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/lit/ - Literature

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7429312 No.7429312 [Reply] [Original]

"4chan circumscribes a systemic, self-sustaining inter-reaction between diverse bodies and minds who, stripped of their ontic qualities, engage in a metadiscourse based on conceptual absurdity and culturally-transmitted, discrete units of information that take on the latent qualities of those through whom it is transmitted."

>> No.7429322


>> No.7429325



>> No.7429328

that's a really long way of saying we're a bunch of meme loving fucks

>> No.7429331


>> No.7429332

can someone explain that more simply?

>> No.7429333

"On 4chan, people talk"

why is the ability to speak in tortured jargon celebrated.

>> No.7429335

Posting unattractive people is probably the only thing that is still considered offensive on 4chan, isn't it

>> No.7429337

seriously. man I hate academics.

>> No.7429338

>"4chan spfdjslds;dldls;dep[ ddsd[s][dddd ds]d[]s[d]sd[ ds][d]s[d memes"
literally the same amount of info as that explanation.

>> No.7429340


its a good thing you illiterate

>> No.7429343

Source, pls.

>> No.7429345

There's nothing absurd about memeing, though.

>> No.7429350

Is she wrong?

>> No.7429353

fuck you
gb2 reddit
if ur against me then ur against 4chan

>> No.7429354

Personally, I like to think of 4chan a cathartic place where social niceties are stripped away and we revert to our most juvenile, animal forms, abusing each other. It's like a digital fight club.

>> No.7429358

the fuck are you talking about, you druggie?

>> No.7429359

Shut the fuck up faggot.

Source or GTFO

>> No.7429360

>"4chan circumscribes a systemic, self-sustaining inter-reaction between diverse bodies and minds who, stripped of their ontic qualities,
people are anonymous on 4chan

>engage in a metadiscourse based on conceptual absurdity and culturally-transmitted, discrete units of information that take on the latent qualities of those through whom it is transmitted."
they like to joke around and make memes

Why the circumlocution?

>> No.7429362

Now you're getting it.

>> No.7429363

Because what's the point of being smart if the layman can understand you?

>> No.7429366
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gotta act smart

>> No.7429369

Read more.

I don't even like pomo but there was nothing difficult about that passage. It makes perfect sense.

>4chan circumscribes a systemic, self-sustaining inter-reaction between diverse bodies and minds who, stripped of their ontic qualities, engage in a metadiscourse

anonymous nerds who exist only as lines of text get together to talk about shit outside of the "bounds" of the current reigning culture

>based on conceptual absurdity and culturally-transmitted, discrete units of information that take on the latent qualities of those through whom it is transmitted.

who meme a lot. and everyone contributes something of their own personal, individualized experience of emotion to the general idea of "having feels" every time they post a wojak

>> No.7429370

To be fair, if you have an academic vocabulary and no knowledge of 4chan or memes, it's fairly descriptive.

>> No.7429372

>I hate when people use words I can't understand. :(
It's to weed out retards so they can't engage with you.

>> No.7429386

Because liberal arts departments wouldn't get funded and wouldn't be able to self-perpetuate if there weren't hordes upon hordes of naive undergraduates flooding into colleges, spending ridiculous amounts of money reading into and interpreting purposely stilted and tortured jargon written by career academics.

Obscurantist continental philosophy is written that way to justify its own existence.

>> No.7429392

"I'm a faggot."

Why is the ability to speak in tortured jargon like this celebrated?

>> No.7429393

literally who

>> No.7429399

Go to bed Judith Butler, abusing the thesaurus doesn't make you an intelligent person.

>> No.7429401

I assume OP is full of shit since I can't find the quote or the person in question talking in any way about 4chan with any search engine.

Only things I get are this thread and a /pol/ threads from some weeks back

>> No.7429406


>> No.7429410


>> No.7429411

This is an 18+ website.

>> No.7429414


>> No.7429419

Thanks for stating the obvious. Is this your first day on 4chan?

>> No.7429426
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>> No.7429428
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>> No.7429430


While you stated what she said, the lack of precision in the words you used misrepresent what she said/wrote/beamed through space on radio waves.

Metadiscourse is discussion about the discussion.

The danger of stripping communication of its content is the same danger of becoming a machine.

>> No.7429431

Why anyone above the age of 16 would save this post is beyond me.

>> No.7429433
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>> No.7429438
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>> No.7429442


>> No.7429443
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>> No.7429446
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>> No.7429447

Stop being a melodramatic white night fuckold

She was incorrect. Discussion on 4chan is not exclusively metadiscourse, nor is it exclusively based on "conceptual absurdity"

literally wrong
padding designed to make the author sound smart

bad writing.

>The danger of stripping communication of its content is the same danger of becoming a machine.


>> No.7429448

Report submitted!

>> No.7429451
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>> No.7429452

Reading these terrible posts makes me realize that /pol/ is worse than I thought.

>> No.7429455

Imagine you're just minding your own business on your lawn, probably watering something, and you hear screaming. So you look up and two 5 year olds you don't know come streaking down the pavement. One's on a tricycle, and the other is running after her, pissing.

>> No.7429456
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hi plebbit

>> No.7429468

>muh pol

/pol/ has nothing to do with career academics being boiled down to "Pin the tail on the thesaurus".

Torturing language does not make you intelligent. It doesn't make you insightful.

Parroting "muh /pol/ boogeyman" when it has nothing to do with /pol/ makes you just as bad as /pol/ making everything about Jews.

>> No.7429470

Are you an idiot? I'm referring to the picture dump that some /pol/eb is doing.

>> No.7429492

it could be any board that has flags 2bh, so either /pol/, /int/ or /sp/

>> No.7429495

why people are responding, then? there's no point if the quote isnt real

>> No.7429497

/sp/ and /int/ don't have IDs.

>> No.7429503

No, /pol/ really is that stupid family.

>> No.7429514

Because people want to bitch about the evils of academia/postmodernism/Butler/feminism and so on.

>> No.7429526

People are discussing the quotation. Not fighting some internet war in every thread.

>> No.7429561

Postmodernism IS evil though

>> No.7429573
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>im afraid of a mode of discourse

>> No.7429578

>>>/pol/ebs belong on >>>/r/books.

>> No.7429604

Not even pol. I'm extremely sympathetic to feminism, and i'm fairely left on economc issues. Postmodern criticsm is just a huge bugbear of mine, particularly the linguistic obscurantism and general eshewing of human nature. It's shit.

>> No.7429613

Once again, >>>/r/books.

>> No.7429620

>human nature

nice metaphysics

>> No.7429624

>G-get off of my hugbox

>> No.7429626

weak retort game 0/10

>> No.7429628

Plebs don't belong here. If you're an idiot, which you clearly are, then you should leave.

>> No.7429636

You're an idiot

>> No.7429641

Do you wanna at least reply to the point I brought up?

>> No.7429647
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>> No.7429687

>However, they point out that Luce Irigaray might still be correct in asserting that E=mc2 is a "masculinist" equation, since "the social genealogy of a proposition has no logical bearing on its truth value."[25] In other words, gender factors may influence which of many possible scientific truths are discovered.

Humanities genocide when?

>> No.7429712

Somewhere in-between these two.

>> No.7429746

ITT: /lit/ gets frightened by a woman who uses big words

>> No.7429943

>baiting woman-bashing on 4chan

>> No.7430319


>> No.7430418


He forgot the emotional reality of horror and hilarity. Technical definition I'd give him an A-.

>> No.7430510

>4chan is a high speed, high volume lightning saloon greased by anonymity
>memes are what happens when large groups of people regularly get together to shoot the shit
>the inherent vulgarityof such an environment is a testament to the humanity of the times; voices without cultural-constructed filters. the social aspects exist still however, because social ritual is innate in the human being
>the paradox is that while societal cultural filters have been disintegrated, new cultural customs take its place
>in some bizarre irony, 4chan is the purest reflection of human culture in the 21st century 1st world consumer developed nation
>naturally the website, mode of communication, nuances of participation in this forum attract people of a certain disposition and/or backround