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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 257 KB, 1000x1415, search this senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7445109 No.7445109 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /lit/, for the last 4 years I collected greentexts obsessively like an autist child, and now I compiled a book out of the best of them.
If you want to get it, go do it free.

Pic related.

>> No.7445115

Greentext stories are the second worst aspect of 4chan after memes.

>> No.7445124
File: 217 KB, 347x344, 1446155958922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hates nearly everything about the place

>> No.7445125

Greentext stories are literally best.

>> No.7445128

you're selling this shit? fuck off

>> No.7445133
File: 9 KB, 340x130, Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 11.02.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7445148

I wonder how many people are still in the process of doing for a tentative buck this since the idea was floated around

>> No.7446719

Waiting for reviews on goodreads

>> No.7446733

Im a masochist.
and man its a good time to be alive.

>> No.7446738


>> No.7446753

Make a physical copy you slag

>> No.7446754

This was already made.

>> No.7446755

can someone upload the file somewhere not Amazon?

>> No.7446758

This desu senpai.

>> No.7446768
File: 2.68 MB, 2448x3264, 117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get it done

>> No.7446778

You're late to the party, pal.

Mines been up for close to a year.

And yes you are an autist of the worst sort

>> No.7446841

are you the legendary ann hiro? could you sign my post please, it's for my nephew

>> No.7446867

Why even write an introduction when your prose is so shit?

>> No.7446873

>the text in the book isn't green
One job.

>> No.7446910

This could have been the argument for greentexts as a unique form of their own with some value.
Then you start on the shit related ones. fug

>> No.7447159

>tfw you take and write notes in greentext

It's just such an efficient way to shorthand.
I imagine op collected shitty stories though.

>> No.7447167

>be me

You have literally already fucked up. You can tell someone is straight from reddit when they start a greentext story like this.

Now fuck off back to reddit.

>> No.7447171

Greentext does have its own (relatively) consistent rules and forms. It would be interesting to see an academic examination of it.
One thing I always marvel at is the greentext form wherein an entire story is told through negation, IE something like:
>you will never go to the store
>you will never run into Jack Bauer in the cereal aisle
>he will never [etc, etc]

>> No.7447174

>Aapo Nikkanen is a Paris based artist and an author who spends way too much time online.


You sure make no effort to actually create anything of value now do you?

>> No.7447182

some /fit/ autist wrote his thesis on fit. It included a section on greentexting

>> No.7447191 [DELETED] 

P.P. Poopi

>> No.7447418
File: 11 KB, 316x316, Jaws_james_bond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, nothing wrong with shit related stories, I think they are important part of greentexts. I honestly see greentexts as an authentic internet formed literary form, you can make a poem dealing shit too you know.

Probably hard to believe, but this thing took me 4 years to make. It included reading thousands of very shitty greentexts just to find one that was good and an elevator company that helped me out.

Fuck reddit, if someone should pay for this, it's them, which leads to my next point:


Here: http://tempsend.com/A2A1482DC6

>> No.7447486

Someone should write a book about the laws of greentext.

>> No.7447768

Thanks mr. chinese guy

>> No.7447905

this is good. thank you. nice cover as well

>> No.7447973

v a p o r w a v e

>> No.7448128

Probably just an essay at best. but, since 4chin is trendy they could probably publish it and present it within a sociological academic setting.

>> No.7448718

double listing in the list of abbreviations

>> No.7448766

You should print it in Lulu a la Legacy of Totalitarianism under Anonymous, which basically makes it out to be just over printing price.

>> No.7448820

OP here, where is that?

>> No.7448992

pt as personal/physical trainer is there twice, so is tfw.

>> No.7449003

It's a call back to the oldest forms. You know what else only someone straight from reddit would use? Latin. CONTEXT.

>> No.7449079


>You can tell someone is straight from reddit when they start a greentext story like this.

This is how it was done years ago at the very beginning. You're just aping old patterns and pretending like all of this haet machine shit is still relevant and worth saving.

The party is over. You missed it, you newkid.

>> No.7449093

I can't believe that I downloaded this shit.

And will read it.

>> No.7449139

this is of genuine interest to me, I've read some genuinely spectacular greentexts over the years, the ones shared only as screencaps can be hard to find, did you OCR/transcribe some capped stories or did you only save ones readily available as text? either way I'd pay for a copy of this, especially if you were to include another section not for stories but just really out of place sincere/blogposty/expositional responses, some of those can b cool too but if you want to keep it pure I feel you.

there was this long as fuck one on mu in '10/'11 that was about this guys keked up relationship with a love interest over the years and busking nmh songs, never found it again, if anyone knows what im talking about sauce would b appreciated

>> No.7449140
File: 4 KB, 112x157, 1546053_10153322904274543_7839421752123908912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw when you realize you cannot not like it.

>> No.7449150

99% are screencaps because that's how they circulate and that's how I save them myself also. Yes, there was shitloads of printing and transcribing involved (actually the biggest archive I have is in paper prints if you can believe it). I prefer to keep at least this edition pure.

I vaguely remember the one you are talking about (or similar), I can check after christmas if I have it in the prints (they are now in the storage) or in my old computer. That's not in the book though.

>> No.7449184

I enjoyed reading the first few pages, nice job! I'll get back to it later

>> No.7449208

Why yes I am, and autographs cost extra

>> No.7449292

>all rights reserved

>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

>> No.7449305

>be me
>pissed off at this blatant ripoff
>by some scandinavian dude nonetheless
>download epub
>it's got the foodbro/chillbro greentext
>aw yeah

>> No.7449437

Miksi, oi Aapo. M i k s i.

>> No.7450728


thanks anon, will read

>> No.7450769
File: 427 KB, 514x662, 1447877923325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, pdf that shit or gtfo

>> No.7451068
File: 30 KB, 500x395, 1Th10SlP6cI12og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone still thinks pdf is a good format for reading

>> No.7451097

>no one posting reviews
>no one posting excerpts

>> No.7451110

Epub even, ty

>> No.7451132

Greentext stories are literally the only 4chan meme I still like. When they are good, that is.

bless you anon

>> No.7451146

PDF : http://tempsend.com/DD2E467118

For those who just want to skim in their computer

>> No.7451160

It's the original format, and it is still in frequent use at /b/ and basically all of 4chan. When did you invent all this bullshit about Reddit habits.

>> No.7451188

Nigger if you need a cover could design something. If you want professional help ask to /gd/.

Also greentext and text is not green.

>> No.7451202

Not being ungrateful or anything but you could've put some margins on the pdf.

>> No.7451290

I just shoved it into a converter, I understand you though, sorry mate.

>> No.7451317

thanks mate

>> No.7451326

thanks op.
greentext is an evolution of the poem form.

>> No.7451364

You belong right here on /lit/.

>> No.7451384

>tfw your story isn't in it

>> No.7451821

Train Man

>> No.7452209

can anyone upload the epub to zippyshare or something?
for whatever reason, it won't dl from amazon

>> No.7452232

Excellent choice of final greentext

>> No.7452857
File: 41 KB, 480x361, t0dsc1iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've guessed it, OP is Finnish memester.

>> No.7452872

this to be honest family

>> No.7453062
File: 137 KB, 1179x438, thispostisart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Yes would be nice, but working with a publishing house would have meant that I would have lost most of the power over the book. For example the price of the digi. Now I can just do what ever the fuck I want with it and then next year see about the physical copy. Don't have to worry about the publishing house removing links if I want to give it to 4chan for free for example. Although to be honest, for me it makes perfect sense that the book is digital. I think it it's a perfect smartphone book.

Here you go, I'm using tempseed so I can see how many people dl it.

Out of all the great greentexts, that remains to be my favourite.

pic related.

>> No.7453273

>I'm using tempseed so I can see how many people dl it.

Can you let us know the numbers?

>> No.7453514

Token not found or someshit, how do I fix this?

>> No.7453697

FUCK YOU. I've been doing the same thing for the same amount of time. FUCK.

this sucks man. fucking hivemind. At least i took the effort to change any grammar mistakes, removing 'secret club' jokes and such

>> No.7453923

Link doesn't work

>> No.7453951

>changing the origin
Sure is a tragedy to know a worse verision of the book became irrelevant.

>> No.7454062



>> No.7454129

>hing for the same amount of time. FUCK.
>this sucks man. fucking hivemind. At least i took the effort to change any grammar mistakes, removing
just do a better job and release yours too.

>> No.7454140
File: 51 KB, 419x208, 1441934659006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7454657
File: 117 KB, 1208x594, cap parent tech fantasty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally, i like the funny ones

>> No.7454667

LOL is that a Vonnegut imitation at the top?

>> No.7455981

rehost requested

>> No.7456044

This is fucking awesome man! Would really like to possibly see something like this for tales from /tg/ or general gametales.

>> No.7456770


>> No.7457189

anons need to share this, fuck your tempsend

>> No.7457306

This. I need a comfy sunday. Please.

>> No.7457386


>> No.7457441

fucking thank you OP

this is brilliant

>> No.7457446

Lol. I guess you didn't read the book, op did a good job including with the editing. I think of myself as a greentext encyclopedia and there were ones I didnt even know about. Thanks op.

>> No.7457458

thank you op im sure this will be fun

>> No.7457498

>I would like to acknowledge Kone Foundation that helped to create this book.

Did you get a grant for this shit?

>> No.7457506

not mobile friendly. rehost pls.

>> No.7457525

(not OP)
I reuploaded the files to a mobile friendly host. Just the stuff posted here yesterday with no changes, no margins on the PDF I think.



>> No.7457528

You can put it on lulu or something, people can pay the minimum price of printing the thing.

>> No.7457686



>> No.7457772

Important question. Begs the question, why would a grant be given for a bag of shitposts?

>> No.7457802

OP here with some answers.

Hard to say the exact number, because at the moment most of the downloads are coming through here, but I'd say around 1000 free downloads so far.
With paid downloads I have an accurate number: it is 3, which means I can buy 3 packs of noodles sometime in February.

Yes, I have no need to hide this information. It wasn't solely for the book though. I got a grant Finnish elevator company that gives money to very strange art / literature / sociologist etc. projects (scandinavia wtf rite). Needless to say the book would never had been the quality it is if I hadn't had time to work on it full time for few months.

>inb4 how much?
I will give you the numbers: basically they gave me a grant to cover my basic living expenses for 4 months, around 1700-1800 USD / month (after tax / social security / etc payments). It might seem like much, but I'm living in Paris which is expensive. In my day job (3/4 time) I make average 1300 USD / month, which really is not enough, so I spread most of the grant money to balance some of the rest of the year + bought a computer. So, people who think I got somehow rich out of this can refer to this. Of course I'm very happy about the grant, it was great: I got a brand new computer and to work 2 months focused only on the thing that I loved, so I'm very happy about it. I mean, who wouldn't be happy in that situation?

>inb4 I could have done it
Yes completely true, but don't be fooled that this somehow happened overnight. The whole process took 4 years from which especially in the last 6 months took a very big amount of time and effort.

artfag here, so if anything is printed I want to have it done right. I don't think quality is so great in POD. But you can always print the ebook / pdf if you prefer to read from paper. Would be a dream to publish a physical book one day though, whether it would be this or another one.

>> No.7457848

>Needless to say the book would never had been the quality it is if I hadn't had time to work on it full time for few months.

what work other than collecting stories did you have to do? Isn't it just time-consuming?

>> No.7457856

do you also think that
>mfw I have no face
is from reddit too
>pic related mfw
>mfw when i have no face

>> No.7457861

Interesting. Fellow aspiring artfag here and I should look into what grants are available around me. Would be nice to make a living pursuing some more creative endeavours instead of continuously flipping burgers until I deteriorate.

>> No.7457897

OP here.

Yes, very time consuming, collecting and selecting.
The biggest challenge was selecting the stories and their order. What I used as a tool was that I made a story card for each story (like they used to do in cinema when it was still film). Then I just started putting them in order (I mean at this point I had read all the stories in the final selection of 200-300 so many times I knew them by heart). Sounded like a simple plan, but actually was very nerve-racking.

Yes you should try, grants will not be a magic solution to quit your day job (I'm in one right now too), but they can really help a lot. Otherwise 1/2 - 2/3 time jobs are great since you can still work on your own stuff.

>> No.7457903

...also transcribing and editing, forgot to mention those.

>> No.7457922

what is there to transcribe and edit if you collect stories?

>> No.7457924

>1.4 megabytes

Welp, here goes nothing, I'll let ya know if i get a virus m8s ;)

>> No.7458070

Neat, I'm pretty jealous and might have to look into grants for a similar project at some point. 4chan is fascinating in a sociological-type way, and the whole "getting paid to hang out on image boards" angle is appealing even if that's an oversimplification or misrepresentation of your work.

>> No.7458074

It has images in it, for what it's worth. Shouldn't have a virus, but I didnt create the pdf so I woun't vouch.

>> No.7458075

OP, you could post a Dogecoin (or Bitcoin) address for some donations

>> No.7458084

>current year
>being this computer illiterate

>> No.7458119

Wonder how much study of 4chan could be done. I feel a book composed of greentexts captures most-of.

>> No.7458421
File: 27 KB, 520x506, 182_spagetti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

Well generally greentexts circulate as screenshots, and that's also how I save them. Editing is mostly typos or improving the language, but there were also stories that were good, but had some problems in them (for example they were illogical). In those cases I would edit them more. All in all greentexting is so compressed language, that changing even one word can make a big difference, so it's easy to get stuck reviewing things over and over.

Most certainly, thank you for the noodles.

pic related, not the most classic, but my favourite spaghetti story.

>> No.7458543

It's not free unless you have kindle unlimited or wanna buy the kindle version for .99¢,nigger.

>> No.7458633

>reads zero replies in the thread
>smells like cunt
Must be a cunt.

>> No.7458673

It's alright. The selections were kind of basic /b/ stuff, which is okay but in future collections like this I'd like to see /lit/ better-represented

>> No.7458877

yeah, this.

why skewed so heavily to /b/ and /fit/, OP?

>> No.7458879

Read it til the end and there are a couple of good ones. If you've been lurking for 2 years you're probably familiar wih atleast 80% of the good stuff. Enjoyed it none the less, but to be honest I was hoping for more.

Could you tell us more about the selection process? Sometimes I felt there was some theme tying it together but it kind of faded in and out. How many texts didn't make it into the final version.?Also, get rid of the typos. Unless they were in the original, then I guess they are fine. Appreciate the effort though.

>> No.7458900

>be me
>be good boy
>sent sum satoshis to big greentext collector

>> No.7458937

Posting 3 good short ones1/3

>been wanting to die for some time now
>feels come every night
>when not wanting to die, take preventative measures to keep myself feeling comfortable with suicide
>other day I literally bought a dildo and hid it in my room
>can’t knowingly kill myself when it is possible that my family will find it after I’ve died
>so far it’s working
>I add more items when the urge arises

>> No.7458968

Nah, just gonna be two. 2/2

>be last night
>crying in my car in front of McDonald’s near my house, eating french fries and listening my sad playlist
>black guy comes, taps on my window and just gives me a life changing advice
>”It’s going to be ok lil nigga you can do it.”

>> No.7459121

OP here.

I was trying to think of the selection from the point of view of someone who had never seen a greentext, as if the book would exists without any context. This was the selection and order I came up with, and of course in the end it's subjective. But at the same time it's not just a collection of most circulated greentexts, although they do make the body of it. It's also not a pure collection, I took liberties while making it (see the end of this post).

>selection process
The most important thing for me was, and still is, in regards to any story, is to have a story I want to believe in. Whether the story is actually true or not is insignificant. For this reason there are no spaghettis in the book for instance.
As for the book, there is a logic in how the book is composed: it starts of light, and when you finish the it-stories you'll (hopefully) be hooked, then it builds up until it hits the feels part. Hopefully the last story leaves you in peace with the absurdity of the world.
Please let me know, will fix.

This is a good example of editing and of the idea that greentexting can be considered as its own literal form. It was originally just a normal 4chan post from which I made a greentext and the story became imo better than the original.

thank you anon.

>> No.7459208

OP I've been saving threads since maybe 2009. Just in case I wanted to read them again. Think you'd be interested? I'd have to go through my hard drives but I'm pretty sure I have a few hundred scattered about. Some will have greentexts and others might not though, I'd have to check each one. I also save a lot of screencapped ones.

I thought of doing that when I'd come across good threads and didn't know about archives or thought I'd never be able to read them again, was previously using the program to help me with school work. I'm not gonna lie, I've also thought of starting a book or blog with tons of greentexts available, like daily or something.

>> No.7459230

As someone who's pretty well-acquainted with greentext by now, I was hoping for a greater diversity. Your collection, for better or worse, sort of felt like it could have taken place in one thread on /b/, but if you're interested in working on another, it might be good to go heavier on /lit/, /int/, etc. It's a good first volume

>> No.7459251

I'm this guy>>7459208
I'm about to start reading it but the threads I've saved are pretty much from the rest of the boards, I can't remember the last time I've been on /b/. My favorites are job, self defense, parents, family, and spooky/scary encounters, not skinwalkers though. I like /x/ but you can only read so many skinwalker greentexts before it all reads the same.

>> No.7459406

I haven't been on /b/ in awhile. Really greentext can only be personal or indirect, so probably a good volume would be about half first-person, half third-person, and in my opinion another collection should trend towards /lit/, because in fairness this is the only board that is actually interested in the putting together of words

>> No.7459606


OP the way you organized it was genius, i dont mean that as a figure of speech

one of the best literary experiences i've had. so good to read.

do another one that includes "Paradife Loft" and that "Seriously fuck Paris" one please

and give us a physical copy

>> No.7459615

>4 dollars
>not in paperback
Go fuck yourself

>> No.7459629


>> No.7459647

most of these are /b/? you actually read /b/ op? i am dissapoint

>> No.7459707

I would love a print version of this so I can show it to my future children while they are learning about 4chan in their history classes.

>> No.7459713

I would love a print version of this so I could show it to my future children while they're learning about 4chan in their history classes.

>> No.7460028

I don't really think there's much merit in this but that last one is oddly poignant.

>> No.7460287

So is this New Sincerity

>> No.7460727

Just finished, pretty good book.
Newfag here so I haven't seen most of those.
Laughs were had, tears were shed at the end.

>> No.7461444

OP, if you were to make another collection of these, would you consider devoting one to the obviously fictional ones like Paradife Loft or spaghetti stories? Or is the ostensible truth of these stories an essential part of your interest?

>> No.7461645


Honestly OP, i feel kinda fucked up. i've been working on my version for some years now and now it just seems i've wasted my time. I got 200 pages of greentexts with an average of 2 stories per page, all nullified now. I had set my hopes on publishing it and using the money (if there were to be any) to pursue my dreams of becoming a luthier.

oh well, c'est la vie.

Guess i'll just keep collecting stories until your version has been somewhat forgotten.

>> No.7461680

Yes, actually I've been thinking about this to send as kind of an extension zine that is much shorter! I love them too.

So far my royalties of this book are about 7 dollars, so I'm not quitting my day job quite yet...if I ever make some real money (with this or with something else), I promise to find a way to give something back to 4chan though.

>> No.7461690

Im fairly sure at least the last one was true

>> No.7461706

this kind of book won't make you rich

go on collecting and release another one next year, maybe you will even earn $10 to follow your dreams

>> No.7461752

200 pages at 2 stories per page is 4x more than this one. Just go through and remove all the duplicates then publish
>be me again

>> No.7461888

I would love to send something like this to my Grandmother for Christmas, but I'm worried it might be slightly too lewd.

>> No.7461903

nah, that's fine, grand parents are cooler than parents, they ve seen some shit

>> No.7461908
File: 120 KB, 817x499, Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 19.54.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suppose i could try that. I was already kind of done with it, but i couldn't find time to learn Indesign to make the background and text colour the same as 4chan, so i just kept on going.

I assume it wouldn't, but there definitely is a possibility, not necessarily rich but any income would do . i think timing is essential. besides, have you seen how many shitty books are sold that refer to 'nerd culture', anonymous, hacktivists or some shit like that.

>> No.7462363

yeah, there are many books, but do they sell well, too? I don't think so.

>> No.7462804

>and it's the birthplace for instance of Anonymous and internet memes

wow, totally not attracting even more 12 y.o. normalfags