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7438714 No.7438714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: HS type, HS GPA, college, college GPA

Private HS

3.72 GPA

Tufts (Economics and Philosophy)


>> No.7438738

>mfw jumbos post on /lit/
You'd better not be in class. Smack Dennett on the ass and pee on Harvard for me.

>> No.7438744


>> No.7438753

Private HS, GPA: 3.8
University of Michigan (Mathematics), GPA: 2.5 lel

>> No.7438757

I'm at Michigan too. :D

Michigan (Arabic, Neuroscience)/3.9ish

>> No.7438759


>2.7 pleb-tier public HS (fuck schhol 420 blaze erryday)
>3.65 undergrad state uni
>4.0 grad top 15 engineering school
> life 4.5/10 wouldn't do again

>> No.7438767

>studies engineering
>hates his life
This checks out. Why doe people still study engineering when it's common knowledge that it sucks ass all over?

>> No.7438769

Public HS

3.2 GPA

UMass (Chemical Engineering)


>> No.7438778


>> No.7438779

>(Mathematics), GPA: 2.5
this feel

>> No.7438783

probly because it's one of the few degrees that will pay for itself after just a few years of work if you're a middle class white dude

>> No.7438785

Lel, people ruin their lives to be firmly middle class. I know plenty of people who studied Econ or humanities who make more than the average mid-career engineer two years out of college by working in finance or consulting. Hell, I know marketers who make more than a typical state school electrical engineer.

>> No.7438812

Yeah but what are you doing?

>> No.7438825




Gap years, travelling, experimenting with drugs and reading all the literature

>> No.7438829

ghetto public school in SoCal (it was bad, horrid teachers, stupid kids, etc. , once there was a cockroach infestation and we got 2 days off)


Shitty California community college

don't know. They won't tell us our grades until after the Final, so we can't figure it out. I assume its 3.50ish

>> No.7438839

I'm a consultant who shitposts on /lit/.

>> No.7438840

Private Catholic HS
~3.8 GPA

University of Notre Dame
~3.3 GPA

>> No.7438844

Public HS
3.8 GPA

Stevens Institute of Technology

Studying mechanical engineering. Pretty fun tbqph familia. Currently at my co-op slacking off

>> No.7438860

OP how is the social life at Tufts? I played you guys in lacrosse and loved the campus, is there much to do there?

>> No.7438870

Not OP, but it's pretty good, especially if you're in a frat or on a team. loads of people live just off campus and throw house parties, plus Davis Square and Boston are great for bars and various events.

The best is going to Wellesely and getting laid with weird autist bisexual girls though.

>> No.7438882


Ayyyy that's good news. What do you study?

>> No.7438886

Public high school- 3.3 (did a ton a drugs and skipped a lot)

4-year state uni- 3.75, senior, literature and philosophy double major (quit drugs for the most part)

>> No.7438888

Homeschooled 4.0

Thomas Edison State College 3.85
Degree in English

>> No.7438891

I studied biology back in the day.

>> No.7438892


>> No.7438894

Public HS, GPA: 3.8
State School, GPA: 3.9 (Political Science and French Studies)

Shit sucks. I plan to transfer somewhere in or near Boston--currently looking at BU, BC, and Tufts.

>> No.7438909

because my parents made me

Private prep school, ~4.0
Columbia Engineering ~3.6
Did integrated MS, GPA dropped ~3.2

Both Applied Physics

Now in PhD in EE at UCSD cuz Physics is too hard a science.

>> No.7438912


Just how teenaged is this board. My GPA's haven't been relevant to anything in about 5 years.

>> No.7438918

>being Asian
I'm sorry

>> No.7438934

Never attended HS
UofT (Humanities tho)
3.93 (final)

>> No.7438938

Who here /droppedoutofcollegeandwenttomedschool/?

>> No.7438943

Shitty public HS:

Ok level private liberal arts school, in history:

Grad school in large public uni:
3.69 (in progress)

I was a pothead throughout undergrad but I truly believe I would've had at least a 3.6 final if I had made better scheduling decisions my first two years. I didn't even know what pass/fail classes were until i was deep into my major/minor courses. Eh, hindsight is 20/20

>> No.7438949


>> No.7438951

He's black

>> No.7438961


I'm actually white as they come. But yea Enginerding really does suck.

>> No.7438965

>Tufts (Economics
My GF's uncle is one of your profs. We live on the west coast. Small world.

>> No.7438970

Dropped out --> mature student

Went to York for a year then transferred

>> No.7438978


>> No.7438989

Sure, but not all humanities, econ, finance or marketing people make that much. Engineers are pretty much guaranteed above average wages for fairly easy work.

>> No.7438996
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>Still hasn't realized this board is a dick-measuring forum for pretentious undergrads

>> No.7438998

Public HS

3.89 GPA

University of Iowa, classics, phil

~3.67 GPA

>> No.7439000

Private HS: 3.9

Bucknell University: 3.48

.02 away from cum laude, if I don't make it I swear to fucking god.

>> No.7439015

Social experiments bro

>> No.7439024

Good luck bro I hope you cum loud

>> No.7439248

Private (4.0)
Princeton, Economics (3.6)

>> No.7439429

>dropped out of ghetto public school
>2.7-3.5 depending on how you calculate it (not an americrap)
>going to the school of hard knocks as a broke English teacher in SA

On the smug side I'm better read than most Ivey League trust fund kids and speak three languages

>> No.7439448

Public HS

3.7 GPA

I'm a senior, waiting on acceptance/rejection letters. Top schools for me are UVA, William & Mary, and Yale (long shot but hoping legacy counts for something).

Also, you plebs should share your SAT scores. They're more fun to brag about than GPA.


>> No.7439462

My dad went to W&M. He's a pretty cool guy.

>> No.7439522

Highly ranked public school
University of Chicago (English and Creative Writing)

>> No.7439562

private 3.9
dartmouth 2.0


>> No.7439634

I'm a townie who lives near the school and I hate every one of you faggots.

>> No.7439654

Ayy another Ivy Leaguer in here. :^)

Only difference is that I go to the superior one, Princeton.

>> No.7439657

You all must be really unsatisfied with your lives to be posting your fucking GPA on an anonymous image board.
I'm just going to ignore these types of threads from now on. Way too depressing.

>> No.7439660

Did your sibling or parent(s) go to Yale? How did they like it and is your relative like? Rich, stuck-up, privileged, and totally a faggot, right? We all know Harvard is better.

>> No.7439661

You mean we're all really unsatisfied with our lives to be posting on 4chan

>> No.7439664
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Nobody cares what you think, townie scum. This neighborhood isn't poor and depressing because of the students.

>> No.7439671

That's obvious though

>> No.7439719


It's ok, we can both sleep soundly with the burning regret of going to the two ivy league school's with grade deflation

Not that it's all that hard to get c's in every class like I do, but it certainly makes me spend more time in the library than I'd like

>> No.7439728

How white do they come?

>> No.7439730

How white is your cum? :^)

>> No.7439738

Yeah, my dad pressured me to get into Princeton :( He's an alum and a fucking faggot. I wanted to go to Brown instead desu.

>> No.7439740
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>> No.7439742

Brown sucks. What's the matter with you?

>> No.7439745

Fuck you. I go to Princeton and the people suck ass. Brown is cool because Emma Watson went there.

>> No.7439781

Public HS, 3.8 GPA

Northwestern University (History), 2.6 GPA.

>> No.7439783

dude. why? Are you depressed? Do you need a hug? Want a blowjob while you're at it? I'm genuinely sorry for you anon :(

>> No.7439798

Emma Watson didn't mingle with the common students that much, and flaked on her student cast mates constantly to the point that people resented having her in their plays and some refused to cast her. Also Providence is a shithole.

The truth is that the people suck ass at every elite university because they're either high-strung strivers who all hate each other or lazy aristocrats. Just chill out and ride that tiger of privilege and opportunity.

>> No.7439814

ADHD and depression. Every single professor has told me that I am one of the best writers and most analytical minds they've had, but I just don't like writing papers. I don't do drugs, I don't go to parties, I just sit alone in my studio apartment and play videogames, read, and sleep. The only reason I haven't been expelled entirely is because I've gotten extremely good at making excuses for why such-and-such an assignment is late.

Case in point, I took a class on Film Analysis last year. My final paper was submitted a month late, well into the next quarter entirely. The professor wrote me back saying, "I wasn't planning on even reading this paper, but I'm glad I did. If you had submitted this on time, it easily would have been an A+ paper. As it stands, I'll notify the Dean to change your grade to a C-."

>> No.7439830

i dont understand how people can have a lower college gpa than high school gpa. college is so much easier, it's just exams rather than a million pointless assignments you have to keep turning in.

>> No.7439842

>my studio apartment
In Chicago? Kinda jelly. I'm pretty well off but I've always lived with roommates because the rent for a studio or one-bedroom seems like such a rip.

State school pleb detected. My alma mater made sure professors assigned written assignments, presentations and comprehensive exams in most courses. Saying its "just exams" ignores how much tougher a professor can make an exam with a little effort.

>> No.7439859

In my case, it was just the loss of structure. I can only really work in extremely structured environments. If you leave me to my own devices, I will just ignore and avoid every deadline and assignment. In high school, I could tame that. I devoted as much time to homework as possible: always took a study hall, cut gym class for another study hall, went to the library during lunch, did homework in other classes. And it was never the homework that had just been assigned. My system worked like a triage tent, so I was always working on something that was due in the very next period. If I had two things that I couldn't both get done in time, I'd just work on the one that counted for more of my grade. "Studying for a test" meant skimming through the entire chapter and memorizing the important bits in ten minutes just before class. I consistently got As on all of my tests.

It is a complete ripoff, but my parents paid for my entire four years at college. And besides, a $1,000/month studio is actually cheaper than on-campus housing, if you can believe that.

>> No.7439863

>bragging over how many assholes you dug your nose into

>> No.7439867

Public then Private HS

University of Georgia, Computer Science, 3.0

Wanted the Ivy phil/lit double major but got strongly rejected. Surprising because I though they would let me in because I'm black and interested in the humanities. Affirmative Action ain't shit homies tbqh.

>> No.7439890

What were your standardized test scores? A 3.9 GPA means almost nothing when applying to an Ivy unless you went to an elite prep school.

>> No.7439897

2.4 public HS
3.5 at Rose-Hulman. Eyyy

>> No.7439917

30 ACT, 680-700 Subject tests. I also went to a pretty poor public school; unless you were in the top IB program you didn't do shit.
I was mostly joking, I didn't do muchoutside of curriculum work/volunteering in high school, and only really started reading/writing during Junior year. It was mostly my own laziness that did me in.

>> No.7439942

Private HS




>> No.7439951


Well I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I was born in Germany.

>> No.7439957

>thinks he's white

>> No.7439961
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>tfw Columbia has grade inflation except in the Engineering school.