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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 190 KB, 1024x675, image_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7455451 No.7455451 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this make me want to hang myself?

>> No.7455452
File: 1.46 MB, 1577x2399, Shakespeare_SW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this actually gets a smile out of me?

>> No.7455455

cause you're an autist sperglord who should go off himself

>> No.7455456

Because of bullshit publishers that can't accept the fact they should go out of business and declare bankruptcy.

>> No.7455465 [DELETED] 

This is trying to make Shakespeare hip.
This is just trying to get laughs.

>> No.7455467

Because the former is a disgusting attempt to make a quick buck by rewriting a classic in order to pander to a demographic just stupid enough to be turned off by the original work, but just smart enough not to fall for the gimmick anyway.
Whereas the latter is a legitimate labour of love in which a writer takes a story they like and adapts it into another medium, actually showing a proper understanding of both, and some ingenuity of his own along the way.

>> No.7455473


>> No.7455475

It's to help the average student who does not enjoy Shakespeare as an author and only wants to grasp the basic plot and basic elements of his plays. Some like Shakespeare, others don't, get the fuck over it.

>> No.7455484

wuts wrong with multiculturalism, OP? It's still in english, just a different dialect. It's a good way to reach diverse youth. Are you a racist?

>> No.7455495

C-3PO Now is the summer of our happiness
Made winter by this sudden, fierce attack!
Our ship is under siege, I know not how.
O hast thou heard? The main reactor fails!
We shall most surely be destroy’d by this.
I’ll warrant madness lies herein!
R2-D2 - Beep beep,
Beep, beep, meep, squeak, beep, beep, beep, whee!

top kek

>> No.7455506
File: 32 KB, 514x536, 1448673229548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emphasis on this.

>> No.7455517

Because you don't know the difference between a kid's book and books for adults?

>> No.7455519

Because you're a two dollar faggot and the slightest of changes threatens to shatter the tiny microcosm you've fashioned for yourself. Stop jacking off to anime, junior. it's making you goofy even by Internet standards

>> No.7455527

its the same book

>> No.7455552

i don't even understand the photo, what is it

>> No.7455556

Because someone without the same veneration for literature that you have has found a way to make money off of retards and is making said money.

>> No.7455559
File: 989 KB, 300x170, 1413001128185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people in this thread are unironically defending this

>> No.7455597

It's easily ignored for normal people.

Whining about it seems kind of lame, even if you (erroneously) believe it's dumbing kids down. The books exploit the lazy & dumb kids who would be lazy & dumb anyway. So what's the what?

>> No.7456138

Rope or gun?

>> No.7456172

Build wall.
Leave ceviche.

Act 1, page 3 if I remember right.

The first is "Romeo and Juliet" re-imagined as text messages, and the second is "Star Wars: A New Hope rewritten as a Shakespearian era play.

>> No.7456195

nobody takes this shit seriously unlike the novels of john green which my generation basically look to as giving them advice for dealing with the rough shit in their lives which is seriously bad news senpai... he has no conception of first causes or last ends, nothing but cheap little gimmicks and particulars but everyone around me acts like brainwashed, disavowing what's inside them. that is enough to make one angry and unhappy, not a joke book that people buy to show love to their friends (basically the book equivalent of a whoopie cushion vs a creeping cancer)

>> No.7456461

Why does everyone get so mad at this?

The avg middleschooler would understand this better than reading some annotated translation. It's not like its existence makes the original copies of shakespeare's plays disappear. Just get the fuck over it, you fucking idiots.

>> No.7456602

You completely subtract all possible symbolic and abstract understanding of a given piece when you do shit like that though. It's just lazy...

>> No.7456625

Their loss, man. Who gives a fuck.

There are multiple options for everything, and most people opt for the no frills discounted route. You might as well be on /ck/ whining about how most people eat McDonald's and their palates are trash.

Yeah, their palates are trash. So they eat at McDonald's. Likewise, kids who buy these Shakespeare emoji versions have brains that are trash. So they don't give a fuck about "symbolic or abstract understanding".

There are always going to be retards around. Someone has to haul our garbage to the dump.

>> No.7456629

implying those people don't enjoy mcdonald's

you might not like the idea of it, and your idea about it does effect how you experience it, but on some basic level, you fucking like it

>> No.7456655

it doesn't bother me or anything. i guess some people might enjoy the novelty. but if you're middle school age and have no interest in reading shakespeare and would actually rather read something like this than work your way through the real language, you'll probably never benefit from reading shakespeare anyway.

which is fine, not everyone should have to care about literary stuff. but don't pretend this is a 'gateway' or anything. anyone who will ever become well read or appreciate literature will have never wanted to read something like this rather than the real thing.

>> No.7456839

Why is this so bad? It's just making Shakespeare more accessible for contemporary readers? Why is that such a bad thing? Shakespeare is in need of modernization anyway. If you disagree it's probably just cause you're pretentious.

>> No.7456857

Because you think everything you like should be held to your own standards, if it was Harry Potter would you care? There is no difference except in your opinion of the subject matter. Its advertising not designed to appeal to you, thats all. Do you rail at MacDonalds for the picture of a burger that does not resemble the food?

You think the advertising in your pic makes the subject matter worse, less valuable, less elite, you are literally judging the book by its cover

>> No.7456875

>he doesn't judge books by their cover

Hallo Reddit

>> No.7456888

it doesn't. you're pretending to care about Shakespeare and you don't want to hang yourself