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File: 19 KB, 330x435, house of leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7420254 No.7420254 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a comfier book than this one?

>> No.7420312

A gf.

>> No.7420351

Read it earlier this fall and I loved it so much I'd have to say it's my favourite book, now. Yes, it is very comfy.

>> No.7420356

A stuffed animal.

>> No.7420365

This book is the epitome of hiding behind a gimmick.

>> No.7420385

>Read it earlier this fall and I loved it so much I'd have to say it's my favourite book
You don't read much, do you?

>> No.7420389

You don't much, read you?

>> No.7420399

it didn't really need to so I don't see your problem

>> No.7422108

What is meant by 'comfy'?

>> No.7422113

This is a meme book

>> No.7422123

ur mom's pussy t b h f a m

>> No.7423188

Yeah, whatever that suits your fancy better.

>> No.7423193

I can't answer that but I can tell you there is no book anywhere that is a bigger gimmick than that pile of upboats.

>> No.7423629

I'm not him, but it's not that a great of a book, and liking it is a sign of being under-read. The ergodic prose is engaging but ultimately shallow and gimmicky. The prose is actually pretty good, but you can do better. Thematically, it's nothing special.

>> No.7423659

it's like he's so sure of how smart he is and painfully insecure about how cool he is. life in LA I guess. like an inverse DFW. shallow without seeking to prove otherwise, taking the narrators' "meaningful" experience as self-evident.

>> No.7423673
File: 97 KB, 640x480, pretentious shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll raise you this one

It's a muh holocaust book written by someone else, with over 50% of the words and sentences cut out to make a deep and artsy impression on everyone who pretended to read this book

>> No.7423829

>pick up The Thousand Year Sword
>actually expecting something of substance
>get a single short story in a hardcover all by itself

To be fair, it's probably the closest thing Danielewski's ever come to a straight Beginning Middle End narrative, but fuck, man. This story didn't deserve it's own fucking book. It should have been sold in a collection of short stories, in a trade paperback.

The bullshit Thread and Quotes nonsense add nothing to the story, and if the minor spelling errors and grammatical nonsense of the individual "characters" add up to any great secret element of the plot, I sure as hell wasn't engaged enough to look for it.

I enjoyed House of Leaves, but I enjoyed it most when it was presenting itself as something coherent. There's a real element of dread there, in the idea of a space that not only doesn't conform to any sort of laws or limitations, but is actively, aggressively out to get you, drawing you in so it can bury you alive.

The image in my head when I first read this, of halls that feel like black crayon wax; walls, floor and ceiling, without any moldings or carpets or windows or outlets, anything that makes a room a place for a human to exist, touched on something primal. It's just such a shame that the book had to be so up its own ass with its delivery.

Same for Only Revolutions. You can tell me the concept of "Immortal sixteen year olds roadtrip across American history. The story is split between their two perspectives," didn't catch your interest, only to sour in your mouth when you opened the book to some lunatic stream of consciousness you need to either decode, or just read nonstop until your mind breaks in around the new framework of information.

The guy has good ideas, I just wish he could make a story with them instead of a fucking mess.

>> No.7423881

Scariest novel ever written desuyonewa

>> No.7424141

It was interesting at first, then devolved into shit. I don't even remember the end. If you look at the cover and pretend the center is an anus and you start reading at the beginning of the staircase you'd be pretty spot on about the quality of this.

>> No.7424149


I've only read HoL, and I concur.