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/lit/ - Literature

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742440 No.742440 [Reply] [Original]

I'm guessing there's a lot of writers on /lit/.

So, /lit/erati, tell me a little about what you're writing.

I'm currently writing a short story (although it could go on to be a novella) about a young man who becomes obsessed with his dreams.

>> No.742460

sounds interesting, OP.

I'm writing a story about a teenage girl that becomes obsessed with Sylvia Plath

and things don't go so great from there.

>> No.742466

Like everyone else on this board, I'm writing a novel. It's sci-fi and kind of hard to explain.

>> No.742473

I want to read your story.

>> No.742471

I still haven't started writing.
When I do it will probably be fantasy because its my favorite genre...

>> No.742477


>> No.742479

my story is so awesome i don't want to share it with the likes of you in case one of you faggots decides to steal it. it is that awesome.

>> No.742480

Dont wanna rain on your parade, but I doubt that most here write.

The ones who dont just dont participate in these kind of threads.

>> No.742487

Really? I would have thought the people who spend time discussing literature would also enjoy writing.

>> No.742501

low-fantasy/horror short stories

>> No.742505

sick porn

>> No.742512


I'm trying to polish a book review for a magazine. I'm two days over the deadline, but the editor says that's OK. Nevertheless, I still need to finish it tonight. I suppose I should stop browsing /lit/...

>> No.742520

and why would that be?
do you think people who like to talk about movies also make some?

>> No.742528

Got some sand in your urethra buddy?

>> No.742531

Chances are it probably isn't hard to explain, you're just bad at explaining things.

I'm writing a series of short image/tone pieces around the common theme of ignorance in the rural midwest. Not that I'm particularly proud of the topic; it's more of a 'write what you know, refine your craft' kind of thing. I'm curious if I can find a way to turn drooling hicks into allegorical image for bigger things.

>> No.742534

No, I just had a rough day at work.

>> No.742567


when/where can we read your stories! thats sounds awesome

>> No.742568

Wanting to start a short story about wrestling. Pretty typical story: regular guy, above average wrestler, lives with dissatisfied wife. Finds out he has a heart murmur. Dies mid-elbow drop during his last match against an older, famous wrestler who wanted to give him a push.

>> No.742576

I'm writing some short Erotic stories. Passionate, sizzling looks from across the room, bodies mingling in heated lust, etc. Utter tripe, of course. But it keeps my fingers busy, and works as practice.

Between these, I am working on a novella, or a very chunky short story. It reads a lot like Rainbow Six, and a little like the Expanded Universe Star Wars novels. The good ones, not the shitty Jedi Academy books. Think The Thrawn Trilogy and X-Wing.

It is about a fictional Special Operations Group unit, hailing from a highly advanced, millenniums-old monarchy.
They are a sub-organization within the monarchy's peacekeeping and border-guarding forces.

The four main protagonists are operators within one of the group's fireteams.

Their antagonists are an invading force from another planet. Disguised as explorers and scientists, they have begun attacking the peacekeeping forces, and capturing their positions.

The protags are deployed on a mission to board and lock down a mining rig that the invaders occupied. Things rapidly take a turn for the worse when the invaders - using weapons they found within the rig - shoot down the fireteam's Close Air Support ship.

The fireteam must then capture the rig without air support, defend it against the invaders, secure the perimeter of the crash site, and hold that position until extraction comes to pick them up, and rescue the casualities from the crash.

That's the main plot.

Subplots involve the other members of the Group, the headquarters element of the group, and of course the top brass of the peacekeeping force themselves.

>> No.742575

That actually sounds pretty interesting.

>> No.742574

This sounds like a great read. Depends on how you formed it out.

>> No.742579

i'm crurrently writing a story about a girl who becomes VERY obsessed with her boyfriend, and soon she kills his ex-girls, and some crazy love going on there

>> No.742586


I've been thinking about it ever since Shawn Micheals retired. I thought, "man, this guy has nearly killed himself for my enjoyment 20 times over. I grew up with this man I feel like I know him." It's moving how much you learn those people risk and give up to try and make it big. There's nothing more American than that sick desperation for glory.

>> No.742587

Haven't started, but I have an idea for a pulp romance novel that turns existential about 2/3 of the way in, instead of reaching the climax.

>> No.742598

I'm writing a science-fiction novel that I hope to take into a series if people like it, but they probably won't. It's set on Earth a few hundred years from now, with a few technological advances along with a massive change in culture and community due to the effects of climate change.

>> No.742601

>massive change in culture
also who are the characters?

>> No.742608

I'm writing a book about objectivism

>> No.742611


Instead of everybody listening to metal, everybody listens to rap-metal. Think Rage Against The Machine.

*brow wow wacka brow wow wakka wakka wakka*

>> No.742616

I'm writing the Sylvia Plath novel.

It's going to be pretty multi-media.
As well as from the teenage girl's perspective.
It's filled with lines of Plath's poetry, thrown right in with her line of consciousness... which makes for a pretty interesting sense of the mental problems she develops...

At least I think so ^>^

>> No.742632


The characters are two people in two very different situations.

The climate change effecting the culture is that the people are forced to evacuate from their cities and live in the desert (global warming + metal structures = bad), and people formed their own settlements and the like there. There wasn't enough people that survived to fill the deserts of the world thoroughly, and people began to set up homes far away from others, due to the lack of order caused by the destruction of many communication methods, which in turn caused paranoia of what people were now not limited to do. Imagine small communities, essentially cities, with wide gaps of sand between them - this gap is filled with outcasts from the societies, doing anything to survive. Due to this, in the last three hundred years (the time after the climate change) each "city" has become self-serving and different in their own unique way to others, with their own technologies, legends, fashion sense, logic, etcetera.

You see what I'm getting at? I'm tired and tipsy, and cba to go back and write that thoroughly after I spent about 3 hours earlier writing the fucker out in detail.

>> No.742649

Nah bro, you'll tell them to listen to rap-metal, but they'll just say ''FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME''.

>> No.742653

Have you seen the movie The Wrestler starring Mickey Rourke? It sounds exactly the same.

>> No.742654

I myself am a painter, but I read frequently and have a keen interest in philosophy. But my best friend is a writer. He is currently writing, I think his third novella.

It is about a young man studying philsophy, and his experiences of being trapped in student halls of residence (University) during a time when an apocalyptic chaos has taken temporary grip over mankind.

>> No.742663

For the past couple weeks I've been world-building for an RP a friend and I are doing. It's going so well that I might use it as a novel setting in the future.

>> No.742667



I am interested, continue.

>> No.742665


Sounds interesting... I'm guessing he's going to reminisce on past events, being that he's in trapped in one room - there's not much you CAN do there but think.

>> No.742678

Yeah I've seen the movie and I know the plots are the same, I haven't started it yet though because I'm trying to find something that will get rid of the similarities. It was going to focus on the wrestling itself, but there's a problem in describing matches because I have to avoid things like "he put him in a headlock. He punched him. He threw him through the ropes." I need to get rid of the repetition so that it doesn't sound like a Dragonball Z fanfic. I'm reading some Jack London and looking into sports journalism right now to note how matches are described without succumbing to repetitive structure.

Though really I wasn't going to give the main character a tragic past or anything. He was just going to be a regular person. He's not going to be washed up or anything. That's always something I've enjoyed writing about, the struggles of people with no talent or remarkable features who just want recognition and happiness.

>> No.742690

i'm writing something called 'the castle in my dreams' kinda a fantasy story

>> No.742706


As I said, it's my friends writing, and he's still writting it now. As far as I'm aware, he won't just be confined to his room, but to the whole building of the halls, along with all the other student there too. It does have a lot of personal reflection on past events in it, I know that, as it has to otherwise it would have no structure.
I think its partly a survival book as well. As the protaganist is based on a real person (one of the writers old friends) who suffered alcoholism at an early age, it deals with that too.

>> No.742729


Ah, sounds good.

>> No.742732


Haha, I'm sure my friend would appreciate it. If it ever gets published, then I'll be sure to let /lit/ know it's title! LOL

>> No.742737

Sounds cool! Good luck!

>> No.742745


Sounds... I dunno.

>> No.742753 [DELETED] 

I think most of my ideas fit novel form better than novella or short story but they could easily be any of them. These are a few I've been pondering on recently:

-space colonization
-alternate american history
-propaganda infested post-apocalyptic
-biopunk/dystopian society
-religiously charged steampunk with caste system of robots


>> No.742802

Woah. What happened to the post about the sci fi crap?


>> No.742899

writing on a short story about an old boxer who is supposed to lose his next fight. However he convinces himself to not take a dive and to knock his opponent out, even if it means to piss off the wrong people. He then gets brutally beaten up and knocked out by his opponent and everyone is happy that he hold on to the plan.

>> No.742921

That was me, I deleted it because no one commented about it! :'(

>> No.742953

I love that room.

>> No.742988


Noone commented on mine either, but I didn't delete it.

>> No.743000

me too.
I want book shelves like that.

>> No.743019

I am writing a sci/fi novel about a corporation who has built the first floating city to evade normal laws. At first it prospers and people move from all over the world and exist happily. Then, with ambiguous reason, a quarantine ensues everything goes to hell. hilarity does not ensue.

>> No.743025

Sounds like Bioshock.

>> No.743029


>> No.743037


Don't get me wrong, you've probably done a lot different, it's just that description that sounds a lot like it, except for that it's floating rather than... sinking...

>> No.743038

Siblings alone in a house by the sea. Parents left a few years previously, supplies getting low. Boy keeps looking for a ship, thinks he's spotted one one day. Considering a couple of plot directions currently, one has the boy disappear, another modifies the narrative to include magical realism. There's also a few other projects I'm working on. A screenplay and a few other novellas, along with preliminary work on a novel.

>> No.743047

>I'm an imagist writer
Delete the fucking story and kill yourself.

>> No.743057

Make it so that hilarity DOES ensue.

>> No.743061


Have the boy disappear, but the other sibling invent a small series of "magical" events, before going back to the scene of where his brother disappeared weeks later and collapsing at the site of his brother's rotting corpse, coming to the realization that his brain had invented those magical events to protect him from the trauma of losing the only person he had left.

You're welcome.

>> No.743074


And I misspelled sight.


>> No.743176

Painter-/lit/ readers FTW!

>> No.743349


Not currently writing, but I do have story ideas.

One idea is about an average, everyday american high school student who survives a nuclear war. It's going to be insanely depressing; everything is post-apocalyptic, and everyone he knows will eventually die, like his badass shotgun-toting mom, his love interest, his friends, etc. etc., and if anything good happens to him you can bet it will get worse eventually.

Throughout the novel he becomes more and more disillusioned with life, but can't bring himself to allow himself to die. He meets with a new group and travels with them after everyone he already knows dies, but doesn't allow himself to get close to any of them. Eventually, in a crisis, he breaks under pressure and runs off, leaving his new group to die. He becomes a crazy hermit and dies alone of radiation sickness.

>> No.743410

writing a few things

One is about a young man who derives sexual pleasure from mutilation

Eventually he starts cutting off hands, arms, feet (his own)

>> No.743413

i wrote ten sentences about a porn star and then i got distracted.

>> No.743454

What are his dreams OP? Do you mean ambitions or dreams like when he sleeps at night?

>> No.743463

fucking "writers" are ruining this board

>> No.743507

>ruining a literature board

bump for a stupid sage

>> No.743520
File: 84 KB, 700x474, sonichu copyright me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a place for discussing literature. You're childish scribblings are not literature.

Imagine if /co/ was a bunch of faggots who only talk about their shitty self-drawn Sonichu comics, or if /tv/ was a bunch of faggot youtube users who only talked about the crappy videos they upload. That's what /lit/ is. A bunch of morons who can't discuss books, only the shit that they write that nobody wants to read.

>> No.743527



Nice try though.

>> No.743535


He was probably going for You're childish... but rethought.