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744546 No.744546 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read? I doubt it because most of you seem illiterate but if not have you read anything similar or have any good reccomendations?

>> No.744554

No, sorry. I don't know how to read or write.

>> No.744560

I've been reading Tom Clancy's non-fiction books.

Namely, ARMORED CAV, a book about mechanized tank warfare in the modern era, and MARINE, a book about how the United States Marine Corps operate.

They're good reads, I suggest you try them.

>> No.744563

expected, However thanks for the imput

>> No.744567

I toured Churchill's bunker. I didn't read any books about it though.

>> No.744571


Yea I've read some of TC stuff (rainbow six, red october, few others) its not bad but I'm looking for stuff more grounded in fact and historical realm

>> No.744575


His non-fiction books are quite serious, technical documentaries on the workings of Modern warfare, replete with information from people in the service themselves.

>> No.744586


I had an internship there, it was pretty swell. I assume you checked out the museum part too and not just the audio guide of the wa rrooms? The interactive trans-atlantic board is also pretty nice. I'm actually kinda curious if any of the minor stuff I helped reseach for them shows up in the book

>> No.744607

William L. Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Phenomenal work.

>> No.744613


yea read it and it is. Have you read Berlin Diary by him?

>> No.744623

I have, in fact. Certainly he has a bias, but it was very interesting.

>> No.744625


yea without a doubt but it's more of a primary document than an analytical study so naturally it's going to have a bias.