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/lit/ - Literature

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7444130 No.7444130 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7444139
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>> No.7444143
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>> No.7444152
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>> No.7444193

Maugham , fuck yes

>> No.7444202

alright but boring as fuck

>> No.7444221

i like this one a lot. this is a small and tight intimate little collection. I would usually be inclined to scoff at this number of books but this is very respectable.
cheers, mate

>> No.7444262

I love you for organizing by publisher. I don't know how I will organize my shelf when I move.

>> No.7444283
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hello /lit/

>> No.7444289
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sorry for the mess

>> No.7444293
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im between bookshelves right now

>> No.7444296
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and sorry for the shitty panoramas

>> No.7444301
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>> No.7444303
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nothing of note up there

>> No.7444462
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Only half. Others aren't shelved but am 2 lazy to take pic

>> No.7444483

nigga have you bought anything written in the past 40 years?

>> No.7444497

> philosophy of mathematics

I see that you too are a True master-race patrician.

>> No.7444502

Why must there constantly be one of these threads? How is the board even gaining newfags fast enough to support these threads?

>> No.7444506
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>fiction written after the 1970s

>> No.7444513

great b8

>> No.7444548
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>> No.7444587
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>> No.7444704
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>> No.7444731

Gave up after Deadhouse Gates?

>> No.7444948
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>Ayn Rand

>> No.7445041

Your Calvin and Hobbes are out of order and it really triggers me

>> No.7445052

>that calvin and hobbes collection
piff as hell where'd you get that?

>> No.7446001

instocktrades had it for REAL cheap until a few days ago, I'm not sure about now

if not, just go to amazon or something

>> No.7446012

eh. 75 bucks now

>> No.7446036

Just me or is the most common book in these threads Being and Time?

>> No.7446046



>> No.7446346

Really old pic. I've read them all now.

>> No.7446451

I got it for christmas one year. they still sell them at my local indigo. they run for about 100 cdn

>> No.7446453

hahaha sry m8

ayyyyy my nigger

>> No.7446482

you need to move Ulysses over by 1. one's meme trilogy must be kept all together.

>> No.7446504

ay bruv we got da same turgenev n chekhov right next 2 each other

>> No.7446850
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>> No.7446915

was the rhyming dictionary worth it?

>> No.7446929
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>> No.7446939
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>> No.7446950
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>> No.7446978
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New here, i had to compress the picture to upload it, I think I compressed it too much...

>> No.7447047

Is Gödel, Escher & Bach any good to someone who's awful at math?

>> No.7447205

it's simply mindblowing (in the best sense possible) and actually needs no math (following some logical reasoning might help thought)

>> No.7447210

Eh, you don't have to be good at math but you probably won't finish it unless you "like math"

>> No.7447240

I "like" it enough, though I do admit some stuff like Riemann, Gauss and other modern stuff goes way over my head

>> No.7447248

it's written exactly for that audience a la pynchon

>> No.7447834

That's interesting. In math generally people don't talk about who they've learned about as much as "what" they have learned. Not trying to call you dumb or anything just an interesting difference between literature/philosophy and mathematics. I think it has to do with the fact that mathematicians tend to view them themselves more of discoverers of ideas instead of inventors or author of ideas.

>> No.7447879
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>> No.7447935
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>> No.7447963
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>no Pannekoek
>no Debord
>no Castoriadis

>> No.7447985

The CIA will be at your door shortly.

>> No.7448011


>> No.7448072
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>> No.7448076

what in the fuck is this from? peter looks like he's having a stroke.

>> No.7448089

>no im not a communist i just love marx and lenin
>thats cool, im not a nazi but i really love mein kampf, and goebbels's writings are appealing to me as well

go back to /leftypol/

>> No.7448107

>There are people on this board that unironically own this much marxist literature.

Dear. God.

>> No.7448132


no that's just how a prissy english boy tries to step to a nigga

>> No.7448460
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This is of last week, I got rid of some manga and the extra copy of Endymion I had for some reason

>> No.7448481

am i being trooled

>> No.7448483


>> No.7448502

Yeah, even when approaching the story of an idea, you'll have to read very specific authors and texts, and it's much harder to study philosophy theleologically than mathematics (I suppose)

>> No.7448506

Shit, Lenin has more books than Joyce Carol Oates.

>> No.7448510

it's the postmodern era dipshit, just because I own and have read Rand extensively doesn't mean I like her

>> No.7448530

Don't take that bait, I've seen that faggot on every fucking shelf thread.

He's like the dolan guy, eagerly waiting to shitpost

>> No.7449321

I'm pretty sure someone with that much Marxist lit would identify as a communist

>> No.7449961

closet weeb

>> No.7449993

not surprisingly, this is the only copy of Capital that's been posted in one of these threads that actually looks like it was read.

>> No.7451176

Look, I like ironic posts as much as the next anon, even if you were actually serious (which I find bloody onlikely). Heck, I probably like them a lot more. I legitimately enjoyed looking at every single Japanese garbage item on that picture.

But that one John Green book in there just fucking pissed me off. You are a despicable human being. I would rather have Josef Stalin as my roommate than you. I would literally prefer a crazy mass murdering powerhungry commie over you for adding that book to that picture.

>> No.7451238
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>> No.7451246


>> No.7451264

What about my books suggests that I need to go to /pol/?

>> No.7451381

I'm assuming he's referencing the Trump book.

Trump actually does have books out worth reading, but that's not one of them.

>> No.7451475

That's actually my ex's. She tried to get me to read it. Never did, never gave it back

>> No.7451494


>> No.7451526
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My humble dorm collection. Can you guess my field of study?

>> No.7451541

PhD in Fedorology.

>> No.7451554

Hilarious and original xD

>> No.7451563

film art
what a fucking daaaaft textbook

>> No.7451640

Creative writing?

>> No.7451666

>Compsci master race
mah nigga

>> No.7451714

i never cracked it
>former weeb
my childhood is full of shame
and i put that shame in the top of my closet
My grandfather just handed it to me one day, so yes, given that it was free. If you ever end up in situations where you have to make rhymes, it's absolutely worthwhile to have it, but most people don't ever have to do that.

>> No.7451731


Are you Canadian m8?

I really like Rawi Hage but I never see anyone talk about him, even in Canada threads.

>> No.7451769

he's teaching a course at uoft next semester

>> No.7451787

got that lovecraft book as well, pretty good except for the paint left on your fingers.
also got those shelves, based IKEA.

>> No.7451865

>The Kekoo's egg

don't you disappoint me now, world filter!

>> No.7452009
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>> No.7452071
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What I have in my office. There another few hundred books in other rooms of the house.

>> No.7452221

I like you, a lot.

How do you like those 'landmark' books?

>> No.7452252


They're really good. The translations are a bit dry (more focusing on content than any real literary value), but the layout of the books with maps and sidenotes is really outstanding.

>> No.7452258

416 bro
taking it

>> No.7452264

I'm an American and I felt I should read it before making any political opinions.

>> No.7452624
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>> No.7452647
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I always get made fun when I post my shelf, so here are new pick-ups/books I got out of storage. Please stop the bullying ;_;

>> No.7452657
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>> No.7452672

I also just got The Handmaid's Tale, 2666, and Mishima's Sea of Fertility tetralogy

>> No.7453133


>> No.7453288
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Just arrived.

>> No.7453587


>Donald Kagan
>Not Thucydides

>> No.7453601

I already have and read Thucydides, champ.

>> No.7453613

Nice Gaddis and NYRB.

>> No.7453619
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>> No.7453755

Honest question as a new reader do you guys with a large collection also own a an e-reader or do you only read physical books?

>> No.7453764
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I find my kobo good for novels etc. but usless for cross referencing and jumping back and forth. I tend to only buy hardbacks of books I really like now, books I might read over, otherwise I just pirate everything.
I wouldn't bother trying to read one of my chess books on an reader for example.

>> No.7453782

I use my phone (it's big enough) for short stories.

>> No.7454015


We have somewhere around 700 or 800 books in the house. I mostly read physical books, but I do have a kindle, which is nice for traveling and for books I don't really want on a shelf (every now and then, for instance, I go on a cyberpunk or pulp sci-fi kick and read a bunch of those for a few days until it leaves my system), or don't feel deserve the price of a purchase.

I also found it was much more enjoyable to read Infinite Jest with hyperlinked endnotes than going back and forth in the physical copy (fuck you DFW and your publisher for not using footnotes), but that's kind of a one-off advantage.

>> No.7454057


well shit, I don't like your taste, but you have good taste, at least. You should read John Barth, Gass, and Barthelme

>> No.7454781

The non-pleb Hyperion is the one by Hölderlin, m8e

>> No.7454812

I was trying to compile yer mum last then I found out she was already packaged with my dick


>> No.7454819

is that a vintage print of Ulysses? I love their Nabokovs.

>> No.7454844

How is the Norton's Paradise Lost? I've heard the editors fucked the puntuación UP. Is that true?