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/lit/ - Literature

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7450942 No.7450942 [Reply] [Original]

How many books have you people read in your life?

>> No.7450946


>> No.7450950

>you people

What's THAT supposed to mean?

>> No.7450952

500 or so

im a pleb

>> No.7450954
File: 132 KB, 1074x716, 1449829349644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, be serious. i know you haven't read 97654323478998356789044567890654345678900987654678909876789 books
You FINE people, I didn't imply you people are stupid or anything

>> No.7450960

I don't keep count. It's not a game with a score. I just read.

>> No.7450961

Yeah, you're right. I've now read 97654323478998356789044567890654345678900987654678909876790 books.

>> No.7450967

All of them.

>> No.7450968

In other words, you haven't read much. It's not like we're talking about how many girls you've fucked, it's just books.

>> No.7450973

Why do you think I'm lying? Is it because I'm so much more well-read than you will ever be? Are you insecure, little man?

Starting up my 97654323478998356789044567890654345678900987654678909876791st book now.

>> No.7450974

The holy bible and the national anthem

>> No.7450985

>not reading the constitution or the declaration of independence

get the fuck out you stupid muslim mexican SJW commie

>> No.7450988

i have 190 logged on goodreads
overall ive probably read like ~250 literary fiction books

kids books and nonfiction, who knows, i read a lot as a kid

>> No.7451022
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>Is it because I'm so much more well-read than you will ever be?

>> No.7451029

Already half-way through this book, man. You can't keep up. Why make these threads when all it does is shatter your fragile ego? Fuck off, learn to stop subvocalizing like a little bitch, and read the entire corpus of literature.

>> No.7451035

>Already half-way through this book, man.
Yeeah? What book you reading?

>> No.7451045



>> No.7451052


>> No.7451053

Doesn't know the difference between bait and shitposting.

>> No.7451054

I've read ~750 since the start of 2010, when I began keeping track (yeah, when /lit /was created).

Before that, it would have mostly been children's literature, YA, fantasy & sci-fi series, manga and the standard classics from class. I know I read more than this when younger. I would start on a shelf in the school library, and read through several rows of bookcases through my time there.

But for proper fiction that isn't comics or kid's books, I'd say I've read at least 1,000.

>> No.7451056

the cat in the hat

>> No.7451058

Nah, it was a joke. I was pretending to be one of those stupid american nationalists

>> No.7451062

Standard Pilot's Log. And... just finished.

>> No.7451538


Still reading.

>> No.7451572
File: 8 KB, 168x192, 1364656875046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet here you are, still trying to impress people on an anonymous image board
looks like reading hasn't helped you very much in life

>> No.7451629

I've never read a book in my life and I'm proud of it

>> No.7451636

black lives matter, or so they tell me

>> No.7451657

I didn't think I was trying to impress. The only thing I brag on is my reading level as a kid, but it's not like I have that same kind of vigor anymore.

I think a lot of good has come from my reading though, even if a lot of that "good" was in contributing to this board.

>> No.7451671

no, all lives matter. white people matter too. don't be reverse racist.

>> No.7451715

In other words, you're just an useless little virgin who wastes his life reading and not actually living. Typical /lit/browser.

>> No.7451723

I'm actually a married woman in graduate school with a kid on the way... Probably one of the more atypical browsers here.

Which doesn't mean I don't spend most of my time reading, anyway, despite other hobbies. But it's something I found that makes life enjoyable. I don't see why you'd want to dissuade people from reading on a /lit/erature board.

>> No.7451728

Typical female trying to get attention.

>> No.7451739

probably just some faggot roleplaying.

>> No.7451754
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If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all

>> No.7451758

Suck my dick, cunt. There. Nice. Now fuck off, cunt.

>> No.7451763

>I'm actually a married woman in graduate school with a kid on the way.

i like the way he doesn't really make clear whose kid is on the way exactly...it's like he knows he's kukked but as a severe beta he's just relieved to be married so his parents will stop thinking he's a fag which they always do ever since they found that felt tip pen with suspicious smelly residue on the end

>> No.7451775

I think you misread the part you quoted.

>> No.7451785
File: 130 KB, 821x482, 1449666763161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to make sex with young Blondie and also I read 500 books a month. My name is Tai Lopez ;)

>> No.7452107

I dunno like three lol

>> No.7452211

No one cares you worthless old hag.

>> No.7452225

70~ but I got into reading this year and I'm 21

>> No.7452226


I can just imagine someone blinded with so much rage that they misread her post.

>> No.7452239

I don't know. However many Tom Clancy has written. Also, I have read R.L. Stine, Haruki Marakumi and Stephen King books. Basically, I don't keep track but I'm very well-read.

>> No.7452242

Let's see, I've been alive for 21 years and 8 months

Giving me the 6 month period necessary to learn to read, I've consistently read at least 2 books a day

2 x 365 x 21 = 15330

I still haven't read Murakami though, fuck that

>> No.7452344

Around 2000, only around half are actually literature, the other half is a mix of kid/ya books and guilty pleasure reads.

>> No.7452365

Started this year as well (20), why'd you start reading.

>> No.7452448

If you kept count, you haven't read enough.

>> No.7452466

>it's just books.
Maybe to you who only reads reams and reams of dog-eared sword and sorcery paperbacks, but it's more important to read quality even if it's fewer books.

>> No.7452547

gotta be creeping up on 200 now.

>> No.7452593

only started seriously reading recently. about a 100 or so a year for a few years.

>> No.7453205

I've never read books like that to be honest. Started to read when I was five and I've read ever since. I've read around 2000 books but all I'm doing right now is re-reading books I read in the past. I was just curious how much you guys read since this is /lit/. Seems most people got into it pretty recently.

>> No.7453211
File: 268 KB, 499x499, 1441374913830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still haven't read Murakami though, fuck that

>> No.7453213

I don't know, 1000? I can barely remember what I ate two days ago, how accurate do you think these numbers are going to be?

>> No.7453216

Well, you probably know if you've read 5 or 50, 100 or 500. Like I said, I was just curious.

>> No.7453255


exactly 6

>> No.7453482


Not that guy but I've been reading all my life and stopped, maybe in my 3rd year of college. I'm in Medicine, I already read more for classes than all of you "for pleasure". It's like being a professional ball player, when you get home you don't want to play ball to relax, you get a different hobby, know what I'm saying?

>> No.7453486

Ah, so this is why all medical doctors are such plebs.

>> No.7453487

Maybe 15

>> No.7453489


You're entitled to your worthless opinion. Now, I'd like a shake with those fries.

>> No.7453497

I know what you mean. My sister is a nurse and she had to read a ton apparently.

>> No.7453503

Probably somewhere close to the 50 mark

>> No.7453513


Well, just extremely eyeballing it or however you say it in ENglish:
The course lasts 6 years (if you don't fail)
Each semester has 7 or more subjects (due to internships, or however you call them + optional classes + Dissertation in the last semester)
Each subject teacher thinks we exist just for it, meaning, every single class, we get a barrage of powerpoint slides (usually between 50-200) and is divided into 2h of theory, 2 hous practice, all with different powerpoints/study subject (and sometimes we have more hours, such as in Anatomy classes + extra classes/lectures/reading articles and presenting group works)
Every single class requires us to read articles/chapters of different huge books, besides the slides

Now, compare that to some History/Arts faggot.

>> No.7453694

How is it possible to keep count? Do you just not count the YA or genre fiction you read as a kid? Where's the cutoff?

>> No.7454087

Count only what you've read since you were 18. If you need advice. That's how I did mine.

>> No.7454105

What a scholar one might be if one knew well only some half a dozen books.

>> No.7454116

you missed two months bro, it is actually 15342 then.

>> No.7454298

About 140 according to goodreads

>> No.7454506

I'm very into music, film, series, and games. Naturally, the one medium I was missing was literature, and I want to be well versed in art, so disregarding books was a mistake... it's been hard though, I'd much rather watch a film than read 40 pages of a book, but then again I can't allow myself to die without having read the canon so...

Also yesterday I realized I've never read a comic/visual novel/manga either, so that's another medium to add.

What about you, pal

>> No.7454512

if this is all you can come up after having read "hundreds of books" i feel sorry for you

>> No.7454515

I'm supposed to know this? Like, all of the books I read when I was little as well?

>> No.7454544

And he forgot to account for leap-years.

>> No.7454551

How many books have I read? How many pots have you smoken? How many times have you gone to the bathroom in your life? Let me ask you that. You know what, you don't have an answer for that, do you? Who the fuck are you, man?

>> No.7454700

Probably roughly around 10.

>> No.7455057

I don't know. The large majority of books I read were in my school library as a kid back when I didn't need to force myself to read. Trying to get back into it now after a decade and a half of video games. I maybe own 40 books.