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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1022 KB, 2639x3573, IMG_20151206_190303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7430763 No.7430763 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ ragebait

>> No.7430765

uguu~ she's so kawaii!! ^_^ :3

>> No.7430771

I wish all my books had qt lolis on the cover, 2bh.

>> No.7430789
File: 646 KB, 2830x1410, Les.Miserables.Shoujo.Cosette.full.808625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosette is a qt, desu.

>> No.7430791

i like the alice one better.

>> No.7430910
File: 209 KB, 1456x983, o001.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7430911

japan is a fucking cancer we should have nuked that shit into the sea

>> No.7430915
File: 102 KB, 620x417, 160242-inferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting a classic

>> No.7430924

It's unfortunate, but it is true. Letting Japan continue instead of subsuming it after World War 2 was a mistake.

>> No.7430957

Was that a good game? Also I don't really understand why anybody would rage over this, it's still the same book. Just a cringeworthy cover and a bit of a moneygrab I guess.

>> No.7430958

Getting angry at plebs is pleb as fuck

>> No.7430968

But it's not a book: it's a game.

>> No.7430969


Japan's got some really good surrealist literature though.

>> No.7430986

Looks like a fun read, but I doubt it won't completely butcher the story.

>> No.7430999

Game wasn't really good.
It was a ripoff of God of war set in Inferno. Didn't help that you only had two weapons during the whole game and the story was based very loosely on the original.

>> No.7431023

>A Del Ray Trade Paperback Original

>> No.7431027

its funny cuz the translation is decent.

>> No.7431031

>ea games

>> No.7431209

The les mis fighting game is funnier

>> No.7432222

Mildly related, why the fuck is Les Miserables mentioned so much in American Psycho?

>> No.7432235

maybe because the play was the cool thing to yuppies to go back then? and to make a contrast between watching the poors of the play and the real poor?
im drunk so sorry in advance

>> No.7432238

Because during the period that the book is set in, the stage play on Broadway was at its height of popularity.

>> No.7432242
File: 583 KB, 705x981, 1417832351083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7432243

The main character loves a fictitious work about the downtrodden which has been elevated to a piece of kitschy yuppyism. The main character is also rich and murders poor people.

>> No.7432244

satans dick had jiggle physics in it

>> No.7432247

That makes sense, never read or watched Les Miserables tbqh and browsing under the influence is the only way to browse senpai. It's basically just some ebin post modernist irony then? The fact that the yuppies use their knowledge of the existence of the poor in the play to bolster their social value just as they use their knowledge of poor around them to feel better about themselves in comparison. Basically just affirming the readers perception of the yuppies as self-centered assholes.

>> No.7432269
File: 495 KB, 1366x1300, 1400187646511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't out-pedo the original though.
Extreme trigger Warning for this pic :)

>> No.7432289

I don't see how this is a bad thing

>> No.7432293

Because anime makes me ANGRY.

>> No.7432297
File: 118 KB, 1024x675, britland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this might qualify

also, less miserables is overexposed tripe XDD

>> No.7432304
File: 111 KB, 1080x1407, 51596361_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that is why i post on 4chan!

>> No.7432311


>how high you sore

must be intentional

>> No.7432737

Its funny to think someone genuinely thought this would appeal to teens, and took the effort to try and get of published.

Even funnier when you realise someone published it, and someone else displayed it

>> No.7432751

japan is trapped in surreal land

>> No.7432759

It actually introduces communication using emojis to the elderly in a setting they understand

>> No.7432778


>> No.7432818

>Special introduction by game's executive producer

Good lord.

>> No.7432859
File: 274 KB, 728x409, http___images.static-bluray.com_reviews_3943_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they either make cringy cancer shit or marvelous god-tier masterpieces that make you cry from how beautiful they are.

>> No.7432959

It's actually a nice cover.
I like it.

>> No.7432984

All I can think of when I hear "Japan" is their mysterious and constant awesome Western affinity.

>gets btfo by Europe
>modernizes. successfully absorbs Prussian school system, adopts European instruments and music.
>gets btfo by America
>successfully absorbs baseball, Disney, and republican system of governance

Japan likes the West, and the West likes Japan.

>> No.7433000

Except, in the west, tentacle porn and manga about gay teenagers aren't mainstream entertainment.

>> No.7433008

Doesn't so much make me angry as it does depressed. I'm beyond anger. I have cursed and raged to the heavens until the fire died within and my pessimist evolved into outright defeatism.

I'm pretty sure any teenager will look at this the same way they look at 90's cartoons that added hiphop to seem "hip".

>> No.7433011

"Otakus" are as looked down on in Japanese society as they are in any other society.

>> No.7433018

>gay teenagers aren't mainstream entertainment
Kek. You don't watch a lot of TV, do you?

>> No.7433050
File: 69 KB, 500x707, treasure island had zelda rupees.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my son plays minecraft all day and won't read books pls help

>> No.7433055
File: 54 KB, 500x711, robin hood steals from mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7433060
File: 56 KB, 500x707, king arthur for smash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7433065
File: 33 KB, 384x384, minecraft novels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433066

At the end of Fahrenheit 404, Anon has escaped the Internet, which has been destroyed by memes. He has joined a group of survivors who are devoted to memorizing and reciting books, and hopes to become like them with his memories of certain Biblical works.

>> No.7433076
File: 47 KB, 500x706, achilles is op.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7433080

>Japan is le wacky sex place

>> No.7433082
File: 69 KB, 720x540, 1445746433275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The west has furshit and it's 100% analogous. They also cross-pollinate.
And I love them both.

>> No.7433087

>this kills the mishima

>> No.7433096
File: 94 KB, 500x702, swiss family robinson indie game of the year.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7433107
File: 31 KB, 317x450, castlevania ripoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7433113

Post that one with robin hood leaning against the tree

I see it a lot

>> No.7433126
File: 71 KB, 622x549, Hypertension_and_involuntary_muscle_twitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433135


But it's so interesting and alien. Only country with a similar level of weirdness I can think of is Finland.

>> No.7433136


>> No.7433138
File: 30 KB, 319x450, frankenstein sidescroll beat em up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7433154


Yep! You guys are weird as fuck!

>> No.7433161

You're a fool if you think it isn't.

>> No.7433207 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 125x83, 1447597213246s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

errybody sleeping on these gets

>> No.7433209

>not understanding the multiple levels of irony involved here

>> No.7433293

>Miyazaki's worst film


>> No.7433306
File: 23 KB, 400x304, Nights-of-Cabiria-federico-fellini-10767941-400-304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading this
I genuinely think SJWs are too stupid to understand and appreciate it, so they use "bigotry" as an excuse for why they didn't like it.

>> No.7433310

Enlighten me

>> No.7433330
File: 81 KB, 629x934, latest-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this?

>> No.7433417

I actually sorta like this one

>> No.7433508

kil ursefl

>> No.7433740

I'll take kawaii uguu anime miserables over that shitty 90s cartoon adaptation.

>> No.7433745

Resurrects him as a demon of vengeance.

>> No.7435521

>Full disclosure: the first time i read Nietzsche i felt that his books were just a ridiculous collection of nonsense, written in poor German, and largely based on an embarrassing degree of ignorance about anthropology, sociology, art and science; and i haven't changed my mind since then. I still have to understand why he became so famous. I am not sure that he also became influential because i think the century that followed had little use for his philosophy and/or his method (assuming he had one).
Straight from Scaruffi's website.

>> No.7437508

The game is okay if you can find it cheap. Big titties without nipples but tongues instead, Satan's jiggly wiggly physics in his dick and some fun boss fights mean that it's worth $4 or so. Combat was limited but the controls were pretty good and there was an interesting karma-based skill-tree too.

>> No.7437509

This whole board is rage bait

>> No.7437511

Seen this in shops before and it was actually tempting my inner-weeb. Seems cute.

>> No.7437527

Miyazaki's worst is still of a high standard, anon.

>> No.7437541


That's all I can say really

>> No.7437549

Capitalism, ho!

>cover art is pixels instead of voxels

>> No.7437596

>The Best Novels of All Times
>Stephenie Meyer (USA, 1973): "Twilight" (2005) +
Scruffles might have a decent music taste but he's obviously a huge pleb when it comes to literature/philosophy and movies.

>> No.7437598

Forgot the link

>> No.7437617
File: 61 KB, 325x441, l ron hubbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's watched all those movies and read all those books, aside from his mainstay of the tonnage of albums he actually writes reviews for

You should take a personality test. This man can help you.

>> No.7437619

Where did you see me claim that, faggot?

>> No.7437622

>Cares about a list of books that haven't been read by the list-maker.

Keep going.

>> No.7437626

>changing the goalpost
stop, you might be able to save some face

>> No.7437630

Frankly most things on in the actual top are pretty /lit/.

>> No.7437654

>Scruffles might have a decent music taste
No, not even that. He rates by how popular they are.

>> No.7437662

He's undeniably bitter towards popular artists for sure.
Just compare his Flaming Lips reviews with those of Radiohead.
They get graded the same but he's much, much more positive on FLips

But I have found some gems due to him so I have to give him some credit.

>> No.7437670

>implying this isn't the best way possible to honour the authors memory
He would have loved it.

>> No.7438367
File: 90 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should the World Masterpiece Theater series and other older anime adaptations of classic literature. They had people like Miyazaki, Takahata, and Dezaki working on them. They're fantastic, better than almost any Western adaptations, especially animated ones.

>> No.7438491

>Miyazaki's worst
>Not Howl's or Mononoke

>> No.7438500

Fuck you, I loved Howl.
And Mononoke is way too iconic to not be top 5.

>> No.7438503

You should have seen the reddit thread about that pic. People patted themselves on the back over how great it is, how dumb English majors are, and how Shakespeare is an overrated hack.

>> No.7438518

i want this so fucking bad and my thesis was on shakespeare desu

>> No.7438556


I get that you're trying to be contrarian but literally can't call it one of his worst

I took the bait, didn't I?

>> No.7439869

>written in poor German
Over the line

>> No.7439874

>I am not sure that he also became influential because i think the century that followed had little use for his philosophy and/or his method (assuming he had one).
Someone tell him about psychology and basically the entire body of literary analysis.

>> No.7439881

You literally just named two of his best
Get off my board

>> No.7439888

>ITT fedora tippers who don't understand this post-ironic masterpiece
Kill yourselves

>> No.7439891

Howl's does kind of suck, though. Looks nice. This guy has probably only seen the more mainstream stuff though (Howl's, Nausicaa, Spirited Away, Totoro, Mononoke and Castle in the Sky tend to be the ones everyone's seen). There are a lot of mediocre films he made; first one that immediately comes to mind is Whisper of the Heart. What an absolute borefest. Totoro is fairly meh as well. I can't think of anything he's made that's fucking terrible other than maybe Ponyo.

>> No.7439904

The castle is so cool though desu

>> No.7439912

Visually it's really impressive but the story was weak as fuck. It's not his worst film though. At least it's not fucking Earthsea. His son directed that. I've yet to see it, but from what I hear it was an absolute massacre.

>> No.7439960
File: 160 KB, 580x778, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never draw cute girls like Kris Sison

>> No.7439967

>mfw I made this image like a year ago
Holy shit that is some sloppy editing.

>> No.7440087
File: 3.59 MB, 3984x2656, R0017001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7440108

>apologizing about the rating
>400 year old book
Yeah I dont think you are hurting anyones feeling here

>> No.7440268

Yes. This is one of two things I've wanted since forever:
1)Troll covers for ebooks that are anime picture covers of classic literature

2)The regular classic lit covers but with big stupid trigger warnings on them.

If I was given the cover images I would personally shove them into the epubs I owned and upload them here.

>> No.7440646

this isnt b you fucking idiot
no one cares

>> No.7441144

>including Nausicaa
Are you kidding me? America absolutely butchered that movie in the 80s and Miyazaki almost never let any movie of his be exported again. Never mind that it's pretty brutal. The movie itself was just kind of ignored for the last two decades. Nausicaa is def. not one of his mainstream movies.

>> No.7441395


So did anyone in the 1800s actually like Cosette falling in love with and marrying Marius as opposed to Eponine? I know the musical romanticizes Eponine more than the book, but still...

>> No.7441557

thanks, now I gotta jack off to doujins of a trap Alice getting gangbanged by men in white rabbit masks

>> No.7441654

I prefer those over Miyazaki movies. I just don't find Miyazaki's original lores to be memorable.

>> No.7442023

I can't see how the first one is a troll cover

>> No.7442172

I'm this guy. I've seen all of his Ghibli and Pre-Ghibli directed work, and most of Takahata's who was much prolific pre-Ghibli. Howl's and Mononoke are hugely overrated. Nothing wrong with Ponyo and Whisper of the Heart is one of Ghibli's best.

>> No.7442180

why wouldn't he like anime?

>> No.7442827


>> No.7442866

You are now aware that there is nothing stopping you, or anyone, from reading works of quality literature and imagining everyone as a qt anime girl.

>> No.7442874
File: 127 KB, 807x794, 1437096348983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? are you telling me that not everyone do it?

>> No.7442981


>> No.7443170

>Whisper of the Heart. What an absolute borefest.

>> No.7443419

Why be mad? There have always been cynical attempts to capitalize on the youth by out-of-touch older folk.

>> No.7443426

You are just as out of touch as the NEETs who fed you this image of Japan

>> No.7443779

Totoro is his best and Whisper of the Heart is the best Ghibli. Fuck you.

>> No.7443801
File: 253 KB, 1000x1500, only yesterday poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whisper of the Heart is the best Ghibli
Nah, it's great, but Only Yesterday is Ghibli's best, without a doubt.

>> No.7443822

If we did nuked Japan into the sea, then we wouldn't have witnessed the lives of such great novelists like Osamu Dazai, Yukio Mishima, Haruki Murakami. And many more.

>> No.7443841
File: 133 KB, 704x396, cristo243t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh it wasn't bad. Anime tends to take novels that have an adult protagonist and switch to a child protagonist. This one was way less depressing using Cosette. Gankutsuou (Count of Monte Cristo) changed it to Albert being the chief protagonist, and overall it worked because it left a lot of mystery to the Count's backstory. Gankutsuou is a great series in its own right, the changes overall work for the period, genre, and media.

Sadness fuel - Romeo's Blue Skies. No idea how close the original novel is to the anime.

I heard the Moby Dick sci-fi anime was shit. Hakusei?... something like that.

>> No.7443846

Eh some people made Facebook literary parodies and I liked them. I don't think anyone would buy this in place of reading the actual literature. It's not like you can use this like Cliff's Notes.

>> No.7443852

It really is. Tokyo is a crazy place. You can look in one direction and see a shrine next to a massive inflatable Pikachu and a maid cafe billboard written in awkward French. They are absurdly silent, polite, and restricted as citizens then deviants behind closed doors.

>> No.7443864
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, jim ava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> I heard the Moby Dick sci-fi anime was shit. Hakusei?... something like that.
I've heard that too. It's a shame, Dezaki is one of the best. Watch his Treasure Island adaptation. It's fantastic.

>> No.7443929
File: 21 KB, 417x229, whispers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whisper of the Heart has such a simple premise but it puts me in the most lighthearted mood. I've watched it many times when I just feel down and need a boost of optimism.

>> No.7443943
File: 31 KB, 664x430, ashitakaback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howl is overrated but Mononoke is forever my favorite Miyazaki film. It's so grand yet full of small wonderful moments. It's incredibly mature in that there is no clear good or bad (sure the priest guy is an asshole) side. The forest is untouched majesty, but Eboshi is doing what she must to be sure she keeps her people safe. In the end, Ashitaka and San are together but not, it's bittersweet and doesn't cave in to expectations of a classic kid's fairytale.

Ponyo, man, I just could not like it. Bored me to tears and the only Ghibli film where I couldn't get over how stupid the adults were. Drug my friends to see it in theaters and they still give me grief and make jokes using Ponyo's "HAM!" voice.

>> No.7443968

>great novelists
>Haruki Murakami

>> No.7443983

They made an anime about of of his books. It was before they had the cute girls on point though.

>> No.7443988
File: 81 KB, 421x600, 719987228023_anime-Animated-Classics-of-Japanese-Literature-Sound-of-WavesGro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7444062


I appreciate that she is blonde & blue eyed. Japs at least have good taste.

>> No.7444081

That's actually what they think all white women look like, for some reason. Maybe some leftover Aryan Master-Race propaganda still floating around in the collective unconscious.

>> No.7444092
File: 9 KB, 673x50, japs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Japs have anything to do with this.

>> No.7444101

>Crystal Silvermoon and SunNeko Lee

>> No.7444104

Not a Jap in sight.

>> No.7444112


Japs would've done the same thing. They love blondes

>> No.7444117
File: 620 KB, 2840x1410, Les.Miserables.Shoujo.Cosette.full.1093068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did, but they did a better job.

>> No.7444181

>Manga: conforming to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century

>> No.7444198
File: 294 KB, 1250x1800, Abandon_the_Old_in_Tokyo_p085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga is a fairly varied medium .

>> No.7444205
File: 54 KB, 640x360, 1434039073018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7444210


lol good ol' japs

>> No.7444220

>Snow Country
And those are only the shit everyone have heard about.
What the fuck are you doing on this board?

>> No.7444234

pls no m8

>> No.7444258

can you recommend some more good Japanese literature?

>> No.7444272

I don't believe you

>> No.7444292

I just checked Reddit. most the comments are stuff like "I hope whom ever created that abomination suffers a horrible demise." and "I don't want to live on this earth anymore."

>> No.7444297


>> No.7444302

oh I found the comment he was refering to. its just one comment though.

"Having spent five years in college studying literature, I still don't understand why we force kids today to read Shakespeare."

most of them just think its a fun gimmick or hate it

>> No.7444307
File: 41 KB, 641x194, As I Lay Dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7444322

in terms of faith to the text though its not that bad
its definitely a perversion, but its not doing any harm or propagating any misconceptions about the source, so i see no problem with it

>> No.7444327
File: 52 KB, 349x402, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7444374

>I can't understand it so anyone who can is just pretending!
>I don't like it so anyone who does is just pretending!

Why do people do this? Does it make them feel better about themselves?

>> No.7444446

rage is virtue tbqhfam

>> No.7444477

>spent five years in college
That's the problem, punk is a slacker. A lot of English majors read nothing but YA, Fantasy, and simple Sci-Fi for pleasure. It's disgusting but I saw it in graduate school as well.

>> No.7444576

Faulkner isn't even that inaccessible. This triggered me.

>> No.7444989

Tezuka's Adolf is amazing

>> No.7445289

When you think about it, it makes sense because Romeo and Juliet were dumbass teenagers.

>> No.7445353

They are very nice gets.

This is not a very nice comment.

>> No.7445399

>written in poor German
>besides his writings in philosophy, Nietzsche has also been praised for his poetry

>> No.7445402

S-So, there are more?

>> No.7445431

Why the fucking hell would you complain about misogyny in an old book? If you're gonna complain about the patriarchy or whatever bullshit, at least do it with recent books.

I will never understand this.

>> No.7446724

The fuck is this from that's hilarious

>> No.7446751

>that mouth breather chin on the picture on the left
>that lazily drawn older blonde chick

>> No.7446763

I got this for my gf who loves shakespeare for christmas. you guys need to calm down. its just a fun gimmick for the modern age. It doesn't take away from the original and no one is forcing you to read it.

>> No.7447607
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7447632
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>> No.7447642
File: 2.07 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7447655
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind these are shelved on the same display as like Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Lucretius, Žižek and Heidegger. These aren't segregated into a cute novelty section.

>> No.7447669

But Ponyo running on the ocean though. As boring as some of it was that was spectacular.

>> No.7447675

>People like this unironically exist

>> No.7447681
File: 76 KB, 720x960, 12321487_991512810905022_3078624061489594378_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7447682

same at my barnes and noble, it's fucking gross

>> No.7447730

Query: Have you actually read all those?

>> No.7447750


The fact that anyone managed to derive anything remotely intelligent from fucking Big Bazongo and Adventure Time is really quite hard to believe.

Like maybe you can get SOMETHING about like ethics or psychoanalysis from like, Harry Potter or Dracula or the Hobbit, but absolutely not from some of the fucking piles of garbage some of the other stuff on this shelf is based on.

More importantly, where the FUCK is Seinfeld?

Nope. I was looking for some oxford translations of Schopie and Nietzsche and I was running short on time, as I had to pick up my little sis from viola practice. They really just looked like books designed to make normies and illiterates feel smart for watching garbage television.

>> No.7447786

Makes me sad because it's not an actual game.

>> No.7447856

Despite being the best show of all time it is no longer popular nor held in literary esteem like Dracula.

>> No.7447870

Posting cringe in 3...2...1...

>A lighthearted meditation on the philosophical quandaries of the hit television show The Big Bang Theory

>Ever wonder what Aristotle might say about the life Sheldon Cooper leads? Why Thomas Hobbes would applaud the roommate agreement? Who Immanuel Kant would treat with "haughty derision" for weaving "un-unravelable webs?" And—most importantly—whether Wil Wheaton is truly evil? Of course you have. Bazinga!

>This book mines the deep thinking of some of history's most potent philosophical minds to explore your most pressing questions about The Big Bang Theory and its nerdy genius characters. You might find other philosophy books on science and cosmology, but only this one refers to Darth Vader Force-chokes, cloning Leonard Nimoy, and oompa-loompa-like engineers. Fo-shizzle.

>Gives you irresistibly geek-worthy insights on your favorite Big Bang Theory characters, story lines, and ideas

>Examines important themes involving ethics and virtue, science, semiotics, religion, and the human condition

>Brings the thinking of some of the world's greatest philosophers to bear on The Big Bang Theory, from Aristotle and Plato to Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Simone de Beauvoir, and more

>Essential reading for every Big Bang Theory fan, this book explores whether comic-book-wielding geeks can lead the good life, and whether they can know enough science to "tear the mask off nature and stare at the face of God."

>> No.7447949

You weren't high enough

>> No.7447959

Where can I find this to read?

>> No.7447966
File: 297 KB, 1250x1800, The_Push_Man_and_other_stories_p023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's by Yoshihiro Tatsumi. Search his name on BakaBT, Madokami, or Amazon.

>> No.7447969

Yes I definitely was not high at all. I think it would be the only way I'd rewatch Ponyo... or drunk off my ass.

>> No.7447991


Shakespeare was such a fucking pleb (a master stylist, though) I'm sure this is how he would've gone about it if he were publishing today.

>> No.7448008
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>I'm sure this is how he would've gone about it if he were publishing today.

>> No.7448015


As inconsistent in quality as Adventure Time is, there are some gems hiding in it.

I could also see some serious discussion about The Princess Bride, but there's a creeping feeling in my gut that they're talking about the movie, which is great regardless, but obviously not as in-depth as the book.

>> No.7448030


Who can be this salty over a book about a psychic hillbilly?

>> No.7449742

Nausicaa is his best, actually.

>> No.7450889
File: 68 KB, 388x380, 2faf9534a78078d64cd4b6fdf63faf52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never be rich enough to spoil anime production with inexhaustible budget

>> No.7452475

came here to post this
good tastes sir

>> No.7453493

I want to play these games tbqh lads

>> No.7453504

Monkey island rip-off

>> No.7453506

That is actually a manga adaptation of mein kampf...

>> No.7453549

I can't imagine a person who would be interested in both of these subjects. It seems less like an attempt to cash in from fans of these shows and more like a paid project to make pilosophy hip.

>> No.7453567

the year is 3015 and humans post on the "literature and yaoi" board of the the cosmo-internet website "5chan". One of their most popular memes is: start with the geeks
"start with the geeks"

>> No.7454139 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 356x500, Hayao_Miyazaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I find most amusing about the anime fanbase is how they scream muh feminists will ban anime and then Hayao Miyazaki is more or less a radical fucking feminist. (Shitting on gender roles, sending strong anti-war messages, and generally keeping his works clean of masculinism.)


>> No.7454166

>What I find most amusing about the anime fanbase is how they scream muh feminists will ban anime
no they dont. no one thinks feminists have power in japan

>> No.7454171 [DELETED] 

Ever been to /a/?

And feminism reached Japan just fine. All in all I'm not sure if I'd rate Japan worse than e.g. the US in gender issues, very generally speaking. I mean it's not like they're India or something.

>> No.7454177

Yeah and most of the hardcore anime fans hate Miyazaki or simply don't care about him, his movies are only for the plebs.

>> No.7454208

If you don't like Miyazaki then you aren't a real anime fan. LOGH is just a story, Spirited Away is an experience.

>> No.7454226

What I find most amusing about adults is that they'll read YA, watch Hayao Miyazaki movies, listen to rap and in general have the intellectual development of a 12 year old. No shame whatsoever.

>> No.7454311 [DELETED] 

What is YA? Pls don't bully.

>> No.7454417

/a/ doesn't make threads about that shit often at all, and if so almost all the responses rarely take OP seriously.

Also, Japan is much worse at the United States at gender issues. It's not a third-world shithole, but it has a ways to go. Mainly regarding the patriarchal household and the fact that many married women's careers dead-end upon having a house.

Gender roles are very tightly adhered to, generally speaking. The women are expected to be neat, docile and submissive, and run a household, while the men are expected to be the breadwinners and more masculine, partaking in stereotypically male activities like drinking late in the night with co-workers, avoiding sweets, being the authority figure of the household. Men are also expected to be literate and cultured (like your Victorian husbandos), while women are really not. Both genders have fairly different speech registers, and are raised differently. This has been changing perceptibly over the years, mainly starting with Generation X and the millennials, but the majority of Japanese are older and persist with this vaguely Confucian lifestyle. Weak male animu protagonists and strong female protagonists are generally fringe shit designed to appease maladjusted nerds, who didn't fit in with the rest of their peers' roles. Miyazaki is more Western-influenced than most anime directors and is one of a few oddities, but let's not conflate that with otaku pandering.

Japan is also very...uh...not good with LGBWTFBBQ stuff. Mainly, they seem to be under the impression that lesbians don't exist outside their teens and early twenties and that trannies and gay men are one and the same. Oh, and that (like the West, really) bisexuality is rarely if ever really even thought about. Of course, many animu manage to avoid this stuff (mainly fanservice-y stuff or romance mangos) but the public perception remains largely that gay men tend to be effeminate cross-dressers and lesbians are just experimenting women who will eventually settle down with a husband after they grow out of it.

It's pretty far behind the curve. As always, Japanese cartoons=! real life.

>> No.7454440

Young Adult.

>> No.7454447

Young adult. Books written mainly for kids in high school. Examples would be Hunger Games, Divergent, the Memes in our Memes, Twilight, Pratchett novels, Hitchhiker's Guide, etc.

It's not inherently bad, as there's some decent YA like the first book in His Dark Materials, The Catcher in the Rye, and most of the stuff you were forced to read in high school. It's frowned upon here mainly because the overwhelming majority of it (like everything really) is shit, but more importantly, many millennials (who are in their twenties or early thirties now) still read the stuff (and that's often all they read), when they are more than capable of reading something more difficult or at least more substantial, thus keeping their intellectual development at around the level of a sophomore in high school.

This is also compounded by the hipster subculture that is more or less a new petite-bourgeoisie, which many millennials belong to, which tries to ape various different countercultures and artistic subcultures without any of the substance. Generally, in art-based cultures, it's expected that the elite is well-read, so many hipster-types consider themselves well-read despite only reading stuff meant for minors, and this pisses off /lit/, who also consider themselves well-read, but most of whom have at least attempted to read some difficult shit, or at least some pretentious wank-fests for adults that hipsters won't even touch.

Also, you're a nerd.

>> No.7454510

Still a better version than the NIV.

>> No.7454525 [DELETED] 

I don't mean threads dedicated to it. If you made such a thread you would be virtually lynched to death and probably get your thread deleted.
Try saying anything that could be interpreted pro-feminist in any way in any thread and you'll know what I mean. And this probably goes for many other boards on 4chan. Even fucking /lgbt/ is brainwashed by anti-feminist propaganda and thinks that radfems are out to genocide them.

I suppose Japanese LNs (light novels) fall under that category?
As I understand it, reading LNs is the "highest" point you can reach on /a/ (it's not even technically on-topic). Kind of sad.

>> No.7454564

>Oh, and that (like the West, really) bisexuality is rarely if ever really even thought about

yeah that's definitely Meiji era western ideology considering Oda Nobunaga and other daiymo's Greek bisexuality.

>> No.7454586

I'm talking about modern Japan, m80.

>> No.7454621


>> No.7454625

Wasn't there a manga version of Austen's Emma that's not bad?


YA books can be a good palette cleanser tho, and it's nice to keep up with what the kids are on about.

>> No.7454696
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This reminds me of the time I read some reviews for "The Man Whom the Trees Loved" by Algernon Blackwood and there were SJWs complaining about how the husband character was a sexist piece of shit for an offhanded comment he made about women being weak/simple. I don't think they got to the rest of the book since the actual MC is his wife who, despite being terrified of things she doesn't understand, addresses her fears out of pure love for her husband and tries to win him back from supernatural forces. It's not his best work by any means, but I thought it was a nice display of traditional feminine strength and dedication. The reviews would've come off as retarded to me if I'd read them before reading the story, but they were double-retarded since I read them after and knew precisely how wrong they were.

I decided to not read reviews of books online anymore because of this, which led to me realize that other people's evaluations of literature are mostly meaningless and that I should be confident in making my own decisions about what I'm going to read and why. It was a good moment.

The wife doesn't win.

The average LN barely reads like a YA. Even the best translations of the most well-received LNs have prose and dialogue that will make you feel like you are slowly becoming retarded with every sentence you read. VNs are on about the same level for the most part, but they take 50 hours to read. Most of the weird/interesting stuff is in manga because there's low to no entry barriers in terms of content and there's a much broader readerbase as opposed to anime, which are mostly animated promotions for ongoing series that are expected to sell well so the studios can make ends meet.

The one by the mangaka of Otoyomegatari, yeah. That seems to have a pretty favorable reception but I haven't read it yet.

>> No.7454986

>interesting and alien
Only if you're a fucking weeaboo

>> No.7454991 [DELETED] 


>> No.7455092

>unironically exist

>> No.7456493

I'm more curious than sickened.
Batman, Hobbit, and Princess Bride I'd look at.
Mostly to figure out if they're based on the movies.
There's plenty to discuss on philosophy and Batman or LotR, and I need to know what kind of point the book is trying to make of Princess Bride.

>> No.7456513

To be fair, his films are better than most anime.

>> No.7456516

Fuck me I looked up the author and there's more than a hundred of these things written since 2000.

>> No.7456836

perhaps /r/literature will suit you better, 6-days-ago-anon

>> No.7456920
File: 49 KB, 728x1024, b-but Anon his wife said he was straight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that trannies and gay men are one and the same
Is this why Yuki was so overtly masculine?

>> No.7457047 [DELETED] 
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>Weak male animu protagonists and strong female protagonists are generally fringe shit designed to appease maladjusted nerds

Moderately to highly popular anime with very interesting/strong female characters, from skimming through my archives:
Angel Beats, Fate (especially Zero), Gatchaman, Gintama, Haruhi, Kyousougiga, Monogatari, Noragami (thinking of Bishamon, though she's sexualized too), Yozakura Quartet, Psycho-Pass, maybe Jintai, maybe Charlotte

Anime where they're at least on par with males (generally anime worlds where no serious conflict exists, so there needn't be any "heroes", masculine or otherwise):
Genshiken, Nichijou, Hyouka, Shirobako

Few of these fulfill your strict criteria of "weak male + strong female" but that's really unnecessary. You don't want to plainly revert the roles; you want to abolish the roles. Many of these anime do that beautifully.

I'm not saying anime is progressive in general or anything like that. (Let alone Japanese culture in general.) It's a relatively big industry that's gushing out tons of crap every season and a lot of it are absolute abominations from a feminist perspective, but there's also a lot of "acceptable" and some pretty great stuff.

Regarding real life of adults, there's apparently more and more single women who choose to spend time with friends, work, etc. and have no interest in marriage. Probably a reaction to what you describe; they're expected to be docile and slavish if they get into marriage, and they're disillusioned with it.

I'm nowhere near an expert in Japanese nor American culture, but I wouldn't be so quick to decide that women's quality of life is lower in Japan than in Murrica. They're a vastly different culture with vastly different issues and different reactions to these issues. I wonder for instance whether date rape and drunken/party rape is nearly as much a thing in Japan as it is in Murrica; it might be one of those things where the greater supposed liberation of women (greater freedom in dating and partying in Murrican culture) actually makes their situation worse because men abuse their supposed liberation for their own rapist desires.

>> No.7457056

Why does reddit hate Japan anyway?

>> No.7457886
File: 76 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad

This is probably one of the most malinformed posts ITT. Please stop measuring the world by the metric of your Yi Cave Drawings.

Most of the anime you've named are popular among the subculture, not the general public. Unsurprisingly, the general public of Japan likes normie shit like SnK. Furthermore, nowhere did I stipulate that all anime falls into the strong female lead and useless pussy protagonist; I just said that many anime that do use this tend to be for subcultures and social rejects. Some of that is also just another way to ape Evangelion and the sekai-kei model.

Regarding the young females, I believe I mentioned that among young people the roles have shifted noticeably. The young female population of Japan has been becoming increasingly more independent, some to the point where twenty-somethings have never had any romantic interaction whatsoever. On a similar note, more males are serially underemployed and unattached into their 20s as well.

I didn't even say women's quality of life is worse, dude, I just said in terms of equal power in society, men tend to be on top simply because if a woman settles down her career implodes, thus robbing her of an opportunity to get ahead.

I don't know much about rape statistics in Japan, but in metropolitan areas especially, sexual harassment and inappropriate touching is pretty rampant, both in and out of the workplace. It's also incredibly difficult to really do anything about workplace (or for that matter, at schools) sexual harassment, since there is impressively immense pressure to say nothing and do nothing, as the social cost of kicking up a fit, especially about one's superiors tends to outweigh the benefits.

I'm not a tumblrfag feminist that thinks we should all hold hands and pretend that men and women don't exist. I don't even identify as a feminist. But women tend to have less power than men in Japan, for the reasons stated above. Just because your Ainu bone carvings don't necessarily reflect social reality 100% doesn't really mean that it's the norm. Some aspects of it have bled into young people, who, you'll find due to the impending 2030 problem, are vastly outnumbered by those who adhere to Confucian and feudal value systems,

>> No.7457901

>they like sodomy therefore they must act a certain way

>> No.7457914


well, I mean, anime wasn't exactly always as weird as it is now

I think in the sixties and fifties he would have been perfectly okay with an anime adaptation. However I'm sure he would have preferred some sort of Kurosawa-esque adaptation more, and an actual theatre one most

>> No.7457919

because there are a small number of people from that country that like hunting whales

>> No.7458136
File: 295 KB, 1423x2667, Why Do We Force Students to Read Shakespeare- - Rajat Bhageria 2015-12-13 14-07-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7458308

nice jacket you fucking slav

>> No.7458378

I bought the one for LotR online.
It was pretty shallow and underwhelming tbqhf.

>> No.7458413
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>> No.7458417

Jesus. Does he realize the most people read both Hamlet and Gatsby in high school and the study of one doesn't preclude the other? Also he must be retarded if he's struggling to read it; it's really not that hard and like 95% of Shakespeare books have annotations for words fallen into disuse. If he was whining that Canterbury Tales or the Pearl were in barely recognizable English that would be understandable, but Shakespeare is relatively clear.

>> No.7458479

This, I was reading shakespeare at age 14 and english isn't even my first language.

>> No.7458486

I got the Final Fantasy and Zelda ones when I was younger, some okay-ish essays, but nothing really mindblowing or anything.

>> No.7458507

shakespeare sucks tho

>> No.7458552

>But what scientific evidence is there that reading Shakespeare helps students in the modern age survive the work environment, live without government aid, and achieve familial goals?

If this is all education is supposed to give you, I don't want it.

>> No.7458586

you are very smart

>> No.7458769

(ignore bakamods having removed my post)

>the general public of Japan likes normie shit like SnK
I don't watch the most mainstream stuff like SnK, Naruto, etc., but from what I know, the number of abominations vs. OK stuff isn't that different. Doesn't SnK have one or multiple very strong female characters? Doesn't Naruto have some too, or do they play the damsel in distress thing? I know that SAO is an abomination in that respect...

Anyway, if we're talking mainstream, Hayao Miyazaki beats all. If we're talking subculture, the ones I listed beat. All in all, whatever you have in mind seems too narrow.

>nowhere did I stipulate that all anime falls into the strong female lead and useless pussy protagonist
Neither did I say you did...

>I just said that many anime that do use this tend to be for subcultures and social rejects
No, neither SnK nor Miyazaki's works are for subcultures and social rejects.
Stuff like Angel Beats isn't *that* subculturish either AFAIK.

Re. the rest of your post, I'm just saying it's too simplistic to say "Japan is worse in gender issues than the US" and move on. Imma repeat I'm no expert on either culture (knowing a bit more about US culture, since it's ubiquitous on the Internet), but I think the wrongs in US/western cultures are being massively underplayed because it's the dominating culture and because we're used to it.

To put it differently, when you say
>I didn't even say women's quality of life is worse, dude, I just said in terms of equal power in society, [...]
that's pretty close to what I mean. If their quality of life were equally good as that of men (even despite men holding social power), then would there really be a problem? Of course, no social power usually means being an easy target of abuse (the political right's dream of righteous men protecting women would *never* work), but we're easily overseeing ways in western culture in which men are still holding power over women. In particular, the sexual liberation dogma holds it as one of its biggest claims that it means freedom for all people, including women (whose sexuality is massively oppressed in conservative/puritan cultures), yet our whole cultural conception of sexuality is still fundamentally male-serving (see number of women who don't consistently reach orgasms from sex, etc. etc.), so a big problem is being masked by a pretend equality. Similar is the issue with "free speech" which supposedly holds everyone equal, yet in practice it ends up protecting the speech of those in power from criticism, while those lacking economic and/or social power have no means to make their speech be heard in first place, so they could care less about freedom of speech laws.

>> No.7458847

Would you say it's the sort of book you'd read on the toilet?

>> No.7458854
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>>7458769 (me)

Anyway, I'm going AFK.

Mods are idiots who can't tell what's on-topic and what isn't and ban me for posting things people are probably just uncomfortable with hearing. (Possibly, the janitors/mods are just obeying mass-reports by users who feel uncomfortable with some of the content of my posts.) And I can't be arsed to ban evade repeatedly.

Seriously though, the boards here seem to have turned into as much of a hiveminded hugbox as any other online community. Well it always used to be like that, but merely via massive amounts of shitposting against opinions people didn't want to hear. Nowadays the moderators are just enforcing the opinions.

(If anyone's curious, the three posts that got me banned: 1. a porn-critical thread referencing "Pornography and Civil Rights" on /his/ because apparently it's "off-topic" even though it's plainly about recent history (Civil Rights Ordinance) and about humanities; 2. a thread on /lgbt/ pointing out flaws in aggressive pushing of the trans narrative, in particular how strongly it reinforces gender stereotypes for some people and/or how strongly people are going by gender stereotypes when they consider whether they're trans -- the thread was supposedly "advertisement" because I linked to a website that was giving examples of the bad logic; and 3. a post informing a pedophilia-curious poster on /lit/ that they can look into the "Pedophile Support Community" in Tor if they want to see/have civil discussions with anonymous pedophiles without the sharing of illegal material -- this post was admittedly technically off-topic, but it was a friendly response to the curious OP.)

Fuck the moderators. I'll start obeying your bans when they make some fucking sense.

>> No.7458858

don't all life events happen when we were younger?

>> No.7458863

you deserved 2/3 of those bans t.b.h

>> No.7458884

I strongly disagree that I deserved any of them. LGBT is for having discussions about LGB*T*, /his/ is for having discussions about humanities (porn being an aspect of culture), and the PSC/Tor related post was a friendly informative reply to someone's personal curiosity; they asked for books by pedophiles for pedophiles "to understand the pedo mindset" and I merely pointed them to a technically non-literature resource about that topic. Policing that as "off topic" is just ridiculous. The mods are probably just paranoid about 4chan looking like it has relations to pedophile communities.

>implying it hasn't always had that

>> No.7458905

That last one was creepy as hell, senpai. You should've reported him.

>> No.7459250

Wew please flounce harder senpai.

See you tomorrow by the way :^)

>> No.7459332

At least japan has a culture, you uncivilized american teen

>> No.7459339

You sound retarded as fuck, 2bh.

>Doesn't SnK have one or multiple very strong female characters? Doesn't Naruto have some too, or do they play the damsel in distress thing? I know that SAO is an abomination in that respect...
>Anyway, if we're talking mainstream, Hayao Miyazaki beats all. If we're talking subculture, the ones I listed beat. All in all, whatever you have in mind seems too narrow.
Hayao Miyazaki is pretty exceptional. And like I said, just because some Melanesian coloring books exist, that doesn't really reflect the culture at large, especially considering, as I have constantly reinterated, anime is subculture and is largely consumed by people other than the general public. The so-called gender busting roles, with literally almost the sole exception of Miyazaki, are not made because the creators are so progressive-minded and the Japanese feminists have really broken through to them, they're made because the average Japanese anime viewer is an effeminate male who was too intimidated by the popular girls at his high school, hence the fucking weaksauce male protagonists and independent girls who are good at everything. It is a fantasy. Even the stuff consumed by the general public doesn't really bleed that much, because it is mostly mindless entertainment. It'd be like saying the general populace of the United States probably practice BDSM because 50 Shades has sold well. It's a fantasy that doesn't reflect the reality of the viewer. You sound like you're from reddit, where they think Madoka was made by feminists to empower young girls when it was just Gen Urobuchi wanting to make a magical girl anime.

Your entire last paragraph is so vacuous I'm not even certain of what you're trying to say. In terms of equality of power between genders in Japan, it's very unbalanced, as I have demonstrated repeatedly, and it is having a negative effect on Japan, demonstrable through the collapse of the birthrate and increasing unrest among men and women, and resentment harbored towards the opposite sex. I nowhere stated that the United States is perfect or equal either, though it certainly approaches it much more than a culture where the women basically have their professional lives ended at 25 unless they remain single their whole lives.

>Anyway, I'm going AFK.

Mods are idiots who can't tell what's on-topic and what isn't and ban me for posting things people are probably just uncomfortable with hearing. (Possibly, the janitors/mods are just obeying mass-reports by users who feel uncomfortable with some of the content of my posts.) And I can't be arsed to ban evade repeatedly.
Get outta here.

See you next thread.

>> No.7459404

He's right though. It's really not that hard if you read the annotations, and it's not like Billy Shakes was really that wily with linguistic trickery and obscurantist stuff like earlier poets like Donne. He was pretty clever and there's a fuckload of puns and metaphors in his work that might go over one's head on the first read, but any idiot can understand the actual content of the play on first read, and for the article linked to say that Shakespeare is "barely recognizable English" is a massive overexaggeration of how difficult the syntax/semantics of the work is. The semiotic shit is the hard stuff, but that's why he's fucking studied.

Like >>7458417 said, if it were something in Middle English or Old English, sure, he would have the right to complain that giving a bunch of bored teenagers something that difficult even to understand on a sentence by sentence basis, but it's not.

The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye,
That slepen al the nyght with open ye
(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages);
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes
To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;

That might arguably be called "barely recognizable".


And now, Laertes, what's the news with you?
You told us of some suit; what is't, Laertes?
You cannot speak of reason to the Dane,
And loose your voice: what wouldst thou beg, Laertes,
That shall not be my offer, not thy asking?
The head is not more native to the heart,
The hand more instrumental to the mouth,
Than is the throne of Denmark to thy father.
What wouldst thou have, Laertes?

My dread lord,
Your leave and favour to return to France;
From whence though willingly I came to Denmark,
To show my duty in your coronation,
Yet now, I must confess, that duty done,
My thoughts and wishes bend again toward France
And bow them to your gracious leave and pardon.

Can't be. It's pretty clear.

>> No.7459471

Stop discussing anime, your degenerates. This is /lit/

>> No.7459483
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>> No.7459573
File: 45 KB, 421x427, top cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about Laotian sand sculptures on a Laotian sand sculpture appreciation BBS

>> No.7460656

Probably if I have trouble shitting.

>> No.7460759

What do Ainu bone carvings reflect, anon?

Also, I don't see how the impending 2030 problem (Japan's declining population issue, I assume) factor into the outnumbering of young people with feminism notion.

>> No.7460912

It mocks DFWs speech "This is water"

>> No.7460951 [DELETED] 


>> No.7460976
File: 922 KB, 640x360, 1424059098314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hayao Miyazaki is pretty exceptional.
Yeah, he's of world fame. Doesn't make him any less mainstream. Hell, makes him mainstream as fuck. You can bet on Japan being proud of him. Except for the right-wing fucks. He openly criticizes them after all.

>yadda yadda subculture
Please for the love of deities just tell us what is "mainstream anime" by your contrived standards so it's possible to even respond to you.

>The so-called gender busting roles [are] made because the average Japanese anime viewer is an effeminate male who was too intimidated by the popular girls at his high school
Oh yeah? You know what, you know absolute fuck-shit about anime. How many series have you watched in the last year?
Yeah I bet Akane Tsunemori is made to pander to silly high school boys afraid of girls, and they're supposed to identify with who, fucking Kogami? But you don't even know these characters, do you?
I guess Otonashi from Beats is also just a weak-male pandering character? Not like he has a very strong personality and his nurturing personality is presented as something admirable or anything.
Fate/Zero too is just for effeminate Japanese high school boys I guess. I bet they all aspire to become a lifeless utilitarian robot who kills his own father, mother figure, and figuratively wife and daughter, and the King of England is just a stronk female character for these effeminate Japanese boys to compare to their female classmates.
Yeah, it all makes perfect sense anon, it all makes perfect sense.

>[...] reddit, where they think Madoka was made by feminists to empower young girls [...]
You know a ton about Reddit huh?

>Your entire last paragraph is so vacuous I'm not even certain of what you're trying to say.
Your lack of reading comprehension is not my fault. I was making a relatively simple point that falls more or less under "descriptive moral relativism." In particular, if you judge Japanese society based on American cultural standards, it's no wonder you'll only see the worst of them, with an ironic lack of self-awareness of serious problems in your own culture. This simplistic "culture X is worse than culture Y in general topic Z" is a pretty toxic mentality that leads to idiotic ideas like "stop complaining, look at XYZ if you want to see how *real* discrimination looks!!1one."

>demonstrable through the collapse of the birthrate and increasing unrest among men and women, and resentment harbored towards the opposite sex
If there's anything that "demonstrates" for me it's that women in Japan are very self-aware of their oppressed status in marriage, and protest through lack of participation. To me, this looks more ideal than the young Murrican woman who buys into "sexual liberation" propaganda and lets herself get fucked over while drunk by ten guys a week then wonders why she isn't being respected very much.

>> No.7461152


That doujin is got-tier m8

>> No.7462391

The fact that you're even using anime as a metric to reflect Japanese culture really makes you sound like a weeaboo, senpai.

>Yeah I bet Akane Tsunemori is made to pander to silly high school boys afraid of girls, and they're supposed to identify with who, fucking Kogami? But you don't even know these characters, do you?
Kek I watched Psycho-Pass, it was shit. Akane is gr8 though.

But yeah, m80, I'm almost certain that most of the roles reversing gender are not in the name of feminism. It just kind of is. Fanservicey shit is the norm, though; seriously, read a fucking book about sekai-kei or something, Christ. Or really fucking anything about Japan, because you sound like a massive weeaboo who learned everything about how their society works by anime. Kill yourself, seriously.

>You know a ton about Reddit huh?
:^) I'm really not even going to dignify this with a response.

>This simplistic "culture X is worse than culture Y in general topic Z" is a pretty toxic mentality that leads to idiotic ideas like "stop complaining, look at XYZ if you want to see how *real* discrimination looks!!1one."
Oh, you're a moral nihilist posing as a relativist, neato. I guess there's really no point in arguing with you. You know it's possible to compare moral systems and determine that one is better in certain aspects, right? Like, that's how most people judge basically fucking any system by. God, how old are you?

>If there's anything that "demonstrates" for me it's that women in Japan are very self-aware of their oppressed status in marriage, and protest through lack of participation.
The country is dangerously close to a work shortage because various sexist cultural norms have completely put off their young people, which are furthermore a minority in their own country, like, some 8% of the country are young 18 to 30 year olds and only around half of them are participating in parasite single-type shit. It's definitely a significant statistic, but it sure isn't causing any social upheavals, especially given that most everyone else, with the exception of the very young, participates in Confucian hierarchical shit.

>this looks more ideal than the young Murrican woman who buys into "sexual liberation" propaganda and lets herself get fucked over while drunk by ten guys a week then wonders why she isn't being respected very much
Wow Christ, fuck off to /r9k/ or /pol/ or something. You aren't getting mass-reported because people are uncomfortable with your posts, you're getting mass-reported because everything you say is retarded.

I was referring to the fact that like, some 4-5% of the population is refusing the system, while they're vastly outnumbered by older generations perpetuating it (many of whom won't be dying for another 20-30 years). The awareness something needs changed is there, but since Japanese society is so top-heavy with older and frequently more conservative people, implementing any kind of change is extremely difficult.

>> No.7462440
File: 82 KB, 191x197, 1426491542858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using anime as a metric to reflect Japanese culture
Except that the other anon was the only one doing that.

>PP was shit
I'll personally wreck you desu.

>not in the name of feminism
I never said it was. I can see it being a result of feminism though. It coincides with them importing western culture, which is likely where the relaxed gender roles in youth media come from (through the effect of feminism in western culture).

>hurr durr kill yourself
Such debating skills, wow.

>moral nihilist
You just pulled that out of your ass.

>The country is dangerously [yadda yadda yadda] Confucian hierarchical shit.
Congratulations, the longest paragraph in your post failed to actually argue against the point it was quoting.

>it's not that I'm uncomfortable with your posts, they're just r-r-retarded!!!1one

Are you even the same anon I was arguing with earlier? If so, there's a considerable drop in the quality of your posts. Don't waste my time with this bullshit.

>> No.7462562

Have you watched any Adventure Time? There's more to go at in it than there is in Briggy Brazgo for sure

>> No.7462572

Rap is good though
It's only been around for forty years and it's already started to lap poetry

>> No.7462644

this is the portion of the beach where we make portraits of our mothers with shells you slu