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/lit/ - Literature

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7444406 No.7444406 [Reply] [Original]

>what you're currently reading and how you like it

>> No.7444409


>> No.7444411

>Eugene Onegin

>> No.7444412

18 for another 2 days and odd some hours
>Washington state
hypersphere, and it is hilarious

>> No.7444421

Krillin wrekt that shit tho

>> No.7444464

>comfederacy of dunces
It's kinda cool, pretty funny

>> No.7444491

>some fantasy shit called warbreaker because it was free and my mom said i would like it and i love my mom so i want to make her happy

>> No.7444498

>Art of War
>Ciaphas Cain
>Ego and His Own

Art and Ego go on about validating and justifying actions in the or not in the name of god and country for too long, even if they are against it. Ciaphas Cain is fun, but its trashy 40k scifi, its not like I'm getting any benefit out of it.

I miss when reading books of peoples opinions was radical and inspiring. Now I'd prefer to read about it in a collection of papers or a text book. The 1800s must have been a drag.

>> No.7444546

>Anna Karenina. I read it in middle school and loved it. I picked up a new copy and it's still as good as I remember.

>> No.7444620


Victoria, BC, Canada

>what you're currently reading and how you like it
White Noise

It's made me see every day modern life as a mythological wonderland

>> No.7444781

>The Man in the High Castle
>Man and his Symbols

>> No.7444788

هل أنت يهودي تعلم العربية في إسرائيل الذي لا يمكنك أن يبحث عن شريك حوار؟

>> No.7444798

It's alright

>> No.7444812

>Mason & Dixon. Comfy as shit, though a bit hard to follow.

>> No.7444821

>3rd world Yurop
>Pamuk's The New Life

It's yet to go bonkers. Waiting for it to get bonkers.

>> No.7444825


>> No.7444829

>Flagstaff, AZ
>Gravity's Rainbow
I'm 400 pages in and its pretty good. I've given up on trying to understand it though.

>> No.7444830

>White Noise, dissapointed, not all that great. find it funny how much franzen 'stole' from delillo in the name of inspiration.

>> No.7444838

Just finished The sailor who fell from grace with the sea. Charming and I enjoyed the prose but ultimately didn't agree with it's philosophy. It did a really good job at describing what Mishima's thoughts on glory and masculinity are.

>> No.7444851

>Anne Frank's Diary, fucking outta control aye

>> No.7444854
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let me know how it ends

>> No.7444862

juggalo HQ
nothing lol

>> No.7444899

>Maharadia Lawana, Labaw Donggon, Siblaw Taraw, and a bunch of other Philippine texts

>> No.7444904

chromos by felipe alfau, it's okay, it has the same problem that the manuscript found in saragossa has of breaking the fluidity of a story by framing it within another story, really i'm just waiting until i get my copy of V.

>> No.7444926

>Moby Dick

Almost finished it, really good book.

>> No.7444953

Sadly, I didn't take middle school Arabic lessons seriously, and google translate gives an autistic translation.
I guess you could say I'm a Jew, but I don't consider myself as one and I hate nationalism of any kind. And as I said above my Arabic pretty much sums up to "kus emek" and "allahu akbar".

>> No.7444960

Oh, OK. There was an Israeli here a few weeks ago who said he was studying Arabic but didn't know any Arabs to converse with and solidify his language. Interesting that there are actually at least a couple here. :)

>> No.7444962

Do you stand with Palestine Mr. stein?

>> No.7444971

>Toronto (metropolitan Canada lel)
>The Corner by Ed Burns and David Simon
Very... Dickensian. Interesting plot with interesting social commentary.

>> No.7444977

Victoria has to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. What's it like living there?

>> No.7444981

Vancouver, BC
Finishing up the Great Gatsby, I get why it's considered a great American classic, very well written.

>> No.7444984

23, germany, 'the principle of hope' by ernst bloch. its good, but incredibly dense and his writing style is hard to get used to. im beginning to think ot was a bad place to start reading philosophy, but i have a class on it, so

>> No.7445037

>Gravity Rainbow.

I know but I was really curious about it. It's a bit foggy sometimes and it has a lot of sex in it, feels weird even compared to V. and TCoL49.

>> No.7445039


>The Idiot

Not sure what to make of it at the moment.

>> No.7445045

sup fellow BC bros ITT

my struggle by karl ove knaausgard. only 50 or so pages in, enjoying it. it's really well balanced between fact and emotion. also he does well describing abstract concepts.

>> No.7445048

Well, I tend more to accuse Israel in the current days, but I think the situation here is too complicated and fucked up for me to see it in black and white, and each side as inherently right or worng. As I said, nationalism, and also religion, and any other empty categorizations that divide humans are meaningless to me. I don't favor Jews or Palestinians, I don't feel connected to any of them and I don't think any people has a so-called right over a damned ancient land. I despise any sort of violence, and I don't care for the excuses, I have no hope whatsoever that things will ever turn good here, and I'll try to be as far away from here when they'll blow up once and for all.
The way Palestinians live is absurd, and the right-wing government here thinks that it can last forever with no consequences, and "boo the world is antisemitic and the IDF is the most moral army there is!" and yeah, arab terrorist aren't better of course. You can avoide frustrated individuals if you improve their life conditions but when you got fanatic groups like Hamas...
People here are so brainwashed and I honestly believe that they enjoy seeing their children being mutilated and dying for pointless wars and sigh over their graves "huh everybody hates the jews and we gotta fight forever, amen". Whenever there's a military operation in Gaza or an Intifada they all treat it like a fucking national holiday, with that disgusting illusion of brotherhood and unity, and when people protest "give peace a chance" or something, they are "stinky lefty homo communist bastards".
If the leaders of both sides had any intention to change things they would seat and negotiate, no matter how much time it would take, putting their pride aside, with no pre-terms or whatever. But they all babble lies and it's just a show, and no one is really interested in peace, so more dead people! Yitzhak Rabbin might have helped us, but sadly some crazy right-winger jewfag shot him.

Sorry for the long post, just had to take that off.

>> No.7445093

Thanks for the input I was generally interested on your views.
I tend to agree with your stance based on what I do know.
Might I ask if you're a native of Israel?
As in did you move there or did you grow up in Israel?

>> No.7445101


Tzu my nigga

>> No.7445104


>> No.7445118

Yeah, I was born in Israel and grew up here. So did my parents. My grandparents from my father's side moved here from Romania during WWII I think (never met them and my dad didn't tell me much), and my mom's parents came here from Iraq, even earlier when they were teens, with their families.

>> No.7445130

>The Road

Almost finished with it. It's alright but I wish the conversations were a little more in depth. I know it's just a guy and a kid talking but come on.

>> No.7445137

>Under the North Star

Just started the second book of the trilogy, I thought the first one to be better than I expected.

>> No.7445252 [DELETED] 

> The Crying lot of 49

Nearly finished.

It's really great.

>> No.7445270
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>Orientalism by E.W. Said

>> No.7445286

>Oslo, Norway
>My Struggle Part 2
>Blood Meridian

>> No.7445325

>long Island
>Halo novels, actually not terrible

>> No.7445363

San Diego
Foundation Issac Asimov

>> No.7445368

Finnegans Wake
I'm having trouble getting in the right mindset to let myself read it smoothly but ALSO actually process it into long-term memory

>> No.7445372

I can't believe I wrote my gender instead of location plz don't make fun of me
I'm from Maine and only half-awake

>> No.7445378


>> No.7445390

>At the Mountains of Madness

Always dig Lovecraft

>> No.7445393

>Starship Troopers

it's rad as hell

>> No.7445416

How are Middle-Eastern Jews treated by Ashkenazi, or European Jews?

>> No.7445428

>The Histories by Herodotus

Actually really entertaining and interesting.

>> No.7445461

>down and out re-read (pretty good)
>tropic of cancer (pretty good)
>hero with a thousand mem-- faces (good)

>> No.7445470

>Netherlands (near Amersfoort)
>Cook, Ancient Religions, Modern Politics, actually really interesting. Cook is knowledgeable on so many different things, it's crazy.

>> No.7445474

you guys have to meet and make love

>> No.7445484

>Wausau, Wisconsin
>The Recognitions and Under the Volcano. UtV is pretty good, but TR is astounding.

>> No.7445497

>Ebersberg Germany
>Apocalypse Now Now
It's okay, nothing special
>The World of the Huns
I like it.

>> No.7445512

Gravity's rainbow
Having trouble following some parts since english is not my first language, but pretty fun so far

>> No.7445518


US, Michigan
Jesus' Son. Great writing--Johnson seems like one of the few guys who was clearly influenced by Hemingway but manages to have a great voice instead of being another shitty caricature like Carver was many times imo.

>> No.7445546

Berlin, Germany
Also sprach Zarathustra, transformative experience

>> No.7445568

>Portnoys Complaint, Fanged Noumena

>> No.7445692

Its aight

>> No.7445834

I'm going to Berlin I the coming days. What should I do there?

>> No.7445845


Enjoyable, but I struggle with Austen's many characters and find I have to keep going back to refresh my memory of who this or that character is. Nevertheless I like Austen (and wish /lit/ would discuss her more).

>> No.7445856

> 27
> CU Boulder
> Grendel by John Gardner. Meh.

>> No.7445868


>> No.7445869

Uh, what do you like? Of course there is a huge club scene if you are into that. There are a shit ton of museums and the general sight-seeing in the city. Anything specific you are looking for?

>> No.7445877

Monza, Italy
The lost honour of Katharina Blum, a collection of short stories by terry southern, a collection of shot stories by joe lansdale and a bunch of european comics

>> No.7445878

>Unconscious attention whoring
It's almost like it's on your genes.

>> No.7445881


Was meant to finally finish the meme trilogy with GR, but uni won't let me focus so much on a single book, so I'm on my fourth short read in a row... this one is pretty fine so far though.

>> No.7445977

The toilet
A gentle distraction from a poo that is, actually, not altogether terrible.

God bless, friends.

>> No.7445992

When most of Middle Eastern Jews living here today immigrated here not long after the state was founded they received quite a hateful welcome. Many viewed them as primitive and ignorant, because many were uneducated and religious, plus their culture is based on the Islamic states from which they came (which secular Ashkenazi didn't seem to like) and there was an obvious discrimination against them, for example in housing, there was a preference for Ashkenazi Jews, settling them in the center while the Mizrahi (eastern, that is) were put in the periphery, which is still a thing today, when the periphery cities claim to be neglected by the government. There was racism violence and vandalism etc back then. Anyhow, today I guess there like African American in the USA, they can get to high roles in society, receive education and so on. Plus, their eastern-pop music pretty much dominants the mainstream and those singers make tons of money.
Some stupid people still use "Ashkenazi" to mock and call someone highbrow/whimpy/whity person. Or the opposite with "Mizrahi".e

>> No.7445996 [DELETED] 


>> No.7446025 [DELETED] 

LOL !!!

>> No.7446074

>Anna Karenina; up to the part 3, very nice so far

>> No.7446096

>Lessons on the Philosophy of History by Hegel
I can't understand half of it and I have an exam next week.

>> No.7446099


>> No.7446103

>Lima, Peru
>Quo Vadis
first chapter is full of homolust, not bad

>> No.7446109
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Napoleon's Pyramids. It's fun

>> No.7446237

The Republic
It's okay. Some really good moments, though.

>> No.7446255

NAU? My sister is up there

>> No.7446256

>non sono l'unico italiano su /lit/
The Pisan Cantos

>> No.7446262

>Montaigne's Complete Essays

Really good stuff. His writing is absolutely littered with references to classical philosophers and stuff like that so it can come off being kind of lofty, but I love his ideas.

Although stuff like him talking about how doctors are hacks is kind of dated, a lot of his writings feel kind of modern / proto-liberal, and its interesting.

Worth reading?

Blood Meridian worth a read? Should I hold off and prepare with something else before?

Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female reader, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian <3 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen ;)

>> No.7446263

North Eastern Pennsylvania
Infinite Jest
2/3rds done with it
Most sections I enjoy some others I'm just wanting to end

>> No.7446273


>> No.7446309


>> No.7446326

Sudan? :o
As in the north Sudan? تعرف عربي؟

>> No.7446361

نعم، العامية و الفصحى

>> No.7446370


Wait, are you the same anon from here

>> No.7446371



>> No.7446382

Brave New World

>> No.7446505

Selected Writings of Thomas Aquinas

>> No.7446525

ITT: self absorved retards

>> No.7446528

>Growth of the Soil
I like it very comfy so far

>> No.7446550


>> No.7446555

¿; you seem rather new if uasked me.

>> No.7446573

>Former Eastern Block
>The Thief's Journal (Genet)
Perfectly fits into my current mood.

>> No.7446580 [DELETED] 

Hey, hey


>> No.7446581

>War and peace

It's awesome. I always liked shorter books, but it's great to learn so much about characters. I also like the slow but explaining writing style of Tolstoy.

At 2/3rd now and unfortunately his analyses of history make less sense than hoped. He has a point but also misses a lot of points completely. He says that generals don't make a difference at all. They don't make a hella difference and the rise of generals is stochastic, but they don't make no difference at all.

Then he starts explaining how calculus/integrating and differentiating solved the turtle/runner problem, saying that discrete points were made continuous. Wtf is this I don't even. It's one of the fundaments of his reasoning and it's wrong. My physics autism can't handle that.

He should just stick to explaining human, situation and reasoning. He's awesome in that respect.

>> No.7446586

As a Polish anon I'm curious: is Sienkiewicz popular in South America, or are you alone in your interest in him?

>> No.7446587

>On the Marble Cliffs - Ernst Junger
>Shogun - James Clavell
>both are good.

>> No.7446588 [DELETED] 

Journey to the end of the night

Reminds me of Aurthur Miller and Bukowski, very depressing at times, kind of immature.

>> No.7446635

>southern Brazil
>Karamazov & on the sufferings of the world
Liking both.

>> No.7446636

>The Complete Short Stories of Nikolai Gogol

It's really enjoyable so far.

>> No.7446661

have you read the portrait yet? that's my favorite of his entire works

>> No.7446675

Not yet, I have just started reading his Ukrainian tales. I'm really excited to reach the Portrait though, I've heard lots of great things about it on here.

>> No.7446681

There's too much nobles just faffing about and being silly for me.

>> No.7446683

it really is fucking fantastic.

>> No.7446691

>Los Angeles, CA
>The Hunger Games

I'm going to watch the Kardashians in a bit so <3

>> No.7446694

ITT: self absorbed retards under the age of 30

>> No.7446695

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.7446698

Either an excellent troll or femanons in a nutshell.

>> No.7446736

cliff stop trolling and make another review

>> No.7446746

>Rio, Brazil
>Hegel's History of Philosophy

Just started, and oh boy I envy those who ha Hegel for a professor two centuries ago in Germany.

>> No.7446811

>what you're currently reading and how you like it
Catch 22. I'm re-reading it and I've laughed at the scene where Lieutenant Scheisskopf refused to whip his wife. Other than that, I'm enjoying the book.

>> No.7446832


I'm enjoying it. I wish it were going a bit quicker though. I have so much reading for uni that I don't have much time to read recreationally and still have a life. Feels bad. Ulysses is pretty much all I'd hoped for though

>> No.7446882

I wish I were re-reading Livy instead, but have to admit that Polybius is a good teacher for babby's first critical history reading.

>> No.7446892

>The Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man

I hate admiting it, but I'm honestly having trouble keeping up with it. I feel like I'm reading a book with underlying meanings and methaphors, some of which I can't understand and others which I can't even spot.

>> No.7446899

Did you start with the Greeks?

>> No.7446904

Wow I despise women on the internet

>> No.7446906

>The Republic & Dubliners

Some books are meh others are very, very good.

Dubliners is comfy as fuck

>> No.7446914

Started but never finished. I read Plato, Socrates and Aristotle.

>> No.7446928

>not reading Homer, Virgil etc

>> No.7446933

That's why you didn't get many of the references. Greek myth and epics are also very important to the Western literary canon.

>> No.7446942

I just want to read pretty prose.

>> No.7446945

Yeah I know, but if you want to get the most out of your reading, you need to get your bases down.

>> No.7446956

>Cheshire, UK
>The Double
It's the first Dostoyevski that I've read apart from notes from underground and I'm enjoying it so far. I sort of know the story since I've seen the TV film adaptation but it's not spoiling the read.

>> No.7446961

Buenos Aires,Argentina
History LatinAmerican 1700-2005

Not bad,is a good introduction to LatínAmerican Society,Culture,Politic and Economy.

>> No.7446965

>I read Socrates

Know how I know you didn't read enough Greek content?

>> No.7446968

I suppose there's no way around reading these shit eaters.

>> No.7446974

You don't attribute The Apology to Socrates?

>> No.7446992

No, and if you do then you should revisit Plato with a new critical apparatus.

>> No.7446994

>At the Mountains of Madness, bretty good

>> No.7446996

>Houston suburb
>The Crying of Lot 49
>TCoL49 is a ton of fun; I haven't enjoyed a book this much in a long time

>> No.7447000

Well holy fuck, I'm 18, in the US, and reading that too. Wanna go out bb?

>> No.7447006 [DELETED] 

>the iliad
It has some very monotonous battle descriptions and metaphors that just go on and on, but overall, is a pretty good book.

>> No.7447011

Pearland? Sugarland? The Woodlands?

>> No.7447019

>Poor People by Dostoyevsky

>> No.7447028

Yo también lo estoy leyendo. Es buenísimo.

>> No.7447037

>Midwestern US
>Storm of Steel, The Ego and Its Own, Rubicon: Last Days of the Roman Empire
They're all bretty gud so far.

>> No.7447050

But why? Wasn't it his speech and learnings?

>> No.7447069

Storm of steel is fucking hardcore, m8

>> No.7447079

>The Poet and the Lunatics, GK Chesterton
kekking all the way, pomo avant la letre

>> No.7447082


>> No.7447084


>> No.7447097

Maybe, maybe not. It almost certainly wasn't his exact speech; Plato wasn't even present for it. As far as reflecting his teachings, that's a 2000+ year old discussion about how much of Plato's Socratic-focused texts actually reflect Socrates' teachings, rather than those of Plato.

>> No.7447112

>What if?

>> No.7447129
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>2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson. I really like it so far! The protagonist does a lot of interesting things to her body and brain and I like all the artists that he references that I hadn't heard of before, like Marina Abramovic (performance art). I'm a fan of Amanda Palmer and I can see how she would draw a lot of inspiration from Abramovic.

>> No.7447135

The joys of taking 2 years Spanish.
I know exactly what you said here but couldn't hold a proper conversation.
Es mejor que nada.

>> No.7447146

u wot m8?

>> No.7447453

A novel written by Natsuo Kirino, it's different from what you'll read in a mystery. The allure is the psychology of the characters and dwelving inside their psyche, it's fatalistic and grim.

I love it.

>> No.7448978

>A brief history of time, yeah it's awesome

>> No.7448989


>23 (almost)
>Arthashastra by Kautilya

>> No.7449023

>I Am Legend. 8/10.

>> No.7449031

> Noumea
> Ardor by Roberto Calasso

>> No.7449036

>Pity the Nation: Lebanon at war by Robert Fisk
50 pages in, author is still talking about the Holocaust.

>> No.7449181

Not the guy you're replying to, but I did really enjoy Blood Meridian and it was my first (and only (so far)) Cormac McCarthy book. Definitely recommend it. The repetition of "we rode on" is something that still sticks with me to this day and I'm not sure why.

>> No.7449192

>An African in Greenland
I like it a lot. It makes me want to go back to the Arctic circle.

>> No.7449211

Breakfast of champions

It's just Slaughterhouse 5, I don't know what I expected really.

>> No.7449213

>New Orleans
>John Henry Days and Oil!

Really enjoying both so far. I can only take so much Upton Sinclair in a day though, so I'm sort of taking my time with it. John Henry Days is a nice break from all the philosophy I've been reading lately, and it's a much better time waster than I was expecting to be honest.

>> No.7449221


JEsus fucking christ I'm happy I've only got one chapter left. What a tedious book. Can't say it's not rewarding, though.

>> No.7449251

>What a tedious book. Can't say it's not rewarding, though.

>> No.7449432

>southern Brazil
yeah we get it, you're "white"

>> No.7449438

Good Omens, it's alright.

>> No.7449439
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>Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female reader, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian <3 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen ;)

>> No.7449450

>Becoming a supple leopard and Sisyphus and other essays

>> No.7449462

>Although stuff like him talking about how doctors are hacks is kind of dated

doctors are still hacks, bro...aww, you didn't get an A in calculus? it's not your fault, my friend, you have just a "disorder", here buy some of my ADHD pills!

>> No.7449470

>Under the Volcano. Much better than I was expecting, probably some of the best prose i've read this year.

>> No.7449497

West Midlands, England
The Jungle Books

I am enjoying it very much. Classic children's literature is an essential part of my life. It is perfect to wind down to. Kipling is a great example of an excellent writer without pretension. I'm planning on finally picking up Finnegans Wake afterwards, and going at it with a pencil.

>> No.7449568

Still Life With Woodpecker

The quirkiness gets overbearing at times but pretty good.

>> No.7449614


>> No.7449671

Can I fuck your sister?

>> No.7449861

>Kierkegaard - "Either/Or" + Bible

Just realized I know much more about eastern religions than christianity, and I think it's not okay, therefore gonna fill some spaces while reading this handsome guy.

>> No.7449872

Where in Pakistan?

>> No.7449958

Your No. is impressive. :^)

>> No.7449981


>> No.7449999

Are you known as Marbles anywhere on the internet?

>> No.7450030

It would be unfortunate if I was. Why do you ask though?

>> No.7450035

>None of your fucking business.
>Who cares.
>The Sound and the Fury and it fucking sucks.

>> No.7450041

You dumbasses actually fell for this holy shit
and /lit/ is supposed to be the intelligent board

>> No.7450056

>New York City
>From Here to Eternity, by James Jones

I'm really enjoying it a lot. The prose is far from perfect (the word "grinned" is massively overused) but there are many moments of real beauty in this long book.

>> No.7450142


>> No.7450151

19, Vancouver , Brothers Karamazov
Any qt's wanna meet?? Or /lit/ friends
Also plan on moving to east Hastings soon. Are there any other places that are close to downtown with as cheap as rent? Don't wanna live on main

>> No.7450170

I know a poster on another forum who loves books and is from Lahore.

>> No.7450192
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>Arkansas, USA
>Lord of the Rings now
>No Country for Old Men later

LOTR, is of course better than the movies but is still ultimately Obvious Good Guys Versus Obvious Bad Guys Why Are They Bad Just Because border pulp. Good pulp, but still pulp. Language is fun and Tolkien is the god of the Old and Middle English.

No Country . . . love McCarthy but never actually read this one, just the movie. Which was great, the Coen Brothers would really have to step out of line to fuck this one up, so I'm expecting the book to be good as well.

>> No.7450203

Which forum? It would be nice if I could get in touch with somebody to discuss literature.

>> No.7450222

I've seen lots of people from BC in this thread.

>The Iliad (Chapman, read fagles before)

>> No.7450420

you sound like a funny guy

>> No.7450797

>20 on Monday

It's bretty good. Im liking it more than I thought I would. I was supposed to read it for class last semester but I never got around to it. Just started Book 10. I just finished Dead Souls last weekend and loved the shit out of it.

>> No.7450815
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>Northern Ireland
>Reasonable Faith by Dr. William Lane Craig
>Manufacturing Consent by Edward S. Hermand and Noam Chomsky
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young man by James Joyce

>> No.7450826

>/lit/ is supposed to be the intelligent board
nigga you aren't serious are you

>> No.7450835

> Candide

Enjoying it

>> No.7450862

>Poughkeepsienowheresville, NY
>Gravity's Rainbow. I frequently stop in the middle of reading to marvel at the beauty of his prose. Then I put the book down and dont touch it for a few more days. Im only 70 pages in >.>

>> No.7450893

bc canada
exercises in style
its funny and nice, i guess a guy from here is being commissioned to translate a bunch of queneau's shit-- anyway the new edition is pretty good

>> No.7450913

>year of living biblically

>> No.7450921

>Critique et clinique (Deleuze)

>> No.7451073

Borges' ficciones

It's fucking great. Downside is I found out I've been ripping him off without without even knowing it for years. Upside is it's good inspiration.

>> No.7451091

>Peter the Great by Massie (so far 10/10, just fantastic) and Blithedale Romance (slow, dryly funny)

>> No.7451219


just finished oxen of the sun, this book is comfy as fuck

>> No.7451318

>The Golden Ass

>> No.7452100

The weather is consistently either gorgeous and sunny or contemplatively rainy

There are flowers and mountains and caterpillars and bookstores and coffee shops and good weed and qts and all in all it's a literary wonderland

A lot of far left "feminists" politics though, I think we're the only region in Canada that had a Green party majority

>> No.7452141


Southwest Florida

>currently reading
The Human Comedy - Saroyan
I like it, but not as much as I thought I would. I am enjoying the story more than the execution.

Ecclesiastical History of the English People - Bede
Only just started it, too early for me to give an opinion

Passion and Pain: The Life of Hector Lavoe - Shapiro
Pretty good as far as giving me more information about the life of an artist I greatly enjoy (also an important figure to me because of my background), but holy shit the author is a horrible writer. I'm only forcing myself to finish it because my father lent it to me and I feel obliged.

>> No.7452149

Women are disgusting past age 15.

Marijuana is for morons.

Coffee shops are for 'le hipster *adjusts fake glasses* NERD!!! r/ifuckinglovesciene' types

>> No.7452164

>Rob Roy

It's a difficult read but I'm slowly trudging through.

>> No.7452199

Mirin dat misery

>> No.7452227

>Western Australia
>Asimov's Foundation series.
Almost done with it and I've liked it so far. I'm too plebian and sober to offer any kind of insightful or interesting analysis.

>> No.7452238

> The stranger. It feels like nothing at all

>> No.7452250


>confederacy of dunces
>worth reading

Yeah, I think so. It's fucking hilarious.

It's cool the way that Ignatius's weird political ramblings are all justified in his own way, but the other characters easily dismiss them, like Toole managed to make a compelling argument both for and against both perspectives.

>> No.7452255

don quixote, for the past 6 months and im not even that far. i love it, but i just cant find the time and energy since im working 50 hour weeks. i just cant do much. it is a great read so far, about 100 pages in.

>> No.7452271

Mating by Norman Rush

>> No.7452272

Mating -Norman Rush

>> No.7452294



>what you're currently reading and how you like it
Almuric. Slow start but it's still pretty good even if it's just Howard doing his Burroughs impression.

>> No.7452298

>The Castle
It's really good. It is my first exposure to Kafka and I will probably read The Trial or Metamorphosis afterwards

>> No.7452307

Read the Metamorphosis first, it's better. It's actually kind of astonishing as a piece of literature and art in general. Not that the Trial is bad at all.

>> No.7452315

>Ghost Fleet

It's a book about US naval technology disguised as genre fiction. Very well researched. The writing is okay -- maybe on par with a 6/10 action movie. The research put in brings the rating up a bit more though. For that reason, I'm going to have to give it a 7.32/10.

>> No.7452606

Please, its so cold. The first snow just came in this morning.

>> No.7452619

>Survivor by Chuck Palahniuck (sp?)

It's good so far, but I feel like all of his novels are by the same narrator. I understand he goes for a satirical effect in his writing, and that that's his 'thing', but I can only stand a few novels before I want to shoot myself.

>> No.7452632

>Storm of Steel

Pretty fucking good. So much testosterone, it almost makes me want to join the military. Too bad it's a shitty bureaucracy today.

>> No.7452674

>Głos Pana (His Master's Voice)
It seems to be going better than Solaris for now

>> No.7452978

>New York
> Lolita
An enjoyable read so far. Explaining the book to some room mates was fun.