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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 412 KB, 1667x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7440518 No.7440518 [Reply] [Original]

>It’s hard to explain exactly what I Love Dick is: autofiction; an epistolary novel; fantasy; or, according to early critics, a gossipy invasion of a feted art critic’s privacy. But how it is categorised is less important than the reaction to the book.
>Ferrante, in a recent Vanity Fair interview said: “Often that which we are unable to tell ourselves coincides with that which we do not want to tell, and if a book offers us a portrait of those things, we feel annoyed, or resentful, because… reading about them disturbs us.”
>The same sense of being disturbed afflicts critics of Kraus’s book - many of whom refuse to read it at all, denying it is art and dismissing it as gossip.
>Women can be as destructive, possessive and prone to rage as men, it turns out: but discovering that is what terrifies them, while exhilarating women.

/lit/ misogynists BTFO. I bet you shitlords haven't even read this stunning and brave work of modern fiction yet. It's not gossip, it's art--and men are just scared.

>> No.7440528 [DELETED] 


>> No.7440535


everybody trust this man's informed opinion

>> No.7440539

>Chris Kraus
I can't tell what would be worse: that being a pen name, or that being a real name

>> No.7440546
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"Eh..yes...KLOWS...Mr. KLOWS"

>> No.7440554

A girl I was seeing over the summer had this book. I read a few pages of it. The writing wasn't very good. Can't say much else about it, though.

>> No.7440557

Mary McCarthy's autobiography has a section about the penises of guys she fucked:

> was able to compare the sexual equipment of the various men I made love with and there were amazing differences, in both length and massiveness. One handsome married man, who used to arrive with two Danishes from a very good bakery, had a penis about the size and shape of a lead pencil; he shall remain nameless. In my experience there was usually a relation to height, as Philip Rahv and Bill Mangold, both tall men, bore out. There may be dwarfish men with monstrously large organs, but I have never known one. It was not until later, after my second divorce, that I met an impotent man or a pervert (two of the latter)... None of my partners, the reader will be relieved to hear, had a venereal disease."
—Intellectual Memoirs (1992)

It's sad when even an intelligent, literary woman has to do this shit just to get readers. It's kind of normal for the average chick, though. Imagine a guy (any guy) doing this with vagina, everyone would be bored to death.

>> No.7440561
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>> No.7440568

I was more remarking on the fact that it reads as "criss-cross". Apparently it is her real name, so my condolences go out to her.

>> No.7440573
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would berry and feel disgusted with myself afterwards

>> No.7440580

It must be the christmas spirit!

>> No.7440590

But when Philip Roth does it, he's talking about the human condition. Not vulgar shit at all.

>> No.7440610

I would say that aside from /r9k/ types, nobody but religious kooks cares about that shit nowadays.

>> No.7440623

>le sexually liberated intellectual

filthy degenerate

>> No.7440652

I liked that passage.

>> No.7440677

Roth sucks tho.

>> No.7440685

gosh, its like you could almost say both jews and women are shitty excuses for writers

>> No.7440711

>Not admiring American Pastoral for the masterpiece that it is

I see you put ideology above taste and rationality, good for you

>> No.7440719

Roth is kinda funny though. My ex had this book, and I've read a good bit of it. Not funny.

>> No.7440721
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>thinking /pol/ reads books

they got infographics bro

>> No.7440736

>implying anyone cares about a high sex drive woman's paragraph in some obscure autobiography

>> No.7440739

This book is old as fuck why are people talking about it?

>> No.7440743
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>implying /pol/ needs to read any book other than The Bible

>> No.7440746
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>This book is old as fuck why are people talking about it?

>> No.7440750
File: 1.16 MB, 2797x1865, ible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This book is old as fuck why are people talking about it?

>> No.7440753

that's different, it's a transcript of oral poetry

>> No.7440759
File: 8 KB, 182x276, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its a transcription of oral tradition, she doesnt deserve the Nobel!

>> No.7440763

I Love Dick has plenty of transcription of oral as well

>> No.7440767

that's different its an adaptation of a popular video game

>> No.7440778

I will never understand why /r9k/ types think that women being sex obsessed hedonists is some sort of 'red pill knowledge'
we have always known this

>> No.7440794

The West should start practicing FGM to cut back on the corpus of works like this.

>> No.7440809
File: 60 KB, 650x444, horselover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when people don't realize women being sex obsessed hedonists is pure ideology and older than the bible
>mfw they think they 'arrived' at this knowledge

dis plebs lol

>> No.7440821 [DELETED] 

Woah, how have I never heard of this?

Ordering it to be honest.

>> No.7440850

Mari Christmas

>> No.7440934
File: 88 KB, 531x471, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. The clittoral hood is just a useless, unsightly flap of skin that probably makes great cosmetics.

>> No.7440947

but it taste so sweet mang

>> No.7440959

Aliens and anorexia was a badass read. Simone weil was a fucking nutjob.

>> No.7440960
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>> No.7440983

>putting your mouth on a vagina
There aren't enough bombs in the world.

>> No.7441027
File: 257 KB, 1700x1273, 1424500534874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are egotistic without being explicitly narcissistic.

reminder that only women are able to love sex for sex.

>> No.7441037

most men are betas precisely because they do not know this

>> No.7441039

That is a copypasta of an old /r9k/ post

>> No.7441042
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>> No.7441055
File: 145 KB, 527x453, big dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ misogynists BTFO. I bet you shitlords haven't even read this stunning and brave work of modern fiction yet. It's not gossip, it's art--and men are just scared.


>> No.7441063






>> No.7441065

is this supposed to be bad or make me angry?

>> No.7441067

This is actually really funny.

>> No.7441069

male novelists BTFO, Dave Wallace on suicide watch
seriously though except for one or two that was really unfunny

>> No.7441070

Our vaginas > anything you useless males ever do.

Hear them roar.

>> No.7441071

I was confused, then mad, then confused. Why were those people laughing? Was it irony because you could cherry pick quotes like that from female writers as easily as she did? Or were they actually laughing at the juxtaposition of the joke intro and seriousness of the topics discussed?

>> No.7441072


>> No.7441079

Are you guys total plebs or something?

>> No.7441083 [DELETED] 

good goy.

>> No.7441087


>> No.7441088

i can't blame you for not watching all of that one-over-long joke video but you completely missed the point, you must have autism

>> No.7441091

You like something I don't agree with

>> No.7441094

Oh, OK. :/

>> No.7441096

Yeah, that's right, bitch.

>> No.7441097

meanie pants ;_;

>> No.7441140
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>Chris Kraus

>> No.7441148
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>> No.7441152

"war is hell" one was pretty funny though

>> No.7441153

>Yank Deez Knicks

>> No.7441705

Should guys with below average penises just give up on the idea of ever being loved?

>> No.7441725

>no wonder it is being dismissed

Maybe people just don't want to be seen reading a book titled "I LOVE DICK"?

>> No.7441739

>clitoral hood

Why not just cut off everything from the urethra up and sew it up until conception, leaving a peehole

>> No.7441740

Pretty much, yes.

>> No.7441743
File: 11 KB, 1224x353, 1432688468788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are two kinds of women
-the whore, who loves money and sex
-the slut, who loves sex and money

>> No.7441749

>tfw girl with vaginismus dumped me for a guy with pencil dick

>> No.7441751
File: 124 KB, 720x540, 1421073439477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that only americans, kuks in denial as they are, think that women can fuck men.

>> No.7441754

no, it seems you're okay if you bring pastry

>> No.7441803

Some of those were genuinely funny though, and some of you need to grow a sense of humour and stop getting mad over jokes.

>> No.7441832

>Some of those were genuinely funny though

Jesus, I can't believe I share a board with you freaks.

>> No.7442427

I can't believe I share a board with plebs who didn't understand the references and who get so offended when anyone makes fun of their sex.

>> No.7442442

OF COURSE Korine and Terry hang out.

>> No.7442475
File: 36 KB, 512x512, wewladtoast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad. That may very well be the worst feminist "art" I've ever experienced.

There weren't even any punch lines. It may as well have been a "What's the deal with? Amirite?" sort of skit. And none of which seem on point.

Are references to Cocaine supposed to be a jab at Kerouac? References to alcoholism a jab at Hemingway?

I can't even tell. I assume that her conception of "Male Novelist" is inherently pejorative and thus mutually exclusive from actual greats of literature. But she may also just be retarded.

It's just sad that because 90% of the people that would go to these shitty events are feminists they need to go through all this virtue signalling of laughing at everything hysterically so that they can obtain maximum brownie points.

The only one that could be construed as funny would be the "war is hell" thing, except that there a certain level of selection bias in that 99% or so of Wars have been fought by men, so yeah, obviously the primarily gender that speaks about it is going to be fucking men.

>> No.7442485

>someone got this triggered

>> No.7442491

>why can't women can't get that it's just a joke

>> No.7442495

No I got the references, which is why I was bored. Cracked a smile once or twice but I've heard all those jokes about pretentious hipsters before.

>> No.7442502

>jokes about pretentious hipsters
What? I don't think you understood it then.

>> No.7442510

>I can't take a joke and jokes about men hurt my feelings ;_;

>> No.7442513

No. Just marry a virgin she'll never have anything to compare you too. Christianity ftw

>> No.7442515


>Women can be as destructive, possessive and prone to rage as men, it turns out: but discovering that is what terrifies them, while exhilarating women.

That's pretty misogynistic.

>> No.7442527

in recent memory: https://twitter.com/guyinyourmfa

also any other time a comedian makes fun of academics and psudeo-intellectuals

>> No.7442543

Why do you follow this twitter if you don't like these type of jokes?

>also any other time a comedian makes fun of academics and psudeo-intellectuals
Are you autistic?

>> No.7442546

I think I'm stupid because I couldn't even understand the jokes.

What the fuck does "how many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb" even mean? What's its relation to the second part?
This is beyond me.

>> No.7442554

>provide an example please
>wow you're so autistic for providing an example

Ok, I see we're done talking now.

>> No.7442575

No, you're autistic because you think this is making fun of academics and pseuds.

>> No.7442582

underrated tbqh familia

>> No.7442595

Chris Kraus = Crisscross = Scissoring.

>> No.7442608

>he lit a cigarette. his glass of whiskey lit a cigarette. i can only love my dead best friend, but not in a gay way
How is this not funny? I'm honestly shaking my head at the people who responded to this in a negative way
>hurr she's making fun of my masculinity

>> No.7442615

You obviously didn't understand it bud
Just admit that it went over your head and move on

>> No.7442616


>> No.7442627
File: 23 KB, 580x360, misandry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are jokes offending you guys?

>> No.7442647

No you've just been red pilled into oblivion and think that women don't have the ability to be funny
And God forbid when a woman makes fun of masculinity D:

>> No.7442682


Genuinely kind of funny.

>> No.7442687


Non-sequiturs are pretty common in jokes.

Ease off on the autism lad.

>> No.7442692

>American humor

>> No.7442695


>> No.7442727

I thought it was funny. Just substitute "male" for "American".

>> No.7442736

>turning fine spirits into a joke
No, that shit is not funny.

>> No.7442741

Good for you. I thought it was.

>> No.7442744

The cigarettes agree.

>> No.7442745

lol book nerds couldn't hack the bants

>> No.7442747

>btw I'm a gril
Fuck off and go get some taste.

>> No.7442757

I'm not female. I'm just not an overly-sensitive, effeminate pleb.

>> No.7442766

I'd be really interested in an accurate first person account of woman falling in love, lust or whatever. I find that shit facinating, I mean half of humanity goes through what is considered fundamental human experiences in way different from me because of different neural wiring and endocrine system and what not. I'd like to know what is it like, but questioning my girlfriends and close female friends didn't prove useful because of how intimate the whole thing is.

>> No.7442824


Nah, I was just scratching my head. Jokes have a type of unique and often unacknowledged artistry to them. Sure, there's so much variety that there can seem to be no rhyme or reason to them, but a lot of the time you can see a type of architecture that's built up over the course of a set or bit that's meant to deliver the punchline with the maximum punch.

Given that this was meant to be just a series of short jokes though the only real metric you can judge it by is word play or accuracy, and it doesn't have either of them.

Generally people don't post dank meme's when they're "triggered". Again, It could be possible that their entire premise is built off categorizing the "male novelist" title as simply a title that's synonymous with "bad writer" rather than actually trying to satirize male writers, but i think they're probably just dumb.

Why would you defend bad comedy? Because her piece basically boils down to "LoL sO randumb XD!"

Perhaps I see no humor in it because I haven't read anything resembling what she's making fun of, but given how general the idea of "male novelist" is i doubt that it works that well anyways.

Personally, I'd say that nearly half of the funniness in comedy is in delivery and hers is completely flat. If she was meaning to go for hyperbole she failed.

>> No.7442854

>Given that this was meant to be just a series of short jokes though the only real metric you can judge it by is word play or accuracy, and it doesn't have either of them.
But you're wrong. The jokes are phrases that she created to generalize the cliches seen in a lot of novels made by men targeted towards male audience.
Sorry you didn't get it and are now analyzing it like a dumbfuck but it is funny.
You're not going to make it unfunny by flexing your autistic analytic 'skills'.

>> No.7442875
File: 8 KB, 391x325, im an autist pls dont bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's using a common style of joking with a non-sequitur to highlight cliches among authors that are considered manly. The accentuation and juxtaposition makes it funny.

I have autism too, but come on man. You either didn't get it or you have a different sense of humor. Getting offended by this is just stupid.

>> No.7442886
File: 47 KB, 525x165, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. But i never meant to make it BE unfunny. I'm explaining myself. And I acknowledged that I see no humor in it because I have yet to see or read any of the cliches she's read, besides the "war is hell" one, which I agreed could/is somewhat funny.

No need to get all salty m80

>> No.7442973

>All the butthurt

white male egoes are so fragile

>> No.7442985

underrated post

>> No.7443000

There is at least one very aggressive, very pissed off feminist in this thread. I can't believe people still get like this on 4chan. Where's the ironic detachment? What happens to people that they get so warped into a single "political" point of view that makes them act insane? Horrible.

The book is what it is and so is that stand up. Anyone who thinks any more about it has some kind of emotional hang up that makes them need to add more to it. They have no intention of convincing anyone else in a decent debate or spreading awareness or anything like that...

>> No.7443025

>Henry Miller is a genius for writing a whole book about his dick

>Chris Kraus is vilified for doing exactly the same thing

and you say literature is not sexist

>> No.7443043
File: 60 KB, 544x463, Obama not bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty good actually

>> No.7443044

If this post is serious, then you've just proved my point. If not, nice post, exactly my point.

>> No.7443061

>There is at least one very aggressive, very pissed off feminist in this thread.

those hysterical women amirite? it isn't like they have been treated as second class citzens for the whole of human history

>> No.7443079

That may be true, but unless the girl itt is 90 years old, she has been treated the same or better than her male counterparts.

>> No.7443097

I haven't read that but after having read Tropic of Cancer I can say that for his prose alone Miller deserves every praise he gets.

Fuck off.

>> No.7443103

>he actually believes this
This thread is proof that men still don't women seriously you dolt

>> No.7443110

Are you retarded? With all their limitations women always had some form of power that men lacked.

>> No.7443113

take women*

>> No.7443116

>women still have something that I don't have! I should have everything that they have and more!
Do you see what you're saying?

>> No.7443131

Yet that form of power (whatever that may be) didn't allow women to have the same level of power that men have. Not even close.
There were hardly any women in positions of power until recently.

>> No.7443147

>those hysterical women amirite?

you're less hysterical and more psychotic

and I only mention you because you're acting insane. If this was somehow in person you'd literally be screaming at everyone for every little thing. I can only imagine how angry you must be furiously typing in your bedroom. but of course you'll say this is all just funny to you and you're having a laugh. I only wish it were so.

>> No.7443158

What the fuck is wrong with you? Does it help you defeat other people's opinions by imagining them in a debased condition, living in squalor?

>> No.7443213

I guess I've been b8d after all.

>> No.7443229

>thinks someone clear and concisely debating their views with a hint of sarcasm somehow means they're screaming in their bedroom
Cool strawman

>> No.7443244

I'm not even the person you're responding to. You're just painting a person however you like without justification and thinking that somehow defeats their point.

This is retarded.

>> No.7443247

That's not what I said, though. Learn to read and stop putting words in people's mouth.

>> No.7443256

>With all their limitations women always had some form of power that men lacked
You're saying what little power women had should have been able to make up for the much greater power men possessed.
If you weren't saying that then why did you even bring up the 'fact' that women had some sense of power over men (they really didn't)?

>> No.7443261

Also great job ignoring my other post>>7443131
Cherry picking is the worst form of argumentation.

>> No.7443282

Women couldn't choose who they'd marry but they could decide their children's education, they would also have an enourmous influence on those children once adult resulting in indirectly governing countries.
The fuck do you want?
>You're saying what little power women had should have been able to make up for the much greater power men possessed

>> No.7443284
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>expecting good argumentation from 4chan

>> No.7443302

>Women couldn't choose who they'd marry but they could decide their children's education
Not only is this false (a lot of men chose to take their kids out of school to come work on the farm or help in their business) but who fucking cares?
>they would also have an enourmous influence on those children once adult resulting in indirectly governing countries
>resulting in indirectly governing countries
You're saying women indirectly ruled the world through their children. Yeah because people do everything that their fucking mom asks them to.
>hey son can you nuke this country for me?
Did you just pull this out of your ass?
Holy kek I hope this is bait

>> No.7443310

Have you ever opened a history book in your life?

>> No.7443321

You talking about Nero? Any other examples champ?

>> No.7443327

>realizes his argument is fucking ridiculous
>o-open a history book whydontcha

>> No.7443334
File: 17 KB, 503x338, عندما كنت اطلاق النار على السهم من الحقيقة، وتراجع مستوى له في العسل.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The women who had influence politically were usually women of high status. You can see examples from the Ottoman Empire where women from the hareem exerted influence. You can see this with Kosem Sultan or Roxalana. You can also see this in the Umayyad and Abbasid Empire's with the influence mothers, wives, and slavewomen had.

But women from lower classes throughout history did not have much influence except in a few domestic affairs and with labor if they were destitute. Their are obvious exceptions of course, but for example in pre-Islamic Arabia women could not own property.

>> No.7443337
File: 212 KB, 690x1009, My Name is Nero v01 c01_My Name Is Nero - vol01 - ch01 - 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read more.
>realizes his argument is fucking ridiculous
Don't remember that ever happened to me even once, sorry.

>> No.7443342

Meant "there are". Also I'm just interjecting. I am part of neither party.

>> No.7443351

>The men who had influence politically were usually men of high status
>But men from lower classes throughout history did not have much influence except in a few domestic affairs and with labor if they were destitute

>> No.7443358

and that's why Marx is right, class warfare now

>> No.7443364

Please read this post >>7443342. I am not part of this debate. I was just noticing some misinformation and emotionally-charged argumentation. And men from lower classes usually did have much more control than women of lower classes.

>> No.7443367

Yet you continue to not give any other examples
Great argumentation

>> No.7443376

Not him but I provided examples here: >>7443334

>> No.7443388


Also hardly any men.

It's kind of absurd putting it down to gender, when it has continually been our feudal overlords that have controlled everything.

>> No.7443403

Did those feudal overlords have no gender?

>> No.7443430
File: 743 KB, 1920x1092, my neighbor is a jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else spend a significant amount of time complaining about sjws and political correctness but get very upset and angry (not offended though) by the subject matter of this video?

>> No.7443961

Holy shit, this was actually funny. Bitches up in this thread need to grow up

>> No.7443973
File: 35 KB, 476x476, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend a significant amount of time complaining about sjws and political correctness

>> No.7444533
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>> No.7444545

The shirt is inherently sexist because it assumes the boy wanting to pork the daughter would look to him for information witch is inherently patriarchal. It is also on the back of the shirt meaning the only people who would see it would be those behind him and presumably his daughter, meaning that man with the intent of buttfucking his little girl would be staring at her ass which is completly objectifying and wouldn't be the type of man the daughter or presumably the feminist father would want for the child. Unless the daughter is a rebbel of the father and refutes feminism and WANTS the dad to make the rules and WANTS her ass to be looked at in order to make her father upset, to which the father then wears that shirt in order to put the both the shame and responsibility back upon the daughter that obviously just wants to be used as a tool and a slab of hot sauce.

>> No.7445382

>being an item
>still thinking about "me" and "you"
How to know when it's not gonna last.

This is why I can't think about myself in a relationship, if I can't respect and care about myself how can I grant that to someone else?