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7447623 No.7447623 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.7447629

orwell can go fuck himself. write whatever the fuck you want. besides, doesnt his list seem a bit newspeak to you?

>> No.7447634

Rule no. 6 should read "Break any of these rules sooner than writing something outright barbarous" or something like that. In the original essay anyway

>> No.7447638

>If it is possible to cut out a word, cut it out?

If possible to cut out word, cut.

>> No.7447645

>2. Never long when short will do.

>> No.7447651

They're "rules" for writing essays. Not prose.

nb4 it gets a ton of shit anyway

>> No.7447683

Orwell has no right to tell other writers how to write. He's got his thing, other people have theirs. If we all followed the advice of other people then we'd all sound the same, and that would remove the very point of writing.

>> No.7447765

Are you guys retarded? In that very same essay he says those are his own personal rules for writing

>> No.7447772

There are no rules for writers.

>> No.7447775



>> No.7447777

>taking writing advice from a certified hack
Everything he wrote is middle school tier.

>> No.7447785

True. And not just because of the quads.

That's still valid writing. Shitty, but valid.

>> No.7447810

What are his parameters? Correct grammar or conveying text enough for reader comprehension?

>> No.7447855


>Rule 1
I like minimalism, but minimalism isn't good for everything.

>Rule 2
I believe in the complete inverse of that as long as the "long" word isn't obscure or pretentious.

>Rule 3
Active voice is usually better than passive; it flows better imo.

>Rule 4
Depends on the subject matter.

>Rule 5
Originality is hard, but worth it.

>Rule 6
Harr harr

>> No.7447885

No, he's a hack.
I write all my essays in heavy prose.

>> No.7448068

Rule 6. genius.

>> No.7448084

Everyone in this fucking thread:
"Who the fuck does Orwell think he is? There are no rules of writing; I should know because I've written a 200,000 word unpublished self-insert Mary-Sue story filled with purple prose and misused technical terms to make me sound smart, and it's way better than any of the crap Orwell ever wrote."

>> No.7448094
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>all these purple prose babbies.

>> No.7448100

purple prose? no, i don't like nabokov.

>> No.7448106

What do YOU think purple prose is? You can write something which isn't purple prose without following these rules/guidelines.

>> No.7448120

Some people can, just not the people who go "These rules are stupid, ignore them."

>> No.7448121


too vague to be of any use, any writer will be cutting out words he doesn't think are necessary, but the criteria he uses changes from person to person and orwell doesn't give us much.


vague. do the connotations of 'extenuate' make it a better or worse candidate than something like 'temper'?


literal bullshit


'write for plebs'





>> No.7448143

The fact that you, an anonymous nobody on a random image board, is accusing someone who, accurately or not, is widely recognized to be one of the greatest writers of the 20th century of being a hack with no argument or evidence is proof that nothing you say should be taken seriously.

>> No.7448146

>taking anything on a Zimbabwean music box engraving image board seriously

>> No.7448149

>muh purple prose

>> No.7448177

basically this:

what people don't realize is that Orwell's rules and Strunk/White's Elements of Style were guidelines for actually creating your own style.

it's the verbose illiterates who all sound the same.

>but the criteria he uses changes from person to person and orwell doesn't give us much.
that's the point. you have a brain, right? you can think for yourself, can't you?
>vague. do the connotations of 'extenuate' make it a better or worse candidate than something like 'temper'?
Orwell would probably argue that those two aren't interchangeable. See below.
>literal bullshit
that's like the least contentious thing he said though.
>'write for plebs'
that's not what he said. Orwell was a prescriptivist, meaning he didn't want his precious English language decaying the same way Latin did. too bad that's exactly what's happening nowadays what with personal pronouns and everything getting an -ism.

>> No.7448192

Do you really want writing to sound like this?

>Sympathise with me, indeed! Ah, no! Cast your sympathy on the chill waves of troubled waters; fling it on the oases of futurity; dash it against the rock of gossip; or, better still, allow it to remain within the false and faithless bosom of buried scorn.

>Such were a few remarks of Irene as she paced the beach of limited freedom, alone and unprotected. Sympathy can wound the breast of trodden patience,—it hath no rival to insure the feelings we possess, save that of sorrow.

>> No.7448236

>muh here are some rules
>no.1 rule is break the rules
gee, thanks for institutionalizing anti-intitutionalism

>> No.7448237

Reminds me of the unrevised Montcrieff Proust. There's a reason why the most accepted version has been revised multiple times.

>> No.7448242

There's a difference between writing like this and intentionally simplifying your writing to not appear pretentious.

>> No.7448245
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>widely recognized to be one of the greatest writers of the 20th century
Pls anon write post another one I am dying

>> No.7448251


These are rules for political writing, not creative writing, you misleading shit.

>> No.7448252

he said "writers" not belletrists.

as far as cultural influence goes, Orwell's up there.

>> No.7448253

Are you honestly disputing that he's seen as a great writer? Not that he is, but that many people consider him such?

>> No.7448256


>> No.7448264

Is this what the state of humanities education has come to?
Refusal to write clearly because "Imma special snowflake?"

>> No.7448265

You may think I am memeing but you have literally typed r/books, the post

>> No.7448273

>saying advice is bad means you do the opposite 100% of the time

here's some bad advice for you anon: don't kill yourself

>> No.7448279

i dont really know where you get your opinions
i dont know how much orwell you've read
i dont know if you've read the essays
i dont know who else you read
i dont know how you write

basically i don't trust your opinion, but a lot of great writers have praise for orwell in his essays + homage to catalonia

you might be one of those people who read animal farm and was annoyed that so many people liked it because you read faulkner or delillo or pynchon or bellow and find their style so much better

and you'd be right, but orwell was never a great novellist, he was a great essayist and political writer

just because orwell is popular doesn't make you a magical dissenter for disliking him, in fact, you've shown us nothing but ridiculous, unwarranted and un-backed resentment

TLDR stop shitposting

>> No.7448282
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>homage to catalonia

>> No.7448287

>he thinks Orwell is a good political writer
I remember when I was 17

>> No.7448289

Refer to rule #6.

>> No.7448297

it's a good book. I enjoyed it. I don't know what you are implying but it doesn't respond to anything. and somehow you are still shitposting.
in the sense that his writing addresses politics and it's good writing. Politics and the English Language should be required reading in school. who did you have in mind that is so much better?

>> No.7448306

Is this post meant to be taken seriously?

>> No.7448311

poe's law, faggot. I have not indicated I am trolling, therefore I am not trolling. Yes, I am being serious. Fire back with whatever you have. and stop shitposting

>> No.7448322

You do realize he wrote a whole essay explaining his justifications for these rules?

>> No.7448349
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>i don't agree with it so it must be bad!

>> No.7448359

we all gotta grow up someday little buddy

>> No.7448361


You still read Orwell? Are you old enough to be on this website?

>> No.7448368

literally contribute or gtfo, you self-absorbed nothings.

>> No.7448369
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somehow you are it's a good book in the sense that is so much better still

>> No.7448372

>stop disagreeing with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Orwell a shit. don't like it don't reply. I can tell you're either from reddit or legit autistic because you can't ignore dissenting opinions.

>> No.7448373
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well, if you read more stuff you disagreed with, you'd probably be better at defending your opinions, instead of whatever this is.

>> No.7448376


I am >>7448311
and I am still waiting for that response on how Orwell is a terrible hack and doesn't deserve a second glance. In other words, explain your "dissenting opinion" because the only thing you've explained so far is that you hate Orwell and can't be bothered to say why. Whereas I think his essays are worthwhile and good. I'm starting to doubt whether you've read any Orwell at all, beside 1984, and that's why you refuse to discuss.

>> No.7448383
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here it is

>> No.7448398
File: 1.82 MB, 300x277, 1436140904972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this little underaged shit.

>> No.7448400

so you definitely have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to Orwell, which is fine, but you could have just mentioned that from the start and saved everyone some time. Is your entire life full of worthless opinions? will you also vote for Donald Trump?
>abandoning thread

>> No.7448410

go back to /mu/ underage

>if you don't engage me you're wrong
I'm still not convinced YOU'RE not the one trolling me and shitposting. either way I am too tired to try to educate you. you might look back on Orwell when you turn twenty and realize he is only mediocre, or you might worship him forever. either way for now I think you should add another tally to your list of internet arguments won, since it seems that is very important to you.

>> No.7448431

whatever mein neger. you're the one coming to Orwell posts on /lit/ and trashing him and then shitposting to hell when people call you on your bullshit. if you can't defend yourself then stop making substantive claims on literature and writers.

>> No.7448477

the list was meant for essay writing, but it works surprisingly well for poetry
1. is required
2. is mostly correct
3. is sometimes correct
4. is required
5. is required
6. is obviously true

>> No.7448772
File: 259 KB, 500x375, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disliking Orwell.

>> No.7450359

>i don't like nabokov

>> No.7450372


>> No.7450379

>9gag tier reaction image
>orwell fan
Wow that's interesting

>> No.7450397

He actually fell for that
I'm not that guy but that was some obvious bait my man

>> No.7450412

>He thinks prose has to be purple just because it's described well, and even if it is, it's a bad thing to describe it

>> No.7450423

Dude, there's great writers and there's great writers, and Orwell is in neither catagory. He's just famous, that doesn't make him great. Same as the Orsen Scott Card, I hear a ton of people crying that he's great but he's amature at best.

>> No.7450427

So you think Blood Meridian isn't written clearly? Be honest now. There's some superflous, flowery writing in that book, but all of it has a real meaning if you actually read it. It's just a case of you actually reading it. I'm not even close to as good as Cormic McCarthy, but I can understand the need for not using generic, bland sentences just because they're easier for kids to read

>> No.7450444

>Cut words you can
>use small words
>active voice
>write normal
>unique metaphors
>don't follow rules if outcome is stupid


>> No.7450468


>> No.7450500

trips of truth

>> No.7450556

>Rule no. 6 should read "Break any of these rules sooner than writing something outright barbarous" or something like that. In the original essay anyway
ur right, its barbarous, and its a joke i think