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File: 11 KB, 342x203, heikekker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7454445 No.7454445 [Reply] [Original]

Which philosopher or writer had the most JUST life?

>> No.7454454


>> No.7454473 [DELETED] 

>you will be heidegger high fiving carl schmitt while spitroasting a sexy young hannah arendt in a verboten gang bang amid the towering pines of the schwarzwald, unable to remember whether this ritual is yet another vain attempt to awaken the fuhrer or just something out of sade that schmitt cooked up while he was on quaaludes

>> No.7454479

I will? Sweet

>> No.7454482

should have killed the bitch once he found out his 'son' wasn't his.

>> No.7454487


His life was so JUST, he got used to being JUSTed aka being stoic.
There's a story that when a thief stole his iron lamp, he just proclaimed that he'll get a clay one.

>> No.7454711
File: 149 KB, 624x420, hunner ess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose your election
>be misinterpreted by hundreds of thousands of college students as "drugs r cool"
>be forgotten
>die like a bitch

>> No.7454722

>Every postmodernist ever

>> No.7454804
File: 508 KB, 1900x1111, 1449932037025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, Heidegger was kekked?

>> No.7454893

If you dont have problems with women youre not a real philosopher

Examples heidegger, stirner, nietzsche, kierkegaard
And on the other hand shartre and campoo

>> No.7454959


>Gave up life of wealth and privilege to join begging order

>Was locked in a tower for a year by his family because of this, refused to change his mind

>When sent a prostitute to tempt him he chased her out with a burning stick from the fire

>Was renowned for his humility

>Dedicated all his works to the glory of God

>Wrote numerous songs and poems praising God and the Blessed Virgin Mary

>Levitated when praying

>Given visions from God

>When asked by by Christ "Thomas, you have written well of Me; what reward do you ask for your labor?" he replied "None other, Lord, but Thyself."

>> No.7454966

Aquinas seems the opposite of JUST 2bh seeing as he got what he wanted and lived a pretty spiritually fulfilling life.

>> No.7454977

what's stirner's story?

>> No.7454984

Are you using "just" in some retarded internet way? Because otherwise what you said doesn't follow.

>> No.7454988


this is why i don't take philosophers seriously, regardless of their lofty ideas they can't seem to put them into practice and live good, healthy and fulfilling lives

Heidegger was a çuck, Kierkegaard sabotaged himself cause he was autistic, Nietzsche spent all his time tipping his fedora, Stirner had low-testosterone and couldn't maintain an erection

i mean come on

>> No.7454993

He used his wife's inheritance on a milk business that bombed so badly he blew the whole thing and then she left him, converted to catholicism and died in London.

Stirner's wife was the one that got JUSTed.

>> No.7454995

but Sartres philosophy wasn't too different from Heidegger

>> No.7455000

Yeah, I'm using 'just' in the meme way, that's what this whole thread is about m8.

>> No.7455012

>this is why i don't take philosophers seriously, regardless of their lofty ideas they can't seem to put them into practice and live good, healthy and fulfilling lives
This, it seems many don't really take their own advice and seemed like very unhappy individuals.

>> No.7455021
File: 73 KB, 620x349, heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his wife was sleeping around after less than two years of marriage.

no wonder death didn't bother him

>> No.7455024

Shit like this is why I hope Trump shuts down the internet.

>> No.7455033

And you're an overreacting kek, what were you expecting, people to suck your e-peen because you know about Thomas Aquinas?

>> No.7455040

His wife isn't even that good-looking, what the fuck?

pls tell me Heidegger keked her at some point.

>> No.7455047

Heidegger seemed to be happy. Kierkegaards answer all along was just to side with god which he did. Nietzsche was a nutcase who loved to suffer and barely anything is known about Stirners personal life or happyness

>> No.7455053


Heidegger had affairs with at least two of his students while he was married, and he told his wife about them. Also they were both Jews, fucked em and dumped em

>> No.7455059
File: 121 KB, 1417x991, arendt-hannah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the inclusion of Carl Schmitt but Heidegger had this Jewish submissive girl around his whole life

>> No.7455065


Kierekaard was miserable without Regine, on his deathbed he told his friend he regretted leaving her.

His real wish was for God to somehow bring her back to him, but that never happened

>> No.7455066

I was refering to this comment

>> No.7455081 [DELETED] 

>you will never be such a luminary that you attract female luminaries to your weird sex cabin

It's not even a fucking joke, I'm a little mad that I'm not a world-changing genius who can have an Arendt come visit me and piss on my face and then people on future /lit/ will talk about it like "Did you know Jimmy the 21st Century Revolutionizer of Phenomenology used to get Sasha Majorfemalephilosopher to piss on his face? Have you read his private piss letters?"

I want to be so eccentric that I can just have brilliant women pissing directly on my face. All over it. And then I'll orgasm embarrassingly and put my weird grandpa sweater back on and somehow re-subdue her to my intellectual gravitas just because I'm so fucking good. Somehow I'll make her integrate the fact that I literally drink her urine into an overall picture of me that is still towering and imposing and powerful. I want to "conquer women" like Sartre. I bet Sartre could get any piss he wanted.

>> No.7455107

sooo you want your philosophy written by 9-5 Superdads fresh home from the league softball game?

>> No.7455319

I kek'd really hard.

>> No.7455329

That's why you need to go with ancient and medieval era philosophers. They all followed what they said and were bosses.

Modern philosophers were/are wimps.

>> No.7455348

And this is why you guys are fucking retarded. Being a good coach doesn't mean you'll be a good player

>> No.7455353

But that's a shitty analogy.
There's no real difference between a philosopher and a normal person that would stop them from acting on their philosophy whereas a coach is going to be far less athletic than a player.

It just seems like a shitty cop-out when you had philosophers like Epictetus who actually practised their philosophy in hard times and gained something tangible out of it.

>> No.7455365

the overman is an instinctual being

>> No.7455377


perfect answer.

>> No.7455378


>> No.7455398

boy you are a fucking retard. define "real difference" to see why

>> No.7455405

David Hume in France.

>> No.7455406

The analogy was comparing philosophers and people to coaches and players.
The difference between coaches and players is physiological and mental.

The difference between philosophers and people isn't like that, in fact the philosopher's mindset would be conducive to practise what he preaches, but he doesn't? Is it because he's a shitty hack who spouts big ideas but too cowardly to put them into practise?

>> No.7455426

>in fact the philosopher's mindset would be conducive to practise what he preaches
you stated it, so it must be true. no need to actually back up your thoughts or anything

>> No.7455447

What a man he was

>> No.7455450

Would you not expect the guy who actually came up the ideas to be the walking representation of them?

>you stated it, so it must be true. no need to actually back up your thoughts or anything
yeah, ok nigger, I know I'm insulting those dead,old men that you wank over but really now? it's a post on 4chan, what do you want? a peer reviewed study or something?

>> No.7455500

>what do you want? a peer reviewed study or something?
No, I want you to post opinions with reasonings behind them.

>Would you not expect the guy who actually came up the ideas to be the walking representation of them?
Would you continue expecting this even after finding out its not the case for a large majority of them as previously established with examples in this thread? Maybe reconsider this in light of the evidence provided instead of bullheadedly believing it because it appealled to you.

>> No.7455510


This. Whether or not you accept Hume's thought or not (I don't necessarily), the difference between himself and Rousseau is perhaps the best historical contrast of a good philosopher with a shitty philosopher.

>> No.7455799

>philosophy is about being happy and fulfilled
back to your Aastern memestic garbage

>> No.7455806

it isn't true, Heidegger was a womanizer

>> No.7455818

this is literally jew propaganda desu.

>> No.7455979

>you will

>> No.7455989

she's much more attractive than his ugly ass

>> No.7456097
File: 78 KB, 1732x668, 1423783195043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His wife isn't even that good-looking, what the fuck?
this is what betalords do not understand. there is always men around most females and beauty is barely a factor, because beauty does not matter for men.

>> No.7456112

You forgot Schoppie.

>> No.7456128
File: 39 KB, 647x500, 1448927346825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to tell you you're not alone in feeling this way.

>> No.7456298
File: 106 KB, 1920x1080, Jodorowsky1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you see your dream fulfilled, anon.

>> No.7456337
File: 50 KB, 202x235, 1433132259638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw realized I had set myself up for a Soren and have decided to pull the trigger on getting her back
This is actually entirely true. I've been disregarding pretty much everything written after the 6th century and have made good strides.

>> No.7456580

>it isn't true, Heidegger was a womanizer
a kuk

>> No.7458161

I still have no idea what JUST is supposed to mean.

>> No.7458163

like in just fuck my shit up

>> No.7458173
File: 37 KB, 600x932, 1442076929698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it started with barber meme where people posted images of people with shitty haircuts and then doing a made-up conversation with the barber implying that they asked for it.

Then someone shooped Brendan Fraser with red eyes and shitty hair with the captions
>barber: what kinda cut you want senpai?
>him: just fuck my shit up
because he has to pay $50,000 every month in alimony to his wife.

>> No.7458178

Okay, I'm aware of "just fuck my shit up," but how did that get shortened to JUST?

>> No.7458187

It started as a game on /tv/
where someone posted JUST as the OP
and people completed it like

>> No.7458189

people think it's funny to post one word per poster of a meme phrase in caps, a sort of communal memeing

>> No.7458191

well, heidi did like to put his dick in jewish pussy

you think he didnt fuck hannah arendt in his lil dank cabin? gods dwelled there too!

>> No.7458206
File: 247 KB, 1920x1200, redone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7459065

What was it

Why did the thought police take it away

>> No.7459069

>tfw patrick will never stick his fist up your anus

>> No.7459088
File: 66 KB, 500x225, LEAGUE O MY EGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>converting to catholicism and dying alone
That's what the rake gets for sticking to a fixed idea.

>> No.7459089

Why don't you write a story about Patrick sticking his fist up your anus?

Make the underlying theme the ennui of post-capitalist meme culture, but also make it something I can fap to.

>> No.7459908

>this is an example of JUST

*tips fedora*

>> No.7461047

No major philosopher save Socrates has ever killed himself.

And I would imagine, there's a similar mindset that writers would have - but there suicide rate is far higher?

Is that down to cowardice? Or perhaps a more fulfilling way of examining life? Bertrand Russel penned it beautifully, "the value of philosophy is it's uncertainty" - it's an open field to contemplate all kinds of paths, and work out the ethos you need. All the philosophers you mentioned achieved something, and I think, were happy with that kind of inner enlightenment.

>> No.7461056


>> No.7461103


>> No.7461107

my man

>> No.7461112

>raising an non-biological kid is literally the most awful thing some peons can imagine
lel, I don't know whether to be amused or saddened by this.

>> No.7461158
File: 102 KB, 1200x1200, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be one of the most self conscious, weak and sickly, analytical self hating men in history
>strong father
>hate/love your father
>have to live at home, write all night so your father can't hear you
>hate offices
>work in insurance all your life
>finally solve your crippling women problems, find universal soulmate
>get TB
>suffer horribly

>> No.7461181

>Kant, the permavirgin
>also the greatest philosopher to date

I, too, don't think this is a coincidence

>> No.7461199
File: 87 KB, 994x374, mainlander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainlander was a pretty JUST guy.

>on the night on April 1, 1876, Mainländer hanged himself in his residence in Offenbach, using a pile of copies of The Philosophy of Redemption (which had arrived the previous day from his publisher) as a platform.

>> No.7461200

at least i fulfill one of the requirements

>> No.7461285


>> No.7461311

>no friends at school
>run over by a horse and cart during his teenage years
>suffered typhoid in his teenage years
>painkillers caused him to develop a drug habit
>organizes a fake duel with his best bro so they can kill themselves and make it look noble
>his buddy misses, Hans kills his buddy and then shoots himself in the chest
>doesn't die
>outcast from society
>spent his adutlhood in a series of mental asylums

>> No.7461317

Gödel maybe? He became obsessed with being poisoned, and ended up starving himself to death.

>> No.7461327

That guy literally just projected his depression into a philosophy.

>> No.7461331

I made a very similar thread the other day and got banned.

Kys inconsistent mod faggots

>> No.7461475

Well as Freddy said, ultimatelly every philosophy is the personal confession of its author and a kind of involuntary and unconscious memoir.

>> No.7461482

So you're ban evading right now?

>> No.7461502

People who whine on boards about getting banned from the boards are a waste of meat.

>> No.7461580

Bans come to an end you know

>> No.7461583

Your ma's fat poon is waste of meat

>> No.7461586
File: 164 KB, 840x840, Marcus Aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't he ordered by the state to kill himself by drinking wine laced with hemlock? that hardly counts.


Marcus Aurelius was Emperor at the height of Rome's power, but never let that power corrupt him. In fact he didn't want to be Emperor in the first place, but was eventually convinced to become Emperor to help Rome.

>> No.7461664
File: 60 KB, 1350x888, 1439153418086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was an alcoholic and had so lung diseases leading him to suicide

and he was likely a KUK given that he was a bourgeois.