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/lit/ - Literature

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7426899 No.7426899 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7426902

What's in the box, OP?

>> No.7426906


How was your day, anon?

>> No.7426912

There is already a tinychat thread

>> No.7426913

It was good. I pretty much relaxed for its entirety. How was your day, friend?

>> No.7426921

Good. I'm reading Suttree right now. You?

>> No.7426926

Both Under the Volcano and The Recognitions. How do you like Suttree?

>> No.7426930

>lit hug box

communism works in theory!!

>> No.7426932

It's great. I just got to the part where Suttree had to lasso a dog out of a slopbarrel. It's filled with tons of hilarious little moments like these.

Is The Recognitions as good as people make it out to be?

>> No.7426940

>Is The Recognitions as good as people make it out to be?
Yes: it's hilarious, beautifully written, emotionally striking, and brilliant overall. Pynchon beats Gaddis in the style department, but he doesn't come close to the depth Gaddis' has.

>> No.7426945

Is that the thread where the people were using webcams to see each other?

This isn't a dog eat dog world.

>> No.7426948

Fuck, I still haven't read Suttree or Blood Meridian.
I've read everything else from him, though. Child of God was amazing. I'm still a sucker for All the Pretty Horses, though. It has the best description of a sex scene ever.

>> No.7426967

Nice. I'm looking to read The Crossing next, and then probably Child of God, since I've heard a lot of good things about it.

You should definitely read Blood Meridian. And I think Suttree is becoming one of my absolute favorites.

>It has the best description of a sex scene ever.

W-what does he say?

>> No.7427005

>doesn't come close to the depth Gaddis' has

Well, you sold me. I prefer authors with a lot of depth desu. That might be why I don't like Pynchon too much.

>> No.7427007
File: 921 KB, 2964x2282, b-beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll read Blood Meridian eventually. I'm pretty sure it's in my shelf already.
Currently I'm reading Pale Fire and also Dubliners. Pale Fire is fun, Dubliners is sometimes pretty hard for a non-native speaker like me.

>> No.7427039

Nice. He has a way with words, that's for certain. I like your copy of The Crossing btw. Can't wait to jump into that one next.

What's your native language?

>> No.7427058

Have you read All the Pretty Horses already? If I remember correctly The Crossing and Horses have no direct relation but Cities of the Plains definitely uses the characters from both books.

It's German.

>> No.7427078

No I haven't. I just liked the premise of The Crossing. I've heard All the Pretty Horses isn't McCarthy's best work anyway. I'm gonna work on finishing all of his books before he releases The Passenger next year.

Your English is very good.

>> No.7427098

All the Pretty Horses is definitely the prettiest of his works. Read it while you're still young.
Keep in mind The Crossing is the second part of the trilogy and All the Pretty horses the first. There are subtle changes in his writing style. Personally I usually try to start with an authors earliest work first. Or, sometimes, I start with the most popular work first to see if I like the author.

I learned it all from shitposting on 4chan. :^)

>> No.7427119

I want you all to suffocate.

>> No.7427122

I love you, friend.

>> No.7427127

suffocate in a loving embrace? :3

>> No.7427134

we all love him

>> No.7427138

I'm suffocating right now

>> No.7427145

Nice. I'm working on learning French atm. I've tried shitposting in the /r9k/ French feels threads because they're shit, but I feel like I should find some French chatrooms where they can ridicule me until I can write in French decently.

>> No.7427162

Learning French probably isn't too hard, I guess. Most of the words also exist in English.
I'm able to understand most French (written and spoken) from knowing Latin and English. I've read Rimbaud and Baudelaire in French. I used a German translation to get by, though. Poetry isn't exactly easy when you're not a speaker of the language.

>> No.7428000


>> No.7429588


>> No.7429644
File: 42 KB, 512x512, anti-bully ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't bully

>> No.7429784
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>> No.7429787

fugg :DDDD