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7451365 No.7451365 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get the impression that DFW would have been way less of a miserable cunt if he spent some time traveling the world, or ventured out into the wilderness occasionally?

>> No.7451374

>traveling and nature makes you a better person

that's right goyim, buy a plane ticket to a famous national park today!

>> No.7451380


> National Parks are the only way to enjoy nature

>> No.7451382

He should of worked a physical job, no pencil pusher can enjoy a cruise.

>> No.7451387

fail to see how being a white yuppie would have stopped him from being a white yuppie.

>> No.7451388


>> No.7451391

>chemical imbalance can be cured w/ travel
>the entire world is not a shithole
>the wilderness is even good for anything

>> No.7451392


that's close to /thread right there

>> No.7451393

This tbqh.

And if you're white and educated, you're pretty much already mentally deranged and in that constantly-complaining mindset.

>> No.7451400


you're thinking of jews, m8.

>> No.7451401
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i've done some travelling. while it's cool to get out of town, you're still just a turista staying for a few days or a week.

my long term goal is to live in different parts of the world for a year or so.

>> No.7451402

>Does anyone else get the impression that DFW would have been way less of a miserable cunt if he had become redpilled and abandoned the morass of post-irony for traditionalist catholicism?

>> No.7451405

He didnt have to be a sad cunt
he could have been a sick cunt if he wanted to be.

>> No.7451413

No. /pol/ebs are still mentally deranged and constantly complaining. Religion might have helped though.

>> No.7451417
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quality poster detected
stay winning you mad cunt

>> No.7451432

not sure it would, since his negativity would probably taint everything he did. still, the exact time and place he lived in was probably shit for him, i think.

depression isn't necessarily chemical imbalance. most cases are treated with the same effectiveness or better with CBT (cock and ball torture). but yeah, just traveling probably wouldn't cure him.

>> No.7451447


>> No.7451500
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>> No.7451811
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we are all fukken sick cunts m8

>> No.7451861


He tried, even the Catholics disliked him

>> No.7452877

What do you mean?

>> No.7452931
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>> No.7452942


Born to atheist parents, Wallace attempted to join the Catholic Church twice but "flunk[ed] the period of inquiry," and later attended a Mennonite church

Dude was a total dweebus and did not deserve the honor of wearing a Bandanna. Piss on all your copies of infinite jester.

>> No.7453334
