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7445595 No.7445595 [Reply] [Original]


What does /lit/ think of this? It feels like cultural appropriation to me.

>> No.7445601

It's exhausting trying to find someone who conforms to modern pc, when everybody you're looking at is at least 100 years old. People just need to fucking deal.

>> No.7445607

>It feels like cultural appropriation to me

>> No.7445612

We already discussed this several times. What's the point of bringing it up again? Check warosu if your intention is sincere.

>> No.7445639

>feels like cultural appropriation to me.


>> No.7445748

i dunno, i think it's reasonable. i mean even from a fantasy point of view, he just wasnt that good. i'm usually the type to rail against this kind of shit, but it's not fair to rule everything out as mincing whiny faggots bawling because of their hurt feewings. in this situation, we probably could have a better example for world fantasy. like me.

>> No.7446152

If they want to be pussies about a man's opinions, then fine, let them be. But they'd better not pick some random writer from the 21st century to be the next "prize image". If anything, it should be someone that's been dead for a while and has made a really big impact in fictional literature.

>> No.7446161


They're replacing him with Octavia Butler.

>> No.7446167

>Octavia Butler.
worth it, if just for the white male butthurt

>> No.7446178

topkek. I can already feel the rage building up

>> No.7446206

This exemplifies modern PC idiocy. Why do people suddenly care about his racism now? It's not like it's new knowledge.

>> No.7446216


I think last year or so, one of the winners was black and said she didn't like how HP Lovecraft was the award cuz of his racism.

>> No.7446227


What does this person expect? Lovecraft came from a time where racism was commonplace and not quite so frowned upon. Why do people want to censor and cover up the past?

>> No.7446230

I could see the change if he included his opinions on race into his writing but from the works I read I didn't see it.

the article is the whiniest thing I ever read though, "he had hideous opinions" yeah so being a racist in the 1800's was pretty much the norm, but he kept his opinions out his writings which is the reason he was on the award in the first place because of his writings not his opinions.

if the inventor of the light bulb was a racist would all these tumblrinas just use candles for the rest of their lives?

>> No.7446233

The fuck? Why not some relevant fantasy author?

>> No.7446238

>he was a good boy, he kept his racism out of his writing!

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
InJove'sfair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympianhost conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger

Lovecraft, On The Creation of Niggers

>> No.7446239


>> No.7446246

honestly, it makes me sad that there are people who think like that : (

>> No.7446247

It was a suggestion; it's not for definite.

>> No.7446251


We can thank the nazis for everything we know about what freezing does to the body. There are people who literally want to throw out all of the science on the subject because of this.

So, the answer to your question would be a resounding "yes".

>> No.7446252

I wouldn't mind Le Guin because she is actually relevant to sff.
But why an author of no impact? Especially compared to Lovecraft.

>> No.7446254

Nice false flag Meister Redpill

>> No.7446260

Because she's a woman. And black.

>> No.7446264

It's not some sjw plot to rewrite history you dolt. It's just black writers don't want a statue of someone who hated them in their home, so they'd prefer something else.

>> No.7446265

>Why do people want to censor and cover up the past?
the reason why PC has become so prevalent recently is because people don't want to be on the wrong side of history.
alot of pc people don't even give a shit about the things their against they just don't want to go down in history as a horrible person. being PC is mostly about ego and self image.
le current year man actually said those oppose that oppose Syrian refugees are going down on the wrong side of history

>> No.7446268

I consider myself to be well acquainted with sff and she is below at least 30 other authors in terms of influence and quite possibly quality.

>> No.7446272

What if racist authors are offended by blacks being represented?

>> No.7446275


>> No.7446276

>PC mostly about ego and self image
why is the concept of 'empathy' so difficult to grasp for you people. /pol/acks are so paranoid and narcisistic they can't even imagine being earnestly concerned for other people.

>> No.7446278

Then it sucks for them as the majority of contemporary society are anti-racist.

>> No.7446282


I assume that they don't have to accept the award or the statue if they really feel that strongly about it.

>> No.7446283

when I meant his writing I meant the cthulu mythos and his other publish work for magazines
not his 1 obscure 7 line poem about niggers

>> No.7446288

Or the organisers can simply change it someone else to suit everyone.

>> No.7446297

I know but think of their feelings man

>> No.7446301


Various members of my family don't like my girlfriend because she's black. Should I change my girlfriend to suit everyone at family functions?

>> No.7446305

If you want to.

>> No.7446329

Retroactively disowning everyone in history who doesn't live up to 2015 standards of political correctness seems like a tiresome endeavour to me personally to be quite upfront about it.

>> No.7446341

both octavia and le guin are bad choices as a replacement for lovecraft
they are virtually unheard of and don't have as a unique face as lovecraft who looks like a starved easter island head on that award

a better replacement would be someone like edgare allen poe whos is way more recognizable and influential while also being the precursor of lovecraft

you also got the other sci-fi writers like Vonnegut and Asimov that actually have stories that people know about.

>> No.7446378

It's a fantasy award of isn't it? Why don't they go for something simple like a dragon? Or JRR Tolkien?

>> No.7446810

Brown Nobodies Angry About Whites, Again

Chingchong McDingle reporting

A shocking turn of events today as some brown person on a college campus said that brown people should get more free money, and that white people should stop being so competent so that brown people can catch up. A number of brown people chimed in to agree. "Bix nood mup da doo didda muhfuggen bum tickley," said Gahanjit Mahajpur, whose ancestors were muck farmers in southern Vvardenfell. "Muh programs kill whitey bix nood. Your country will adapt to service us." Rachel Weinberg, junior associate assistant temp professor of AIDS Culture Studies at NYU, was even more damning, denouncing everything ever done by white people throughout history, except all the bits that benefit brown people. "Oy veyyy, how dare white people invent the novel and short story and narrative prose fiction, landmarks of self-expression in the history of human consciousness, and then dare to read and write whatever they like! Don't they know they only invented those things so brown people could use them?" The dean of the university was unavailable for comment, having been lynched and hanged by a diverse mob for dithering momentarily on which politically correct jargon was appropriate to the situation.


>> No.7446814

>Le Guin
>unheard of
Maybe in your hick shantytown in the middle of a desert.

>> No.7446815

What have white males ever done to you, anon?

>> No.7446819

>muck farmers in souther Vvardenfell
my fucking sides

>> No.7446826

Because extreme political correctness can't just be empathy. For example, empathy with people who fled a war-torn country is fine and understandable, but shacking up a village of 600 inhabitants with a refugee centre that houses hundreds of young males? While the past has shown that those kind of situations only lead to violence? Where is the empathy with Europeans?

>> No.7446829

You're right, but Lovecraft was quite vocal.
He even hilariously named his dog Nigger.

>> No.7446833

>wah wah won't somebody think of the white people! ;_;
>Le Guin
>virtually unheard of

>> No.7446834

If it was the World Horror Fantasy Awards I would be mad, maybe. What, did Tolkien have a boring mug?

>> No.7446836

>wah wah won't somebody think of the white people! ;_;
Why the sudden butthurt, mate? Let me ask again. What have white males ever done to you?

>> No.7446839

It's just a joke man.

>> No.7446842

And it's funny seeing people getting riled up over trivial shit that doesn't matter, whether they're white males or black females or whatever.

>> No.7446844

Top laugh m8
No hard feelings.

>> No.7446845

You fucking kek.

>> No.7446846

I don't really get the joke in this post.

>> No.7446848

That's not me.

>> No.7446852

I know, the post is marked with a new IP.

>> No.7446855

How did you figure that out? Was it because the IP count changed or is there a way to figure out IPs of posts?

>> No.7446860

4chan X designates a new post with an IP count number whenever a new post is made in a thread and the IP counter is raised. That particular anon is poster #20 in this thread.

>> No.7446863

>like author because he's nervous and paranoid about everything
>get offended when he happens to be nervous and paranoid about people of other races

>> No.7446871

Oh, OK. I never got used to the 4chan X interface so I don't really know its properties.

>> No.7446872

>and don't have as a unique face as lovecraft who looks like a starved easter island head on that award


>> No.7446891

I think it validates the camps who sympathize with the great "dead white men" in English composition, more than anything, for literary communities to engage in this sort of hysteric iconoclasm. By attacking figures like Lovecraft or Conrad on the basis of their cultural insensitivity alone, the intellectuals of identity politics basically concede that they were indeed superior prose stylists, and cannot realistically be contested of their professional primacy on the grounds of artistic merit alone -thus necessitating recourse to inane moral appeals if the neo-Marxists wish to push literature's real fathers out of the limelight in favor of their arcane and inconsequential token figures, whose sole elevating grace tends to be merely a higher quotient of intersectional oppression points than the canonically accepted masters. In essence, by forcing Lovecraft and the men like him out of media and curricula, on the lofty pretense of inclusitivity and progressivism, they inadvertently admit the aesthetic and cultural eminence of the occidental literary tradition.

>> No.7446902
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