineal descent as well.

Sure, but I mean, what sense does it make in calling yourself a Jew, when you don't believe in anything in your religious texts?

I could agree with saying you're culturally Jewish, but other than that no.

>> No.7462252
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>posting worst Hitch

>> No.7462288

I practice more Jewish tenants than "cultural" Jews. I study Torah, even if I don't literally believe it. I'm Jewish.

>> No.7462290

>stoic slave ideology
>appropriated by western capitalism to justify pseudo-hedonistic lifeways
>mainly practiced by 1)asian reactionaries, and 2)american petite-bourgeois who want to appear "spiritual" and "open to other cultures"
Are you baiting, Anon?

>> No.7462298

I can't relate to that.

But that's interesting though. Is it typical to study the Torah even if you don't really believe in it?

>> No.7462310

Yes. Torah study is what makes or breaks a Jew.

>> No.7462322

Not qualitatively, but quantitatively. As I said before, you're still a Jew even if you've never had Brit or Bar Matzvah. You're just a significantly worse Jew if you haven't studied Torah.

>> No.7462323

I guess Judaism and Jews are weirder than I thought.

>> No.7462350

Talk to a Rabbi sometime, if you wanna know more about how we work. You'll find it refreshing in that they won't ever try to convert you. They're some of the smartest people out there, besides, and will have something to say about any literary subject you bring up.
The older ones, at least. Younger rabbis tend to be fuckboys who don't want to study something real and haven't accumulated any wisdom at all.

>> No.7462396

There's literally 1100 Jews in my country, and the only one I know who is Jewish is a psychologist who is more culturally Norwegian than she is Jewish to be honest.

>> No.7462432
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Religion in the service of the patricians needs to be trashed yesterday.

>> No.7462439

Did you post this ironically, knowing that Sri Lankan Buddhists oversee a racist class society?

>> No.7462443

all society is class based

>> No.7462559
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Non-fedora atheism.


>> No.7463630


>all adherents of a religion follow it 100% and entirely run their country or society 100% in accordance with it at all times