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/lit/ - Literature

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7424118 No.7424118 [Reply] [Original]

I have no attention span for reading anymore but wanna ease back into it. If I start a long novel I know I won't finish it and lose focus/interest, I just want something that I can easily pick up without investing myself for more than a few pages until I get used to the habit of daily reading. So I'm mostly looking for short stories, essays, poetry, diaries or conversations.

I just picked up Ficciones, conversation book with Orson Welles (My Lunches With Orson), Montaigne's essays, some Rimbaud poems and Kafka's diaries.

What would lit recommend for lazy readers?

Latina whore slightly related to Borges I guess.

>> No.7425287


>> No.7425302

read the sticky. poetry, novellas, short story, play sections


>> No.7425409

Stoner got me back into reading a while back. It's not very long at all.

>> No.7425425

read a history book, a school or university textbook would work, you can read small segments and such

thats how I restored my reading ability

>> No.7425428

Don't see poetry in the sticky

>> No.7425807

look harder

>> No.7426797
File: 239 KB, 990x1500, 81nGcMhUcfL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO don't go to poetry ... poetry is actually one of the hardest because you really have to think, even if it is short. I've been in your position anon and I tried reading Neruda and it would fry my brain for the rest of the day after reading it for like half an hour.

I'd recommend pic related. It's a novel, but it's very engaging reading, very action packed, it really sucks you into it. Personally for me those are the easiest books to get into. It's also very well written. The key is to find shit that's well written, even if it's a novel, since it really helps with the ease of reading and paying attention. Norman Mailer has a good book of essays called "Mind of an Outlaw" which are very well written like this. Also his book "The Fight" is good and easy.

>> No.7426805

Oh yeah, plus there are like 20 books in the Aubrey Maturin series after Master & Commander, also all very good, so there's a great road to keep following if you like the first one.

>> No.7426810

>thread picture is some anonymous whore
>in a sports stadium no less
>text is a blogpost

>> No.7426821

Sorry, I keep thinking of more things. Actually, to correct myself, maybe some poetry is good. Check out Bukowski's poetry collections, I found a torrent containing his complete works at some point. His early books "The days run away like wild horses over the hills" and "Mockingbird wish me luck" are great, accessible books of poetry. They are very realistic, well-written, and not so full of metaphor (like Neruda) to make your brain bleed. But I would stress that in my experience this is the exception rather than the rule for most poetry.

>> No.7426831
File: 60 KB, 736x739, serve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read fast books with an actual plot. Dont' read fucken essays and poems

The Pearl
The Old man and the Sea
The Mysterious Stranger.

>> No.7426854

That's Veronica Rodriguez you fucking pleb

>> No.7428546


It should be a bannable offense on /lit/, /g/, and some other boards, to post an image of a woman purely to get attention.

>Latina whore

Go choke on a bag of dicks and then read Woman Hating:

>> No.7429115

She's a literal whore though

>> No.7429500
File: 51 KB, 436x600, Anton_P_Chekhov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought an ebup book with all the short stories of Anton Chekhov for a 2 EUR.

Most of the stories are very short (like 2-10 pages) and almost all of them contain entertaining characters and situations.

They are also "fast-paced". Not too much descriptions and almost everything in the stories has some function to the story.

>> No.7429676

Don't listen to this faggot. Read Essays and poems, force yourself to. That is how you get a better Will to Read, and a Will to Life in general (more-so the former, but still a bit of the latter).

Do you gain muscle mass throwing around 5 pound weights? No, get to work if you truly want it.

>> No.7429708

The Old Man and the Sea
pretty short novella and bretty gud

>> No.7429710

Of Mice and Men.

>> No.7429920

ho look like she straight out the rainforest